private void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { if (args.Uri != null) { statusTextBlock.Text = "Loading content for " + args.Uri.ToString(); } }
private void wbView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("wbView_ContentLoading"); _vmBinder.Store.CheckDownloadableItem(args.Uri); LastLoadedUrl = args.Uri.AbsoluteUri; }
private void AuthProcess_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { if (null != args.Uri && args.Uri.AbsolutePath.Contains("/login/oauth2/pincode/")) { ViewModel.SettingView = false; ViewModel.AuthProcessView = false; ThermostatAPI api = Global.Instance.ThermostatAPI; string json = args.Uri.AbsolutePath.Replace("/login/oauth2/pincode/", ""); Task <bool> t = Task.Run(async() => await api.GetAccessToken(json)); t.Wait(); if (t.Result) { //Task m = Task.Run(async () => await SetTokenToMainApp(api.AuthToken)); //m.Wait(); var message = new ValueSet(); message.Add("Type", "COMMON"); message.Add("Command", "SETNESTTOKEN"); message.Add("NESTTOKEN", api.AuthToken); //AppServiceResponse response = await ConnectionService._connection.connection.SendMessageAsync(message); IOTOI.Common.CommonService.GetReturnData(message); ViewModel.InitDevice(); } else { ViewModel.Setting(); } } }
private async void wbView_FrameContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("wbView_FrameContentLoading"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(args.Uri.ToString()); LastLoadedUrl = args.Uri.ToString(); /*if (args.Uri.ToString().Contains("en_US/application/")) * { * btnDownload.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; * } * else * { * btnDownload.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; * } * * if (args.Uri.ToString().Contains("watchfaces")) * { * btnApps.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; * btnFace.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; * } * if (args.Uri.ToString().Contains("watchapps")) * { * btnApps.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; * btnFace.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; * } * * try * { * String Result = await wbView.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { "document.getElementsByClassName(\"add-button\")).removeAttribute(\"ng-click\");" }); * System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Result); * } * catch (Exception) { }*/ }
private void WebView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { if (doLoading) { doLoading = false; DoOnMainThreadAsync(() => OnContentLoading()).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
private async void OnContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { if (Logger.LogExtraTiming) { var uri = args.Uri == null ? "null" : args.Uri.ToString(); await Logger.LogAsync($"MainEpubReader:HTML:OnContentLoading: URL={uri}"); } }
private void contentView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { var ds = DataContext as ItemViewModel; if (ds != null) { ds.IsPrintEnable = false; } }
private void wvMain_ContentLoading(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { dtMaxLoadTime.Start(); SendMessage?.Invoke(null, new ContentViewEventArgs() { Type = "ContentLoading", Uri = args.Uri }); }
private void Vista_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { ProgRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ToTopButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // Método que comprueba si se puede navegar para atrás o para adelante y activa o desactiva los botones de navegación ComprobarNavegacion(); }
private void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { CBBack.IsEnabled = webView1.CanGoForward; CBForward.IsEnabled = webView1.CanGoBack; progress1.IsActive = true; progress.IsIndeterminate = true; progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
// ProgressRing enable private void webView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { progRing.Opacity = 1; btnRefresh.Opacity = 0; btnRefresh.IsEnabled = false; btnStop.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.Opacity = 1; tbxWebPageAdress.Text = Convert.ToString(webView.Source); }
private void Wv_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { if (num < 2) { ++num;; } btn_Open.IsEnabled = false; MainPage.UseRefresh(); }
private void currentWebView_ContentLoading(FrameworkElement sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { MainProgressRing.IsActive = true; MainProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; StopAppBarButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RefreshAppBarButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; AddressAutoSuggestBox.Text = currentWebView.Source.ToString(); }
private void OnContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { loading.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoadingText.Text = "拼命加载中..."; LoadingPic.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (n == 1 && ("Windows.Mobile" == Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily)) { Back.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } n = 1; }
private async void LogInWebView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { //if (LogInWebView.Source.AbsoluteUri.Contains("code=") && LogInWebView.Source.Host == "localhost") //{ // var postitionCode = LogInWebView.Source.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("code="); // var code = LogInWebView.Source.AbsoluteUri.Remove(0, postitionCode + 5); // var postitionScope = code.IndexOf("&scope="); // code = code.Remove(postitionScope); // var token = await oauth2.GetToken(code); //} }
private async void Wv_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { var url = await wvMain.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { "document.location.href;" }); if (HasUrlBeenProcessed(url)) { return; } lastProcessedUrl = url; MediaChanged?.Invoke(null, new MediaChangedEventArgs() { MediaUri = new Uri(url) }); }
private void YoutubeWebElement_FrameContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string temp = args.Uri.ToString(); if (temp.Contains("/watch?v=")) { youtubeUrl = temp; } Task.Delay(3000); if (youtubeUrl.Contains("/watch?v=")) { downloadAppBarButton.IsEnabled = true; } else { downloadAppBarButton.IsEnabled = false; } }
private void web_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { style(); if (args.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Contains("")) { if (gdDownloadPhotoOverlay == null) { this.FindName("gdDownloadPhotoOverlay"); UtilityClass.TranslationAnimation(_compositor, gdDownloadPhotoOverlay, false); } gdDownloadPhotoOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { if (gdDownloadPhotoOverlay != null) { gdDownloadPhotoOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } }
private void WebViewContent_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { try { TextBoxUrl.Text = CurrentWebView().Source.AbsoluteUri; } catch { try { TextBoxUrl.Text = cusDep.stringURL; } catch { TextBoxUrl.Text = "Command Not available now"; } } //Add to history list history.Add(TextBoxUrl.Text); WriteOnTile("Current URL: " + TextBoxUrl.Text); }
async void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string url = (args.Uri != null) ? args.Uri.ToString() : "<null>"; String filePath = "HistoryData.csv"; //String filePath2 = "LastViewData.csv"; // write file StorageFolder roamingFolder = ApplicationData.Current.RoamingFolder; StorageFile file = await roamingFolder.CreateFileAsync(filePath, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); // StorageFile file2 = await roamingFolder.CreateFileAsync(filePath2, // CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); try { await FileIO.AppendTextAsync(file, (string)webView1.DocumentTitle + "\t" + url + "\t" + DateTime.Now + "\n"); // await FileIO.AppendTextAsync(file, (string)webView1.DocumentTitle + "\t" + url + "\t" + DateTime.Now + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { } var s1 = new Logic.PopulateHistories(); s1.populateHistories(); var p1 = new Logic.HistoryDataStore(ref histories); cvs1.Source = histories; var p2 = new Logic.FavoriteDataStore(ref favorites_load); cvs2.Source = favorites_load; var s2 = new Logic.PopulateLastview(); s2.populateLastview(); }
void webView_FrameContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { // args.Uri }
/// <summary> /// Event to indicate webview has resolved the uri, and that it is loading html content /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string url = (args.Uri != null) ? args.Uri.ToString() : "<null>"; rootPage.NotifyUser(String.Format("Loading content for \"{0}\".\n", url), NotifyType.StatusMessage); }
private void ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { BackButton.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; }
/// <summary> /// Event to indicate webview has resolved the uri, and that it is loading html content /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> void FavoriteBrowser_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { IsNavigationCompleted = true; }
private void myWebView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { urlBar.Text = args.Uri.ToString(); }
private void _webView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { }
private void framaContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { }
private void ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { m_base.FireOnLoading(false); HideReadingModeLoading(); }
/// <summary> /// Event to indicate webview has resolved the uri, and that it is loading html content /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string url = (args.Uri != null) ? args.Uri.ToString() : "<null>"; }
void webview_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs e) { // bn = (; ev = new; ev.@this(toJava(e.Uri.OriginalString)); currentBrowser.fireWebEvent(toJava("onLoad"), ev); }
private void WebViewContent_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { try { TextBoxUrl.Text = CurrentWebView().Source.AbsoluteUri; } catch{ try { TextBoxUrl.Text = cusDep.stringURL; } catch { TextBoxUrl.Text = "Command Not available now"; } } //Add to history list history.Add(TextBoxUrl.Text); WriteOnTile("Current URL: " + TextBoxUrl.Text); }
private void oneView_FrameContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { SavePage(AccountManager.GetAccount(), args.Uri.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Event to indicate webview has resolved the uri, and that it is loading html content /// </summary> void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string url = (args.Uri != null) ? args.Uri.ToString() : "<null>"; }
private void ChangeText(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { ShowUrl = new UrlOperations().GetUrlToShow(sender.Source.ToString()); UrlField.Text = ShowUrl; CheckButtons(); }
private void Web_OnContentLoading(WebView aSender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs aArgs) { mProgressRing.IsActive = true; mProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; mNavigateButton.IsEnabled = false; }
private void ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { HideLoading(); HideReadingModeLoading(); }
private void webView_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { this.isWebviewLoading = true; }
void wbMain_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { }
/// <summary> /// Handle the event that indicates that WebView has resolved the URI, and that it is loading HTML content. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> void WebViewControl_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { AppendLog($"Loading content for \"{UriToString(args.Uri)}\"."); }
/// <summary> /// Event to indicate webview has resolved the uri, and that it is loading html content /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> void webView1_ContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { string url = (args.Uri != null) ? args.Uri.ToString() : "<null>"; appendLog(String.Format("Loading content for \"{0}\".\n", url)); }
private void TopicWebView_OnContentLoading(WebView sender, WebViewContentLoadingEventArgs args) { _navigatingRoot = false; }