Exemple #1
        public void MissingPadCharDefaultsToSpace()
            var ws = new WidthSpecification(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("<");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification(">");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("^");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("<5");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification(">5");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("^5");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("5");
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);
Exemple #2
        void PadCharFollowedByAlignmentInterpretedCorrectly(int?width)
            WidthSpecification ws;

            foreach (var padChar in AssortedChars)
                foreach (var alignmentChar in OnlyAlignmentChars)
                    var s = padChar.ToString() + alignmentChar.ToString();
                    if (width != null)
                        s += width.ToString();

                    ws = new WidthSpecification(s);
                    Assert.AreEqual(ws.PadChar, padChar);
                    Assert.AreEqual(alignmentChar, (char)ws.Alignment);
                    if (width == null)
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
                        Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, ws.MaxWidth);
                        Assert.AreEqual(width.Value, ws.MinWidth);
                        Assert.AreEqual(width.Value, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #3
        public void MissingMinAndMaxDefaultsCorrectly()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            ws = new WidthSpecification(".");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #4
        public void PadCharFollowedByWidthInterpretedCorrectly()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            foreach (var padChar in OnlyPadChars)
                var s = padChar.ToString() + "20";
                ws = new WidthSpecification(s);
                Assert.AreEqual(ws.PadChar, padChar);
                Assert.AreEqual(Alignment.Left, ws.Alignment);
                Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MinWidth);
                Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #5
        public void WhitespaceIsNotSignificant()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            ws = new WidthSpecification("  .0  ");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("  .9 ");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("  .20  ");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #6
        public void NumberOnlyInterpretedAsBothMinAndMax()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            ws = new WidthSpecification("0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("9");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("20");
            Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #7
        public void NullAndEmptyStringAreEquivalentWidthSpecifications()
            var a = new WidthSpecification();
            var b = new WidthSpecification("");
            var c = new WidthSpecification(" ");
            var d = new WidthSpecification("  ");

            Assert.AreEqual(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(b, c);
            Assert.AreEqual(c, d);

            // This essentially constrains the defaults.
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', a.PadChar);
            Assert.AreEqual(Alignment.Left, a.Alignment);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, a.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, a.MaxWidth);
Exemple #8
        public void MissingMinDefaultsCorrectly()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            // This is ambiguous.
            // New rule: to specify a pad char of '.'
            // you must have an alignment.
            ws = new WidthSpecification("=.0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("=.9");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification("=.20");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #9
        public void LeadingDotIsInterpretedAsMinMaxDivider()
            WidthSpecification ws;

            // This is ambiguous.
            // New rule: to specify a pad char of '.'
            // you must have an alignment.
            ws = new WidthSpecification(".0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification(".9");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, ws.MaxWidth);

            ws = new WidthSpecification(".20");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, ws.MaxWidth);
Exemple #10
        public void SingleCharacterInterpretedCorrectly()
            // If the single char is an alignment character, check
            // that it is detected properly.
            WidthSpecification ws;

            foreach (var alignment in ValidAlignments)
                var c = (char)alignment;
                ws = new WidthSpecification(c.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);
                Assert.AreEqual(alignment, ws.Alignment);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
                Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, ws.MaxWidth);

            // If the single char is a digit it is taken to be a width.
            for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
                var c = i.ToString();
                ws = new WidthSpecification(c);
                Assert.AreEqual(' ', ws.PadChar);
                Assert.AreEqual(Alignment.Left, ws.Alignment);
                Assert.AreEqual(i, ws.MinWidth);
                Assert.AreEqual(i, ws.MaxWidth);

            // Case of single char being a space is handled in the
            // test NullAndEmptyStringAreEquivalentWidthSpecifications().

            // Some representative pad chars.
            foreach (var c in OnlyPadChars)
                ws = new WidthSpecification(c.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(c, ws.PadChar);
                Assert.AreEqual(Alignment.Left, ws.Alignment);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, ws.MinWidth);
                Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, ws.MaxWidth);