private void TestWriteFileWinAPI1() { // This function tests out the Windows API function WriteFile. This function tests the WriteFile function // by writing out the entire file with one call. String S; int FileLoop; try { // Get how fast it takes to write ou the .683MB, 10MB, and 50MB files into memory. for (FileLoop = 0; FileLoop < 3; FileLoop++) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); WFIO.OpenForWriting(FileNames[FileLoop]); WFIO.Write(BytesInFiles[FileLoop]); WFIO.Close(); stopwatch.Stop(); S = " Total time writing " + FileDesc[FileLoop] + " with WFIO1.Write API No Parsing = " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(); DispUIMsg(S); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { S = "TestWriteFileWinAPI1: threw an exception of type " + ex.GetType().ToString(); DispUIMsg(S); DispUIMsg(ex.Message); } }
public static bool Copy(string sourceFileName, string destFileName, bool overwrite, IFileCopyCallout callout, Action <ProgressMessage> report = null, Func <bool> cancel = null ) { byte[] buf = new byte[BUFSIZ]; DateTime dt0 = DateTime.Now; long ivlcnt = 0; long total = new System.IO.FileInfo(sourceFileName).Length; long count = 0; using (var threadProgress = new ThreadProgress(report)) { using (WinFileIO wfioRd = new WinFileIO(buf), wfioWr = new WinFileIO(buf)) { wfioRd.OpenForReading(sourceFileName); wfioWr.OpenForWriting(destFileName, overwrite); int read = 0; while (true) { if (cancel?.Invoke() ?? false) { return(false); } read = wfioRd.ReadBlocks(BUFSIZ); if (read <= 0) { break; } callout?.ProcessBuffer(buf, read, count); wfioWr.Write(read); count += read; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; long tot_ms = (int)(dt - dt0).TotalMilliseconds; long q = tot_ms / IVL_MS; if (q <= ivlcnt) { continue; } ivlcnt = q; threadProgress.Report((double)count / total); } ; } } return(true); }
private void TestWrite() { // This function tests the Write function. int BytesWritten, BytesRead, Loop; String S; try { // Open the file and output the buffer. WFIO.OpenForWriting(TestFileName2); BytesWritten = WFIO.Write(VerBytesRead); WFIO.Close(); // Check to see if the data that was written out matches the verification buffer. if (BytesWritten != VerBytesRead) { S = " TestWrite: test failed - BytesWritten != VerBytesRead"; DispUIMsg(S); return; } // Read in the file that was just written out. WFIO.OpenForReading(TestFileName2); BytesRead = WFIO.ReadUntilEOF(); WFIO.Close(); // Check to see if the data read in matches the verification buffer. if (BytesRead != BytesWritten) { S = " TestWrite: test failed - bytes read != bytes written"; DispUIMsg(S); return; } // Compare the 2 arrays. If there are any differences, then report an error. for (Loop = 0; Loop < BytesWritten; Loop++) { if (ByteBuf[Loop] != ByteBufVer[Loop]) { S = " TestWrite: test failed - the " + Loop.ToString() + " element does not match the verification buffer."; DispUIMsg(S); return; } } S = " TestWrite: Passed"; DispUIMsg(S); } catch (System.Exception ex) { S = " TestWrite: threw an exception of type " + ex.GetType().ToString(); DispUIMsg(S); S = " " + ex.Message; DispUIMsg(S); } }
public void TestWriteFileWinApi1(string pathToFile, int bytesInFile) { _wfio.OpenForWriting(pathToFile); _wfio.Write(bytesInFile); _wfio.Close(); }