public void OpenWinPanel(bool win) { winPanel.SetActive(true); WinPanel script = winPanel.GetComponent <WinPanel>(); if (script == null) { Debug.Log("OpenWinPanel in Menubutton couldnt get reference to the win panel script."); } else { script.SetMovePanelIn(); } roundOver = true; DisableMenuButton(true); gScript.StopRoundTimer(); if (win == true) { subWinPanel.SetActive(true); long total = gScript.GetTimeTaken(); long minutes = total / 60; long seconds = total % 60; winTime.text = "You Earned Level " + pScript.GetCharLevel(charIndex).ToString() + " with " + pScript.GetCharName(charIndex) + "!"; winCoins.text = "" + gScript.GetLevelCoinsCollected().ToString() + "/" + gScript.GetLevelCoins(); } else { subWinPanel.SetActive(false); } }
public void OpenFinalPanel() { actPanelObject.SetActive(true); playButton.SetCharIndex(menuB.GetCharIndex()); charSelectFinal.sprite = menuB.GetCharSprite(); charNameFinal.text = menuB.GetCharName(); actPanel.SetMovePanelIn(); }