Exemple #1
        public async Task TransportFailsOnTimeoutWithErrorWhenApplicationFailsAndClientDoesNotSendCloseFrame()
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(HttpConnectionContext)), pair.Transport, pair.Application, new());

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var options = new WebSocketOptions
                        CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(options, connection.Application, connection, LoggerFactory);

                    var serverSocket = await feature.AcceptAsync();

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(serverSocket);

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    // fail the client to server channel
                    connection.Transport.Output.Complete(new Exception());

                    await transport.DefaultTimeout();

                    Assert.Equal(WebSocketState.Aborted, serverSocket.State);
Exemple #2
        public async Task ClientReceivesInternalServerErrorWhenTheApplicationFails()
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(HttpConnectionContext)), pair.Transport, pair.Application, new());

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(new WebSocketOptions(), connection.Application, connection, LoggerFactory);

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(await feature.AcceptAsync());

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    // Fail in the app
                    connection.Transport.Output.Complete(new InvalidOperationException("Catastrophic failure."));
                    var clientSummary = await client.DefaultTimeout();

                    Assert.Equal(WebSocketCloseStatus.InternalServerError, clientSummary.CloseResult.CloseStatus);

                    // Close from the client
                    await feature.Client.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);

                    await transport.DefaultTimeout();
Exemple #3
        public async Task TransportClosesOnCloseTimeoutIfClientDoesNotSendCloseFrame()
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(HttpConnectionContext)), pair.Transport, pair.Application, new());

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var options = new WebSocketOptions()
                        CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(options, connection.Application, connection, LoggerFactory);

                    var serverSocket = await feature.AcceptAsync();

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(serverSocket);

                    // End the app

                    await transport.DefaultTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

                    // Now we're closed
                    Assert.Equal(WebSocketState.Aborted, serverSocket.State);

        public async Task TransportCommunicatesErrorToApplicationWhenClientDisconnectsAbnormally()
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext1"))
                    Transport   = pair.Transport,
                    Application = pair.Application,

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    async Task CompleteApplicationAfterTransportCompletes()
                            // Wait until the transport completes so that we can end the application
                            var result = await connection.Transport.Input.ReadAsync();

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Assert.IsType <WebSocketError>(ex);
                            // Complete the application so that the connection unwinds without aborting

                    var connectionContext = new HttpConnectionContext(string.Empty, connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext2"));
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(new WebSocketOptions(), connection.Application, connectionContext, LoggerFactory);

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(await feature.AcceptAsync());

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    // When the close frame is received, we complete the application so the send
                    // loop unwinds
                    _ = CompleteApplicationAfterTransportCompletes();

                    // Terminate the client to server channel with an exception

                    // Wait for the transport
                    await transport.OrTimeout();

                    await client.OrTimeout();
        public async Task SubProtocolSelectorIsUsedToSelectSubProtocol()
            const string ExpectedSubProtocol  = "expected";
            var          providedSubProtocols = new[] { "provided1", "provided2" };

            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(HttpConnectionContext)))
                    Transport   = pair.Transport,
                    Application = pair.Application,

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var options = new WebSocketOptions
                        // We want to verify behavior without timeout affecting it
                        CloseTimeout        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
                        SubProtocolSelector = protocols => {
                            Assert.Equal(providedSubProtocols, protocols.ToArray());

                    var connectionContext = new HttpConnectionContext(string.Empty, null, null);
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(options, connection.Application, connectionContext, LoggerFactory);

                    // Create an HttpContext
                    var context = new DefaultHttpContext();
                    context.Request.Headers.Add(HeaderNames.WebSocketSubProtocols, providedSubProtocols.ToArray());
                    context.Features.Set <IHttpWebSocketFeature>(feature);
                    var transport = ws.ProcessRequestAsync(context, CancellationToken.None);

                    await feature.Accepted.OrThrowIfOtherFails(transport);

                    // Assert the feature got the right subprotocol
                    Assert.Equal(ExpectedSubProtocol, feature.SubProtocol);

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    await feature.Client.CloseOutputAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, null, CancellationToken.None).OrTimeout();

                    // close the client to server channel

                    _ = await client.OrTimeout();

                    await transport.OrTimeout();
        public async Task ReceivedFramesAreWrittenToChannel(string webSocketMessageType)
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext1"))
                    Transport   = pair.Transport,
                    Application = pair.Application,

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var connectionContext = new HttpConnectionContext(string.Empty, connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext2"));
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(new WebSocketOptions(), connection.Application, connectionContext, LoggerFactory);

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(await feature.AcceptAsync());

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    // Send a frame, then close
                    await feature.Client.SendAsync(
                        buffer : new ArraySegment <byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello")),
                        messageType : (WebSocketMessageType)Enum.Parse(typeof(WebSocketMessageType), webSocketMessageType),
                        endOfMessage : true,
                        cancellationToken : CancellationToken.None);

                    await feature.Client.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);

                    var result = await connection.Transport.Input.ReadAsync();

                    var buffer = result.Buffer;
                    Assert.Equal("Hello", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.ToArray()));


                    // The transport should finish now
                    await transport;

                    // The connection should close after this, which means the client will get a close frame.
                    var clientSummary = await client;

                    Assert.Equal(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, clientSummary.CloseResult.CloseStatus);
        public async Task ServerGracefullyClosesWhenClientSendsCloseFrameThenApplicationEnds()
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(HttpConnectionContext)))
                    Transport   = pair.Transport,
                    Application = pair.Application,

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var options = new WebSocketOptions
                        // We want to verify behavior without timeout affecting it
                        CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)

                    var connectionContext = new HttpConnectionContext(string.Empty, null, null);
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(options, connection.Application, connectionContext, LoggerFactory);

                    var serverSocket = await feature.AcceptAsync();

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(serverSocket);

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    await feature.Client.CloseOutputAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, null, CancellationToken.None).OrTimeout();

                    // close the client to server channel

                    _ = await client.OrTimeout();

                    await transport.OrTimeout();

                    Assert.Equal(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, serverSocket.CloseStatus);
        public async Task WebSocketTransportSetsMessageTypeBasedOnTransferFormatFeature(TransferFormat transferFormat, string expectedMessageType)
            using (StartVerifiableLog())
                var pair       = DuplexPipe.CreateConnectionPair(PipeOptions.Default, PipeOptions.Default);
                var connection = new HttpConnectionContext("foo", connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext1"))
                    Transport   = pair.Transport,
                    Application = pair.Application,

                using (var feature = new TestWebSocketConnectionFeature())
                    var connectionContext = new HttpConnectionContext(string.Empty, connectionToken: null, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger("HttpConnectionContext2"));
                    connectionContext.ActiveFormat = transferFormat;
                    var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(new WebSocketOptions(), connection.Application, connectionContext, LoggerFactory);

                    // Give the server socket to the transport and run it
                    var transport = ws.ProcessSocketAsync(await feature.AcceptAsync());

                    // Run the client socket
                    var client = feature.Client.ExecuteAndCaptureFramesAsync();

                    // Write to the output channel, and then complete it
                    await connection.Transport.Output.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello"));


                    // The client should finish now, as should the server
                    var clientSummary = await client;
                    await feature.Client.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);

                    await transport;

                    Assert.Equal(1, clientSummary.Received.Count);
                    Assert.Equal((WebSocketMessageType)Enum.Parse(typeof(WebSocketMessageType), expectedMessageType), clientSummary.Received[0].MessageType);
                    Assert.Equal("Hello", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(clientSummary.Received[0].Buffer));
Exemple #9
        private async Task ExecuteAsync(HttpContext context, ConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate, HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions options, ConnectionLogScope logScope)
            // set a tag to allow Application Performance Management tools to differentiate long running requests for reporting purposes
            context.Features.Get <IHttpActivityFeature>()?.Activity.AddTag("http.long_running", "true");

            var supportedTransports = options.Transports;

            // Server sent events transport
            // GET /{path}
            // Accept: text/event-stream
            var headers = context.Request.GetTypedHeaders();

            if (headers.Accept?.Contains(new Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/event-stream")) == true)
                // Connection must already exist
                var connection = await GetConnectionAsync(context);

                if (connection == null)
                    // No such connection, GetConnection already set the response status code

                if (!await EnsureConnectionStateAsync(connection, context, HttpTransportType.ServerSentEvents, supportedTransports, logScope, options))
                    // Bad connection state. It's already set the response status code.


                // ServerSentEvents is a text protocol only
                connection.SupportedFormats = TransferFormat.Text;

                // We only need to provide the Input channel since writing to the application is handled through /send.
                var sse = new ServerSentEventsServerTransport(connection.Application.Input, connection.ConnectionId, connection, _loggerFactory);

                await DoPersistentConnection(connectionDelegate, sse, context, connection);
            else if (context.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
                // Connection can be established lazily
                var connection = await GetOrCreateConnectionAsync(context, options);

                if (connection == null)
                    // No such connection, GetOrCreateConnection already set the response status code

                if (!await EnsureConnectionStateAsync(connection, context, HttpTransportType.WebSockets, supportedTransports, logScope, options))
                    // Bad connection state. It's already set the response status code.


                // Allow the reads to be canceled
                connection.Cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var ws = new WebSocketsServerTransport(options.WebSockets, connection.Application, connection, _loggerFactory);

                await DoPersistentConnection(connectionDelegate, ws, context, connection);
                // GET /{path} maps to long polling

                // Connection must already exist
                var connection = await GetConnectionAsync(context);

                if (connection == null)
                    // No such connection, GetConnection already set the response status code

                if (!await EnsureConnectionStateAsync(connection, context, HttpTransportType.LongPolling, supportedTransports, logScope, options))
                    // Bad connection state. It's already set the response status code.

                if (!await connection.CancelPreviousPoll(context))
                    // Connection closed. It's already set the response status code.

                // Create a new Tcs every poll to keep track of the poll finishing, so we can properly wait on previous polls
                var currentRequestTcs = new TaskCompletionSource(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

                if (!connection.TryActivateLongPollingConnection(
                        connectionDelegate, context, options.LongPolling.PollTimeout,
                        currentRequestTcs.Task, _loggerFactory, _logger))

                var resultTask = await Task.WhenAny(connection.ApplicationTask !, connection.TransportTask !);

                    // If the application ended before the transport task then we potentially need to end the connection
                    if (resultTask == connection.ApplicationTask)
                        // Complete the transport (notifying it of the application error if there is one)

                        // Wait for the transport to run
                        // Ignore exceptions, it has been logged if there is one and the application has finished
                        // So there is no one to give the exception to
                        await connection.TransportTask !.NoThrow();

                        // If the status code is a 204 it means the connection is done
                        if (context.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status204NoContent)
                            // Cancel current request to release any waiting poll and let dispose acquire the lock

                            // We should be able to safely dispose because there's no more data being written
                            // We don't need to wait for close here since we've already waited for both sides
                            await _manager.DisposeAndRemoveAsync(connection, closeGracefully : false);
                            // Only allow repoll if we aren't removing the connection.
                    else if (resultTask.IsFaulted || resultTask.IsCanceled)
                        // Cancel current request to release any waiting poll and let dispose acquire the lock
                        // We should be able to safely dispose because there's no more data being written
                        // We don't need to wait for close here since we've already waited for both sides
                        await _manager.DisposeAndRemoveAsync(connection, closeGracefully : false);
                        // Only allow repoll if we aren't removing the connection.
                    // Artificial task queue
                    // This will cause incoming polls to wait until the previous poll has finished updating internal state info