public override void InstallHook()
            lock (_syncObject) {
                if (Status != DeviceHookStatus.Uninstalled && !Disposing)
                    throw new SoftwareException("Keyboard hook has already been installed. Current Status is '{0}'", Status);
                if (_hKeyboardHook == IntPtr.Zero)
                    using (var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) {
                        //// Keep the delegate as a field to prevent garbage collection
                        _keyboardHookProcedure = KeyboardHookProc;
                        _hKeyboardHook         = WinAPI.USER32.SetWindowsHookEx(
                            //Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0])   // NOTE: 2021-08-03 removed since .NET 4+ and Core 3+ use new approach

                        // If SetWindowsHookEx fails.
                        if (_hKeyboardHook == IntPtr.Zero && !Disposing)
                            throw new WindowsException(WinAPI.KERNEL32.GetLastError(),
                                                       "Windows did not allow the application to install a keyboard hook.");
                Status = DeviceHookStatus.Disabled;
 public override void UninstallHook()
     if (Status == DeviceHookStatus.Uninstalled && !Disposing)
         throw new SoftwareException("Mouse hook has not installed. Current Status is '{0}'", Status);
     if (_hMouseHook != IntPtr.Zero)
         if (!WinAPI.USER32.UnhookWindowsHookEx(_hMouseHook) && !Disposing)
             throw new WindowsException(WinAPI.KERNEL32.GetLastError(), "Windows did not allow the application to uninstall mouse hook.");
     _hMouseHook         = IntPtr.Zero;
     _mouseHookProcedure = null;
     Status = DeviceHookStatus.Uninstalled;