private static string GenerateToc(WikiToc toc)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            int headerIndex = 0;
            result.Append(@"<div id=""toc""><div id=""toc_title"">");
            result.Append(GenerateToc(toc.Nodes, ref headerIndex));
            result.Append(@"</div><br clear=""left"" />");

            return result.ToString();
        private static string ParseTitles(string text, string articleTitle, bool mustDisplayToc)
            // - Replace the Wiki titles with HTML ones of same level.
            // - Downgrade any <h1> titles to <h2> since there can only be one <h1> on the page and that is the article title.
            // - Find all the (now HTML) headers and apply the following transformations:
            //      Generates a unique ID for the header based on its level and location (e.g. 1.2.1).
            //      Generate the TOC using all the IDs and insert it before the first header.
            //      Insert an anchor using that ID.
            //      Insert the header (escape any HTML).
            //      Add a span link to edit with section = [sequential number of the header].
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            WikiToc toc = new WikiToc();

            // First replace all the wiki titles with HTML ones.
            text = ReplaceWikiTitles(text);

            // Demotes the <h1> headers down to <h2>.
            text = DowngradH1Titles(text);

            string htmlHeader = string.Format(HEADER_HTML, "[1-9]");
            Regex htmlRegex = new Regex(string.Format(HEADER_LINE, htmlHeader), RegexOptions.Multiline);

            string GUID = Tools.GetRandomGUID();
            int headerIndex = 0;
            while (text.Length > 0)
                string[]textParts = htmlRegex.Split(text, 2);

                if (textParts.Length == 1)
                else if (textParts.Length != 4)
                    throw new Exception("How is this possible?");

                // If we're just before the first header, insert a unique ID marking the future location of the TOC.
                if (headerIndex == 0)

                int headerLevel = Convert.ToInt32(textParts[1]);
                string headerTitle = textParts[2];
                text = textParts[3];

                // [KDE]: headerId used to carry the numeric prefix of the headers in the TOC hiearchy (e.g. "1.2.1").
                // [KDE]: It is now generated automatically by the CSS using the counters() CSS function.
                string headerId = toc.InsertHeader(headerLevel, headerTitle);

                // If the title of the article was provided, an "[Edit]" link is created to be displayed at the right of each title.
                string editLink = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(articleTitle))
                    editLink = string.Format(@"<span class=""title_link"">[{0}]</span>", Tools.GetLinkToEdit(articleTitle, "Edit", headerIndex));

                // Each title is embedded within two spans acting as link anchor targets.
                // The first span uses a simple sequential header index while the second is the text of the title itself.
                // Example of use:
                // "[[Article#3]]" => Used by the TOC and shouldn't be used by the users since the title order is subject to change upon edition.
                // "[[Article#My header]]" => To be used by the user. The text of each header is a little less dynamic than their order.
                result.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<h{0}><span id=""{1}""><span id=""{2}"">{3}</span></span>{4}</h{0}>",
                    headerLevel, headerIndex, headerTitle, Tools.TextToXml(headerTitle), editLink));

            // If a TOC must be displayed, replace the unique ID with the actual TOC. Erase the unique ID otherwise.
            if (mustDisplayToc && toc.HeaderCount >= NUMBER_OF_CHAPTERS_BEFORE_DISPLAYING_TOC)
                result = result.Replace(GUID, GenerateToc(toc) + Environment.NewLine);
                result = result.Replace(GUID, "");

            // Fix a bug where \r\n becomes \r\n\n after a title. This can probably be fixed in one of the regexes above.
            result = result.Replace("\r\n\n", "\r\n");

            return result.ToString();