private void OpenFile(WfAdjunctFile adjunctFile)
     if (adjunctFile == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("WfAdjunctFile cannot be null");
     if (adjunctFile.Data.Length > 0)
         catch (Exception exception)
             MessageHelper.ShowInfo("你可能已经打开同名文件!\r打开文件时发生错误:" + exception.Message);
 protected string SaveFile(WfAdjunctFile adjunctFile)
     string path = Path.GetTempFileName() + adjunctFile.Type;
     File.WriteAllBytes(path, adjunctFile.Data);
     return path;
 protected string SaveFile(WfAdjunctFile adjunctFile, string path)
     string str = string.Concat(new object[] { path, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, adjunctFile.Name, adjunctFile.Type });
     File.WriteAllBytes(str, adjunctFile.Data);
     return str;
 protected WfAdjunctFile GetAdjunctFile(WfAdjunct adj)
     if (adj.File != null)
         return adj.File;
     WfAdjunctFile file = new WfAdjunctFile(adj);
     IList<WfAdjunctFile> list = QueryHelper.List<WfAdjunctFile>(string.Empty, new string[] { "Id" }, new string[] { adj.Id });
     if (list.Count == 0)
         throw new NullReferenceException("Not find the adjunct file");
     file.Data = list[0].Data;
     return file;