private static void DeployTv(string ns, string cmpEndpointUrl, string cmpApiKey, string token, string scope, string region)
            var sourceDirectory = "C:\\app\\tv";
            var targetDirectory = $"C:\\app\\{ns}-tv";

            // Needed to ensure that Vercel project has unique name per namespace
            Directory.Move(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory);

            var cmd = new WindowsCommandLine(targetDirectory);

            // Remove project if already exists
            cmd.Run($"vercel remove {ns}-tv --token {token} --scope {scope} --yes");

            // Create new project
            cmd.Run($"vercel link --confirm --token {token} --debug --scope {scope}");

            // Configure env. variables
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cmpEndpointUrl}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_CMP_PREVIEW_ENDPOINT_URL production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cmpApiKey}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_CMP_PREVIEW_API_KEY production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"https://{ns}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL production --token {token} --scope {scope}");

            // Deploy project files
            var output = cmd.Run($"vercel --confirm --debug --prod --no-clipboard --token {token} --scope {scope} --regions {region}");

            if (output.Contains(ErrorText))
                throw new Exception($"An error has occurred when running DeployToVercel job: DeployTv");

            // Assign custom domain name
            cmd.Run($"vercel domains add {ns} --token {token} --scope {scope}");
        private static void DeployWebsite(string ns, string cdpClientKey, string cdpApiTargetEndpoint,
                                          string cdpProxyUrl, string token, string scope, string region)
            var cm = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PUBLIC_HOST_CM");
            var js = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SITECORE_JSS_EDITING_SECRET");
            var sourceDirectory = "C:\\app\\rendering";
            var targetDirectory = $"C:\\app\\{ns}-website";

            // Needed to ensure that Vercel project has unique name per namespace
            Directory.Move(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory);

            var cmd = new WindowsCommandLine(targetDirectory);

            // Remove project if already exists
            cmd.Run($"vercel remove {ns}-website --token {token} --scope {scope} --yes");

            // Create new project
            cmd.Run($"vercel link --confirm --token {token} --debug --scope {scope}");
            var productionUrl = $"https://{ns}-website-{scope}";

            // Configure env. variables
                $"echo | set /p=\"{productionUrl}\" | vercel env add PUBLIC_URL production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cm}\" | vercel env add SITECORE_API_HOST production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{SitecoreApiKey}\" | vercel env add SITECORE_API_KEY production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{js}\" | vercel env add JSS_EDITING_SECRET production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cdpClientKey}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_CDP_CLIENT_KEY production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cdpApiTargetEndpoint}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_CDP_API_TARGET_ENDPOINT production --token {token} --scope {scope}");
                $"echo | set /p=\"{cdpProxyUrl}\" | vercel env add NEXT_PUBLIC_CDP_PROXY_URL production --token {token} --scope {scope}");

            // Deploy project files
            var output = cmd.Run($"vercel --confirm --debug --prod --no-clipboard --token {token} --scope {scope} --regions {region}");

            if (output.Contains(ErrorText))
                throw new Exception($"An error has occurred when running DeployToVercel job: DeployWebsite");

            // Assign custom domain name
            cmd.Run($"vercel domains add {ns} --token {token} --scope {scope}");
        public async Task Run()
            if (this.IsCompleted())
                Log.LogWarning($"{this.GetType().Name} is already complete, it will not execute this time");

            var ns = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_NAMESPACE");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
                Log.LogWarning($"{this.GetType().Name} will not execute this time, RELEASE_NAMESPACE is not configured - this job is only required on AKS");

            var token = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ID_SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT_SECRET");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                Log.LogWarning($"{this.GetType().Name} will not execute ID_SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT_SECRET is not configured");

            var cm = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PUBLIC_HOST_CM");
            var id = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PUBLIC_HOST_ID");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cm) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                Log.LogWarning($"{this.GetType().Name} will not execute, PUBLIC_HOST_CM and PUBLIC_HOST_ID are not configured");

            var cmd = new WindowsCommandLine("C:\\app");

                                  $"dotnet sitecore login --client-credentials true --auth {id} --cm {cm} --allow-write true --client-id \"Demo_Automation\" --client-secret \"{token}\" -t"));
            Console.WriteLine(cmd.Run($"dotnet sitecore index schema-populate"));
            Console.WriteLine(cmd.Run($"dotnet sitecore index schema-populate"));
            Console.WriteLine(cmd.Run($"dotnet sitecore index rebuild"));

            await Complete();