private static string ParseTables(string text)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // aka Wikipedia out
            StringBuilder content = result;             // aka Wikipedia output
            List<WikiTable> tables = new List<WikiTable>();
            WikiTable currentTable = null;  // aka Wikipedia table
            WikiTable lastTable = null;     // aka Wikipedia curtable
            WikiRow currentRow = null;
            WikiCell currentCell = null;
            bool isInCell = false;
            bool isInCaption = false;

            Regex tableStart = new Regex(@"^(:*)\s*\{\|(.*)$");    // ":: {|" where : is the indent character
            string[] lines = text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            foreach (string line in lines)
                string trimmedLine = line.Trim();
                if (trimmedLine.Length == 0)
                    // Empty line, go to next line, but only append new line if outside of table.

                // Prefix - used to find out what we are dealing with.
                string prefix = trimmedLine[0].ToString();
                if (trimmedLine.Length > 1)
                    prefix += (trimmedLine[1] == '}' || trimmedLine[1] == '+' || trimmedLine[1] == '-') ? trimmedLine[1].ToString() : string.Empty;

                MatchCollection tableStartMatches = tableStart.Matches(trimmedLine);
                if (tableStartMatches.Count > 0)                // OPEN TABLE
                    currentTable = new WikiTable();
                    currentTable.Indent = tableStartMatches[0].Groups[1].Length;
                    foreach (WikiAttribute attribute in WikiAttributes.ParseAttributes(tableStartMatches[0].Groups[2].Value))
                    currentRow = new WikiRow();
                else if (tables == null || tables.Count == 0)   // OUTSIDE
                else if (prefix == "|}")                        // CLOSE TABLE
                    // Trim the |} code from the line
                    trimmedLine = trimmedLine.Remove(0, 2);

                    // A thead at the end becomes a tfoot, unless there is only one row.
                    // Do this before deleting empty last lines to allow headers at the bottom of tables.
                    WikiRow lastRow = currentTable.LastRow;
                    if (lastRow != null && lastRow.Type == WikiRowType.thead && currentTable.Rows[1] != null)
                        lastRow.Type = WikiRowType.tfoot;
                        for (int i = 0; i < lastRow.Cells.Count; ++i)
                            lastRow.Cells[i].Type =;

                    // Delete empty last lines
                    if (lastRow == null || lastRow.Cells.Count == 0)
                        lastRow = null;

                    string tableHtml = string.Empty;
                    int lastTableIndex = tables.Count - 1;
                    lastTable = tables[lastTableIndex];
                    tables.RemoveAt(lastTableIndex--);  // Note the index-- since we are removing one.

                    // Add a line-ending before the table, but only if there isn't one already.
                    if (result.Length > 2 && result.ToString(result.Length - 2, 2) != Environment.NewLine)
                        tableHtml += Environment.NewLine;
                    tableHtml += string.Concat(GenerateTableHtml(lastTable), trimmedLine, Environment.NewLine);

                    if (tables.Count > 0)
                        currentTable = tables[lastTableIndex];
                        currentRow = currentTable.LastRow;
                        currentCell = currentRow.LastCell;
                        content = new StringBuilder(currentCell.Content);
                        isInCell = true;
                        isInCaption = false;
                        isInCell = false;
                        isInCaption = false;
                        content = result;

                    if (isInCell)
                        currentCell.Content += tableHtml;
                else if (prefix == "|-")        // ROW
                    // Start a new row element but only when we haven't started one already.
                    if (currentRow != null && currentRow.Cells.Count != 0)
                        currentRow = new WikiRow();
                    // Get the attributes, there's nothing else useful in line now.
                    trimmedLine = trimmedLine.Substring(2);
                    foreach (WikiAttribute attribute in WikiAttributes.ParseAttributes(trimmedLine))
                else if (prefix == "|+")        // CAPTION
                    // A table caption, but only proceed if there isn't one already.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentTable.Caption))
                        trimmedLine = trimmedLine.Substring(2);
                        currentTable.Caption = trimmedLine;
                        content = new StringBuilder(currentTable.Caption);
                        isInCaption = true;
                        isInCell = false;
                else if (prefix == "|" || prefix == "!" || prefix == "!+")  // CELL
                    // Which kind of cells are we dealing with?
                    WikiCellType currentTag =;
                    trimmedLine = trimmedLine.Substring(1);

                    if (prefix == "!" || prefix == "!+")
                        trimmedLine = trimmedLine.Replace("!!", "||");
                        currentTag =;

                    // Split up multiple cells on the same line.
                    string[] cells = trimmedLine.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    trimmedLine = string.Empty;    // Save memory.

                    // Decide whether thead to tbody.
                    if (currentRow.Type != WikiRowType.undefined)
                        currentRow.Type = prefix == "!" ? WikiRowType.thead : WikiRowType.tbody;
                    else if (prefix == "|")
                        currentRow.Type = WikiRowType.tbody;

                    // Loop through each table cell.
                    foreach (string cell in cells)
                        // A new cell.
                        WikiAttributes attributes = new WikiAttributes();
                        currentCell = new WikiCell();
                        currentCell.Type = currentTag;
                        currentCell.Content = ParseTableCell(cell, ref attributes);
                        currentCell.Attributes = attributes;
                    content = new StringBuilder(currentCell.Content);
                    isInCell = true;
                    isInCaption = false;
                else    // NORMAL LINE INSIDE A TABLE
                    if (isInCell)
                        currentCell.Content += Environment.NewLine + line;
                    else if (isInCaption)
                        currentTable.Caption += Environment.NewLine + line;
                    content.Append(Environment.NewLine + line);


            // Remove trailing line-ending (b/c).
            if (result.ToString(result.Length - 2, 2) == Environment.NewLine)
                result = result.Remove(result.Length - 2, 2);

            // Close any unclosed tables
            if (tables != null && tables.Count > 0)
                int lastTableIndex = tables.Count - 1;
                string tableHtml;
                for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; ++i)
                    lastTable = tables[lastTableIndex];
                    tableHtml = GenerateTableHtml(lastTable);
                    // Add a line-ending before the table, but only if there isn't one already.
                    if (result.ToString(result.Length - 2, 2) != Environment.NewLine && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableHtml))

            return result.ToString();
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the content of a table cell (or header cell) along with its attributes.
 /// The format with attributes is "| <i>attributes</i> | <i>name</i>".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The content of the cell.</param>        
 /// <param name="attributes">A collection of attributes that will get parsed in this method.</param>
 /// <returns>The trimmed content of the cell without any wiki markup or attributes.</returns>
 private static string ParseTableCell(string text, ref WikiAttributes attributes)
     text = text.Trim();
     string content = string.Empty;
     string[] cellParts = text.Split(new string[] { "|" }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
     if (cellParts[0].Contains("[["))
         content = text;
     else if (cellParts.Length == 1)
         content = cellParts[0].Trim();
         attributes = WikiAttributes.ParseAttributes(cellParts[0]);
         content = cellParts[1].Trim();
     return content;