Exemple #1
    void loadJsonJoints(JSONNode jsonJoints)
        int JointCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0, numberOfJoints = jsonJoints.Count; i < numberOfJoints; i++)
            JSONNode jsonJoint = jsonJoints[i];
            int      jointType = jsonJoint["jointType"].AsInt;

            GameObject bodyA = loadedObjects[jsonJoint["bodyA"].AsInt];
            GameObject bodyB = loadedObjects[jsonJoint["bodyB"].AsInt];

            JSONNode localAnchorA     = jsonJoint["localAnchorA"];
            Vector2  anchorA          = new Vector2(localAnchorA[0].AsFloat / RATIO, -localAnchorA[1].AsFloat / RATIO);
            JSONNode localAnchorB     = jsonJoint["localAnchorB"];
            Vector2  anchorB          = new Vector2(localAnchorB[0].AsFloat / RATIO, -localAnchorB[1].AsFloat / RATIO);
            bool     collideConnected = jsonJoint["collideConnected"].AsBool;
            string   userData         = jsonJoint["userData"].Value;

            if (jointType == (int)JointTypes.JOINT_DISTANCE || jointType == (int)JointTypes.JOINT_ROPE)
                DistanceJoint2D joint = bodyA.AddComponent <DistanceJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody   = bodyB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                joint.anchor          = anchorA;
                joint.connectedAnchor = anchorB;

                // distance joint
                if (jsonJoint["length"] != null)
                    joint.distance        = jsonJoint["length"].AsFloat / RATIO;
                    joint.maxDistanceOnly = true;
                // rope joint
                else if (jsonJoint["maxLength"] != null)
                    joint.distance = jsonJoint["maxLength"].AsFloat / RATIO;

                joint.enableCollision = collideConnected;
                joint.name           += '_';
                joint.name           += userData.Length > 0 ? userData : "joint" + JointCount++;
            else if (jointType == (int)JointTypes.JOINT_REVOLUTE)
                HingeJoint2D joint = bodyA.AddComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody   = bodyB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                joint.anchor          = anchorA;
                joint.connectedAnchor = anchorB;
                joint.enableCollision = collideConnected;
                joint.name           += '_';
                joint.name           += userData.Length > 0 ? userData : "joint" + JointCount++;

                // limits are not working properly
                bool  enableLimits       = jsonJoint["enableLimit"].AsBool;
                float referenceAngle     = -jsonJoint["referenceAngle"].AsFloat;
                float angleBetweenBodies = Mathf.Atan2(bodyB.transform.position.y - bodyA.transform.position.y,
                                                       bodyB.transform.position.x - bodyA.transform.position.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                float upperAngle     = -jsonJoint["lowerAngle"].AsFloat;
                float lowerAngle     = -jsonJoint["upperAngle"].AsFloat;
                bool  enableMotor    = jsonJoint["enableMotor"].AsBool;
                float motorSpeed     = -jsonJoint["motorSpeed"].AsFloat;
                float maxMotorTorque = jsonJoint["maxMotorTorque"].AsFloat;

                joint.useLimits = enableLimits;
                JointAngleLimits2D limits = new JointAngleLimits2D();
                limits.max     = angleBetweenBodies + upperAngle;
                limits.min     = angleBetweenBodies + lowerAngle;
                joint.limits   = limits;
                joint.useMotor = enableMotor;
                JointMotor2D motor = new JointMotor2D();
                motor.maxMotorTorque = maxMotorTorque;
                motor.motorSpeed     = motorSpeed;
                joint.motor          = motor;
            else if (jointType == (int)JointTypes.JOINT_WHEEL)
                WheelJoint2D joint = bodyA.AddComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody   = bodyB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                joint.anchor          = anchorA;
                joint.connectedAnchor = anchorB;
                joint.enableCollision = collideConnected;
                joint.name           += '_';
                joint.name           += userData.Length > 0 ? userData : "joint" + JointCount++;

                bool     enableMotor    = jsonJoint["enableMotor"].AsBool;
                float    motorSpeed     = -jsonJoint["motorSpeed"].AsFloat;
                float    maxMotorTorque = jsonJoint["maxMotorTorque"].AsFloat;
                float    dampingRatio   = jsonJoint["dampingRatio"].AsFloat;
                float    frequency      = jsonJoint["frequencyHZ"].AsFloat;
                JSONNode localAxisA     = jsonJoint["localAxisA"];
                float    angle          = Mathf.Atan2(-localAxisA[1].AsFloat, localAxisA[0].AsFloat) * 180 / Mathf.PI;

                joint.useMotor = enableMotor;
                JointMotor2D motor = new JointMotor2D();
                motor.maxMotorTorque = maxMotorTorque;
                motor.motorSpeed     = motorSpeed;
                joint.motor          = motor;

                JointSuspension2D suspension = new JointSuspension2D();
                suspension.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                suspension.frequency    = frequency;
                suspension.angle        = angle;
                joint.suspension        = suspension;
            else if (jointType == (int)JointTypes.JOINT_PRISMATIC)
                SliderJoint2D joint = bodyA.AddComponent <SliderJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody   = bodyB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                joint.anchor          = anchorA;
                joint.connectedAnchor = anchorB;
                joint.enableCollision = collideConnected;
                joint.name           += '_';
                joint.name           += userData.Length > 0 ? userData : "joint" + JointCount++;

                bool     enableLimits     = jsonJoint["enableLimit"].AsBool;
                float    referenceAngle   = -jsonJoint["referenceAngle"].AsFloat;
                float    upperTranslation = jsonJoint["upperTranslation"].AsFloat / RATIO;
                float    lowerTranslation = jsonJoint["lowerTranslation"].AsFloat / RATIO;
                bool     enableMotor      = jsonJoint["enableMotor"].AsBool;
                float    motorSpeed       = -jsonJoint["motorSpeed"].AsFloat;
                float    maxMotorTorque   = jsonJoint["maxMotorTorque"].AsFloat;
                JSONNode localAxisA       = jsonJoint["localAxisA"];
                float    angle            = Mathf.Atan2(-localAxisA[1].AsFloat, localAxisA[0].AsFloat) * 180 / Mathf.PI;

                joint.useLimits = enableLimits;
                JointTranslationLimits2D limits = new JointTranslationLimits2D();
                limits.max     = upperTranslation;
                limits.min     = lowerTranslation;
                joint.limits   = limits;
                joint.useMotor = enableMotor;
                JointMotor2D motor = new JointMotor2D();
                motor.maxMotorTorque = maxMotorTorque;
                motor.motorSpeed     = motorSpeed;
                joint.motor          = motor;
                joint.angle          = angle;
Exemple #2
 public void SetRefToJoint(WheelJoint2D joint)
     wjoint = joint;
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Assemble all separated pieces into one object with connected joints
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="motorcycleBase"></param>
    /// <param name="swingarmParent"></param>
    /// <param name="leftWheel"></param>
    /// <param name="rightWheel"></param>
    /// <param name="driver"></param>
    /// <param name="genome"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Motorcycle AssembleMotorcycle(Transform motorcycleBase, Transform swingarmParent, Transform leftWheel, Transform rightWheel, Transform driver, Genome genome)
        // Save all necessary transforms for later
        Transform chasis                 = motorcycleBase.GetChild(0);
        Transform chasisAnchors          = chasis.GetChild(0);
        Transform chasisRightWheelAnchor = chasisAnchors.Find("Front Wheel");
        Transform chasisSwingarmAnchor   = chasisAnchors.Find("Swingarm");
        Transform chasisDriverAnchor     = chasisAnchors.Find("Driver");

        Transform swingarm = swingarmParent.GetChild(0);
        Transform swingarmLeftWheelAnchor = swingarm.GetChild(0);

        Transform driverBody = driver.GetChild(0);

        // Set the transform and the hinge joint values of the swingarm
        swingarmParent.parent        = chasisSwingarmAnchor;
        swingarmParent.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        HingeJoint2D swingarmHingeJoint = swingarm.GetComponent <HingeJoint2D>();

        swingarmHingeJoint.connectedBody   = chasis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        swingarmHingeJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(chasisSwingarmAnchor.localPosition.x, chasisSwingarmAnchor.localPosition.y);

        // Set the transform and the wheel joint values of the left wheel
        leftWheel.parent        = swingarm;
        leftWheel.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        WheelJoint2D leftWheelJoint = leftWheel.GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();

        leftWheelJoint.connectedBody   = swingarm.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        leftWheelJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(swingarmLeftWheelAnchor.localPosition.x, swingarmLeftWheelAnchor.localPosition.y);

        // Set the transform and the wheel joint values of the right wheel

        rightWheel.parent        = chasis;
        rightWheel.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        WheelJoint2D rightWheelJoint = rightWheel.GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();

        rightWheelJoint.connectedBody   = chasis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        rightWheelJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(chasisRightWheelAnchor.localPosition.x, chasisRightWheelAnchor.localPosition.y);

        // Set the driver's transform and hinge joint values
        driver.parent        = chasisDriverAnchor;
        driver.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);;

        driverBody.GetComponent <HingeJoint2D>().connectedBody = chasis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

        // Set parents of each part to the base object
        swingarm.parent   = motorcycleBase;
        leftWheel.parent  = motorcycleBase;
        rightWheel.parent = motorcycleBase;
        driver.parent     = motorcycleBase;

        // Destroy all anchors


        // To finish, add a motorcycle controller component  to the parent object
        Motorcycle motorcycleComp = motorcycleBase.gameObject.AddComponent <Motorcycle>();
        Transform  head           = driver.Find("head").transform;

        motorcycleComp.Initialize(genome, leftWheel, rightWheel, driver, head);

        // Set the head collision detector (needs a delegate)
        CollisionDetector collisionDetector = head.gameObject.AddComponent <CollisionDetector>();


 void Start()
     //Metemos la información del componente WheelJoint2D en la variable
     union_rueda = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D> ();
     motor       = union_rueda.motor;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     wheel = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
     motor = wheel.motor;
Exemple #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     wheelJoint = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
Exemple #7
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     union_rueda = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D> ();
     motor       = union_rueda.motor;
 private void Awake()
     wheelJoint = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
     motor      = new JointMotor2D();
 void Start()
     kütükWheel = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
     motorum    = new JointMotor2D();
Exemple #10
        // public void ApplyAnchors(Joint2D joint) {
        //  if (jointType == JointType2D.RelativeJoint2D)
        //      return;
        //  if (jointType == JointType2D.TargetJoint2D) {
        //      ((TargetJoint2D) joint).anchor = anchor;
        //      ((TargetJoint2D) joint).target = target; // needs to be world relative
        //      return;
        //  }
        //  ((AnchoredJoint2D) joint).anchor = anchor;
        //  ((AnchoredJoint2D) joint).connectedAnchor = connectedAnchor;
        // }

        // public void ApplyLimits(Joint2D joint, GameObject go, Rigidbody2D connectedBody) {
        //     if (jointType != JointType2D.HingeJoint2D)
        //         return;
        //     Quaternion startRotation = go.transform.rotation;
        //     if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody) {
        //         go.transform.rotation = connectedBody.transform.rotation;
        //         // setting the connectedBody triggers a re-calculation of the reference angle
        //         joint.connectedBody = connectedBody;
        //     }
        //     ((HingeJoint2D) joint).limits = limits.ToJointAngleLimits2D();
        //     if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
        //         go.transform.rotation = startRotation;
        // }

        public Joint2D CreateOrApply(GameObject go, Rigidbody2D connectedBody, Joint2D joint = null)
            if (joint && !JointMatchesJointType(joint))
                joint = null;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.DistanceJoint2D)
                DistanceJoint2D distanceJoint = (DistanceJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <DistanceJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(distanceJoint, connectedBody);
                distanceJoint.maxDistanceOnly       = maxDistanceOnly;
                distanceJoint.autoConfigureDistance = autoConfigureDistance;
                if (!autoConfigureDistance)
                    distanceJoint.distance = distance;
                joint = distanceJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.FixedJoint2D)
                FixedJoint2D fixedJoint = (FixedJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <FixedJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(fixedJoint, connectedBody);
                fixedJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                fixedJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                joint = fixedJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.FrictionJoint2D)
                FrictionJoint2D frictionJoint = (FrictionJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <FrictionJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(frictionJoint, connectedBody);
                frictionJoint.maxForce  = maxFrictionForce;
                frictionJoint.maxTorque = maxFrictionTorque;
                joint = frictionJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.HingeJoint2D)
                Quaternion startRotation = go.transform.rotation;
                // if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
                //     go.transform.rotation = connectedBody.transform.rotation;
                HingeJoint2D hingeJoint = (HingeJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(hingeJoint, connectedBody);
                hingeJoint.limits    = limits.ToJointAngleLimits2D();
                hingeJoint.useLimits = useLimits;
                JointMotor2D m = new JointMotor2D();
                m.maxMotorTorque    = motor.maxMotorTorque;
                m.motorSpeed        = motor.motorSpeed;
                hingeJoint.motor    = m;
                hingeJoint.useMotor = useMotor;
                joint = hingeJoint;
                // if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
                //     go.transform.rotation = startRotation;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.RelativeJoint2D)
                RelativeJoint2D relativeJoint = (RelativeJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <RelativeJoint2D>();
                ConfigureJoint(relativeJoint, connectedBody);
                relativeJoint.autoConfigureOffset = autoConfigureOffset;
                if (!autoConfigureOffset)
                    relativeJoint.linearOffset  = linearOffset;
                    relativeJoint.angularOffset = angularOffset;
                relativeJoint.correctionScale = correctionScale;
                relativeJoint.maxForce        = maxForce;
                relativeJoint.maxTorque       = maxTorque;
                joint = relativeJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.SliderJoint2D)
                SliderJoint2D sliderJoint = (SliderJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <SliderJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(sliderJoint, connectedBody);
                joint = sliderJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.SpringJoint2D)
                SpringJoint2D springJoint = (SpringJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <SpringJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(springJoint, connectedBody);
                springJoint.autoConfigureDistance = autoConfigureDistance;
                if (!autoConfigureDistance)
                    springJoint.distance = distance;
                springJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                springJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                joint = springJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.TargetJoint2D)
                TargetJoint2D targetJoint = (TargetJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
                targetJoint.autoConfigureTarget = false;
                targetJoint.anchor       = anchor;
                targetJoint.target       = target;
                targetJoint.maxForce     = maxForce;
                targetJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                targetJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                joint = targetJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.WheelJoint2D)
                WheelJoint2D wheelJoint = (WheelJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
                ConfigureJoint(wheelJoint, connectedBody);
                joint = wheelJoint;
Exemple #11
    public RenderedCar RenderCar(Car car, Vector3 chassisPos, bool isGame, bool flipped, Game game, int player, bool playerControls)
        GameObject chassis     = null;
        GameObject attack1     = null;
        GameObject attack2     = null;
        GameObject forkliftObj = null;
        GameObject frontWheel  = null;
        GameObject backWheel   = null;

        Vector3[] attack1Pos      = new Vector3[4];
        Vector3   attack2Pos      = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   forkliftPos     = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   frontWheelPos   = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   backWheelPos    = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   anchorPos       = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   connectedAnchor = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3 bladeAnchorPos       = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 bladeConnectedAnchor = Vector3.zero;

        float speed = (flipped) ? -300f : 300f;

        if (car.chassis != null)
            switch (car.chassis.id)
            case 1:
                chassis = Instantiate(chassis1, chassisPos, Quaternion.identity);

                if (!flipped)
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(1.21f, -0.14f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(1.21f, -0.14f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.17f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(1.21f, -0.14f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(-0.62f, -0.7f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(1.84f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0.3f, -0.7f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(0.55f, -1.24f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(-0.55f, -1.24f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.25f, -0.09f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(0.585f, -0.185f);
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(-1.16f, -0.11f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(-1.16f, -0.11f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(-0.55f, -0.16f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(-1.16f, -0.11f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(0.63f, -0.67f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.78f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.26f, -0.67f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(-0.48f, -1.24f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(0.53f, -1.24f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(1.35f, -0.09f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.485f, -0.155f);


            case 2:

                chassis = Instantiate(chassis2, chassisPos, Quaternion.identity);

                if (!flipped)
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(1.65f, 0.3f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(1.65f, 0.3f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(0.97f, 0.24f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(1.65f, 0.3f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(-0.29f, -0.08f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(1.83f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0.625f, -0.08f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(0.55f, -0.48f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(-0.91f, -0.48f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.29f, -0.09f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(1.005f, 0.255f);
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(-1.61f, 0.29f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(-1.61f, 0.29f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(-0.99f, 0.25f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(-1.61f, 0.29f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(0.27f, -0.09f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.8f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.63f, -0.09f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(-0.49f, -0.48f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(0.92f, -0.48f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(1.33f, -0.09f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.945f, 0.245f);

            case 3:

                chassis = Instantiate(chassis3, chassisPos, Quaternion.identity);

                if (!flipped)
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(1.77f, 0.18f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(1.77f, 0.18f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(1.13f, 0.14f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(1.77f, 0.18f);

                    attack2Pos = new Vector3(-0.2f, 0.08f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(-0.05f, -0.1f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(1.8f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0.85f, -0.1f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(1.07f, -0.57f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(-0.17f, -0.57f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.26f, -0.11f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(1.14f, 0.125f);
                    attack1Pos[0] = new Vector3(-1.77f, 0.23f);
                    attack1Pos[1] = new Vector3(-1.77f, 0.23f);
                    attack1Pos[2] = new Vector3(-1.11f, 0.18f);
                    attack1Pos[3] = new Vector3(-1.77f, 0.23f);

                    attack2Pos = new Vector3(0.26f, 0.1f);

                    forkliftPos     = new Vector3(0.1f, -0.15f);
                    anchorPos       = new Vector3(-1.78f, 0f);
                    connectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.79f, -0.15f);

                    frontWheelPos = new Vector3(-1.03f, -0.57f);
                    backWheelPos  = new Vector3(0.2f, -0.57f);

                    bladeAnchorPos       = new Vector3(1.33f, -0.11f);
                    bladeConnectedAnchor = new Vector3(-1.105f, 0.175f);

            if (flipped)
                chassis.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                chassis.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>().mass = 5;
                chassis.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                WallAttackDetection wallAttack = chassis.AddComponent <WallAttackDetection>();
                wallAttack.game   = game;
                wallAttack.player = player;

                chassis.tag = "Chassis";

        if (car.attack1 != null)
            switch (car.attack1.id)
            case 7:
                attack1 = Instantiate(blade, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                attack1.transform.position = chassisPos + attack1Pos[0];

            case 8:
                attack1 = Instantiate(chainsaw, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                attack1.transform.position = chassisPos + attack1Pos[1];

            case 9:
                attack1 = Instantiate(rocket, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                attack1.transform.position = chassisPos + attack1Pos[2];

            case 10:
                attack1 = Instantiate(stinger, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                attack1.transform.position = chassisPos + attack1Pos[3];

            attack1.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f);
            attack1.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1;

            if (flipped)
                attack1.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                if (car.attack1.id == 7)
                    HingeJoint2D joint = attack1.AddComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
                    joint.connectedBody   = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                    joint.anchor          = bladeAnchorPos;
                    joint.connectedAnchor = bladeConnectedAnchor;

                    JointMotor2D motor = joint.motor;
                    motor.motorSpeed     = 200;
                    motor.maxMotorTorque = 50;
                    joint.motor          = motor;

                    attack1.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().mass = 0.3f;
                    FixedJoint2D joint = attack1.AddComponent <FixedJoint2D>();
                    joint.connectedBody = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                    attack1.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().mass = 0.1f;

                PolygonCollider2D polygonCollider = attack1.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                polygonCollider.isTrigger = true;

                if (car.attack1.id != 9)
                    AttackDetection attackDetection = attack1.AddComponent <AttackDetection>();
                    attackDetection.game   = game;
                    attackDetection.player = player;

        if (car.frontWheel != null)
            float radius = -1;

            switch (car.frontWheel.id)
            case 4:
                radius     = 0.73f;
                frontWheel = Instantiate(wheel1, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

            case 5:
                radius     = 0.61f;
                frontWheel = Instantiate(wheel2, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);


            frontWheel.transform.position   = chassisPos + frontWheelPos;
            frontWheel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f);
            frontWheel.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1;

            if (flipped)
                frontWheel.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                WheelJoint2D wheelJoint2D = frontWheel.AddComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
                wheelJoint2D.connectedBody   = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                wheelJoint2D.connectedAnchor = frontWheelPos;

                JointSuspension2D jointSuspension = wheelJoint2D.suspension;
                jointSuspension.dampingRatio = 0.9f;
                jointSuspension.frequency    = 10;
                wheelJoint2D.suspension      = jointSuspension;

                wheelJoint2D.useMotor = true;
                JointMotor2D motor = wheelJoint2D.motor;
                motor.motorSpeed   = speed;
                wheelJoint2D.motor = motor;

                wheelJoint2D.useMotor = !playerControls;

                CircleCollider2D circleCollider = frontWheel.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D>();
                circleCollider.radius = radius;

        if (car.backWheel != null)
            float radius = -1;

            switch (car.backWheel.id)
            case 4:
                radius    = 0.73f;
                backWheel = Instantiate(wheel1, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

            case 5:
                radius    = 0.61f;
                backWheel = Instantiate(wheel2, new Vector3(0, 0), Quaternion.identity);


            backWheel.transform.position   = chassisPos + backWheelPos;
            backWheel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f);
            backWheel.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1;

            if (flipped)
                backWheel.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                WheelJoint2D wheelJoint2D = backWheel.AddComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
                wheelJoint2D.connectedBody   = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                wheelJoint2D.connectedAnchor = backWheelPos;

                JointSuspension2D jointSuspension = wheelJoint2D.suspension;
                jointSuspension.dampingRatio = 0.9f;
                jointSuspension.frequency    = 10;
                wheelJoint2D.suspension      = jointSuspension;

                wheelJoint2D.useMotor = true;
                JointMotor2D motor = wheelJoint2D.motor;
                motor.motorSpeed   = speed;
                wheelJoint2D.motor = motor;

                wheelJoint2D.useMotor = !playerControls;

                CircleCollider2D circleCollider = backWheel.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D>();
                circleCollider.radius = radius;

        if (car.forklift != null)
            forkliftObj = Instantiate(forklift);
            forkliftObj.transform.position   = chassisPos + forkliftPos;
            forkliftObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f);
            forkliftObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1;

            if (!flipped)
                forkliftObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                forkliftObj.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                HingeJoint2D joint = forkliftObj.AddComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody   = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                joint.anchor          = anchorPos;
                joint.connectedAnchor = connectedAnchor;

                JointMotor2D motor = joint.motor;
                if (player == 0)
                    motor.motorSpeed = -50;
                    motor.motorSpeed = 50;
                motor.maxMotorTorque = 500;
                joint.motor          = motor;

                joint.useMotor = !playerControls;

                forkliftObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().mass = 0.3f;

        if (car.attack2 != null)
            attack2 = Instantiate(rocket);
            attack2.transform.position   = chassisPos + attack2Pos;
            attack2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f);
            attack2.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1;


            if (flipped)
                attack2.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;

            if (isGame)
                FixedJoint2D joint = attack2.AddComponent <FixedJoint2D>();
                joint.connectedBody = chassis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                attack2.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().mass = 0;

        RenderedCar renderedCar = new RenderedCar();

        renderedCar.chassis    = chassis;
        renderedCar.attack1    = attack1;
        renderedCar.attack2    = attack2;
        renderedCar.forklift   = forkliftObj;
        renderedCar.frontWheel = frontWheel;
        renderedCar.backWheel  = backWheel;

Exemple #12
    public void ConstructBike(BikeConstructionData data)
        GameObject frame;

        if (data.frame != null)
            frame  = Instantiate(data.frame.gameObject, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            _frame = frame.GetComponent <FrameItem>();

            _frameRB         = frame.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
            _backWheelJoint  = _frame.backWheelJoint;
            _frontWheelJoint = _frame.frontWheelJoint;

            _backWheelMotor  = _backWheelJoint.motor;
            _frontWheelMotor = _frontWheelJoint.motor;
            _isDead = true;

        if (data.backWheel != null)
            //Create back wheel
            Vector3    backWheelWorldPos = frame.transform.TransformPoint(_backWheelJoint.anchor);
            GameObject backWheel         = Instantiate(data.backWheel.gameObject, backWheelWorldPos, frame.transform.rotation);
            _backWheelJoint.connectedBody = backWheel.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
            _backWheelJoint.enabled = false;

        if (data.frontWheel != null)
            // Create front wheel
            Vector3    frontWheelWorldPos = frame.transform.TransformPoint(_frontWheelJoint.anchor);
            GameObject frontWheel         = Instantiate(data.frontWheel.gameObject, frontWheelWorldPos, frame.transform.rotation);

            _frontWheelJoint.connectedBody = frontWheel.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
            _backWheelJoint.enabled = false;

        if (data.handlebars != null)
            GameObject handlebars    = Instantiate(data.handlebars.gameObject, _frame.handlebarTransform);
            var        handlebarItem = handlebars.GetComponent <HandlebarItem>();

            Vector3 localHandlebarPosition = _frameRB.transform.InverseTransformPoint(handlebarItem.handPosition.position);
            _ragdollController.SetHandJointAnchor(_frameRB, localHandlebarPosition);

        if (data.seatItem != null)
            GameObject seat     = Instantiate(data.seatItem.gameObject, _frame.seatTransform);
            var        seatItem = seat.GetComponent <SeatItem>();

            Vector3 localSeatPosition = _frameRB.transform.InverseTransformPoint(seatItem.assPosition.position);
            _ragdollController.SetSeatJointAnchor(_frameRB, localSeatPosition);

        _ragdollController.headCollisionEventSystem.onValidCollision += DestroyBike;
Exemple #13
 void Awake()
     wheelJoint = GetComponent <WheelJoint2D> ();