Exemple #1
 public CommandResult <List <TextFileInfo> > More(
     CommandEvaluationContext context,
     [Parameter("file or folder path")] WildcardFilePath path,
     [Option("h", "hide-line-numbers", "hide line numbers")] bool hideLineNumbers,
     [Option("r", "raw", "turn on raw output")] bool raw
     if (path.CheckExists(context))
         var counts = new FindCounts();
         var items  = FindItems(context, path.FullName, path.WildCardFileName ?? "*", true, false, false, true, false, null, false, counts, false, false);
         var r      = new List <TextFileInfo>();
         foreach (var item in items)
             PrintFile(context, (FilePath)item, hideLineNumbers, raw);
             r.Add(new TextFileInfo((FilePath)item, null, OSPlatform.Create("?"), null));
         if (items.Count == 0)
             context.Errorln($"more: no such file: {path.OriginalPath}");
             return(new CommandResult <List <TextFileInfo> >(new List <TextFileInfo> {
                 new TextFileInfo(new FilePath(path.OriginalPath), null, OSPlatform.Create("?"), null)
             }, ReturnCode.Error));
         return(new CommandResult <List <TextFileInfo> >(r));
         return(new CommandResult <List <TextFileInfo> >(new List <TextFileInfo> {
             new TextFileInfo(new FilePath(path.FullName), null, OSPlatform.Create("?"), null)
         }, ReturnCode.Error));
        public CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath> items, FindCounts counts)> Dir(
            CommandEvaluationContext context,
            [Parameter("path where to list files and folders. if not specified is equal to the current directory. use wildcards * and ? to filter files and folders names", true)] WildcardFilePath path,
            [Option("na", "do not print file system attributes")] bool noattributes,
            [Option("r", "also list files and folders in sub directories. force display files full path")] bool recurse,
            [Option("w", "displays file names on several columns so output fills console width (only if not recurse mode). disable print of attributes")] bool wide
            var r = new List <FileSystemPath>();

            path ??= new WildcardFilePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory);
            if (path.CheckExists())
                var  counts                  = new FindCounts();
                var  items                   = FindItems(context, path.FullName, path.WildCardFileName ?? "*", !recurse, true, false, !noattributes, !recurse, null, false, counts, false, false);
                var  f                       = DefaultForegroundCmd;
                long totFileSize             = 0;
                var  cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                if (wide)
                    noattributes = true;
                void postCmd(object o, EventArgs e)
                    sc.CancelKeyPress -= cancelCmd;
                    context.Out.Echoln($"{Tab}{ColorSettings.Numeric}{Plur("file", counts.FilesCount, f),-30}{HumanFormatOfSize(totFileSize, 2," ", ColorSettings.Numeric.ToString(), f)}");
                    context.Out.Echoln($"{Tab}{ColorSettings.Numeric}{Plur("folder", counts.FoldersCount, f),-30}{Drives.GetDriveInfo(path.FileSystemInfo.FullName,false, ColorSettings.Numeric.ToString(), f," ",2)}");

                void cancelCmd(object o, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                int printResult()
                    var i = 0;

                    int maxitlength = 0;

                    counts.FilesCount = counts.FoldersCount = 0;
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (item.IsFile)
                            totFileSize += ((FileInfo)item.FileSystemInfo).Length;
                        maxitlength = Math.Max(item.Name.Length, maxitlength);
                    maxitlength += 4;
                    var(id, left, top, right, bottom) = DotNetConsole.ActualWorkArea();
                    var nbcols = Math.Floor((double)(right - left + 1) / (double)maxitlength);

                    int nocol = 0;

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                        item.Print(!noattributes, !recurse, "", (!wide || recurse || nocol == nbcols - 1) ? Br : "", (wide && !recurse) ? maxitlength : -1);
                        if (nocol == nbcols)
                            nocol = 0;
                    if (!recurse && wide && nocol < nbcols && nocol > 0)

                sc.CancelKeyPress += cancelCmd;
                var task = Task.Run <int>(() => printResult(),
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    var res = task.Result;
                postCmd(null, null);
                return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((items, counts)));
            return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((r, new FindCounts()), ReturnCode.Error));
 public CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath source, FileSystemPath target)> items, FindCounts counts)> Mv(
     CommandEvaluationContext context,
     [Parameter("source: file/directory or several corresponding to a wildcarded path")] WildcardFilePath source,
     [Parameter(1, "destination: a file or a directory")] FileSystemPath dest,
     [Option("i", "prompt before overwrite")] bool interactive,
     [Option("v", "explain what is being done")] bool verbose
     if (source.CheckExists())
         var counts      = new FindCounts();
         var items       = FindItems(context, source.FullName, source.WildCardFileName ?? "*", true, true, false, true, false, null, false, counts, false, false);
         var sourceCount = items.Count;
         List <(FileSystemPath src, FileSystemPath tgt)> r = new List <(FileSystemPath src, FileSystemPath tgt)>();
         if (sourceCount > 1)
             if (dest.CheckExists())
                 if (!dest.IsDirectory)
                     Errorln("dest must be a directory");
                     return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> items, FindCounts counts)>(
                                (new List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> {
                         (source, dest)
                     }, counts), ReturnCode.Error
                     // move multiple source to dest
                     foreach (var item in items)
                         var msg = $"move {item.GetPrintableName()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                         if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                             if (source.IsFile)
                                 var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, item.Name);
                                 r.Add((item, new FileSystemPath(newdest)));
                                 File.Move(item.FullName, newdest);
                                 var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, item.Name);
                                 Directory.Move(item.FullName, newdest);
                                 r.Add((item, new DirectoryPath(newdest)));
                             if (verbose)
                                 context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("move ", "moved "));
             if (dest.CheckExists(false))
                 if (dest.IsDirectory)
                     // move one source to dest
                     var msg = $"move {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                     if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                         if (source.IsFile)
                             var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, source.NameWithWildcard);
                             File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, newdest);
                             r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), new FilePath(newdest)));
                             var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, source.NameWithWildcard);
                             Directory.Move(source.FullName, newdest);
                             r.Add((source, new DirectoryPath(newdest)));
                         if (verbose)
                             context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("move ", "moved "));
                     // rename source (file) to dest (overwrite dest)
                     var msg = $"rename {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                     if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                         File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), dest));
                         if (verbose)
                             context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("rename ", "renamed "));
                 // rename source to dest
                 var msg = $"rename {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                 if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                     if (source.IsFile)
                         File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), dest));
                         Directory.Move(source.FullName, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((source, dest));
                     if (verbose)
                         context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("rename ", "renamed "));
         return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath source, FileSystemPath target)> items, FindCounts counts)>
                    ((r, counts)));
         return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> items, FindCounts counts)>
                    ((new List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> {
             (source, null)
         }, new FindCounts())));
        public CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath> items, FindCounts counts)> Rm(
            CommandEvaluationContext context,
            [Parameter("file or folder path")] WildcardFilePath path,
            [Option("r", "also remove files and folders in sub directories")] bool recurse,
            [Option("i", "prompt before any removal")] bool interactive,
            [Option("v", "explain what is being done")] bool verbose,
            [Option("d", "remove empty directories")] bool rmEmptyDirs,
            [Option("na", "do not print file system attributes when verbose")] bool noattributes,
            [Option("s", "don't remove any file/or folder, just simulate the operation (enable verbose)")] bool simulate
            var r      = new List <FileSystemPath>();
            var counts = new FindCounts();

            if (path.CheckExists())
                var items = FindItems(context, path.FullName, path.WildCardFileName ?? "*", !recurse, true, false, !noattributes, !recurse, null, false, counts, false, false);
                var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                verbose |= simulate;
                void cancelCmd(object o, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                void postCmd(object o, EventArgs e)
                    sc.CancelKeyPress -= cancelCmd;

                List <FileSystemPath> processRemove()
                    var r = new List <FileSystemPath>();

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        bool deleted = false;
                        if (item.IsFile)
                            if (item.FileSystemInfo.Exists && !r.Contains(item))
                                if (interactive)
                                    if (Confirm("rm: remove file " + item.GetPrintableName(recurse)) && !simulate)
                                        if (!simulate)
                                        deleted = true;
                                    if (!simulate)
                                    deleted = true;
                            var dp = (DirectoryPath)item;
                            if ((rmEmptyDirs && dp.IsEmpty) || recurse)
                                if (dp.DirectoryInfo.Exists && !r.Contains(dp))
                                    if (interactive)
                                        r.Merge(RecurseInteractiveDeleteDir(context, dp, simulate, noattributes, verbose, cancellationTokenSource));
                                        if (!simulate)
                                        deleted = true;
                        if (deleted)
                            if (verbose)
                                item.Print(!noattributes, !recurse, "", Br, -1, "removed ");
                sc.CancelKeyPress += cancelCmd;
                var task = Task.Run(() => processRemove(), cancellationTokenSource.Token);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    r = task.Result;
                postCmd(null, null);
                return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((r, counts), ReturnCode.OK));
                return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((r, counts), ReturnCode.Error));
        public CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath> items, FindCounts counts)> Dir(
            CommandEvaluationContext context,
            [Parameter("path where to list files and folders. if not specified is set to the current directory. use wildcards * and ? to filter files and folders names", true)] WildcardFilePath path,
            [Option("n", "name", "names only: do not print file system attributes")] bool noattributes,
            [Option("r", "recurse", "also list files and folders in sub directories. force display files full path")] bool recurse,
            [Option("w", "wide", "displays file names on several columns so output fills console width (only if not recurse mode). disable print of attributes")] bool wide,
            [Option("f", "file", "filter list on files (exclude directories). avoid -d")] bool filesOnly,
            [Option("d", "dir", "filter list on directories (exclude files)")] bool dirsOnly,
            [Option("s", "sort", "sort list of files and folders. default is alphabetic, mixing files and folders", true, true)] DirSort sort = DirSort.dir | DirSort.name
            var r = new List <FileSystemPath>();

            path ??= new WildcardFilePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory);
            if (path.CheckExists(context))
                var counts = new FindCounts();

                var items = FindItems(context, path.FullName, path.WildCardFileName ?? "*", !recurse, true, false, !noattributes, !recurse, null, false, counts, false, false);

                if (filesOnly)
                    dirsOnly = false;
                if (filesOnly)
                    items = items.Where(x => x.IsFile).ToList();
                if (dirsOnly)
                    items = items.Where(x => x.IsDirectory).ToList();

                // apply sorts - default (.net) is name (==DirSort.name==1) - possible DirSort.not_specified==0 == default sort by name
                if (sort != DirSort.not_specified && sort != DirSort.name)
                    IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, FileSystemPath> > grp = null;

                    if (sort.HasFlag(DirSort.ext))
                        grp = items.GroupBy((x) => Path.GetExtension(x.FullName));
                    else if (sort.HasFlag(DirSort.file))
                        grp = items.GroupBy((x) => x.IsDirectory + "");
                    else if (sort.HasFlag(DirSort.dir))
                        grp = items.GroupBy((x) => x.IsFile + "");
                    else if (sort.HasFlag(DirSort.size))
                        grp = items.GroupBy((x) => !x.IsFile + "");

                    var lst = grp.ToList();
                    lst.Sort((x, y) => x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key)); // sort alpha
                    if (!sort.HasFlag(DirSort.file) && !sort.HasFlag(DirSort.dir) && !sort.HasFlag(DirSort.size) && sort.HasFlag(DirSort.rev))

                    foreach (var g in lst)
                        var glst = g.ToList();
                        if (!sort.HasFlag(DirSort.size))
                            glst.Sort((x, y) => x.FullName.CompareTo(y.FullName));    // sort alpha
                            glst.Sort((x, y) => x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length));    // sort size
                        if (sort.HasFlag(DirSort.rev))

                var  f                       = DefaultForegroundCmd;
                long totFileSize             = 0;
                var  cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                if (wide)
                    noattributes = true;

                // here we self handle the console Cancel event so we can output a partial result even if the seek phasis has been broke. print can also be broke.
                // TODO: seems there is now a simple way to do this. Just use the context cancellation token (as in findItems) :
                // TODO: if (context.CommandLineProcessor.CancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) // then cancel com

                void postCmd(object o, EventArgs e)
                    sc.CancelKeyPress -= cancelCmd;
                    context.Out.Echoln($"{Tab}{context.ShellEnv.Colors.Numeric}{Plur("file", counts.FilesCount, f),-30}{HumanFormatOfSize(totFileSize, 2, " ", context.ShellEnv.Colors.Numeric.ToString(), f)}");
                    context.Out.Echoln($"{Tab}{context.ShellEnv.Colors.Numeric}{Plur("folder", counts.FoldersCount, f),-30}{Drives.GetDriveInfo(path.FileSystemInfo.FullName, false, context.ShellEnv.Colors.Numeric.ToString(), f, " ", 2)}");

                void cancelCmd(object o, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                int printResult()
                    var i = 0;

                    int maxitlength = 0;

                    counts.FilesCount = counts.FoldersCount = 0;
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (item.IsFile)
                            totFileSize += ((FileInfo)item.FileSystemInfo).Length;
                        maxitlength = Math.Max(item.Name.Length, maxitlength);
                    maxitlength += 4;
                    var(id, left, top, right, bottom) = DotNetConsole.ActualWorkArea();
                    var nbcols = Math.Floor((double)(right - left + 1) / (double)maxitlength);

                    int nocol = 0;

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                            new EchoEvaluationContext(
                                context.Out, context,
                                new FileSystemPathFormattingOptions(
                                    ((!wide || recurse || nocol == nbcols - 1) ? Br : ""),
                                    (wide && !recurse) ? maxitlength : -1, "")));
                        if (nocol == nbcols)
                            nocol = 0;
                    if (!recurse && wide && nocol < nbcols && nocol > 0)

                sc.CancelKeyPress += cancelCmd;
                var task = Task.Run <int>(() => printResult(),
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    var res = task.Result;
                postCmd(null, null);
                return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((items, counts)));
            return(new CommandResult <(List <FileSystemPath>, FindCounts)>((r, new FindCounts()), ReturnCode.Error));