Exemple #1
    //CONSIDER: add mouse xy like in Delm.
    //CONSIDER: add wnd Activate if pixels from screen.

    public Duiimage()
        Title = "Find image or color in window";

        _noeventValueChanged = true;
        var b = new wpfBuilder(this).WinSize((410, 400..), (380, 330..)).Columns(160, -1);

        b.R.Add(out _info).Height(60);
        b.R.StartGrid().Columns(76, 76, 76, -1);
        //row 1
        b.R.AddButton("Capture", _bCapture_Click);
        b.AddButton(out _bTest, "Test", _Test).Disabled().Tooltip("Executes the code now (except wait/fail/mouse) and shows the found image");
        b.AddButton(out _bInsert, "Insert", _Insert).Disabled();
        b.Add(out _cbAction).Align("L").Width(140).Items("|MouseMove|MouseClick|MouseClickD|MouseClickR|PostClick|PostClickD|PostClickR|waitNot|new uiimageFinder").Select(2);
        //row 3
        b.R.AddButton("More ▾", _bEtc_Click).Align("L");
        waitC = b.xAddCheckText("Wait", "1", check: true); b.Width(53);
        (waitnoC = b.xAddCheckText("Timeout", "5")).Visible = false; b.Width(53);
        b.xAddCheck(out exceptionC, "Fail if not found").Checked();
        b.xAddCheck(out exceptionnoC, "Fail on timeout").Checked().Hidden(null);
        //row 4
        b.R.AddButton("Window...", _bWnd_Click).And(-70).Add(out controlC, "Control").Disabled();
        rectC    = b.xAddCheckText("Rectangle", "0, 0, ^0, ^0"); b.And(21).AddButton("...", _bRect_Click);
        wiflagsC = b.xAddCheckCombo("Window pixels", "WindowDC|PrintWindow");
        diffC    = b.xAddCheckText("Color diff", "10");
        skipC    = b.xAddCheckText("Skip");
        b.xAddCheck(out allC, "Get all", noR: true);
        b.xEndPropertyGrid(); b.SpanRows(2);

        b.Row(80).xAddInBorder(out _pict); b.Span(1);
        b.Row(-1).xAddInBorder(out _code);
        _noeventValueChanged = false;

        WndSavedRect.Restore(this, App.Settings.wndpos.uiimage, o => App.Settings.wndpos.uiimage = o);
Exemple #2
    public void Init()

        Title = App.AppNameLong;         //don't append document name etc

        if (App.Settings.wndpos.main == null)
            Width  = 1000;
            Height = 700;
            WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
            //and will EnsureInScreen
        WndSavedRect.Restore(this, App.Settings.wndpos.main, o => App.Settings.wndpos.main = o);


        App.Commands = new KMenuCommands(typeof(Menus), Panels.Menu);

        App.Commands[nameof(Menus.File.New)].SubmenuOpened       = (o, _) => FilesModel.FillMenuNew(o as MenuItem);
        App.Commands[nameof(Menus.File.Workspace)].SubmenuOpened = (o, _) => FilesModel.FillMenuRecentWorkspaces(o as MenuItem);

        var atb = new ToolBar[7] {
            Panels.THelp, Panels.TTools, Panels.TFile, Panels.TRun, Panels.TEdit, Panels.TCustom1, Panels.TCustom2

        App.Commands.InitToolbarsAndCustomize(folders.ThisAppBS + @"Default\Commands.xml", AppSettings.DirBS + "Commands.xml", atb);

        var bRun = App.Commands[nameof(Menus.Run.Run_script)].FindButtonInToolbar(Panels.TRun);

        if (bRun != null)
            bRun.Width = 50; bRun.Margin = new(10, 0, 10, 0);
        }                                                                               //make Run button bigger //SHOULDDO: bad if vertical toolbar

        var bNew = App.Commands[nameof(Menus.File.New)].FindMenuButtonInToolbar(Panels.TFile);

        if (bNew != null)
            bNew.MouseDoubleClick += (_, e) => { e.Handled = true; Menus.File.New.New_script(); }


        App.Commands.BindKeysTarget(this, "");

        Panels.PanelManager.Container = g => { this.Content = g; };

        //timer.after(100, _ => DOptions.ZShow());
        //timer.after(100, _ => App.Model.Properties());
        //timer.after(100, _ => Menus.File.Workspace.New_workspace());
        //timer.after(100, _ => DIcons.ZShow());
        //timer.after(600, _ => Au.Tools.Dwnd.Dialog(wnd.find(null, "Shell_TrayWnd")));
        //timer.after(600, _ => Au.Tools.Dwnd.Dialog(wnd.findOrRun(null, "Notepad", run: () => run.it(folders.System + "notepad.exe"))));
        //timer.after(500, _ => Au.Tools.Delm.Dialog(new POINT(806, 1580)));
        //timer.after(500, _ => Au.Tools.Delm.Dialog());
        //timer.after(400, _ => Au.Tools.Duiimage.Dialog());
        //timer2.every(200, _ => { GC.Collect(); });

        App.Timer1s += () => {
            var e = Keyboard.FocusedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Debug_.PrintIf(e != null && !e.IsVisible, "focused invisible");
            //print.it(e, FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(App.Wmain));
Exemple #3
    public Dwnd(wnd w = default, DwndFlags flags = 0, string title = "Find window")
        _dontInsert   = flags.Has(DwndFlags.DontInsert);
        _noControl    = flags.Has(DwndFlags.NoControl);
        _checkControl = flags.Has(DwndFlags.CheckControl);
        _forTrigger   = flags.Has(DwndFlags.ForTrigger);

        Title = title;

        var b = new wpfBuilder(this).WinSize((500, 450..), (600, 430..)).Columns(-1);

        b.R.Add(out _info).Height(60);
        b.R.StartGrid().Columns(0, 76, 76, 0, 0, -1);
        _cCapture = b.xAddCheckIcon("*Unicons.Capture #FF4040", $"Enable capturing ({App.Settings.delm.hk_capture}) and show window/control rectangles");
        b.AddButton(out _bTest, "Test", _bTest_Click).Disabled().Tooltip("Executes the 'find' part of the code now and shows the rectangle");
        b.AddButton(out _bInsert, _dontInsert ? "OK" : "Insert", _Insert).Disabled(); if (!_dontInsert)
            b.Tooltip("Insert code in editor");
        b.Add(out _cbFunc).Items("find|findOrRun|runAndFind").Tooltip("Function").Width(90);         //rejected: |wndFinder. Rare, etc.
        _cbFunc.SelectionChanged += _cbFunc_SelectionChanged;
        b.Add(out _cActivate, "Activate").Tooltip("Activate the found window");
        b.Add(out _cException, "Fail if not found").Checked(!_forTrigger).Tooltip("Throw exception if not found");
        //cActivate.CheckChanged += (_, _) => { cException.Visibility = cActivate.IsChecked ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible; }; //no, need for control too

        //window and control properties and search settings
        b.Row(0);                                                   //auto height, else adds v scrollbar when textbox height changes when a textbox text is multiline or too long (with h scrollbar)
        _scroller            = b.xStartPropertyGrid("L2 T3 R2 B1"); //actually never shows scrollbar because of row auto height, but sets some options etc
        _scroller.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
        b.Columns(-3, 0, -1.2);
        b.R.Add <TextBlock>("Window").Margin("T1 B3").xSetHeaderProp();        //rejected: vertical headers. Tested, looks not good, too small for vertical Control checkbox.
        b.Row(0).StartGrid().Columns(70, -1);
        nameW     = b.xAddCheckText("name");
        classW    = b.xAddCheckText("class");
        programW  = b.xAddCheckTextDropdown("program");
        containsW = b.xAddCheckTextDropdown("contains");
        b.xAddSplitterV(span: 4, thickness: 12);
        b.StartGrid().Columns(44, -1);
        b.xAddCheck(out cHiddenTooW, "Find hidden too");
        b.xAddCheck(out cCloakedTooW, "Find cloaked too");
        alsoW = b.xAddCheckText("also", "o=>true");
        waitW = b.xAddCheckText("wait", "1", check: !_forTrigger);
        b.R.AddSeparator(false).Margin("T4 B0"); _sepControl = b.Last as Separator;
        b.R.Add(out _cControl, "Control").Margin("T5 B3").xSetHeaderProp();
        b.Row(0).StartGrid().Columns(70, -1); _gCon1 = b.Panel as Grid;
        nameC  = b.xAddCheckTextDropdown("name");
        classC = b.xAddCheckText("class");
        idC    = b.xAddCheckText("id");
        b.StartGrid().Columns(44, -1); _gCon2 = b.Panel as Grid;
        b.xAddCheck(out cHiddenTooC, "Find hidden too");
        alsoC = b.xAddCheckText("also", "o=>true");
        skipC = b.xAddCheckText("skip");

        if (_forTrigger)
            _cActivate.Visibility  = Visibility.Hidden;
            _cException.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            _cbFunc.Visibility     = Visibility.Hidden;
            waitW.Visible          = false;

        b.Row(64).xAddInBorder(out _code, "B");

        //tree and window info
        b.xAddSplitterH(span: -1);
        b.Row(-1).StartGrid().Columns(-1, 0, -1);
        b.Row(-1).xAddInBorder(out _tree, "TR");
        b.xAddInBorder(out _winInfo, "TL"); _winInfo.ZWrapLines = false; _winInfo.Name = "window_info";



        _con = w;

            topmost: true,
            showActivated: _dontInsert || w.Is0 ? null : false             //eg if captured a popup menu, activating this window closes the menu and we cannot get properties

        WndSavedRect.Restore(this, App.Settings.wndpos.wnd, o => App.Settings.wndpos.wnd = o);
Exemple #4
                public _Floating(_Node node, bool onDrag)
                    _node      = node;
                    _owner     = _node._pm._ContainerWindow;
                    _isToolbar = _node._IsToolbarsNode;

                    //workaround for: if a HwndHost-ed native control in this panel is focused, WPF will activate the floating panel and disable next mouse click
                    if (Keyboard.FocusedElement == null)
                        var wFocus = Api.GetFocus();
                        if (!wFocus.Is0 && wFocus.IsChildOf(_owner.Hwnd()))
                            if (null != _node.Elem.FindVisualDescendant(o => o is HwndHost h && h.Handle == wFocus.Handle))

                    var style = WS.THICKFRAME | WS.POPUP | WS.CLIPCHILDREN; if (node._IsStack)
                        style |= WS.CAPTION;
                    var estyle = WSE.TOOLWINDOW | WSE.WINDOWEDGE; if (_isToolbar)
                        estyle |= WSE.NOACTIVATE;
                    RECT rect        = default;
                    bool defaultRect = onDrag | (_node._floatSavedRect == null);

                    if (defaultRect)
                        var c2 = _node._ParentIsTab ? _node.Parent._elem : _node._elem;
                        if (c2.IsVisible)
                            rect = c2.RectInScreen();
                            Dpi.AdjustWindowRectEx(c2, ref rect, style, estyle);
                            var p = mouse.xy;
                            rect = (p.x - 10, p.y - 10, 200, 200);

                    base.SourceInitialized += (_, _) => {
                        var w = this.Hwnd();
                        if (_isToolbar)

                    base.Title = script.name + " - " + _node.ToString();
                    base.Owner = _owner;
                    base.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual;
                    base.WindowStyle           = WindowStyle.ToolWindow;
                    base.ShowInTaskbar         = false;             //never mind: if false, WPF creates a "Hidden Window", probably as owner, even if owner specified
                    base.ShowActivated         = false;

                    if (defaultRect)
                        WndSavedRect.Restore(this, _node._floatSavedRect);

                    _owner.Closing          += _Owner_Closing;
                    _owner.IsVisibleChanged += _Owner_IsVisibleChanged;