Exemple #1
        public string Post(string service, WilmaMsg msg)
            string recipients = String.Empty;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.r_teacher))
                recipients = "&r_teacher=" + msg.r_teacher;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.r_personnel))
                recipients += "&r_personnel=" + msg.r_personnel;
            string loginParameters = "format=json&bodytext=" + msg.bodytext + "&Subject=" + msg.Subject + recipients + "&Formkey=" + msg.FormKey;

            // Initiate the HttpWebRequest with session support with CookiedFactory
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(service))
                request = CookiedRequestFactory.CreateHttpWebRequest(wilmaUrl + "messages/compose");
                request = CookiedRequestFactory.CreateHttpWebRequest(wilmaUrl + service + "?" + loginParameters);

            // Serialize the response to json

            request.Method      = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "application/json";
            request.Accept      = "application/json";

            // Serialize the msg to json
            var serializer        = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var jsonRequestString = serializer.Serialize(msg);
            //var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonRequestString);
            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(loginParameters);

            // Send the json data to the Rest service
            string jsonResponseString = String.Empty;

            try {
                Stream postStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                postStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                // Get the login status from the service
                var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                var reader   = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                jsonResponseString = reader.ReadToEnd();
                // values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IndexJson>(jsonResponseString);
            catch (Exception ex)
                jsonRequestString = ex.Message.ToString();
            // DO the HASH
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string logResp = String.Empty;

            using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
                .AddFilter("Microsoft", LogLevel.Warning)
                .AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Warning)
                .AddFilter("PQTiedonLaatuService.Program.Main", LogLevel.Debug)
            ILogger logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Program>();
            //logger.LogInformation("Example log message");
            StringBuilder logStr = new StringBuilder();

            logStr.Append(" PQTiedonlaatuservice-job started at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine);

            // Collect messages to same teacher - so that only one daily resume message can be send to each teacher.
            var teacherMessages = new Dictionary <string, List <WilmaMsg> >();
            // Debug?
            bool debug = false; bool force = false;

            if (args.Contains("debug"))
                debug = true;
            if (args.Contains("force"))
                force = true;

            // Get the alert type - first one
            // TODO: Iterate trough all alert types

            var alertTypes = new List <AlertType>();

            using (PrimusAlertContext context = new PrimusAlertContext())
                alertTypes = (from a in context.AlertTypes select a).ToList();

            // Configuration
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            var         config    = builder.Build();
            Application appConfig = config.GetSection("application").Get <Application>();

            // Loop through alerttypes

            foreach (var alertType in alertTypes)
            // DEBUG:
            //    foreach (var alertType in alertTypes.Skip(6))
            // DEBUG END:
                // If Alerttype is disabled or has empty columns for some reason - skip it.
                if (!alertType.IsInUse || String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertType.Name) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertType.QueryName) ||
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertType.AlertMsgText) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertType.AlertMsgSubject))

                Console.WriteLine("Alert Type : " + alertType.Name);
                logStr.Append("Alert Type : " + alertType.Name + Environment.NewLine);

                // Start the child process.
                Process p = new Process();
                // Redirect the output stream of the child process.
                p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

                // Read original command file with credentials and server address, file stored in root of your compiled app.
                string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(appConfig.SourceCmdFilename);
                // Append PrimusQuery name to it.
                fileContent += " " + alertType.QueryName;
                // Write file with command in it
                File.WriteAllText(appConfig.DestinationCmdFileName, fileContent);
                p.StartInfo.FileName  = appConfig.DestinationCmdFileName;
                p.StartInfo.Arguments = alertType.QueryName;
                // Do not wait for the child process to exit before
                // reading to the end of its redirected stream.
                // p.WaitForExit();
                // Read the output stream first and then wait.

                string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                //var xmlEscapedValue = output.XReplace('<'.Tpl("&lt;"),'>'.Tpl("&gt;"),'\"'.Tpl("&quot;"),'\''.Tpl("&apos;"),'&'.Tpl("&amp;"));

                //string resultString = output.Replace(";\r\n", string.Empty);
                //resultString = resultString.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);
                //resultString = resultString.Replace("├ñ", "ä");
                //resultString = resultString.Replace("õ", "ä");
                //resultString = resultString.Replace("÷", "ö");
                //resultString = resultString.Replace("├Â", "ö");

                var xmlEntityReplacements = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { ";\r\n", string.Empty }, { "\r\n", string.Empty }, { "├ñ", "ä" }, { "õ", "ä" }, { "÷", "ö" }, { "├Â", "ö" }

                string resultString = StringOp.ReplaceXmlEntity(output, xmlEntityReplacements);
                // Result from primusquery must start with string <<<< OUTPUT >>>> !
                string[] resultStrings = resultString.Split("<<<< OUTPUT >>>>", StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (resultStrings.Count() > 1)
                    resultString = resultStrings[1];
                    // Did not get anything as result from Primus. Either there is no result or Error, did not get appropriate response from Primus
                    // TODO: Log error to Windows Log and program-wide Logging solution - if available.

                    logResp = "Empty result. Did not get apropriate response from Primus.";

                    // Using Error Code 24 to indicate not enough lines.
                    // Microsoft conventions: https://docs.microsoft.com/fi-fi/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-?redirectedfrom=MSDN
                    // Environment.Exit(24);

                    // Continue with next PrimusQuery
                XDocument doc;

                doc = XDocument.Parse(resultString);

                List <Opiskelija> opiskelijat = new List <Opiskelija>();
                foreach (var opisk in doc.Descendants("opiskelija"))
                    var opiskelija = new Opiskelija();

                    opiskelija.etunimi  = opisk.Element("etunimi").Value;
                    opiskelija.sukunimi = opisk.Element("sukunimi").Value;

                    opiskelija.korttinumero = opisk.Element("korttinumero").Value;
                    XElement vastuukouluttaja = opisk.Element("vastuukouluttaja");
                    string   email            = vastuukouluttaja.Element("email").Value;
                    string   korttinumero     = vastuukouluttaja.Element("korttinumero").Value;
                    opiskelija.vastuukouluttaja = new Vastuukouluttaja {
                        email = email, korttinumero = korttinumero

                    // Check whenether there is already a receiver.
                    AlertReceiver receiver = GetReceiver(opiskelija.vastuukouluttaja);

                    using (PrimusAlertContext context = new PrimusAlertContext())
                        var pa = new PrimusAlert()
                            CardNumber      = opiskelija.korttinumero,
                            SentDate        = DateTime.Now,
                            AlertReceiverId = receiver.Id,
                            //AlertReceiver = receiver,
                            //AlertType = alertType,
                            AlertTypeId = alertType.Id


                        // If alert is set to be send only once for each case - check if send already and skip sending email for that matter.
                        if (alertType.OnlyOnce && !force)
                            List <PrimusAlert> q =
                                (from a in context.PrimusAlerts where a.AlertType.Id == alertType.Id && a.AlertReceiver.Id == receiver.Id && a.CardNumber == opiskelija.korttinumero select a).ToList();
                            if (q.Count() > 1)


                string FormKey = String.Empty;
                foreach (Opiskelija op in opiskelijat)
                    string     teacher          = op.vastuukouluttaja.korttinumero;
                    WordUtil   wordUtil         = new WordUtil(op.vastuukouluttaja, alertType, op, appConfig.wilmaUrl);
                    ParserUtil parse            = new ParserUtil(wordUtil.ReturnWords());
                    string     parsedMsgText    = parse.ReplaceWithKeyWords(alertType.AlertMsgText);
                    string     parsedHeaderText = parse.ReplaceWithKeyWords(alertType.AlertMsgHeader);
                    string     parsedFooterText = parse.ReplaceWithKeyWords(alertType.AlertMsgSignature);

                    // DEBUG:
                    //WilmaMsg wilmaViesti2 = new WilmaMsg { FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_personnel = "106", r_teacher = "339" };
                    //WilmaMsg wilmaViesti2 = new WilmaMsg { FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_teacher = "339" };
                    WilmaMsg wilmaViesti2 = new WilmaMsg();

                    // WilmaMsg wilmaViesti2 = !debug ? new WilmaMsg { FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_personnel = "106", r_teacher = op.vastuukouluttaja.korttinumero } :
                    //                                   new WilmaMsg { FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_personnel = "106", r_teacher = "339" };
                    // new WilmaMsg { FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_teacher = "339" };

                    // DEBUG: Test teachers
                    // var debugstaffWilmaCardNumbers = new List<string> { "339", "338" };
                    // DEBUG END:

                    string[] vastuukouluttajat = op.vastuukouluttaja.korttinumero.Split(',');
                    var      wilmaViestit      = new List <WilmaMsg>();

                    // DEBUG:
                    //if (debugstaffWilmaCardNumbers.Any(x => op.vastuukouluttaja.korttinumero.Contains(x)))
                    // DEBUG END:
                        foreach (string vastuukouluttaja in vastuukouluttajat)
                            // DEBUG: Jani = 27, Tanja = 106
                            WilmaMsg wilmaViesti3 = !debug?  new WilmaMsg {
                                FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_personnel = "106", r_teacher = vastuukouluttaja
                            } :
                            new WilmaMsg {
                                FormKey = FormKey, bodytext = parsedMsgText, headertext = parsedHeaderText, footertext = parsedFooterText, Subject = alertType.AlertMsgSubject, r_personnel = "106", r_teacher = "339"

                            if (teacherMessages.ContainsKey(vastuukouluttaja + "-" + alertType.Name))
                                // Already
                                teacherMessages[vastuukouluttaja + "-" + alertType.Name].Add(wilmaViesti3);
                                // New teacher
                                teacherMessages.Add(vastuukouluttaja + "-" + alertType.Name, new List <WilmaMsg> {

                    // DEBUG:
                    //else continue;
                    // DEBUG END:

                    //if (teacherMessages.ContainsKey(teacher + "-" + alertType.Name))
                    //    // Allready
                    //    teacherMessages[teacher + "-" + alertType.Name].Add(wilmaViesti2);
                    //    // New teacher
                    //    teacherMessages.Add(teacher + "-" + alertType.Name, new List<WilmaMsg> { wilmaViesti2 });


            // Send messages through Wilma
            logResp = "TeacherMessages: " + teacherMessages.Count() + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (var x in teacherMessages)
                logResp += x.Key + " : " + x.Value.Count() + " kpl. " + Environment.NewLine;

            logStr.Append(logResp + Environment.NewLine);

            string sendMessagesErrors = SendMessages(teacherMessages, appConfig).ToString();

            logger.LogInformation(logStr.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sendMessagesErrors) ? " SendMessage Errors: " + sendMessagesErrors : String.Empty)
                                  + Environment.NewLine + " PQTiedonlaatuservice - job ended at: " + DateTime.Now);
Exemple #3
        private static StringBuilder SendMessages(Dictionary <string, List <WilmaMsg> > teacherMessages, Application appConfig)
            StringBuilder err     = new StringBuilder();
            string        FormKey = String.Empty;
            // First Connect to Wilma.
            WilmaJson wilma = new WilmaJson(appConfig.wilmaUrl, appConfig.wilmaPasswd, appConfig.wilmaUsername, appConfig.wilmaCompanySpesificKey);

            // First Open Session With Wilma:
                string firstContact = wilma.Login(string.Empty);
                // Kirjaudutaan
                string        loginWCookiesResult = wilma.LoginWCookies(appConfig.wilmaUrl + "login");
                WilmaResponse wilmaResponse       = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WilmaResponse>(loginWCookiesResult);
                // FormKey = wilmaResponse.FormKey.Split(':')[2];
                FormKey = wilmaResponse.FormKey;
            catch (Exception ex)
                err.Append(Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine);
                string firstContact = wilma.Login(string.Empty);
                // Kirjaudutaan
                string loginWCookiesResult = wilma.LoginWCookies(appConfig.wilmaUrl + "login");
                // Poimitaan formkey
                WilmaResponse wilmaResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WilmaResponse>(loginWCookiesResult);
                // FormKey = wilmaResponse.FormKey.Split(':')[2];
                FormKey = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(wilmaResponse.FormKey) ? wilmaResponse.FormKey : FormKey;

            // Then iterate through messages and send messages

            WilmaMsg firstMsg = new WilmaMsg();
            string   result3  = String.Empty;

            foreach (var teacher in teacherMessages)
                // If only one message to teacher today:
                if (teacher.Value.Count() == 1)
                    var mesg = teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault().headertext + " " + Environment.NewLine + teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault().bodytext + " "
                               + Environment.NewLine + teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault().footertext;
                    var teacher1 = teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault();
                    teacher1.FormKey  = FormKey;
                    teacher1.bodytext = mesg;
                    try {
                        if (teacher1.r_teacher == "25")
                            // Do Nothing
                            Console.WriteLine("Skip. Rami Pukkinen");
                            result3 = wilma.Post("messages/compose", teacher1);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        err.Append(Environment.NewLine + " Exception at Program.cs, line 353" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                    // Form message from multiple messages but send only one message.
                    var msgBody = new StringBuilder(); string header = String.Empty; string footer = String.Empty;

                    header = teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault().headertext;
                    footer = teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault().footertext;
                    msgBody.Append(header + " " + Environment.NewLine);

                    foreach (var mesg in teacher.Value)
                    msgBody.Append(" " + Environment.NewLine + footer);
                    firstMsg = teacher.Value.FirstOrDefault();

                    firstMsg.bodytext = msgBody.ToString();
                    firstMsg.FormKey  = FormKey;
                        if (teacher.Value != null)
                            result3 = wilma.Post("messages/compose", firstMsg);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // TODO: Log Errors to central destination
                        err.Append(Environment.NewLine + " Exception at Program.cs, line 382." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        Console.WriteLine("FirstMsg teacher: " + firstMsg.r_teacher);
                        err.Append("FirstMsg teacher: " + firstMsg.r_teacher);
                        Console.WriteLine("EX Message: " + ex.Message.ToString());

                        // result3 = wilma.Post("messages/compose", firstMsg);

                // Keep random pause between 1 and 5 secs after each message.
                int num = RandomNumber(1, 5);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(num * 1000);