public static void ShowMessage(params string[] Message) { if (WindowHidden) { WindowPower.ShowWindow(WindowPower.GetConsoleWindow(), WindowPower.SW_SHOW); } Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Message)); if (!YesToAll) { Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(""); } ; if (WindowHidden) { WindowPower.ShowWindow(WindowPower.GetConsoleWindow(), WindowPower.SW_HIDE); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Registry.SetValue(Reg.Key_A3DD_ADD, Reg.ADD_LastPath, RunTimeValue.AppPath, RegistryValueKind.String); foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg.Length < 2) { continue; } switch (arg.Substring(0, 2).ToLower()) { case "/v": ShowMessage("Version: " + RunTimeValue.AppVersion); return; case "/p": PBOFiles = true; break; case "/f": FilterInvoked = true; FilterArgs = arg; break; case "/w": WindowPower.ShowWindow(WindowPower.GetConsoleWindow(), WindowPower.SW_HIDE); WindowHidden = true; break; case "/y": // Recommended when output stream is redirected. YesToAll = true; break; default: ShowMessage( Environment.NewLine, "/h Prints help list.", "/f Filter templates from ADD-Configurator.", "/f=\"Name,Name...\" Pack these templates. Overrides Config.", "/p PBO files. Requires A3Tools:FileBank.", "/v Prints assembly version.", "/w Hide console Window.", "/y Auto Yes to all prompts.", "NOTE: the Configurator can override some of these settings.", "See for details." ); return; } } if (PBOFiles && !HasFileBank) { ShowMessage("Arma 3 Tools: FileBank not installed on system.", "FileBank's Path was not found in system registry."); return; } if (FilterInvoked) { try { string FilterListString = (FilterArgs.Length > 3) ? FilterArgs.Substring(3).ToLower() : FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_FilterList, string.Empty); FilterList = FilterListString.Split(',').ToList(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterList[0])) { ShowMessage("ADD-Config Filter is empty, please remove /f command."); return; } } catch (Exception) { ShowMessage("Error processing /f arguments."); throw; }; } string OverrideSourceFolder = (string)FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_OverrideSourceFolder, "C:\\"); if (!OverrideSourceFolder.EndsWith("\\")) { OverrideSourceFolder += "\\"; } string OverrideOutputFolder = (string)FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_OverrideOutputFolder, "C:\\"); if (!OverrideOutputFolder.EndsWith("\\")) { OverrideOutputFolder += "\\"; } string SourceDirectory = BoolBin((int)FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_OverrideSource, 0)) ? OverrideSourceFolder : RunTimeValue.AppFolder; SourceDirectory = FolderOps.FindRepository(SourceDirectory); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceDirectory)) { ShowMessage( "ERROR: Repository not found.", @"Ensure that '\A3-Antistasi' and '\Map-Templates' are present." ); return; } string AntistasiCodePath = SourceDirectory + @"\A3-Antistasi"; string MissionVersion = Mission.GetVersion(SourceDirectory); /*if there is an issue fetching Arma 3 profile name or if developing on a computer that * does not have Arma 3 Installed this allows it to still be able to package missions. * The name matches the out folder of a python tool in the Official Repository that does this as well.*/ string PlayerName = FetchArma(Reg.Arma_PlayerName_Name, string.Empty); string OutputFolder = string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerName) ? SourceDirectory + @"\PackagedMissions" : Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\" + PlayerName + @"\mpmissions\"); if (BoolBin((int)FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_OverrideOutput, 0))) { OutputFolder = OverrideOutputFolder; } bool TemplatePacked = false; string[] Templates_Directories = Directory.GetDirectories(SourceDirectory + @"\Map-Templates"); Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputFolder); System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(Templates_Directories, TemplatePath => { string TemplateFolder = GetFolder(TemplatePath); if (FilterInvoked && !FilterList.Any(MapT => MapT.Equals(TemplateFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { return; } if (!File.Exists(TemplatePath + @"\mission.sqm")) { return; // If no mission.sqm it is probably not a map template. } string[] TemplateSplit = TemplateFolder.Split('.'); if (TemplateSplit.Length < 2) { return; // If split return at least two strings, it is probably a map template. } string Name = string.Join(".", TemplateSplit.Take(TemplateSplit.Length - 1)); string Map = TemplateSplit.Last(); string Destination = OutputFolder + Name + MissionVersion + "." + Map; FolderOps.PackTemplate(AntistasiCodePath, TemplatePath, Destination, PBOFiles); TemplatePacked = true; }); if (!TemplatePacked) { ShowMessage( "Filter matches no templates.", "Filter: ", string.Join(", ", FilterList), "Map Templates: ", Templates_Directories.Aggregate("", (string Templates, string Item) => Templates += GetFolder(Item) + Environment.NewLine) ); return; } if (BoolBin((int)FetchA3DD(Reg.ADD_ForceOpenOutput, 0))) { Process.Start(OutputFolder + "\\"); } }