Exemple #1
        public async Task <Result <WindowDto> > SaveWindowAsync(WindowDto entity, bool forceNew = false)
            if (entity.WindowId == Guid.Empty)
                entity.WindowId = Guid.NewGuid();
                return(await _repository.Notes.AddWindowAsync(entity));
                if (!forceNew)
                    return(await _repository.Notes.UpdateWindowAsync(entity));
                    var checkExist = await GetWindowAsync(entity.NoteId, entity.UserId);

                    if (checkExist.IsValid)
                        return(await _repository.Notes.UpdateWindowAsync(entity));
                        return(await _repository.Notes.AddWindowAsync(entity));
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="numberOfwindows"></param>
    /// <param name="maxWidth"></param>
    /// <param name="maxHeight"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possibilmente facciamo in modo che il <paramref name="maxHeight"/> e <paramref name="maxWidth"/> non siano piu' grandi
    /// della risoluzione del Desktop. :)
    /// </remarks>
    public static List<WindowDto> Randomize(int numberOfwindows,
      int maxWidth, int maxHeight,
      IScreenResolution resolution)
      var result = new List<WindowDto>();

      for (int i = 1; i < numberOfwindows + 1; i++)
        // Randomizziamo le dimensioni minime.
        var minWidthToRespect = rng.Next(maxWidth);
        var minHeightToRespect = rng.Next(maxHeight);

        var item = new WindowDto();

        item.ID = i;

        item.Width = rng.Next(minWidthToRespect, maxWidth);
        item.MinWidth = minWidthToRespect;
        item.Height = rng.Next(minHeightToRespect, maxHeight);
        item.MinHeight = minHeightToRespect;

        // Definisci il posizionamento.
        item.X = rng.Next(1, resolution.Width - item.Width);
        item.Y = rng.Next(1, resolution.Height - item.Height);

        // Aggiungi al risultato.

      return result;
Exemple #3
 /* -- For getting the windows --*/
 internal static Window GetWindows(WindowDto window)
     return(new Window
         Win_Type = window.Win_Type,
         Win_Price = window.Win_Price,
         Win_Picture = window.Win_Picture
 /* Adding a window type */
 public virtual void addWindow(WindowDto window)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new Exception(e.Message);
        public async Task Handle_WithDtoIdZero_ReturnEntityId(WindowDto dto, Window entity)
            dto.Id     = 0;
            dto.Finish = dto.Start.AddHours(2);
            this.mappingServiceMock.Setup(x => x.Map <Window>(It.IsAny <WindowDto>())).Returns(entity);
            var request = new SaveWindowCommand {
                EntityDto = dto

            var result = await this.handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Id, result);
        private void Validate(WindowDto dto)
            if (dto == null)
                throw new ValidationException($"EntityDto of type {nameof(WindowDto)} is null in {nameof(SaveWindowCommandHandler)}");

            if (dto.Start.Date != dto.Finish.Date)
                throw new ValidationException($"Start and finish dates should be the same");

            // ToDo: check if overlaps with existing shedule
        public async Task Handle_WithDtoIdZero_InsertsEntity(WindowDto dto, Window entity)
            dto.Id     = 0;
            dto.Finish = dto.Start.AddHours(2);
            this.mappingServiceMock.Setup(x => x.Map <Window>(It.IsAny <WindowDto>())).Returns(entity);
            var request = new SaveWindowCommand {
                EntityDto = dto

            var result = await this.handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None);

            this.repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.InsertAsync(entity));
            this.repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.SaveChangesAsync());
        public async Task Handle_WithDiffrentDates_ThrowsException(WindowDto dto)
            var request = new SaveWindowCommand {
                EntityDto = dto

            dto.Start  = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            dto.Finish = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(2);

            var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(async() =>
                                                              await this.handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None)

            Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("Start and finish dates should be the same"));
Exemple #9
 public IActionResult AddWindows([FromBody] WindowDto window)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
             return(Ok(string.Format("Successfull added Category {0}", window.Win_Type)));
         catch (Exception e)
     return(Ok("Failed try again"));
        public async Task Handle_WithDtoIdNotZero_UpdatesEntity(WindowDto dto, Window entity)
            dto.Finish = dto.Start.AddHours(2);
            this.repositoryMock.Setup(x =>
            var request = new SaveWindowCommand {
                EntityDto = dto

            var result = await this.handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None);

            this.mappingServiceMock.Verify(x => x.Map <WindowDto, Window>(dto, entity));
            this.repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.UpdateAsync(entity));
            this.repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.SaveChangesAsync());
Exemple #11
    private async Task <bool> SaveFolderDto(IKntService service, Guid?userId, CarpetaExport carpetaExport, Guid?parent, List <EtiquetaExport> etiquetas)
        string r11 = "\r\n";
        string r12 = "\n";

        string r21 = "&#x";
        string r22 = "$$$";

        int nErrors = 0;

        #region Import customization

        //// afumfer
        //// .......
        //string r31 = @"D:\KaNote\Resources\ImgsEditorHtml";
        //string r32 = @"D:\Anotas\Docs\__Imgs_!!ANTHtmlEditor!!_";

        //string r41 = @"D:\KaNote\Resources\ImgsEditorHtml";
        //string r42 = @"C:\Anotas\Docs\__Imgs_!!ANTHtmlEditor!!_";

        //string r51 = @"_KNTERRORTRAP";
        //string r52 = @"_ANTERRORTRAP";
        //string r61 = @"_KNTERRORCODE";
        //string r62 = @"_ANTERRORCODE";
        //string r71 = @"_KNTERRORDESCRIPTION";
        //string r72 = @"_ANTERRORDESCRIPTION";
        //string r81 = "";
        //string r82 = "[!ExecuteAnTScriptBGroundThread]";
        //string r91 = "";
        //string r92 = "_ANTForm.Exit();";


        string r31 = @"KntResCon/";
        string r32 = @"\\educacion.org\Almacen\Pincel\TareasTM\Doc\";

        string r41 = @"KntResCon/";
        string r42 = @"\\educacion.org\Almacen\Pincel\tareasTM\Doc\";

        string r51 = @"KntResCon/";
        string r52 = @"\\Educacion.org\Almacen\Pincel\TareasTM\Doc\";

        var newFolderDto = new FolderDto
            FolderNumber = carpetaExport.IdCarpeta,
            //FolderNumber = 0,
            Name       = carpetaExport.NombreCarpeta,
            Order      = carpetaExport.Orden,
            OrderNotes = carpetaExport.OrdenNotas,
            ParentId   = parent

        var resNewFolder = await service.Folders.SaveAsync(newFolderDto);

        label1.Text = $"Added folder: {resNewFolder.Entity?.Name}";

        var folder = resNewFolder.Entity;

        foreach (var n in carpetaExport.Notas)
                if (n.DescripcionNota.Contains(r12))
                    // Hack multiples CR LF
                    n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r12, r11);
                    // Hack for problems in deserialization
                    n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r22, r21);

                #region Import customization

                //// afumfer
                //// .......
                //// Hack inserted resources change
                n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r32, r31);
                n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r42, r41);
                n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r52, r51);
                //n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r62, r61);
                //n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r72, r71);
                //n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r82, r81);
                //n.DescripcionNota = n.DescripcionNota.Replace(r92, r91);


                (string descriptionNew, string scriptCode) = ExtractAnTScriptCode(n.DescripcionNota);

                DateTime fecMod;
                if (n.FechaModificacion > n.FechaHoraCreacion)
                    fecMod = n.FechaModificacion;
                    fecMod = n.FechaHoraCreacion;

                var newNote = new NoteExtendedDto
                    FolderId   = folder.FolderId,
                    NoteNumber = n.IdNota,
                    //NoteNumber = 0,

                    Description = descriptionNew,
                    Script      = scriptCode,

                    Topic                = n.Asunto,
                    CreationDateTime     = n.FechaHoraCreacion,
                    ModificationDateTime = fecMod,
                    Tags         = n.PalabrasClave,
                    InternalTags = n.Vinculo,
                    Priority     = n.Prioridad

                if (!newNote.Tags.Contains("UC="))
                    if ("afumfer fdomher jurivmar sesther sleoare dgoddelw".Contains(n.Usuario))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newNote.Tags))
                            newNote.Tags += "; ";
                        newNote.Tags += "UC=" + n.Usuario;

                // Add task
                if (n.FechaInicio > new DateTime(1901, 1, 1) ||
                    n.FechaResolucion > new DateTime(1901, 1, 1) ||
                    n.FechaPrevistaInicio > new DateTime(1901, 1, 1) ||
                    n.FechaPrevistaFin > new DateTime(1901, 1, 1) ||
                    n.Resuelto == true)
                    NoteTaskDto task = new NoteTaskDto
                        NoteId               = Guid.Empty,
                        UserId               = (Guid)userId,
                        CreationDateTime     = n.FechaHoraCreacion,
                        ModificationDateTime = fecMod,
                        Description          = newNote.Topic,
                        Tags              = "(ANotas import)",
                        Priority          = 1,
                        Resolved          = n.Resuelto,
                        EstimatedTime     = n.TiempoEstimado,
                        SpentTime         = n.TiempoInvertido,
                        DifficultyLevel   = n.NivelDificultad,
                        ExpectedEndDate   = n.FechaPrevistaFin,
                        ExpectedStartDate = n.FechaPrevistaInicio,
                        EndDate           = n.FechaResolucion,
                        StartDate         = n.FechaInicio

                // Add alarm
                if (n.Alarma > new DateTime(1901, 1, 1))
                    var message = new KMessageDto
                        NoteId         = Guid.Empty,
                        UserId         = userId,
                        AlarmActivated = n.ActivarAlarma,
                        ActionType     = EnumActionType.UserAlarm,
                        Comment        = "(import ANotas)",
                        AlarmDateTime  = n.Alarma

                    // Alarm type
                    switch (n.TipoAlarma)
                    case 0:      // estandar
                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Standard;

                    case 1:      // diaria
                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Daily;

                    case 2:      // semanal
                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Weekly;

                    case 3:      // mensual
                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Monthly;

                    case 4:      // anual
                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Annual;

                    case 5:      // cada hora
                        message.AlarmType    = EnumAlarmType.InMinutes;
                        message.AlarmMinutes = 60;

                    case 6:      // 4 horas
                        message.AlarmType    = EnumAlarmType.InMinutes;
                        message.AlarmMinutes = 60 * 4;

                    case 7:      // 8 horas
                        message.AlarmType    = EnumAlarmType.InMinutes;
                        message.AlarmMinutes = 60 * 8;

                    case 8:      // 12 diaria
                        message.AlarmType    = EnumAlarmType.InMinutes;
                        message.AlarmMinutes = 60 * 12;

                        message.AlarmType = EnumAlarmType.Standard;


                // Add resource
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.NotaEx))
                    #region Import resources for ContendInDB = true

                    //// TODO: Refactor this line
                    //var root = @"D:\ANotas\Docs";

                    //var fileFullName = $"{root}{n.NotaEx}";

                    //if (File.Exists(fileFullName))
                    //    var fileArrayBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileFullName);
                    //    var contentBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(fileArrayBytes);
                    //    ResourceDto resource = new ResourceDto
                    //    {
                    //        NoteId = Guid.Empty,
                    //        ContentInDB = true,
                    //        Order = 1,
                    //        Container = service.RepositoryRef.ResourcesContainer + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(),
                    //        Name = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}_{Path.GetFileName(fileFullName)}",
                    //        Description = $"(ANotas import {n.NotaEx})",
                    //        ContentArrayBytes = fileArrayBytes,
                    //        ContentBase64 = contentBase64,
                    //        FileType = _store.ExtensionFileToFileType(Path.GetExtension(fileFullName))
                    //    };
                    //    newNote.Resources.Add(resource);


                    #region Import resources for ContendInDB = false

                    if (n.NotaEx[0] == '\\')
                        n.NotaEx = n.NotaEx.Substring(1);

                    string fileImport = Path.Combine(new[] { service.RepositoryRef.ResourcesContainerCacheRootPath, service.RepositoryRef.ResourcesContainer, n.NotaEx });

                    ResourceDto resource = new ResourceDto
                        NoteId            = Guid.Empty,
                        ContentInDB       = false,
                        Order             = 1,
                        Container         = service.RepositoryRef.ResourcesContainer,
                        Name              = n.NotaEx,
                        Description       = $"(ANotas import {n.NotaEx})",
                        ContentArrayBytes = null,
                        ContentBase64     = null,
                        FileType          = _store.ExtensionFileToFileType(Path.GetExtension(fileImport))


                // Save note and PostIt
                Result <NoteExtendedDto> resNewNote = null;
                if (newNote.IsValid())
                    resNewNote = await service.Notes.SaveExtendedAsync(newNote);

                    label2.Text = $"Added note: {resNewNote.Entity?.Topic} - {resNewNote.Entity?.NoteId.ToString()}";

                    // Add Window
                    WindowDto windowPostIt = new WindowDto
                        NoteId         = resNewNote.Entity.NoteId,
                        UserId         = (Guid)userId,
                        Visible        = false, //n.Visible,
                        AlwaysOnTop    = n.SiempreArriba,
                        PosX           = n.PosX,
                        PosY           = n.PosY,
                        Width          = n.Ancho,
                        Height         = n.Alto,
                        FontName       = n.FontName,
                        FontSize       = n.FontSize,
                        FontBold       = n.FontBold,
                        FontItalic     = n.FontItalic,
                        FontUnderline  = n.FontUnderline,
                        FontStrikethru = n.FontStrikethru,
                        ForeColor      = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(ColorTranslator.FromOle(n.ForeColor)),
                        TitleColor     = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(ColorTranslator.FromOle(n.ColorBanda)),
                        TextTitleColor = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(ColorTranslator.FromOle(n.ForeColor)),
                        NoteColor      = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(ColorTranslator.FromOle(n.ColorNota)),
                        TextNoteColor  = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(ColorTranslator.FromOle(n.ForeColor))
                    var resNewPostIt = await service.Notes.SaveWindowAsync(windowPostIt);
                    label2.Text = $"Added note: ERROR invalid note.";
                    var msgErr = newNote.GetErrorMessage();
                    MessageBox.Show($"ERROR invalid note: {msgErr}");

            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: hack, hay un registro erróneo en la exportación.
                if (nErrors > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show($"Más de error. Error: {ex.Message}");

        // For each folder child all recursively  to this method
        foreach (var c in carpetaExport.CarpetasHijas)
            await SaveFolderDto(service, userId, c, folder.FolderId, etiquetas);

        return(await Task.FromResult <bool>(true));
 public async Task <int> Post([FromBody] WindowDto window)
     return(await this.mediator.Send(new SaveCommand <WindowDto>(window)));