public void Update(MsRegisterServerMsgData msg)
            InternalEndpoint  = msg.InternalEndpoint;
            InternalEndpoint6 = msg.InternalEndpoint6;
            LastRegisterTime  = LunaNetworkTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            Cheats            = msg.Cheats;
            Password          = msg.Password;
            ServerVersion     = msg.ServerVersion;
            ServerName        = msg.ServerName.Length > 30 ? msg.ServerName.Substring(0, 30) : msg.ServerName;
            Description       = msg.Description.Length > 200 ? msg.Description.Substring(0, 200) : msg.Description;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.CountryCode) && CountryCodes.Contains(msg.CountryCode.ToUpper()))
                Country = msg.CountryCode.ToUpper();

            Website       = msg.Website.Length > 60 ? msg.Website.Substring(0, 60) : msg.Website;
            WebsiteText   = msg.WebsiteText.Length > 15 ? msg.WebsiteText.Substring(0, 15) : msg.WebsiteText;
            RainbowEffect = msg.RainbowEffect;
            Array.Copy(msg.Color, Color, 3);
            GameMode        = msg.GameMode;
            MaxPlayers      = msg.MaxPlayers;
            ModControl      = msg.ModControl;
            DedicatedServer = DedicatedServerRetriever.IsDedicatedServer(ExternalEndpoint);
            PlayerCount     = msg.PlayerCount;
            WarpMode        = msg.WarpMode;
            TerrainQuality  = msg.TerrainQuality;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Country))
                SetCountryFromEndpoint(this, ExternalEndpoint);

            if (!Website.Contains("://"))
                Website = "http://" + Website;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WebsiteText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Website))
                WebsiteText = "URL";
        public static int ProcessList(List <CensusIndividual> individuals, IProgress <string> outputText)
            if (individuals is null)
            int recordsAdded = 0;

                ToProcess    = individuals;
                _previousRef = string.Empty;
                int recordsFailed     = 0;
                int recordsPresent    = 0;
                int sessionDuplicates = 0;
                int count             = 0;
                if (Website is null)
                    Website = LoadWebsiteAncestors(outputText);
                if (SessionList is null)
                    SessionList = new List <LostCousin>();
                bool alias = GeneralSettings.Default.ShowAliasInName;
                GeneralSettings.Default.ShowAliasInName = false; // turn off adding alias in name when exporting
                foreach (CensusIndividual ind in ToProcess)
                    if (ind.LCAge.Equals("Unknown"))
                        outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Cannot determine age at census {ind.CensusString}.\n");
                    else if (ind.LCSurnameAtDate(ind.CensusDate).Length == 0 || ind.LCForename.Length == 0)
                        outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Cannot process person with unknown forename or surname {ind.CensusString}.\n");
                    else if (ind.CensusReference != null && ind.CensusReference.IsValidLostCousinsReference())
                        LostCousin lc = new LostCousin($"{ind.SurnameAtDate(ind.CensusDate)}, {ind.Forenames}", ind.BirthDate.BestYear, GetCensusSpecificFields(ind), ind.CensusDate.BestYear, ind.CensusCountry, true);
                        if (Website.Contains(lc))
                            outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Already Present {ind.CensusString}, {ind.CensusReference}.\n");
                            if (!DatabaseHelper.LostCousinsExists(ind))
                                DatabaseHelper.StoreLostCousinsFact(ind, outputText);
                            if (SessionList.Contains(lc))
                                outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Already submitted this session {ind.CensusString}, {ind.CensusReference}. Possible duplicate Individual\n");
                                if (AddIndividualToWebsite(ind, outputText))
                                    outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - {ind.CensusString}, {ind.CensusReference} added.\n");
                                    if (!DatabaseHelper.LostCousinsExists(ind))
                                        DatabaseHelper.StoreLostCousinsFact(ind, outputText);
                                    outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Failed to add {ind.CensusString}, {ind.CensusReference}.\n");
                        outputText.Report($"Record {++count} of {ToProcess.Count}: {ind.CensusDate} - Failed to add {ind.CensusString}, {ind.CensusReference}. Census Reference problem.\n");
                GeneralSettings.Default.ShowAliasInName = alias;
                outputText.Report($"\nFinished writing Entries to Lost Cousins website. {recordsAdded} successfully added, {recordsPresent} already present, {sessionDuplicates} possible duplicates and {recordsFailed} failed.\nView Lost Cousins Report tab to see current status.\n");
                outputText.Report("\nPlease note you MUST check the entries by clicking the arrow next to the census reference on the list on my ancestors page.\n");
                outputText.Report("This only needs done once per household and will link to the census on Find My Past.\n");
                outputText.Report("If you have any errors you can correct them on your my ancestors page. The most common will be Age and different spelling of names.\n");
                outputText.Report("Occasionally you may have got a census reference wrong in which case the page either wont exist or will show the wrong family.");
                outputText.Report("\n\nNote if you fail to check your entries you will fail to match with your Lost Cousins.");
                int ftanalyzerfacts = Website.FindAll(lc => lc.FTAnalyzerFact).Count;
                int manualfacts     = Website.FindAll(lc => !lc.FTAnalyzerFact).Count;
                Task.Run(() => Analytics.TrackActionAsync(Analytics.LostCousinsAction, Analytics.ReadLostCousins, $"{DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime():yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}: {manualfacts} manual & {ftanalyzerfacts} -> {ftanalyzerfacts + recordsAdded} FTAnalyzer entries"));
            catch (Exception e)
                UIHelpers.ShowMessage($"Problem uploading to Lost Cousins error was : {e.Message}");