protected void btnAdd2Collction_OnClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (Session["YeUser"] == null) { WebUtil.AlertAndRedirect("Please login first.", "UserLogin.aspx"); } else { var user = (Ye_User)Session["YeUser"]; if (UserBll.GetUserCollectionsByUserId(user.UserID).Count(p => p.ShopID == VisitingShop.ShopID) > 0) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("You had collected the shop."); } else { if (UserBll.AddUserCollection(new Ye_UserCollection() { UserID = user.UserID, ShopID = VisitingShop.ShopID, IsCollecting = true })) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("Collect the shop successfully"); } else { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("Failed to Collect the shop "); } } } }
protected void btnAddCoupon_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["YeUser"] == null) { WebUtil.AlertAndRedirect("Please login first,then get the coupon!", "UserLogin.aspx"); return; } var user = (Ye_User)Session["YeUser"]; //TODO:确定优惠券规则,使用一次还是使用多次 if (UserCouponBll.ExistsShopCoupon(user.UserID, YeShopCoupon.CouponID)) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("You have got the coupon."); } else { if (UserCouponBll.AddShopCoupon4User(new Ye_UserCoupon() { ShopId = VisitingShop.ShopID, CouponId = YeShopCoupon.CouponID, IsUsed = false, UserId = user.UserID })) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("Get the coupon successfully."); } else { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("Failed to get the coupon."); } } }
protected void btnOK_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AdministratorBll.GetAdministrators().SingleOrDefault(a => a.Account == tbxAccount.Text) != null) { WebUtil.Alert("该用户名已存在!"); return; } else { if (AdministratorBll.AddAdministrator(new Ye_Administrator() { Account = tbxAccount.Text.Trim(), Password = DESUtil.Encrypt(tbxPwd1.Text.Trim()), CreateTime = DateTime.Now, LastLoginTime = DateTime.Now })) { AdministratorBll.AddAdminLog(new Ye_AdminLog() { AdminID = YeAdministratorId, LogTypeName = LogType.添加管理员.ToString(), CreateTime = DateTime.Now }); WebUtil.AlertAndReload("成功添加管理员!"); } else { WebUtil.Alert("创建新管理员时出错!"); } } }
protected void btnOk_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProductBll.GetProducts().Count(p => p.ShopID == YeShopId && p.ProductNo == tbxProductNO.Text.Trim()) > 0) { WebUtil.Alert("菜单编号重复,请重新填写菜单编号!"); return; } var product = new Ye_Product() { ProductDesc = tbxProductDesc.Text, Price = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxPrice.Text), ShopID = YeShopId, ProductName = tbxProductName.Text, ProductNo = tbxProductNO.Text, ProductTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProductTypes.SelectedValue), UnitId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUnits.SelectedValue), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, }; var fileName = string.Empty; if (!fupProductImage.HasFile) { WebUtil.Alert("请上传产品图片!"); return; } else if (fupProductImage.FileBytes.Length > 1024 * 5120) { WebUtil.Alert("菜单图片不能超过 5 M!"); return; } if (WebUtil.UploadImage(fupProductImage, "../upload/", new [] { ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg" }, out fileName)) { product.ProductImage = "/upload/" + fileName; } else { WebUtil.Alert("上传图片失败,请重试。支持 jpg、png 格式!"); return; } if (ProductBll.AddProduct(product)) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("添加菜单成功!"); } else { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("添加菜单失败!"); } }
protected void btnOK_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int?tmpBeginMinute2; int?tmpEndMinute2; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxStartHour2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxStartMinute2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxEndHour2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxEndMinute2.Text)) { tmpBeginMinute2 = null; tmpEndMinute2 = null; } else { tmpBeginMinute2 = Convert.ToInt32(tbxStartHour2.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(tbxStartMinute2.Text); tmpEndMinute2 = Convert.ToInt32(tbxEndHour2.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(tbxEndMinute2.Text); } var shop = new Ye_Shop() { ShopID = YeShopId, DeliveryTime = ddlDeliveryTime.SelectedItem.Text, ShopDesc = tbxShopDesc.Text, ShopZip = tbxShopZip.Text, ShopFax = tbxShopFax.Text, ShopMobile = tbxShopMobile.Text, ShopEmail = tbxShopEmail.Text, ShopAddress = tbxShopAdderss.Text, ShopName = tbxShopName.Text, Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxLongitude.Text), Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxLatitude.Text), ShopQQ = tbxShopQQ.Text, OpeningBeginMinute = Convert.ToInt32(tbxStartHour.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(tbxStartMinute.Text), OpeningEndMinute = Convert.ToInt32(tbxEndHour.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(tbxEndMinute.Text), OpeningBeginMinute2 = tmpBeginMinute2, OpeningEndMinute2 = tmpEndMinute2, ShopLogoImg = imgLogo.ImageUrl, ShopMainImg = imgMain.ImageUrl }; var str = ""; if (fupShopLogoImg.HasFile) { if (fupShopLogoImg.FileBytes.Length > 1024 * 10240) { WebUtil.Alert("餐馆 Logo 图片不能超过 10 M!"); return; } if (WebUtil.UploadImage(fupShopLogoImg, "../upload/", new [] { ".gif", ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg" }, out str)) { shop.ShopLogoImg = "/upload/" + str; } else { WebUtil.Alert("餐馆 Logo 图片格式不被支持!"); return; } } if (fupShopMainImg.HasFile) { if (fupShopMainImg.FileBytes.Length > 1024 * 10240) { WebUtil.Alert("餐馆图片不能超过 10 M!"); return; } if (WebUtil.UploadImage(fupShopMainImg, "../upload/", new [] { ".gif", ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg" }, out str)) { shop.ShopMainImg = "/upload/" + str; } else { WebUtil.Alert("餐馆主图 图片格式不被支持!"); return; } } var f1 = ShopBll.UpdateShopInfo(shop); var list = new List <int>(); foreach (ListItem item in cblShopTypes.Items) { if (item.Selected) { list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(item.Value)); } } var f2 = ShopBll.SetShopTypeChecked(YeShopId, list); if (f1 || f2) { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("餐馆信息修改成功!"); } else { WebUtil.AlertAndReload("餐馆信息修改失败!"); } }