Exemple #1
        //[Authorize(Roles = DBCRole.Admin)]
        //public JsonResult Transaction(int offset, int limit, string sort, string order, int? UserId)
        //    if (UserId.IsNullOrEmpty()) return Json(new { }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        //    var walletId = _financialService.GetUserWallet(UserId.Value).WalletId;
        //    var tz = User.Identity.GetUserTimeZone();
        //    var rawQueryableList = _financialService.GetWalletTransaction(walletId).Select(x => new
        //    {
        //        WalletTransactionId = x.WalletTransactionId,
        //        TransactionDate = x.TransactionDate,
        //        ReferenceNo = x.ReferenceNo,
        //        TransactionType = x.TransactionType,
        //        Debit = x.Debit,
        //        Credit = x.Credit
        //    });

        //    rawQueryableList = rawQueryableList.PaginateList(x => x.TransactionDate, "TransactionDate", "desc", offset, limit);

        //    var rowsResult = new List<WalletListViewModels>();
        //    decimal totalDebit = decimal.Zero;
        //    decimal totalCredit = decimal.Zero;

        //    foreach (var item in rawQueryableList)
        //    {
        //        totalDebit += item.Debit ?? decimal.Zero;
        //        totalCredit += item.Credit ?? decimal.Zero;

        //        var walletTransaction = new WalletListViewModels()
        //        {
        //            WalletTransactionId = item.WalletTransactionId,
        //            TransactionDate = item.TransactionDate.ToUserLocalDate(tz),
        //            ReferenceNo = item.ReferenceNo + " - " + item.TransactionType,
        //            Debit = (item.Debit.HasValue) ? item.Debit.Value.toCurrencyFormat() : null,
        //            Credit = (item.Credit.HasValue) ? item.Credit.Value.toCurrencyFormat() : null,
        //            Balance = (totalCredit - totalDebit).toCurrencyFormat()
        //        };

        //        rowsResult.Add(walletTransaction);
        //    }

        //    //If last page
        //    var isLastPage = ((offset + rowsResult.Count + 1) > rawQueryableList.Count());
        //    if (isLastPage)
        //    {
        //        //Footer
        //        rowsResult.Add(new WalletListViewModels()
        //        {
        //            Debit = totalDebit.toCurrencyFormat(),
        //            Credit = totalCredit.toCurrencyFormat(),
        //            Balance = rowsResult.Last().Balance
        //        });
        //    }

        //    var model = new
        //    {
        //        total = rawQueryableList.Count(),
        //        rows = rowsResult
        //    };

        //    return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public ActionResult Withdrawal()
            //Read user primary bank
            var userBankAccount = _userService.GetUserBankAccounts(User.Identity.GetUserId <int>()).FirstOrDefault();
            var userWallet      = _financialService.GetUserWallet(userBankAccount.UserId);

            WithdrawalViewModels model = new WithdrawalViewModels();

            if (userBankAccount != null)
                model = new WithdrawalViewModels
                    BankAccountHolder = userBankAccount.BankAccountHolder,
                    BankAccountNo     = userBankAccount.BankAccountNo,
                    BankBranch        = userBankAccount.BankBranch,
                    Bank          = userBankAccount.Bank.Name,
                    CreditBalance = (_financialService.GetUserWalletAvailableBalance(userWallet.WalletId) ?? decimal.Zero).toCurrencyFormat(),
                    NotifyEmail   = userBankAccount.User.Email,

            model.BankDDL = new SelectList(_bankService.GetAllBank().Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                Text  = x.Name,
                Value = x.Name
            }), "Value", "Text", model.Bank);

Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Withdrawal(WithdrawalViewModels model, string saveState)
                var user       = _userService.GetUserBy(User.Identity.GetUserId <int>());
                var userWallet = _financialService.GetUserWallet(user.UserId);

                //Insufficient Balance handling
                if (userWallet.Balance < model.WithdrawAmount)
                    Warning("You have insufficient E-Wallet Credit to withdraw.");

                    var defaultModel = (WithdrawalViewModels)((ViewResultBase)Withdrawal()).ViewData.Model;
                    model.BankDDL       = defaultModel.BankDDL;
                    model.CreditBalance = defaultModel.CreditBalance;


                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var docCode = _docService.GetNextDocumentNumber(DBConstant.DBCDocSequence.EDocSequenceId.Withdrawal);
                    //Insert withdrawal record
                    Withdrawal wd = new Service.Entities.Withdrawal
                        WalletId         = userWallet.WalletId,
                        ReferenceNo      = docCode,
                        NotifyEmail      = model.NotifyEmail,
                        Bank             = model.Bank,
                        StatusId         = (int)EStatus.Approved,
                        BankAccountName  = model.BankAccountHolder,
                        BankAccountNo    = model.BankAccountNo,
                        BankBranch       = model.BankBranch,
                        CreatedTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        WithdrawAmount   = model.WithdrawAmount,

                    _financialService.PreauthorizeWalletCredit(EOperator.DEDUCT, ETransactionType.Withdrawal, model.WithdrawAmount, docCode, userWallet.WalletId);

                    _financialService.SaveChange(User.Identity.GetUserId <int>());
                    Success("Your request to withdraw total amount of $" + model.WithdrawAmount.toCurrencyFormat() + " has been submitted.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex.Message, ex);
                Danger("Failed to submit withdrawal request. Please try again later. If error still persist please contact our customer support.");
