public void Draw(Rect inrect, GeneralInformation?currentInformation) { if (currentInformation == null) { return; } inrect = inrect.ContractedBy(4); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; x = 0; var viewrect = inrect; viewrect.x += 10; viewrect.width -= 28; viewrect.height = y; var row = viewrect; row.height = 40; row.width = Mathf.Max(x, viewrect.width); Widgets.BeginScrollView(inrect, ref scroll, viewrect); foreach (var patch in currentInformation?.patches) { var meth = $"{patch.typeName} : {patch.methodName}"; row.width = meth.GetWidthCached(); if (row.width > x) { x = row.width; } Widgets.Label(row, meth); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (Mouse.IsOver(row)) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, $"{Strings.panel_mod_name}: {patch.modName}\n{Strings.panel_patch_type}: {patch.patchType}"); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && row.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) // mouse button right { var options = new List <FloatMenuOption>() { new FloatMenuOption(Strings.panel_opengithub, () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenGithub($"{patch.typeName}.{patch.methodName}")), new FloatMenuOption(Strings.panel_opendnspy, () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenDnspy(patch.method)) }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } row.y = row.yMax; y = row.yMax; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect( - 60, 0, 250, 20), Translator.Translate("FactionCreatorTitle")); WidgetRow row = new WidgetRow(330, 25); if (row.ButtonText(Translator.Translate("RandomizeFaction"))) { newFaction = GenerateFaction(); } if (row.ButtonText(Translator.Translate("RandomizeName"))) { GenerateName(newFaction); } if (row.ButtonText(Translator.Translate("ClearFaction"))) { newFaction = null; selectedFaction = null; } int factionDefSize = avaliableFactions.Count * 25; Rect scrollRectFact = new Rect(0, 25, 320, inRect.height - 100); Rect scrollVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectFact.x, factionDefSize); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectFact, ref scrollPositionFact, scrollVertRectFact); int yButtonPos = 5; if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 320, 20), Translator.Translate("NoText"))) { selectedFaction = null; } yButtonPos += 25; foreach (FactionDef def in avaliableFactions) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 320, 20), def.label)) { selectedFaction = def; if (newFaction == null) { newFaction = GenerateFaction(); } } yButtonPos += 22; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Rect scrollRectGlobalFact = new Rect(330, 50, 380, inRect.height - 20); Rect scrollVertRectGlobalFact = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectGlobalFact.x, 600); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectGlobalFact, ref scrollFieldsPos, scrollVertRectGlobalFact); if (newFaction != null) { Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 5, 330, 30), $"{Translator.Translate("FactionDefName")} {selectedFaction.label}"); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 35, 150, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionName")); newFaction.Name = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(160, 35, 180, 30), newFaction.Name); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 73, 150, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionDefeated")); if (newFaction.defeated) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(160, 73, 180, 30), Translator.Translate("isDefeatedYES"))) { newFaction.defeated = false; } } else { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(160, 73, 180, 30), Translator.Translate("isDefeatedNO"))) { newFaction.defeated = true; } } Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 105, 180, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionRelative")); int y = 15; int boxY = 5; Rect scrollRectRel = new Rect(0, 130, 370, 160); Rect scrollVertRectRel = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectRel.x, newFactionRelation.Count * 140); Widgets.DrawBox(new Rect(0, 130, 350, 160)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectRel, ref scrollRel, scrollVertRectRel); for (int i = 0; i < newFactionRelation.Count; i++) { FactionRelation rel = newFactionRelation[i]; Widgets.DrawBox(new Rect(2, boxY, 340, 130)); Widgets.Label(new Rect(5, y, 315, 30), $"{Translator.Translate("FactionInfoName")} {rel.other.Name}"); y += 35; Widgets.Label(new Rect(5, y, 140, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionGoodness")); Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(new Rect(150, y, 130, 30), ref rel.goodwill, ref newFactionGoodwillBuff[i], -10000000000f); y += 35; switch (rel.kind) { case FactionRelationKind.Ally: { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(5, y, 180, 30), rel.kind.GetLabel())) { rel.kind = FactionRelationKind.Neutral; } break; } case FactionRelationKind.Neutral: { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(5, y, 180, 30), rel.kind.GetLabel())) { rel.kind = FactionRelationKind.Hostile; } break; } case FactionRelationKind.Hostile: { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(5, y, 180, 30), rel.kind.GetLabel())) { rel.kind = FactionRelationKind.Ally; } break; } } boxY += 140; y = boxY + 10; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 315, 180, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionIcon")); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(new Rect(195, 315, 160, 30), selectedFaction.FactionIcon, 1.0f); //float.TryParse(Widgets.TextField(new Rect(195, 315, 160, 30), newFaction.centralMelanin.ToString()), out newFaction.centralMelanin); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 360, 160, 30), Translator.Translate("ColorSpectrum")); Widgets.FloatRange(new Rect(195, 360, 130, 30), 42, ref color, 0, 1); if (newFaction.def.colorSpectrum != null) { Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(new Rect(165, 360, 20, 20), ColorsFromSpectrum.Get(newFaction.def.colorSpectrum, color.max)); } Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 400, 120, 30), Translator.Translate("FactionLeaderName")); leaderName = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(135, 400, 220, 30), leaderName); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, inRect.height - 30, 320, 20), Translator.Translate("CreateNewFaction"))) { CreateFaction(); } }
private void DrawChat(Rect inRect) { Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width, inRect.height - 30f); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width - 16f, messagesHeight + 10f); float width = viewRect.width; Rect textField = new Rect(20f, outRect.yMax + 5f, width - 70f, 25f); GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); GUI.SetNextControlName("chat_input"); currentMsg = Widgets.TextField(textField, currentMsg); currentMsg = currentMsg.Substring(0, Math.Min(currentMsg.Length, ServerPlayingState.MaxChatMsgLength)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref chatScroll, viewRect); float yPos = 0; GUI.color = Color.white; int i = 0; foreach (ChatMsg msg in Multiplayer.session.messages) { float height = Text.CalcHeight(msg.Msg, width - 20f); float textWidth = Text.CalcSize(msg.Msg).x + 15; Rect msgRect = new Rect(20f, yPos, width - 20f, height); if (Mouse.IsOver(msgRect)) { GUI.DrawTexture(msgRect, SelectedMsg); if (msg.TimeStamp != null) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(msgRect, msg.TimeStamp.ToLongTimeString()); } } Color cursorColor =; = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); msgRect.width = Math.Min(textWidth, msgRect.width); bool mouseOver = Mouse.IsOver(msgRect); if (mouseOver && msg.Clickable) { GUI.color = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 1); } GUI.SetNextControlName("chat_msg_" + i++); Widgets.TextArea(msgRect, msg.Msg, true); if (mouseOver && msg.Clickable) { GUI.color = Color.white; if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { msg.Click(); } } = cursorColor; yPos += height; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.layout) { messagesHeight = yPos; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(textField.xMax + 5f, textField.y, 55f, textField.height), "MpSend".Translate())) { SendMsg(); } GUI.EndGroup(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && !GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl().NullOrEmpty()) { UI.UnfocusCurrentControl(); } if (!hasBeenFocused) { chatScroll.y = messagesHeight; GUI.FocusControl("chat_input"); TextEditor editor = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(TextEditor), GUIUtility.keyboardControl); editor.OnFocus(); editor.MoveTextEnd(); hasBeenFocused = true; } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { var contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.width, inRect.height - (CloseButSize.y + 10f)).ContractedBy(10f); bool scrollBarVisible = totalContentHeight > contentRect.height; var scrollViewTotal = new Rect(0f, 0f, contentRect.width - (scrollBarVisible ? ScrollBarWidthMargin : 0), totalContentHeight); Widgets.DrawHighlight(contentRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(contentRect, ref scrollPosition, scrollViewTotal); float curY = 0f; Rect r = new Rect(0, curY, scrollViewTotal.width, LabelHeight); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(r, "LWMDSperDSUturnOn".Translate(), ref Settings.allowPerDSUSettings);//TODO TooltipHandler.TipRegion(r, "LWMDSperDSUturnOnDesc".Translate()); curY += LabelHeight + 1f; if (!Settings.allowPerDSUSettings) { r = new Rect(5f, curY, scrollViewTotal.width - 10f, LabelHeight); Widgets.Label(r, "LWMDSperDSUWarning".Translate()); curY += LabelHeight; } Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, curY, scrollViewTotal.width); curY += 10f; // todo: make this static? //List<ThingDef> l=DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Where(ThingDef d => d.Has // Roll my own buttons, because dammit, I want left-justified buttons: // (mirroring Widgets.ButtonTextWorker) GenUI.SetLabelAlign(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); var bg = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Widgets/ButtonBG", true); var bgmouseover = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Widgets/ButtonBGMouseover", true); var bgclick = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Widgets/ButtonBGClick", true); // note: make own list b/c this can modify what's in the DefDatabase. foreach (ThingDef u in Settings.AllDeepStorageUnits.ToList()) { //////////////// Disble button: ////////////////// // disabled if it's already been disabled previously // or if it's slated to be disabled on window close bool isEnabled = !tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(u.defName, "def") && (this.unitsToBeDisabled == null || !unitsToBeDisabled.Contains(u)); bool wasEnabled = isEnabled; Rect disableRect = new Rect(5f, curY, LabelHeight, LabelHeight); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(disableRect, "TODO: Add description. But basically, you can disable some units and they won't show up in game.\n\nVERY likely to cause unimportant errors in saved games."); Widgets.Checkbox(disableRect.x, disableRect.y, ref isEnabled, LabelHeight, false, true, null, null); if (!isEnabled && wasEnabled) // newly disabled { Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Marking unit for disabling: " + u.defName); if (unitsToBeDisabled == null) { unitsToBeDisabled = new HashSet <ThingDef>(); } unitsToBeDisabled.Add(u); // hash sets don't care if it's already there! } if (isEnabled && !wasEnabled) // add back: { Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Restoring disabled unit: " + u.defName); if (unitsToBeDisabled != null && unitsToBeDisabled.Contains(u)) { unitsToBeDisabled.Remove(u); } if (tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(u.defName, "def")) { tracker.Remove(u.defName, "def"); } if (!DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Contains(u)) { ReturnDefToUse(u); } } //////////////// Select def: ////////////////// r = new Rect(10f + LabelHeight, curY, (scrollViewTotal.width) * 2 / 3 - 12f - LabelHeight, LabelHeight); // Draw button-ish background: Texture2D atlas = bg; if (Mouse.IsOver(r)) { atlas = bgmouseover; if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { atlas = bgclick; } } Widgets.DrawAtlas(r, atlas); // button text: Widgets.Label(r, u.label + " (defName: " + u.defName + ")"); // button clickiness: if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(r)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DSU_Settings(u)); } //////////////// Reset button: ////////////////// r = new Rect((scrollViewTotal.width) * 2 / 3 + 2f, curY, (scrollViewTotal.width) / 3 - 7f, LabelHeight); if (tracker.IsChanged(u.defName) && Widgets.ButtonText(r, "ResetBinding".Translate())) { ResetDSUToDefaults(u.defName); } curY += LabelHeight + 2f; } GenUI.ResetLabelAlign(); // end buttons Widgets.EndScrollView(); // close button: r = new Rect(inRect.width / 2 - (CloseButSize.x / 2), inRect.height - CloseButSize.y - 5f, CloseButSize.x, CloseButSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(r, "CloseButton".Translate())) { if (unitsToBeDisabled != null && unitsToBeDisabled.Count > 0) { //TODO: add out-of-order flag. foreach (ThingDef d in unitsToBeDisabled) { Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Closing Window: Removing def: " + d.defName); RemoveDefFromUse(d); tracker.AddDefaultValue(d.defName, "def", d); } unitsToBeDisabled = null; } Close(); } r = new Rect(10f, inRect.height - CloseButSize.y - 5f, 2 * CloseButSize.x, CloseButSize.y); if (tracker.HasAnyDefaultValues && Widgets.ButtonText(r, "LWM.ResetAllToDefault".Translate())) { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Resetting all per-building storage settings to default:"); ResetAllToDefaults(); } totalContentHeight = curY; }
private void DrawSteam(Rect inRect) { string info = null; if (!SteamManager.Initialized) { info = "MpNotConnectedToSteam".Translate(); } else if (friends.Count == 0) { info = "MpNoFriendsPlaying".Translate(); } if (info != null) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 8, inRect.width, 40f), info); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; inRect.yMin += 40f; } float margin = 80; Rect outRect = new Rect(margin, inRect.yMin + 10, inRect.width - 2 * margin, inRect.height - 20); float height = friends.Count * 40; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, outRect.width - 16f, height); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref steamScroll, viewRect, true); float y = 0; int i = 0; foreach (SteamPersona friend in friends) { Rect entryRect = new Rect(0, y, viewRect.width, 40); if (i % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(entryRect); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint) { GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(5, entryRect.y + 4, 32, 32), SteamImages.GetTexture(friend.avatar), new Rect(0, 1, 1, -1)); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(entryRect.Right(45).Up(5), friend.username); GUI.color = SteamGreen; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(entryRect.Right(45).Down(8), "MpPlayingRimWorld".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; if (friend.serverHost != CSteamID.Nil) { Rect playButton = new Rect(entryRect.xMax - 85, entryRect.y + 5, 80, 40 - 10); if (Widgets.ButtonText(playButton, "MpJoinButton".Translate())) { Close(false); Log.Message("Connecting through Steam"); Find.WindowStack.Add(new SteamConnectingWindow(friend.serverHost) { returnToServerBrowser = true }); var conn = new SteamClientConn(friend.serverHost); conn.username = Multiplayer.username; Multiplayer.session = new MultiplayerSession(); Multiplayer.session.client = conn; Multiplayer.session.ReapplyPrefs(); conn.State = ConnectionStateEnum.ClientSteam; } } else { Rect playButton = new Rect(entryRect.xMax - 125, entryRect.y + 5, 120, 40 - 10); Widgets.ButtonText(playButton, "MpNotInMultiplayer".Translate(), false, false, false); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; y += entryRect.height; i++; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
private void DrawLeftRect(Rect leftOutRect) { Rect position = leftOutRect; GUI.BeginGroup(position); if (this.selectedProject != null) { Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, 500f); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, outRect.width - 16f, this.leftScrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.leftScrollPosition, viewRect, true); float num = 0f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; GenUI.SetLabelAlign(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); Rect rect = new Rect(0f, num, viewRect.width, 50f); Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect, this.selectedProject.LabelCap, true, false); GenUI.ResetLabelAlign(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; num += rect.height; Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, num, viewRect.width, 0f); Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect2, this.selectedProject.description, true, false); num += rect2.height + 10f; string text = string.Concat(new string[] { "ProjectTechLevel".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(), ": ", this.selectedProject.techLevel.ToStringHuman().CapitalizeFirst(), "\n", "YourTechLevel".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(), ": ", Faction.OfPlayer.def.techLevel.ToStringHuman().CapitalizeFirst() }); float num2 = this.selectedProject.CostFactor(Faction.OfPlayer.def.techLevel); if (num2 != 1f) { string text2 = text; text = string.Concat(new string[] { text2, "\n\n", "ResearchCostMultiplier".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(), ": ", num2.ToStringPercent(), "\n", "ResearchCostComparison".Translate(new object[] { this.selectedProject.baseCost.ToString("F0"), this.selectedProject.CostApparent.ToString("F0") }) }); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, num, viewRect.width, 0f); Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect3, text, true, false); num = rect3.yMax + 10f; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num, viewRect.width, 500f); float num3 = this.DrawResearchPrereqs(this.selectedProject, rect4); if (num3 > 0f) { num += num3 + 15f; } Rect rect5 = new Rect(0f, num, viewRect.width, 500f); num += this.DrawResearchBenchRequirements(this.selectedProject, rect5); num += 3f; this.leftScrollViewHeight = num; Widgets.EndScrollView(); bool flag = Prefs.DevMode && this.selectedProject != Find.ResearchManager.currentProj && !this.selectedProject.IsFinished; Rect rect6 = new Rect(0f, 0f, 90f, 50f); if (flag) { rect6.x = (outRect.width - (rect6.width * 2f + 20f)) / 2f; } else { rect6.x = (outRect.width - rect6.width) / 2f; } rect6.y = outRect.y + outRect.height + 20f; if (this.selectedProject.IsFinished) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect6); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect6, "Finished".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else if (this.selectedProject == Find.ResearchManager.currentProj) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect6); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect6, "InProgress".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else if (!this.selectedProject.CanStartNow) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect6); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect6, "Locked".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect6, "Research".Translate(), true, false, true)) { SoundDefOf.ResearchStart.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.ResearchManager.currentProj = this.selectedProject; TutorSystem.Notify_Event("StartResearchProject"); } if (flag) { Rect rect7 = rect6; rect7.x += rect7.width + 20f; if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect7, "Debug Insta-finish", true, false, true)) { Find.ResearchManager.currentProj = this.selectedProject; Find.ResearchManager.FinishProject(this.selectedProject, false, null); } } Rect rect8 = new Rect(15f, rect6.y + rect6.height + 20f, position.width - 30f, 35f); Widgets.FillableBar(rect8, this.selectedProject.ProgressPercent, MainTabWindow_Research.ResearchBarFillTex, MainTabWindow_Research.ResearchBarBGTex, true); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect8, this.selectedProject.ProgressApparent.ToString("F0") + " / " + this.selectedProject.CostApparent.ToString("F0")); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 290, 20), Translator.Translate("PreciousLumpMenuTitle")); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 40, 80, 20), Translator.Translate("ResourceType")); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(90, 40, 200, 20), resource.label)) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (var thing in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { if (thing.mineable) { list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(thing.defName, delegate { resource = thing; })); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 70, 290, 20), Translator.Translate("DurationTimeDaysLump")); time = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(0, 95, 280, 20), time); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 125, 80, 20), Translator.Translate("ThreatType")); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(90, 125, 200, 20), part.defName)) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (var p in DefDatabase <SitePartDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(p.defName, delegate { part = p; })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } int factionDefSize = Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsListForReading.Count * 25; Rect scrollRectFact3 = new Rect(310, 40, 280, 200); Rect scrollVertRectFact3 = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectFact3.x, factionDefSize); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectFact3, ref scroll2, scrollVertRectFact3); int x = 0; foreach (var spawnedFaction in Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsListForReading) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, x, 290, 20), spawnedFaction.Name)) { selectedFaction = spawnedFaction; } x += 22; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 155, 100, 40), Translator.Translate("ThreatPoint")); Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(new Rect(110, 155, 170, 20), ref threatsFloat, ref threats, 0, 2000000); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 210, 290, 20), $"Selected tile ID: {Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile}"); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 240, 620, 20), Translator.Translate("AddNewItemStash"))) { AddLump(); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(120f, 40f); float y = vector.y; float num = 600f; float num2 = (inRect.width - num) / 2f; Rect position = new Rect(num2 + inRect.x, inRect.y, num, inRect.height - (y + 10f)).ContractedBy(10f); Rect position2 = new Rect(position.x, position.y + position.height + 10f, position.width, y); GUI.BeginGroup(position); Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, 40f); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; GenUI.SetLabelAlign(TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); Widgets.Label(rect, "KeyboardConfig".Translate()); GenUI.ResetLabelAlign(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, rect.height, position.width, position.height - rect.height); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, outRect.width - 16f, this.contentHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.scrollPosition, rect2, true); float num3 = 0f; KeyBindingCategoryDef keyBindingCategoryDef = null; Dialog_KeyBindings.keyBindingsWorkingList.Clear(); Dialog_KeyBindings.keyBindingsWorkingList.AddRange(DefDatabase <KeyBindingDef> .AllDefs); Dialog_KeyBindings.keyBindingsWorkingList.SortBy((KeyBindingDef x) => x.category.index, (KeyBindingDef x) => x.index); for (int i = 0; i < Dialog_KeyBindings.keyBindingsWorkingList.Count; i++) { KeyBindingDef keyBindingDef = Dialog_KeyBindings.keyBindingsWorkingList[i]; if (keyBindingCategoryDef != keyBindingDef.category) { bool skipDrawing = num3 - this.scrollPosition.y + 40f < 0f || num3 - this.scrollPosition.y > outRect.height; keyBindingCategoryDef = keyBindingDef.category; this.DrawCategoryEntry(keyBindingCategoryDef, rect2.width, ref num3, skipDrawing); } bool skipDrawing2 = num3 - this.scrollPosition.y + 34f < 0f || num3 - this.scrollPosition.y > outRect.height; this.DrawKeyEntry(keyBindingDef, rect2, ref num3, skipDrawing2); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(position2); int num4 = 3; float num5 = vector.x * (float)num4 + 10f * (float)(num4 - 1); float num6 = (position2.width - num5) / 2f; float num7 = vector.x + 10f; Rect rect3 = new Rect(num6, 0f, vector.x, vector.y); Rect rect4 = new Rect(num6 + num7, 0f, vector.x, vector.y); Rect rect5 = new Rect(num6 + num7 * 2f, 0f, vector.x, vector.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "ResetButton".Translate(), true, false, true)) { this.keyPrefsData.ResetToDefaults(); this.keyPrefsData.ErrorCheck(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Event.current.Use(); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect4, "CancelButton".Translate(), true, false, true)) { this.Close(true); Event.current.Use(); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect5, "OK".Translate(), true, false, true)) { KeyPrefs.KeyPrefsData = this.keyPrefsData; KeyPrefs.Save(); this.Close(true); this.keyPrefsData.ErrorCheck(); Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 290, 20), Translator.Translate("DownedRefugeeMenuTitle")); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 40, 400, 20), Translator.Translate("ThreatTypes")); int size2 = DefDatabase <SitePartDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Count * 25; Rect scrollRectFact = new Rect(0, 65, 485, 200); Rect scrollVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectFact.x, size2); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectFact, ref scroll, scrollVertRectFact); int x = 0; foreach (var sitePart in DefDatabase <SitePartDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { if (Widgets.RadioButtonLabeled(new Rect(0, x, 480, 20), sitePart.defName, parts.Contains(sitePart))) { if (parts.Contains(sitePart)) { parts.Remove(sitePart); } else { parts.Add(sitePart); } } x += 22; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 240, 490, 20), Translator.Translate("OpenPawnMenu"))) { DrawPawnMenu(); } Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 270, 490, 20), $"Pawns: {pawnList.Count}"); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 300, 490, 20), Translator.Translate("DurationTimeDaysLump")); time = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(0, 300, 480, 20), time); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 330, 100, 40), Translator.Translate("ThreatPoint")); Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(new Rect(110, 330, 370, 20), ref threatsFloat, ref threats, 0, 2000000); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 365, 290, 20), Translator.Translate("FactionForSort")); int factionDefSize = Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsListForReading.Count * 25; Rect scrollRectFact3 = new Rect(0, 390, 490, 110); Rect scrollVertRectFact3 = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRectFact3.x, factionDefSize); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRectFact3, ref scroll2, scrollVertRectFact3); x = 0; foreach (var spawnedFaction in Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsListForReading) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, x, 485, 20), spawnedFaction.Name)) { selectedFaction = spawnedFaction; } x += 22; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 510, 290, 20), $"Selected tile ID: {Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile}"); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 550, 490, 20), Translator.Translate("AddNewDownedRefugee"))) { AddNewDownedRefugee(); } }
public void DrawOverview(Rect rect) { if (Jobs.NullOrEmpty()) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.Label(rect, "FM.NoJobs".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.white; } else { Rect viewRect = rect; Rect contentRect = viewRect.AtZero(); contentRect.height = OverviewHeight; if (OverviewHeight > viewRect.height) { contentRect.width -= ScrollbarWidth; } GUI.BeginGroup(viewRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(viewRect, ref _overviewScrollPosition, contentRect); Vector2 cur =; for (var i = 0; i < Jobs.Count; i++) { var row = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, contentRect.width, 50f); // highlights if (i % 2 == 1) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(row); } if (Jobs[i] == Selected) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(row); } // go to job icon var iconRect = new Rect(Margin, row.yMin + (LargeListEntryHeight - LargeIconSize) / 2, LargeIconSize, LargeIconSize); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(iconRect, Jobs[i].Tab.Icon)) { MainTabWindow_Manager.GoTo(Jobs[i].Tab, Jobs[i]); } // order buttons DrawOrderButtons(new Rect(row.xMax - 50f, row.yMin, 50f, 50f), Manager.For(manager), Jobs[i]); // job specific overview. Rect jobRect = row; jobRect.width -= LargeListEntryHeight + LargeIconSize + 2 * Margin; // - (a + b)? jobRect.x += LargeIconSize + 2 * Margin; Jobs[i].DrawListEntry(jobRect, true, true); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(jobRect)) { Selected = Jobs[i]; } cur.y += 50f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); OverviewHeight = cur.y; } }
public void DrawPawnOverview(Rect rect) { // table body viewport var tableOutRect = new Rect(0f, ListEntryHeight, rect.width, rect.height - ListEntryHeight).RoundToInt(); var tableViewRect = new Rect(0f, ListEntryHeight, rect.width, Workers.Count * ListEntryHeight).RoundToInt(); if (tableViewRect.height > tableOutRect.height) { tableViewRect.width -= ScrollbarWidth; } // column width float colWidth = tableViewRect.width / 4 - Margin; // column headers var nameColumnHeaderRect = new Rect(colWidth * 0, 0f, colWidth, ListEntryHeight).RoundToInt(); var activityColumnHeaderRect = new Rect(colWidth * 1, 0f, colWidth * 2.5f, ListEntryHeight).RoundToInt(); var priorityColumnHeaderRect = new Rect(colWidth * 3.5f, 0f, colWidth * .5f, ListEntryHeight).RoundToInt(); // label for priority column string workLabel = Find.PlaySettings.useWorkPriorities ? "FM.Priority".Translate() : "FM.Enabled".Translate(); // begin drawing GUI.BeginGroup(rect); // draw labels Widgets_Labels.Label(nameColumnHeaderRect, WorkTypeDef.pawnLabel + "FM.PluralSuffix".Translate(), TextAnchor.LowerCenter); Widgets_Labels.Label(activityColumnHeaderRect, "FM.Activity".Translate(), TextAnchor.LowerCenter); Widgets_Labels.Label(priorityColumnHeaderRect, workLabel, TextAnchor.LowerCenter); // begin scrolling area Widgets.BeginScrollView(tableOutRect, ref _workersScrollPosition, tableViewRect); GUI.BeginGroup(tableViewRect); // draw pawn rows Vector2 cur =; for (var i = 0; i < Workers.Count; i++) { var row = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, tableViewRect.width, ListEntryHeight); if (i % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(row); } try { DrawPawnOverviewRow(Workers[i], row); } catch // pawn death, etc. { // rehresh the list and skip drawing untill the next GUI tick. RefreshWorkers(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); return; } cur.y += ListEntryHeight; } // end scrolling area GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); // done! GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { if (TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons == null) { TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } GUI.contentColor =; Widgets.Label(new Rect(inRect), "TabSorting.ChooseTabIcon".Translate()); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(inRect.x, inRect.y + 25f, inRect.width); if (TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons.ContainsKey(currentTabDef) && Widgets.ButtonText( new Rect(inRect.position + new Vector2(inRect.width - TabSortingMod.buttonSize.x, 0), TabSortingMod.buttonSize), "TabSorting.Reset".Translate())) { TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons.Remove(currentTabDef); Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this, false); return; } var viewRect = inRect; viewRect.y += 40f; var contentRect = viewRect; contentRect.width -= 20; contentRect.x = 0; contentRect.y = 0f; contentRect.height = TabSorting.iconsCache.Count / ItemsPerRow * 50f; Widgets.BeginScrollView(viewRect, ref scrollPosition, contentRect); var spacer = contentRect.width / (ItemsPerRow + 1); var i = 0; var y = -50f; var x = 0f; foreach (var textureName in TabSorting.iconsCache.Keys.OrderBy(s => s)) { if (i % (ItemsPerRow + 1) == 0) { y += 50f; x = 0; } else { x += spacer; } if (ListingExtension.TabIconSelectable(new Rect(new Vector2(x, y), TabSortingMod.tabIconSize * 2), textureName, null, textureName == TabSorting.GetCustomTabIcon(currentTabDef))) { if (currentTabDef == textureName) { TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons.Remove(textureName); } else { TabSortingMod.instance.Settings.ManualTabIcons[currentTabDef] = textureName; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); TabSortingMod.selectedDef = currentTabDef; Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this, false); return; } i++; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public void DrawFilters(Rect canvas) { GUI.BeginGroup(canvas); var listing = new Listing_Standard(); var viewPort = new Rect(canvas.x, canvas.y, canvas.width - 16f, _filters.Sum(f => f.Height)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(canvas, ref _scrollPos, viewPort); listing.Begin(viewPort); foreach (ThingItemFilterCategory category in _filters) { Rect lineRect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); if (!lineRect.IsVisible(viewPort, _scrollPos) && !category.Expanded) { continue; } Rect arrowIconRect = new Rect(lineRect.x, lineRect.y, lineRect.height, lineRect.height).ContractedBy(4f); Rect checkStateRect = new Rect(arrowIconRect.x + arrowIconRect.width, lineRect.y, lineRect.height, lineRect.height).ContractedBy(4f); var categoryTextRect = new Rect( checkStateRect.x + checkStateRect.width + 5f, lineRect.y, lineRect.width - 5f - arrowIconRect.width - checkStateRect.width, lineRect.height ); GUI.DrawTexture(arrowIconRect.ContractedBy(2f), category.Expanded ? Textures.ExpandedArrow : Textures.CollapsedArrow); MultiCheckboxState state = Widgets.CheckboxMulti(checkStateRect, category.CheckState, true); if (state != category.CheckState) { category.CheckState = state; foreach (ThingItemFilter filter in category.Filters) { switch (category.CheckState) { case MultiCheckboxState.Off: filter.Active = false; break; case MultiCheckboxState.On: filter.Active = true; break; } } } UiHelper.Label(categoryTextRect, $"TKUtils.FilterTypes.{category.FilterType}".TranslateSimple()); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(arrowIconRect)) { category.Expanded = !category.Expanded; } if (category.Expanded) { DrawFiltersFor(category, listing, viewPort); } } GUI.EndGroup(); listing.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="Window.DoWindowContents"/> public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { return; } GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; ProcessShortcutKeys(); Rect pawnRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width * 0.3333f, 152f + Text.LineHeight).Rounded(); var contentRect = new Rect(pawnRect.width + 10f, 0f, inRect.width - pawnRect.width - Margin, pawnRect.height); var queueRect = new Rect(0f, pawnRect.height + 50f, inRect.width, inRect.height - pawnRect.height - 50f); GUI.BeginGroup(pawnRect); DrawPawnSection(pawnRect); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(contentRect); DrawContent(contentRect.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(queueRect); var listing = new Listing_Standard(); var noticeRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, queueRect.width - Text.LineHeight - 5f, Text.LineHeight); var randomRect = new Rect(queueRect.width - Text.LineHeight, noticeRect.y, Text.LineHeight, Text.LineHeight); var nameQueueRect = new Rect(0f, noticeRect.height + 5f, queueRect.width, queueRect.height - Text.LineHeight - 5f); var queueInnerRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, nameQueueRect.width, nameQueueRect.height); var queueView = new Rect(0f, 0f, nameQueueRect.width - 16f, Text.LineHeight * _pawnComponent.viewerNameQueue.Count); if (queueView.height <= nameQueueRect.height) { queueView.height += 16; } if (_pawnComponent.ViewerNameQueue.Count <= 0) { Widgets.Label(noticeRect, _emptyQueueText); GUI.EndGroup(); return; } Widgets.Label(noticeRect, $"{_pawnComponent.ViewerNameQueue.Count:N0} {_countText}"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(randomRect, _randomTooltip); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(randomRect, _currentDiceSide)) { _username = _pawnComponent.ViewerNameQueue.RandomElement(); _userFromButton = true; _viewer = Viewers.GetViewer(_username); UpdateLastSeenText(); } GUI.BeginGroup(nameQueueRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(queueInnerRect, ref _scrollPos, queueView); listing.Begin(queueView); DrawNameQueue(listing); GUI.EndGroup(); listing.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard infoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { float height = rect.height; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; float y = height - portraitSizeLarge.y - 1f; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge2 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; float x = portraitSizeLarge2.x; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge3 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; Rect position = new Rect(390f, y, x, portraitSizeLarge3.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Vector2 portraitSizeTiny = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, portraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny2 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; float x2 = portraitSizeTiny2.x; float num = (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count(); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny3 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, x2, num * (portraitSizeTiny3.y + 10f)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny4 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; float x3 = portraitSizeTiny4.x; Vector2 portraitSizeTiny5 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, x3, portraitSizeTiny5.y); foreach (StorytellerDef item in from tel in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs orderby tel.listOrder select tel) { if (item.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, item.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = item; } if (chosenStoryteller == item) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, 300f, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect4 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, outRect.yMin + 160f, 290f, 0f); rect4.height = rect.height - rect4.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect4.x + 15f, rect4.y - 40f, 9999f, 40f); Widgets.Label(rect5, chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; infoListing.Begin(rect4); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 160f); infoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef allDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { if (!allDef.isExtreme || Prefs.ExtremeDifficultyUnlocked) { GUI.color = allDef.drawColor; string labelCap = allDef.LabelCap; bool active = difficulty == allDef; string description = allDef.description; if (infoListing.RadioButton(labelCap, active, 0f, description)) { difficulty = allDef; } infoListing.Gap(3f); } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { infoListing.Gap(25f); bool flag = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && Find.GameInitData.permadeath; bool flag2 = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && !Find.GameInitData.permadeath; string description = "ReloadAnytimeMode".Translate(); bool active = flag2; string labelCap = "ReloadAnytimeModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(description, active, 0f, labelCap)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = false; } infoListing.Gap(3f); labelCap = "CommitmentMode".TranslateWithBackup("PermadeathMode"); active = flag; description = "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(labelCap, active, 0f, description)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = true; } } infoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawLoadScreen(Rect canvas) { if (_isIndexing) { UiHelper.Label(canvas, _indexingLabel, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, GameFont.Medium); return; } var listing = new Listing_Standard(); var viewport = new Rect(0f, 0f, canvas.width - 16f, Text.SmallFontHeight * _files.Count); GUI.BeginGroup(canvas); listing.Begin(canvas); Widgets.BeginScrollView(canvas, ref _scrollPos, viewport); FileData <T> toDelete = null; foreach (FileData <T> file in _files) { Rect lineRect = listing.GetRect(Text.SmallFontHeight); if (!lineRect.IsVisible(canvas, _scrollPos)) { continue; } var nameRect = new Rect(lineRect.x, lineRect.y, lineRect.width - lineRect.height * 2f, lineRect.height); var loadRect = new Rect(nameRect.x + nameRect.width, nameRect.y, lineRect.height, lineRect.height); var deleteRect = new Rect(loadRect.x + loadRect.width, nameRect.y, loadRect.width, loadRect.height); UiHelper.Label(nameRect, file.Name); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(loadRect, TexCommand.Install)) { _selectedFile = file; _cancelled = false; Close(); } if (Widgets.ButtonImage(deleteRect, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { toDelete = file; } nameRect.TipRegion(file.Description); loadRect.TipRegion(_loadPartialTooltip); deleteRect.TipRegion(_deletePartialTooltip); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); if (toDelete == null) { return; } _files.Remove(toDelete); try { File.Delete(toDelete.Path); } catch (Exception e) { TkUtils.Logger.Error($"Couldn't remove the partial file @ {toDelete.Path}", e); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, InitialSize.x / 2f, 40f), "ChooseRewards".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; string text = "ChooseRewardsDesc".Translate(); float height = Text.CalcHeight(text, inRect.width); Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 40f, inRect.width, height); Widgets.Label(rect, text); IEnumerable <Faction> allFactionsVisibleInViewOrder = Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsVisibleInViewOrder; Rect outRect = new Rect(inRect); outRect.yMax -= CloseButSize.y; outRect.yMin += 44f + rect.height + 4f; float curY = 0f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, curY, outRect.width - 16f, viewRectHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scrollPosition, rect2); int index = 0; foreach (Faction item in allFactionsVisibleInViewOrder) { if (item.IsPlayer) { continue; } float curX = 0f; if (item.def.HasRoyalTitles) { DoFactionInfo(rect2, item, ref curX, ref curY, ref index); TaggedString label = "AcceptRoyalFavor".Translate(item.Named("FACTION")).CapitalizeFirst(); Rect rect3 = new Rect(curX, curY, label.GetWidthCached(), 45f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(rect3, label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect3)) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect3, "AcceptRoyalFavorDesc".Translate(item.Named("FACTION"))); Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect3); } Widgets.Checkbox(rect2.width - 150f, curY + 12f, ref item.allowRoyalFavorRewards); curY += 45f; } if (item.CanEverGiveGoodwillRewards) { curX = 0f; DoFactionInfo(rect2, item, ref curX, ref curY, ref index); TaggedString label2 = "AcceptGoodwill".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(); Rect rect4 = new Rect(curX, curY, label2.GetWidthCached(), 45f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(rect4, label2); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect4)) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect4, "AcceptGoodwillDesc".Translate(item.Named("FACTION"))); Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect4); } Widgets.Checkbox(rect2.width - 150f, curY + 12f, ref item.allowGoodwillRewards); Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect2.width - 100f, curY, 100f, 35f), (item.PlayerGoodwill.ToStringWithSign() + "\n" + item.PlayerRelationKind.GetLabel()).Colorize(item.PlayerRelationKind.GetColor())); curY += 45f; } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { viewRectHeight = curY; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
protected override void FillTab() { var storageBuilding = SelThing as Building_Storage; // don't attach this to other things, 'k? List <Thing> storedItems; //TODO: set fonts ize, etc. Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // 10f border: var frame = new Rect(10f, 10f, size.x - 10, size.y - 10); GUI.BeginGroup(frame); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; /******* Title *******/ var curY = 0f; Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, frame.width, labelKey.Translate() #if DEBUG + " (" + storageBuilding.ToString() + ")" // extra info for debugging #endif ); curY += 5f; /****************** Header: Show count of contents, mass, etc: ****************/ //TODO: handle each cell separately? string header, headerTooltip; var cds = storageBuilding.GetComp <CompDeepStorage>(); if (cds != null) { storedItems = cds.getContentsHeader(out header, out headerTooltip); } else { storedItems = CompDeepStorage.genericContentsHeader(storageBuilding, out header, out headerTooltip); } var tmpRect = new Rect(8f, curY, frame.width - 16, Text.CalcHeight(header, frame.width - 16)); Widgets.Label(tmpRect, header); // TODO: tooltip. Not that it's anything but null now curY += tmpRect.height; //todo? /************* ScrollView ************/ /************* (contents) ************/ storedItems = storedItems.OrderBy(x => x.def.defName).ThenByDescending(x => { QualityCategory c; x.TryGetQuality(out c); return((int)c); }).ThenByDescending(x => x.HitPoints / x.MaxHitPoints).ToList(); // outRect is the is the rectangle that is visible on the screen: var outRect = new Rect(0f, 10f + curY, frame.width, frame.height - curY); // viewRect is inside the ScrollView, so it starts at y=0f var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, frame.width - 16f, scrollViewHeight); //TODO: scrollbars are slightly too far to the right // 16f ensures plenty of room for scrollbars. // scrollViewHeight is set at the end of this call (via layout?); it is the proper // size the next time through, so it all works out. Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); curY = 0f; // now inside ScrollView if (storedItems.Count < 1) { Widgets.Label(viewRect, "NoItemsAreStoredHere".Translate()); curY += 22; } for (var i = 0; i < storedItems.Count; i++) { DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, storedItems[i]); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { scrollViewHeight = curY + 25f; //25f buffer -- ?? } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); //TODO: this should get stored at top and set here. GUI.color = Color.white; //TODO: this should get stored at top and set here. // it should get set to whatever draw-row uses at top Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
private void DrawRightRect(Rect rightOutRect) { rightOutRect.yMin += 32f; Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rightOutRect); List <TabRecord> list = new List <TabRecord>(); foreach (ResearchTabDef localTabDef2 in DefDatabase <ResearchTabDef> .AllDefs) { ResearchTabDef localTabDef = localTabDef2; list.Add(new TabRecord(localTabDef.LabelCap, delegate() { this.CurTab = localTabDef; }, this.CurTab == localTabDef)); } TabDrawer.DrawTabs(rightOutRect, list, 200f); if (Prefs.DevMode) { Rect rect = rightOutRect; rect.yMax = rect.yMin + 20f; rect.xMin = rect.xMax - 80f; Rect butRect = rect.RightPartPixels(30f); rect = rect.LeftPartPixels(rect.width - 30f); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(rect, "Edit", ref this.editMode, false, null, null, false); if (Widgets.ButtonImageFitted(butRect, TexButton.Copy)) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef in from def in DefDatabase <ResearchProjectDef> .AllDefsListForReading where def.Debug_IsPositionModified() select def) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(researchProjectDef.defName); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format(" <researchViewX>{0}</researchViewX>", researchProjectDef.ResearchViewX.ToString("F2"))); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format(" <researchViewY>{0}</researchViewY>", researchProjectDef.ResearchViewY.ToString("F2"))); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = stringBuilder.ToString(); Messages.Message("Modified data copied to clipboard.", MessageTypeDefOf.SituationResolved, false); } } else { this.editMode = false; } Rect outRect = rightOutRect.ContractedBy(10f); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, this.rightViewWidth, this.rightViewHeight); Rect position = rect2.ContractedBy(10f); rect2.width = this.rightViewWidth; position = rect2.ContractedBy(10f); Vector2 start = default(Vector2); Vector2 end = default(Vector2); Widgets.ScrollHorizontal(outRect, ref this.rightScrollPosition, rect2, 20f); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.rightScrollPosition, rect2, true); GUI.BeginGroup(position); List <ResearchProjectDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <ResearchProjectDef> .AllDefsListForReading; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allDefsListForReading.Count; j++) { ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef2 = allDefsListForReading[j]; if ( == this.CurTab) { start.x = this.PosX(researchProjectDef2); start.y = this.PosY(researchProjectDef2) + 25f; for (int k = 0; k < researchProjectDef2.prerequisites.CountAllowNull <ResearchProjectDef>(); k++) { ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef3 = researchProjectDef2.prerequisites[k]; if (researchProjectDef3 != null && == this.CurTab) { end.x = this.PosX(researchProjectDef3) + 140f; end.y = this.PosY(researchProjectDef3) + 25f; if (this.selectedProject == researchProjectDef2 || this.selectedProject == researchProjectDef3) { if (i == 1) { Widgets.DrawLine(start, end, TexUI.HighlightLineResearchColor, 4f); } } else if (i == 0) { Widgets.DrawLine(start, end, TexUI.DefaultLineResearchColor, 2f); } } } } } } for (int l = 0; l < allDefsListForReading.Count; l++) { ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef4 = allDefsListForReading[l]; if ( == this.CurTab) { Rect source = new Rect(this.PosX(researchProjectDef4), this.PosY(researchProjectDef4), 140f, 50f); string label = this.GetLabel(researchProjectDef4); Rect rect3 = new Rect(source); Color textColor = Widgets.NormalOptionColor; Color color = default(Color); Color borderColor = default(Color); bool flag = !researchProjectDef4.IsFinished && !researchProjectDef4.CanStartNow; if (researchProjectDef4 == Find.ResearchManager.currentProj) { color = TexUI.ActiveResearchColor; } else if (researchProjectDef4.IsFinished) { color = TexUI.FinishedResearchColor; } else if (flag) { color = TexUI.LockedResearchColor; } else if (researchProjectDef4.CanStartNow) { color = TexUI.AvailResearchColor; } if (this.selectedProject == researchProjectDef4) { color += TexUI.HighlightBgResearchColor; borderColor = TexUI.HighlightBorderResearchColor; } else { borderColor = TexUI.DefaultBorderResearchColor; } if (flag) { textColor = MainTabWindow_Research.ProjectWithMissingPrerequisiteLabelColor; } for (int m = 0; m < researchProjectDef4.prerequisites.CountAllowNull <ResearchProjectDef>(); m++) { ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef5 = researchProjectDef4.prerequisites[m]; if (researchProjectDef5 != null && this.selectedProject == researchProjectDef5) { borderColor = TexUI.HighlightLineResearchColor; } } if (this.requiredByThisFound) { for (int n = 0; n < researchProjectDef4.requiredByThis.CountAllowNull <ResearchProjectDef>(); n++) { ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef6 = researchProjectDef4.requiredByThis[n]; if (this.selectedProject == researchProjectDef6) { borderColor = TexUI.HighlightLineResearchColor; } } } if (Widgets.CustomButtonText(ref rect3, label, color, textColor, borderColor, true, 1, true, true)) { SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); this.selectedProject = researchProjectDef4; } if (this.editMode && Mouse.IsOver(rect3) && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { this.draggingTab = researchProjectDef4; } } } GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { this.draggingTab = null; } if (this.draggingTab != null && !Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { this.draggingTab.Debug_ApplyPositionDelta(new Vector2(this.PixelsToCoordX(, this.PixelsToCoordY(; } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { var windowButtonSize = CloseButSize; var contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.width, inRect.height - (windowButtonSize.y + 10f)).ContractedBy(10f); GUI.BeginGroup(contentRect); var titleRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, contentRect.width, TitleLabelHeight); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; GenUI.SetLabelAlign(TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); Widgets.Label(titleRect, "HugsLib_settings_windowTitle".Translate()); GenUI.ResetLabelAlign(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; if (listedMods.Count > 0) { var scrollViewVisible = new Rect(0f, titleRect.height, contentRect.width, contentRect.height - titleRect.height); var scrollBarVisible = totalContentHeight > scrollViewVisible.height; var scrollViewTotal = new Rect(0f, 0f, scrollViewVisible.width - (scrollBarVisible ? ScrollBarWidthMargin : 0), totalContentHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollViewVisible, ref scrollPosition, scrollViewTotal); var curY = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < listedMods.Count; i++) { var entry = listedMods[i]; if (!entry.Visible) { continue; } currentlyDrawnEntry = entry.ModName; DrawModEntryHeader(entry, scrollViewTotal.width, ref curY); if ((entry.SettingsPack != null && entry.SettingsPack.AlwaysExpandEntry) || expandedModEntries.Contains(entry)) { for (int j = 0; j < entry.Handles.Count; j++) { var handle = entry.Handles[j]; if (handle.VisibilityPredicate != null) { try { if (!handle.VisibilityPredicate()) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { HugsLibController.Logger.ReportException(e, currentlyDrawnEntry, true, "SettingsHandle.VisibilityPredicate"); } } DrawHandleEntry(handle, scrollViewTotal, ref curY, scrollViewVisible.height); } } currentlyDrawnEntry = null; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); totalContentHeight = curY; } else { Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, titleRect.height, contentRect.width, titleRect.height), "HugsLib_settings_noSettings".Translate()); } GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; var resetButtonRect = new Rect(0, inRect.height - windowButtonSize.y, windowButtonSize.x, windowButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(resetButtonRect, "HugsLib_settings_resetAll".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Confirm("HugsLib_settings_resetAll_prompt".Translate(), ResetAllSettings, true)); } var closeButtonRect = new Rect(inRect.width - windowButtonSize.x, inRect.height - windowButtonSize.y, windowButtonSize.x, windowButtonSize.y); if (closingScheduled) { closingScheduled = false; Close(); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(closeButtonRect, "CloseButton".Translate())) { GUI.FocusControl(null); // unfocus, so that a focused text field may commit its value closingScheduled = true; } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) // For a specific DSU { // for the record, Listing_Standards kind of suck. Convenient enough, but no flexibility // TODO when I'm bored: switch to manual, add red background for disabled units // Bonus problem with Listing_Standard: nested scrolling windows do not work // well - specifically the ThingFilter UI insisde a Listing_Standard // We are able to get around that problem by having our ScrollView be outside // the Listing_S... (instead of using the L_S's .ScrollView) and having the // ThingFilter's UI after the L_S ends. // First: Set up a ScrollView: // outer window (with room for buttons at bottom: Rect s = new Rect(inRect.x, inRect.y, inRect.width, inRect.height - CloseButSize.y - 5f); // inner window that has entire content: y = y + 200; // this is to ensure the Listing_Standard does not run out of height, // and can fully display everything - giving a proper length 'y' at // its .End() call. // Worst case scenario: y starts as 0, and the L_S gets to a CurHeight of // 200, and then updates at 400 the next time. Because of the way RW's // windows work, this will rapidly converge on a large enough value. Rect inner = new Rect(0, 0, s.width - 20, this.y); Widgets.BeginScrollView(s, ref DSUScrollPosition, inner); // We cannot do the scrollview inside the L_S: // l.BeginScrollView(s, ref DSUScrollPosition, ref v); // Does not allow filter UI var l = new Listing_Standard(); l.Begin(inner); l.Label(def.label); l.GapLine(); // Much TODO, so wow: tmpLabel = l.TextEntryLabeled("LWMDSpDSUlabel".Translate(), tmpLabel); string tmpstring = null; l.TextFieldNumericLabeled("LWM_DS_maxNumStacks".Translate().CapitalizeFirst() + " " + "LWM_DS_Default".Translate(tracker.GetDefaultValue(def.defName, "maxNumStacks", tmpMaxNumStacks)), ref tmpMaxNumStacks, ref tmpstring, 0); tmpstring = null; l.TextFieldNumericLabeled <float>("LWM_DS_maxTotalMass".Translate().CapitalizeFirst() + " " + "LWM_DS_Default".Translate(tracker.GetDefaultValue(def.defName, "maxTotalMass", tmpMaxTotalMass).ToString()), ref tmpMaxTotalMass, ref tmpstring, 0f); tmpstring = null; l.TextFieldNumericLabeled <float>("LWM_DS_maxMassOfStoredItem".Translate().CapitalizeFirst() + " " + "LWM_DS_Default".Translate(tracker.GetDefaultValue(def.defName, "maxMassStoredItem", tmpMaxMassStoredItem).ToString()), ref tmpMaxMassStoredItem, ref tmpstring, 0f); l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSpDSUshowContents".Translate(), ref tmpShowContents); l.GapLine(); l.EnumRadioButton(ref tmpOverlayType, "LWMDSpDSUoverlay".Translate()); l.GapLine(); l.EnumRadioButton(ref tmpStoragePriority, "LWMDSpDSUstoragePriority".Translate()); l.GapLine(); l.CheckboxLabeled("LWMDSpDSUchangeFilterQ".Translate(), ref useCustomThingFilter, "LWMDSpDSUchangeFilterQDesc".Translate()); y = l.CurHeight; l.End(); if (useCustomThingFilter) { if (customThingFilter == null) { customThingFilter = new ThingFilter(); customThingFilter.CopyAllowancesFrom(def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter); Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Created new filter for " + def.defName + ": " + customThingFilter); // Log.Error("Old filter has: "+def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter.AllowedDefCount); // Log.Warning("New filter has: "+customThingFilter.AllowedDefCount); } // Since this is outside the L_S, we make our own rectangle and use it: // Nope: Rect r=l.GetRect(CustomThingFilterHeight); // this fails Rect r = new Rect(20, y, (inner.width - 40) * 3 / 4, CustomThingFilterHeight); y += CustomThingFilterHeight; ThingFilterUI.DoThingFilterConfigWindow(r, thingFilterState, customThingFilter); } else // not using custom thing filter: { if (customThingFilter != null || tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(this.def.defName, "filter")) { customThingFilter = null; if (tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(this.def.defName, "filter")) { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, " Removing filter for " + def.defName); def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter = (ThingFilter)tracker .GetDefaultValue <ThingFilter>(def.defName, "filter", null); tracker.Remove(def.defName, "filter"); } } } // This fails: l.EndScrollView(ref v); Widgets.EndScrollView(); // Cancel button var closeRect = new Rect(inRect.width - CloseButSize.x, inRect.height - CloseButSize.y, CloseButSize.x, CloseButSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(closeRect, "CancelButton".Translate())) { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Cancel button selected - no changes made"); Close(); } // Accept button - with accompanying logic closeRect = new Rect(inRect.width - (2 * CloseButSize.x + 5f), inRect.height - CloseButSize.y, CloseButSize.x, CloseButSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(closeRect, "AcceptButton".Translate())) { LWM.DeepStorage.Properties props = def.GetCompProperties <Properties>(); GUI.FocusControl(null); // unfocus, so that a focused text field may commit its value Utils.Warn(Utils.DBF.Settings, "\"Accept\" button selected: changing values for " + def.defName); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "label", tmpLabel, ref def.label); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "maxNumStacks", tmpMaxNumStacks, ref props.maxNumberStacks); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "maxTotalMass", tmpMaxTotalMass, ref props.maxTotalMass); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "maxMassStoredItem", tmpMaxMassStoredItem, ref props.maxMassOfStoredItem); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "showContents", tmpShowContents, ref props.showContents); tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "overlayType", tmpOverlayType, ref props.overlayType); StoragePriority tmpSP = def.building.defaultStorageSettings.Priority; // hard to access private field directly tracker.UpdateToNewValue(def.defName, "storagePriority", tmpStoragePriority, ref tmpSP); def.building.defaultStorageSettings.Priority = tmpSP; if (useCustomThingFilter) // danger ahead - automatically use it, even if stupidly set up { if (!tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(def.defName, "filter")) { Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Creating default filter record for item " + def.defName); tracker.AddDefaultValue(def.defName, "filter", def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter); } def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter = customThingFilter; } else { // restore default filter: if (tracker.HasDefaultValueFor(def.defName, "filter")) { // we need to remove it Utils.Mess(Utils.DBF.Settings, "Removing default filter record for item " + def.defName); def.building.fixedStorageSettings.filter = (ThingFilter)tracker .GetDefaultValue <ThingFilter>(def.defName, "filter", null); tracker.Remove(def.defName, "filter"); } } Close(); } // Reset to Defaults closeRect = new Rect(inRect.width - (4 * CloseButSize.x + 10f), inRect.height - CloseButSize.y, 2 * CloseButSize.x, CloseButSize.y); if (!AreTempVarsDefaults() && Widgets.ButtonText(closeRect, "ResetBinding".Translate())) { SetTempVarsToDefaults(); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect rect) { // Setup page. this.DrawPageTitle(rect); Rect mainRect = this.GetMainRect(rect); UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(mainRect); // Build control column. Rect controlColumn = new Rect(0, 0, mainRect.width * 0.20f, mainRect.height).Rounded(); Listing_Standard controlButtonList = new Listing_Standard { ColumnWidth = controlColumn.width }; controlButtonList.Begin(controlColumn); // Back button. if (controlButtonList.ButtonText("Close")) { this.Close(); Find.WindowStack.Add(PrepareModerately.Instance.originalPage); } // Add part button. if (controlButtonList.ButtonText("Add part")) { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(PawnFilter.allFilterParts, def => def.label, def => () => { PawnFilterPart part = (PawnFilterPart)Activator.CreateInstance(def.partClass); part.def = def;; }); } // Filter name input field. = controlButtonList.TextEntry(; // Save filter button. if (controlButtonList.ButtonText("Save")) { PrepareModerately.Instance.currentFilter.Save(PrepareModerately.dataPath + "\\" + + ".xml"); } // Load filter button. if (controlButtonList.ButtonText("Load")) { string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(PrepareModerately.dataPath); if (filePaths.Length > 0) { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(filePaths, path => { int start = path.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1; int end = path.LastIndexOf(".xml"); return(path.Substring(start, end - start)); }, path => () => PrepareModerately.Instance.currentFilter.Load(path)); } else { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(new string[] { "N/A" }, _ => _, _ => () => { }); } } // Randomize multiplier input field. controlButtonList.TextFieldNumericLabeled("Multiplier ", ref this.randomizeMultiplier, ref this.randomizeMultiplierBuffer); // Randomize modulus input field. controlButtonList.TextFieldNumericLabeled("Modulus ", ref this.randomizeModulus, ref this.randomizeModulusBuffer); // Multiplier and modulus help labels. controlButtonList.Label("Pawn randomization speed is multiplied by the multiplier and divided by the modulus."); if (this.randomizeMultiplier < 1 || this.randomizeModulus < 1) { _ = controlButtonList.Label("Multiplier and modulus values less than 1 will be set to 1."); } if (this.randomizeMultiplier > 5) { _ = controlButtonList.Label("Randomization speed will still be limited by your computer's hardware. Use high multiplier values at your own risk."); } if (this.randomizeModulus > 1) { _ = controlButtonList.Label("Higher modulus values will not make randomization easier on your computer."); } // End control column. controlButtonList.End(); // Build filter column. Rect filterColumn = new Rect(controlColumn.xMax + dividerWidth, 0, mainRect.width - controlColumn.width - dividerWidth, mainRect.height).Rounded(); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(filterColumn); filterColumn = filterColumn.GetInnerRect(); Rect filterViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, filterColumn.width - (dividerWidth - 1), this.partViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(filterColumn, ref this.scrollPosition, filterViewRect); Rect filterViewInnerRect = new Rect(0, 0, filterViewRect.width, 99999); // Draw filter parts. PawnFilterListing filterPartList = new PawnFilterListing() { ColumnWidth = filterViewInnerRect.width }; filterPartList.Begin(filterViewInnerRect); _ = filterPartList.Label("Filters"); List <PawnFilterPart> partsToRemove = new List <PawnFilterPart>(); // Remove parts that should be removed here in order to avoid modifying enumerable during foreach. foreach (PawnFilterPart part in { if (part.toRemove) { partsToRemove.Add(part); } else { part.DoEditInterface(filterPartList); } } foreach (PawnFilterPart part in partsToRemove) { _ =; } filterPartList.End(); this.partViewHeight = filterPartList.CurHeight + 100; // End filter column. Widgets.EndScrollView(); UnityEngine.GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawHost(Rect inRect) { if (!filesRead) { ReloadFiles(); filesRead = true; } inRect.y += 8; float margin = 80; Rect outRect = new Rect(margin, inRect.yMin + 10, inRect.width - 2 * margin, inRect.height - 80); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, outRect.width - 16f, hostHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref hostScroll, viewRect, true); Rect collapseRect = new Rect(0, 4f, 18f, 18f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(collapseRect, mpCollapsed ? TexButton.Reveal : TexButton.Collapse)) { mpCollapsed = !mpCollapsed; } float y = 0; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; float textHeight1 = Text.CalcHeight("MpMultiplayer".Translate(), inRect.width); Widgets.Label(viewRect.Right(18f), "MpMultiplayer".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; y += textHeight1 + 10; if (!mpCollapsed) { DrawSaveList(mpReplays, viewRect.width, ref y); y += 25; } collapseRect.y += y; if (Widgets.ButtonImage(collapseRect, spCollapsed ? TexButton.Reveal : TexButton.Collapse)) { spCollapsed = !spCollapsed; } viewRect.y = y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; float textHeight2 = Text.CalcHeight("MpSingleplayer".Translate(), inRect.width); Widgets.Label(viewRect.Right(18), "MpSingleplayer".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; y += textHeight2 + 10; if (!spCollapsed) { DrawSaveList(spSaves, viewRect.width, ref y); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.layout) { hostHeight = y; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (selectedFile == null) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; bool noSaves = spSaves.Count == 0 && mpReplays.Count == 0; Widgets.Label(new Rect(outRect.x, outRect.yMax, outRect.width, 80), noSaves ? "MpNoSaves".Translate() : "MpNothingSelected".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else { float width = 0; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(outRect.x + (outRect.width - fileButtonsWidth) / 2, outRect.yMax + 20, fileButtonsWidth, 40)); DrawFileButtons(selectedFile, ref width); GUI.EndGroup(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.layout) { fileButtonsWidth = width; } } }
private void DrawDataSettings(Rect region) { var view = new Rect(0f, 0f, region.width - 16f, Text.LineHeight * 32f); var listing = new Listing_Standard(); GUI.BeginGroup(region); Widgets.BeginScrollView(region.AtZero(), ref _dataScrollPos, view); listing.Begin(view); listing.GroupHeader(_filesGroupHeader, false); (Rect dumpLabel, Rect dumpBtn) = listing.Split(); UiHelper.Label(dumpLabel, _dumpStyleLabel); listing.DrawDescription(_dumpStyleDescription); if (Widgets.ButtonText(dumpBtn, $"TKUtils.DumpStyle.{TkSettings.DumpStyle}".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(_dumpStyleMenu); } listing.CheckboxLabeled(_minifyDataLabel, ref TkSettings.MinifyData); listing.DrawDescription(_minifyDataDescription); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_offloadShopLabel, ref TkSettings.Offload); listing.DrawDescription(_offloadShopDescription); listing.DrawExperimentalNotice(); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_asapPurchasesLabel, ref TkSettings.AsapPurchases); listing.DrawDescription(_asapPurchasesDescription); listing.DrawExperimentalNotice(); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_trueNeutralLabel, ref TkSettings.TrueNeutral); listing.DrawDescription(_trueNeutralDescription); listing.DrawExperimentalNotice(); (Rect coinTypeLabel, Rect coinTypeField) = listing.Split(); UiHelper.Label(coinTypeLabel, _broadcasterTypeLabel); listing.DrawDescription(_broadcasterTypeDescription); listing.DrawExperimentalNotice(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(coinTypeField, $"TKUtils.BroadcasterUserType.{TkSettings.BroadcasterCoinType}".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(_broadcasterUserTypeMenu); } listing.GroupHeader(_lazyProcessGroupHeader); (Rect storeLabel, Rect storeField) = listing.Split(); UiHelper.Label(storeLabel, _storeRateLabel); listing.DrawDescription(_storeRateDescription); if (UiHelper.NumberField(storeField, out int value, ref _buildRateBuffer, ref _buildRateBufferValid)) { TkSettings.StoreBuildRate = value; } listing.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
protected override void FillTab() { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; var curY = 0f; var frame = new Rect(10f, 10f, size.x - 10f, size.y - 10f); GUI.BeginGroup(frame); Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, frame.width, labelKey.Translate()); curY += 5f; // Sniper: t.Label also contains the count (Rice x20) do we want that? // Rider: This new search method is REALLLYYYYYY FAST // This is meant to stop a possible spam call of the Fuzzy Search if (itemsToShow == null || searchQuery != oldSearchQuery || SelectedMassStorageUnit.StoredItemsCount != itemsToShow.Count || oldSelectedMassStorageUnit == null || oldSelectedMassStorageUnit != SelectedMassStorageUnit) { itemsToShow = new List <Thing>(from Thing t in SelectedMassStorageUnit.StoredItems where string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery) || t.Label.ToLower().NormalizedFuzzyStrength(searchQuery.ToLower()) < FuzzySearch.Strength.Strong orderby t.Label descending select t); oldSearchQuery = searchQuery; } oldSelectedMassStorageUnit = SelectedMassStorageUnit; var text = SelectedMassStorageUnit.GetITabString(itemsToShow.Count); var MainTabText = new Rect(8f, curY, frame.width - 16f, Text.CalcHeight(text, frame.width - 16f)); Widgets.Label(MainTabText, text); curY += MainTabText.height; searchQuery = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(frame.x, curY, MainTabText.width - 16f, 25f), oldSearchQuery); curY += 28f; GUI.color = Color.white; var outRect = new Rect(0f, curY, frame.width, frame.height - curY); var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, outRect.width - 16f, scrollViewHeight); // Scrollview Start Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scrollPos, viewRect); curY = 0f; if (itemsToShow.Count < 1) { Widgets.Label(viewRect, "PRFItemsTabLabel_Empty".Translate()); curY += 22f; } // Iterate backwards to compensate for removing elements from enumerable // Learned this is an issue with List-like structures in AP CS 1A List <Pawn> pawns = SelectedMassStorageUnit.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonists; //Do it once as they are all on the same spot in the DSU //Even if is where to have multible sport's that way should work I think pawnCanReach_Touch_Deadly = pawns.Where(p => p.CanReach(SelectedMassStorageUnit, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly)).ToList(); pawnCanReach_Oncell_Deadly = pawns.Where(p => p.CanReach(SelectedMassStorageUnit, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly)).ToList(); for (var i = itemsToShow.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Check if we need to display it if (!itemIsVisible(curY, outRect.height, scrollPos.y)) { curY += 28; continue; } Thing thing = itemsToShow[i]; //Construct cache if (!canBeConsumedby.ContainsKey(thing)) { canBeConsumedby.Add(thing, pawns.Where(p => p.RaceProps.CanEverEat(thing) == true).ToList()); } if (!thing_MaxHitPoints.ContainsKey(thing)) { thing_MaxHitPoints.Add(thing, thing.MaxHitPoints); } if (!thingIconCache.ContainsKey(thing)) { Color color; Texture texture = CommonGUIFunctions.GetThingTextue(new Rect(4f, curY, 28f, 28f), thing, out color); thingIconCache.Add(thing, new thingIconTextureData(texture, color)); } DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, thing, pawns); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { scrollViewHeight = curY + 30f; } //Scrollview End Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
private void DrawCommandTweakSettings(Rect region) { var listing = new Listing_Standard(); var viewPort = new Rect(0f, 0f, region.width - 16f, Text.LineHeight * 48f); GUI.BeginGroup(region); Widgets.BeginScrollView(region.AtZero(), ref _commandTweakPos, viewPort); listing.Begin(viewPort); listing.GroupHeader(_balanceGroupHeader, false); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_coinRateLabel, ref TkSettings.ShowCoinRate); listing.DrawDescription(_coinRateDescription); listing.GroupHeader(_commandHandlerGroupHeader); if (TkSettings.Commands) { (Rect prefixLabel, Rect prefixField) = listing.Split(); UiHelper.Label(prefixLabel, _commandPrefixLabel); listing.DrawDescription(_commandPrefixDescription); TkSettings.Prefix = CommandHelper.ValidatePrefix(Widgets.TextField(prefixField, TkSettings.Prefix)); (Rect buyPrefixLabel, Rect buyPrefixField) = listing.Split(); UiHelper.Label(buyPrefixLabel, _purchasePrefixLabel); listing.DrawDescription(_purchasePrefixDescription); TkSettings.BuyPrefix = CommandHelper.ValidatePrefix(Widgets.TextField(buyPrefixField, TkSettings.BuyPrefix)); } listing.CheckboxLabeled(_commandParserLabel, ref TkSettings.Commands); listing.DrawDescription(_commandParserDescription); if (TkSettings.Commands) { listing.CheckboxLabeled(_toolkitStyleLabel, ref TkSettings.ToolkitStyleCommands); listing.DrawDescription(_toolkitStyleDescription); } if (UiHelper.LabeledPaintableCheckbox(listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight), _commandRouterLabel, ref TkSettings.CommandRouter)) { RuntimeChecker.ValidateTicker(); } listing.DrawDescription(_commandRouterDescription); listing.DrawExperimentalNotice(); listing.GroupHeader(_installedModsGroupHeader); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_decorateUtilsLabel, ref TkSettings.DecorateMods); listing.DrawDescription(_decorateUtilsDescription); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_versionedModListLabel, ref TkSettings.VersionedModList); listing.DrawDescription(_versionedModListDescription); listing.GroupHeader(_buyItemGroupHeader); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_buyItemBalanceLabel, ref TkSettings.BuyItemBalance); listing.DrawDescription(_buyItemBalanceDescription); listing.CheckboxLabeled(_itemSyntaxLabel, ref TkSettings.ForceFullItem); listing.DrawDescription(_itemSyntaxDescription); listing.GroupHeader(_lookupGroupHeader); (Rect limitLabel, Rect limitField) = listing.Split(); var buffer = TkSettings.LookupLimit.ToString(); UiHelper.Label(limitLabel, _lookupLimitLabel); Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(limitField, ref TkSettings.LookupLimit, ref buffer); listing.DrawDescription(_lookupLimitDescription); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); listing.End(); }
private void DrawList <T>(string label, IList <T> entries, Func <T, string> entryString, ref Rect inRect, ref Vector2 scroll, Action <T> click = null, bool hideEmpty = false, string tooltip = null, Action <T, Rect> extra = null, Func <T, Color?> entryLabelColor = null) { if (hideEmpty && entries.Count == 0) { return; } Widgets.Label(inRect, label); inRect.yMin += 20f; float entryHeight = 24f; float height = entries.Count * entryHeight; Rect outRect = new Rect(0, inRect.yMin, inRect.width, Math.Min(height, Math.Min(230, inRect.height))); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, outRect.width - 16f, height); if (viewRect.height <= outRect.height) { viewRect.width += 16f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scroll, viewRect, true); GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8f); float y = height; for (int i = entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { y -= entryHeight; T entry = entries[i]; string entryLabel = entryString(entry); var entryRect = new Rect(0, y, viewRect.width, entryHeight); GUI.BeginGroup(entryRect); entryRect = entryRect.AtZero(); if (i % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(entryRect); } if (Mouse.IsOver(entryRect)) { GUI.DrawTexture(entryRect, SelectedMsg); if (click != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { click(entry); Event.current.Use(); } } if (tooltip != null) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(entryRect, tooltip); } var prevColor = GUI.color; var labelColor = entryLabelColor?.Invoke(entry); if (labelColor != null) { GUI.color = labelColor.Value; } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(entryRect, entryLabel); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (labelColor != null) { GUI.color = prevColor; } extra?.Invoke(entry, entryRect); GUI.EndGroup(); } GUI.color = Color.white; Widgets.EndScrollView(); inRect.yMin += outRect.height; }
public void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Listing_Standard listingStandard = new Listing_Standard(); var scrollContainer = inRect.ContractedBy(10); scrollContainer.height -= listingStandard.CurHeight; scrollContainer.y += listingStandard.CurHeight; Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(scrollContainer, Color.grey); var innerContainer = scrollContainer.ContractedBy(1); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(innerContainer, new ColorInt(42, 43, 44).ToColor); var frameRect = innerContainer.ContractedBy(5); frameRect.y += 15; frameRect.height -= 15; var contentRect = frameRect; contentRect.x = 0; contentRect.y = 0; contentRect.width -= 20; contentRect.height = 950f; Widgets.BeginScrollView(frameRect, ref scrollPosition, contentRect, true); listingStandard.Begin(contentRect.AtZero()); //listingStandard.Begin(inRect); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableOldAgeDiseases".Translate(), ref GR_DisableOldAgeDiseases, "GR_DisableOldAgeDiseasesTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableHybridRaids".Translate(), ref GR_DisableHybridRaids, "GR_DisableHybridRaidsTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_MakeAllHybridsFertile".Translate(), ref GR_MakeAllHybridsFertile, "GR_MakeAllHybridsFertileTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_MakeAllHybridsControllable".Translate(), ref GR_MakeAllHybridsControllable, "GR_MakeAllHybridsControllableTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableGrowthCellAlerts".Translate(), ref GR_DisableGrowthCellAlerts, "GR_DisableGrowthCellAlertsTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableWombAlerts".Translate(), ref GR_DisableWombAlerts, "GR_DisableWombAlertsTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableMechanoidIFF".Translate(), ref GR_DisableMechanoidIFF, "GR_DisableMechanoidIFFTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.CheckboxLabeled("GR_DisableGreaterScariaRotting".Translate(), ref GR_DisableGreaterScariaRotting, "GR_DisableGreaterScariaRottingTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.GapLine(); var GenomorpherSpeedMultiplierLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplier".Translate() + ": " + GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplier, "GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplierTooltip".Translate()); GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplier = (float)Math.Round(listingStandard.Slider(GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplier, 0.1f, 2f), 2); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, GenomorpherSpeedMultiplierLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplier = GR_GenomorpherSpeedMultiplierBase; } var WombSpeedMultiplierLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_WombSpeedMultiplier".Translate() + ": " + GR_WombSpeedMultiplier, "GR_WombMultiplierTooltip".Translate()); GR_WombSpeedMultiplier = (float)Math.Round(listingStandard.Slider(GR_WombSpeedMultiplier, 0.1f, 2f), 2); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, WombSpeedMultiplierLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_WombSpeedMultiplier = GR_WombSpeedMultiplierBase; } var FailureRateLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_FailureRate".Translate() + ": " + GR_FailureRate + "%", "GR_FailureRateTooltip".Translate()); GR_FailureRate = (float)Math.Round(listingStandard.Slider(GR_FailureRate, -50f, 100f), 1); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, FailureRateLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_FailureRate = GR_FailureRateBase; } var QuestRateLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_QuestRate".Translate() + ": " + GR_QuestRate, "GR_QuestRateTooltip".Translate()); GR_QuestRate = (float)Math.Round(listingStandard.Slider(GR_QuestRate, 0.1f, 5f), 1); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, QuestRateLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_QuestRate = GR_QuestRateBase; } var RaidsRateLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_RaidsRate".Translate() + ": " + GR_RaidsRate, "GR_RaidsRateTooltip".Translate()); GR_RaidsRate = (float)Math.Round(listingStandard.Slider(GR_RaidsRate, 0.1f, 5f), 1); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, RaidsRateLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_RaidsRate = GR_RaidsRateBase; } var HybridsPerAntennaLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_HybridsPerAntenna".Translate() + ": " + GR_HybridsPerAntenna, "GR_HybridsPerAntennaTooltip".Translate()); GR_HybridsPerAntenna = (int)(listingStandard.Slider(GR_HybridsPerAntenna, 1f, 50f)); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, HybridsPerAntennaLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_HybridsPerAntenna = GR_HybridsPerAntennaBase; } var HybridSpawnerRadiusLabel = listingStandard.LabelPlusButton("GR_HybridSpawnerRadius".Translate() + ": " + GR_HybridSpawnerRadius, "GR_HybridSpawnerRadiusTooltip".Translate()); GR_HybridSpawnerRadius = (int)(listingStandard.Slider(GR_HybridSpawnerRadius, 5f, 40f)); if (listingStandard.Settings_Button("GR_Reset".Translate(), new Rect(0f, HybridSpawnerRadiusLabel.position.y + 35, 180f, 29f))) { GR_HybridSpawnerRadius = GR_HybridSpawnerRadiusBase; } listingStandard.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); base.Write(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(inRect.width - 16, 36); Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(100, vector.y - 6); inRect.height -= 45; List <FileInfo> list = PresetFiles.AllFiles.ToList <FileInfo>(); float num = vector.y + 3; float height = (float)list.Count * num; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.width - 16, height); Rect outRect = new Rect(inRect.AtZero()); outRect.height -= this.bottomAreaHeight; Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.scrollPosition, viewRect); float num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; foreach (FileInfo current in list) { Rect rect = new Rect(0, num2, vector.x, vector.y); if (num3 % 2 == 0) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect, Textures.TextureAlternateRow); } Rect innerRect = rect.ContractedBy(3); GUI.BeginGroup(innerRect); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(current.Name); GUI.color = ManualSaveTextColor; Rect rect2 = new Rect(15, 0, innerRect.width, innerRect.height); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(rect2, fileNameWithoutExtension); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect rect3 = new Rect(250, 0, innerRect.width, innerRect.height); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Widgets.Label(rect3, current.LastWriteTime.ToString("g")); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; float num4 = vector.x - 6 - vector2.x - vector2.y; Rect butRect = new Rect(num4, 0, vector2.x, vector2.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(butRect, this.interactButLabel, true, false, true)) { this.DoMapEntryInteraction(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(current.Name)); } Rect rect4 = new Rect(num4 + vector2.x + 5, 0, vector2.y, vector2.y); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect4, Textures.TextureDeleteX)) { FileInfo localFile = current; Dialog_Confirm("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.ConfirmDelete".Translate(new object[] { localFile.Name }), delegate { localFile.Delete(); }, true, null, true)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect4, "EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.DeleteTooltip".Translate()); GUI.EndGroup(); num2 += vector.y + 3; num3++; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); this.DoSpecialSaveLoadGUI(inRect.AtZero()); }
protected override void FillTab() { Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, WinSize.x, WinSize.y).ContractedBy(10f); Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, outRect.width - 16f, Mathf.Max(lastDrawnHeight, outRect.height)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref scrollPosition, rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(rect, base.SelTile.biome.LabelCap); Rect rect2 = rect; rect2.yMin += 35f; rect2.height = 99999f; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Listing_Standard listing_Standard = new Listing_Standard(); listing_Standard.verticalSpacing = 0f; listing_Standard.Begin(rect2); Tile selTile = base.SelTile; int selTileID = base.SelTileID; listing_Standard.Label(selTile.biome.description); listing_Standard.Gap(8f); listing_Standard.GapLine(); if (!selTile.biome.implemented) { listing_Standard.Label(selTile.biome.LabelCap + " " + "BiomeNotImplemented".Translate()); } listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Terrain".Translate(), selTile.hilliness.GetLabelCap()); if (selTile.Roads != null) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Road".Translate(), selTile.Roads.Select((Tile.RoadLink roadlink) => roadlink.road.label).Distinct().ToCommaList(useAnd: true) .CapitalizeFirst()); } if (selTile.Rivers != null) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("River".Translate(), selTile.Rivers.MaxBy((Tile.RiverLink riverlink) => riverlink.river.degradeThreshold).river.LabelCap); } if (!Find.World.Impassable(selTileID)) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string rightLabel = (WorldPathGrid.CalculatedMovementDifficultyAt(selTileID, perceivedStatic: false, null, stringBuilder) * Find.WorldGrid.GetRoadMovementDifficultyMultiplier(selTileID, -1, stringBuilder)).ToString("0.#"); if (WorldPathGrid.WillWinterEverAffectMovementDifficulty(selTileID) && WorldPathGrid.GetCurrentWinterMovementDifficultyOffset(selTileID) < 2f) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.Append(" ("); stringBuilder.Append("MovementDifficultyOffsetInWinter".Translate("+" + 2f.ToString("0.#"))); stringBuilder.Append(")"); } listing_Standard.LabelDouble("MovementDifficulty".Translate(), rightLabel, stringBuilder.ToString()); } if (selTile.biome.canBuildBase) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("StoneTypesHere".Translate(), (from rt in Find.World.NaturalRockTypesIn(selTileID) select rt.label).ToCommaList(useAnd: true).CapitalizeFirst()); } listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Elevation".Translate(), selTile.elevation.ToString("F0") + "m"); listing_Standard.GapLine(); listing_Standard.LabelDouble("AvgTemp".Translate(), GenTemperature.GetAverageTemperatureLabel(selTileID)); listing_Standard.LabelDouble("OutdoorGrowingPeriod".Translate(), Zone_Growing.GrowingQuadrumsDescription(selTileID)); listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Rainfall".Translate(), selTile.rainfall.ToString("F0") + "mm"); if (selTile.biome.foragedFood != null && selTile.biome.forageability > 0f) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Forageability".Translate(), selTile.biome.forageability.ToStringPercent() + " (" + selTile.biome.foragedFood.label + ")"); } else { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Forageability".Translate(), "0%"); } listing_Standard.LabelDouble("AnimalsCanGrazeNow".Translate(), VirtualPlantsUtility.EnvironmentAllowsEatingVirtualPlantsNowAt(selTileID) ? "Yes".Translate() : "No".Translate()); listing_Standard.GapLine(); listing_Standard.LabelDouble("AverageDiseaseFrequency".Translate(), string.Format("{0} {1}", (60f / selTile.biome.diseaseMtbDays).ToString("F1"), "PerYear".Translate())); listing_Standard.LabelDouble("TimeZone".Translate(), GenDate.TimeZoneAt(Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(selTileID).x).ToStringWithSign()); StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); Rot4 rot = Find.World.CoastDirectionAt(selTileID); if (rot.IsValid) { stringBuilder2.AppendWithComma(("HasCoast" + rot.ToString()).Translate()); } if (Find.World.HasCaves(selTileID)) { stringBuilder2.AppendWithComma("HasCaves".Translate()); } if (stringBuilder2.Length > 0) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("SpecialFeatures".Translate(), stringBuilder2.ToString().CapitalizeFirst()); } if (Prefs.DevMode) { listing_Standard.LabelDouble("Debug world tile ID", selTileID.ToString()); } lastDrawnHeight = rect2.y + listing_Standard.CurHeight; listing_Standard.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }