Exemple #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override WindowPane?InstantiateToolWindow(Type toolWindowType)
            WindowPane          windowPane = base.InstantiateToolWindow(toolWindowType);
            IToolWindowProvider?provider   = GetToolWindowProvider(toolWindowType);

            if (provider is not null)
                // Set the content and the caption of the tool window. This needs to be
                // done as part of initializing the tool window. Doing it later results in
                // errors being thrown when Visual Studio creates the tool window's frame.
#pragma warning disable IDE0079   // Remove unnecessary suppression
#pragma warning disable VSTHRD104 // Offer async methods
                windowPane.Content = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(
                    () => provider.CreateAsync(_currentToolWindowId, DisposalToken)
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD104 // Offer async methods
#pragma warning restore IDE0079   // Remove unnecessary suppression
                if (windowPane is ToolWindowPane toolPane)
                    toolPane.Caption = provider.GetTitle(_currentToolWindowId);

Exemple #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override WindowPane InstantiateToolWindow(Type toolWindowType, object context)
            IToolWindowProvider?provider = GetToolWindowProvider(toolWindowType);

            if (provider is not null)
                // The context object we have been given was returned from the `InitializeToolWindowAsync()`
                // method, and is an `InstantiateToolWindowData` object that contains the content for the tool
                // window and its ID. The tool window is always created with an unspecified context object.
                InstantiateToolWindowData?data = (InstantiateToolWindowData)context;
                WindowPane pane = base.InstantiateToolWindow(toolWindowType, ToolWindowCreationContext.Unspecified);

                // Set the content and the caption of the tool window. This needs to be
                // done as part of initializing the tool window. Doing it later results in
                // errors being thrown when Visual Studio creates the tool window's frame.
                pane.Content = data.Content;

                if (pane is ToolWindowPane toolPane)
                    toolPane.Caption = provider.GetTitle(data.Id);

                return(base.InstantiateToolWindow(toolWindowType, context));
        /// <summary>
        /// このコマンドのシングルトンのインスタンスを初期化します。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">コマンドを提供するパッケージ</param>
        /// <param name="windowPane">配置するツールウィンドウ</param>
        public static void Initialize(Package package, WindowPane windowPane)
            var window = (TypeHierarchyWindow)windowPane;

            Instance = new SwitchIncludedMetadataCommand(package, window);

            var viewModel = window.ViewModel;

            viewModel.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Instance.MenuCommand.Enabled = viewModel.DisplayMode == DisplayMode.BaseSummaryAndChildren;
Exemple #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override WindowPane?InstantiateToolWindow(Type toolWindowType)
            WindowPane          windowPane = base.InstantiateToolWindow(toolWindowType);
            IToolWindowProvider?provider   = GetToolWindowProvider(toolWindowType);

            if (provider is not null)
                // Set the content and the caption of the tool window. This needs to be
                // done as part of initializing the tool window. Doing it later results in
                // errors being thrown when Visual Studio creates the tool window's frame.
                windowPane.Content = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(
                    () => provider.CreateAsync(_currentToolWindowId, DisposalToken)

                if (windowPane is ToolWindowPane toolPane)
                    toolPane.Caption = provider.GetTitle(_currentToolWindowId);

Exemple #5
 public static bool With <T>(this WindowPane pane, out T service)
     service = (T)WindowPaneGetService(pane, GetServiceQueryType <T>());
     return(service != null);
 /// <summary>
 /// このコマンドのシングルトンのインスタンスを初期化します。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="package">コマンドを提供するパッケージ</param>
 /// <param name="windowPane">配置するツールウィンドウ</param>
 public static void Initialize(Package package, WindowPane windowPane)
     Instance = new SwitchDisplayModeCommand(package, (TypeHierarchyWindow)windowPane);
        private async Task<IVsWindowFrame> CreateDocWindowAsync(UnconfiguredProject unconfiguredProject, string documentName, IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemId)
            var windowFlags = _VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_DontAddToMRU | _VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_DontAutoOpen;
            var model = new WindowModel(project, targetUIs, lockService, threadHandler);
            await model.LoadFromProject();
            var control = new Control(model);
            var windowPane = new WindowPane(control);
            var editorType = Guid.Empty;
            var commandUI = Guid.Empty;
            var caption = $"{model.Name} Deploy Rules";
            IVsWindowFrame frame;
            var docView = IntPtr.Zero;
            var docData = IntPtr.Zero;
            var hr = 0;

                docView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(windowPane);
                docData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(model);
                hr = uiShell.CreateDocumentWindow((uint)windowFlags, documentName, (IVsUIHierarchy)hierarchy, itemId,
                    docView, docData, ref editorType, null, ref commandUI, null, caption, string.Empty, null, out frame);
                if (docView != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (docData != IntPtr.Zero)
            return frame;
Exemple #8
        internal FastFindControlWPFWrapper(DTE dte, SolutionFiles solution_files, FileFinder file_finder, TextFinder text_finder, GetOpenFilesThread get_open_files_thread, Settings settings, WindowPane window_pane_owner)
            this.m_DTE = dte;
            this.m_TabStopPanel.WpfHost = this.m_WindowsFormsHost;
            bool is_modal = false;

            this.m_FastFindControl = new FastFindControl(dte, solution_files, file_finder, text_finder, get_open_files_thread, settings, "", -1, is_modal);
            this.m_FastFindControl.ControlWantsToClose += onEscToCloseWindow;
            this.m_FastFindControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
 public static void Test(WindowPane p)
     var service = p.GetService(typeof(Service));
     // etc.