public ActionResult JobTypeFrontEnd(string Slug)
            WebsiteViewModel vm = _GetViewModel(Slug);

            vm.BrainTreeToken = _BrainTreeService.CreateToken();
            vm.Website        = WebsiteService.websiteGetBySlug(Slug);
        //get viewmodel function created for majority of logic needed to inject website view model with appropriate data
        private WebsiteViewModel _GetViewModel(string Slug)
            //null check on slug, if null load bringpro website by default
            //added for the azure hosted version
            if (Slug == null)
                Slug = "bringpro";

            //instantiate new instance of website view model
            WebsiteViewModel vm = new WebsiteViewModel();

            vm.Slug               = Slug;                    // add website slug to view model
            vm.CategoryEnum       = SettingsCategory.String; //adding enums to the viewmodel
            vm.SettingTypeEnum    = SettingsType.Design;
            vm.SettingSectionEnum = SettingsSection.Layout;

            WebsiteSettingsServices websiteService = new WebsiteSettingsServices(); // instantiate a new instance of website settings service
            //generate a new list of website settings - populated by service that loads settings by website slug
            List <WebsiteSettings> WebsiteBySlug = websiteService.GetSettingsBySlug(Slug);

            vm.Settings = WebsiteBySlug;
            if (vm.Settings.Count < 1 && Slug != "backoffice")
                throw new HttpException(404, "Website Does Not Exist");

            //if website exists - load a model of website
            if (Slug != null && Slug != "")
                vm.Website = WebsiteService.websiteGetBySlug(Slug);

            //returning the viewmodel after populating with website settings model and website model
            // both have different fields of data