/// <summary> /// 添加ws路径组 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="bufferSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static WebSocketServiceHost AddWebSocketService <T>(string path, int bufferSize = 4096) where T : WebSocketBehavior, new() { WebSocketServiceHost <T> host = new WebSocketServiceHost <T>(path, bufferSize); ServiceHosts.Add(path, host); return(host); }
public MapDataServer() { httpServer = new HttpServer(WebMapConfig.SERVER_PORT); httpServer.AddWebSocketService <WebSocketHandler>("/"); httpServer.KeepClean = true; webSocketHandler = httpServer.WebSocketServices["/"]; //Debug.Log($"WebMap: MapDataServer() interval={WebMapConfig.PLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL}"); publicRoot = Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "web"); fileCache = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); httpServer.OnGet += (sender, e) => { if (ProcessSpecialAPIRoutes(e)) { return; } if (ProcessSpecialRoutes(e)) { return; } ServeStaticFiles(e); }; httpServer.OnPost += (sender, e) => { ProcessSpecialAPIRoutes(e); }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { LogConsole._Load(); LogDebug.debug = true; _SQL.Init("localhost", "root", "13456", "dbbase", 3306); var wssv = new WebSocketServiceHost <Serverb>("ws://"); wssv.OnError += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("[WS] error", "WS: Error: " + e.Message, "notification-message-im"); }; wssv.Start(); Console.WriteLine("WebSocket Server listening on port: {0}", wssv.Port); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); string _comm = Console.ReadLine(); switch (_comm) { case "count": Console.WriteLine("Users Online: {0}", Users.Count()); break; default: break; } } //Console.ReadKey(); }
private void wsBroadcast(object obj, WebSocketServiceHost host) { var json = JToken.FromObject(obj); var str = json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None); host.Sessions.BroadcastAsync(str, null); }
public VebSocketService(IHDEHost hdehost, WebSocketServiceHost service) { this.Service = service; this.HDEHost = hdehost; this.Service.Sessions.OnConnectedClient += onConnectedClient; this.Service.Sessions.OnClosedClient += onClosedClient; this.HDEHost.MainLoop.OnUpdateView += onUpdateView; }
public void SendMessage(string serviceId, string message) { WebSocketServiceHost host = GetServiceHost(currentService); if (host != null) { host.Sessions.SendTo(message, serviceId); } }
public MapDataServer() { httpServer = new HttpServer(SERVER_PORT); httpServer.AddWebSocketService <WebSocketHandler>("/"); httpServer.KeepClean = true; webSocketHandler = httpServer.WebSocketServices["/"]; broadcastTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(e => { string dataString = ""; players.ForEach(player => { ZDO zdoData = null; try { zdoData = ZDOMan.instance.GetZDO(player.m_characterID); } catch { } if (zdoData != null) { Vector3 pos = zdoData.GetPosition(); float maxHealth = zdoData.GetFloat("max_health", 25f); float health = zdoData.GetFloat("health", maxHealth); maxHealth = Mathf.Max(maxHealth, health); if (player.m_publicRefPos) { dataString += $"{player.m_uid}\n{player.m_playerName}\n{pos.x:0.##},{pos.y:0.##},{pos.z:0.##}\n{health:0.##}\n{maxHealth:0.##}\n\n"; } else { dataString += $"{player.m_uid}\n{player.m_playerName}\nhidden\n\n"; } } }); if (dataString.Length > 0) { webSocketHandler.Sessions.Broadcast("players\n" + dataString.Trim()); } }, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(PLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL)); publicRoot = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) ?? string.Empty, "web"); fileCache = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); httpServer.OnGet += (sender, e) => { HttpListenerRequest req = e.Request; // Debug.Log("~~~ Got GET Request for: " + req.RawUrl); if (ProcessSpecialRoutes(e)) { return; } ServeStaticFiles(e); }; }
// not reliable! public List <string> GetActiveSessions() { WebSocketServiceHost host = null; wssv.WebSocketServices.TryGetServiceHost("/", out host); if (host != null) { List <string> list = host.Sessions.ActiveIDs.ToList(); return(list); } return(new List <string>()); }
public List <GameService> GetAllGameServices(string service) { WebSocketServiceHost host = GetServiceHost(service); if (host != null && host.BehaviorType == typeof(GameService)) { IEnumerable <GameService> allServices = host.Sessions.Sessions as IEnumerable <GameService>; return(allServices.ToList <GameService> ()); } else { return(null); } }
private void OnNewService(object sender, ServiceAddedEventArgs e) { WebSocketServiceHost wssh = null; foreach (WebSocketServiceHost cwssh in this.Server.WebSocketServices.Hosts) { if (cwssh.Path == e.Path) { wssh = cwssh; } } if (wssh != null) { VebSocketService s = new VebSocketService(this.HDEHost, wssh); this.Services.Add(e.Path, s); } }
public MapDataServer() { httpServer = new HttpServer(WebMapConfig.SERVER_PORT); httpServer.AddWebSocketService <WebSocketHandler>("/"); httpServer.KeepClean = true; webSocketHandler = httpServer.WebSocketServices["/"]; broadcastTimer = new System.Threading.Timer((e) => { var dataString = ""; players.ForEach(player => { var zdoData = ZDOMan.instance.GetZDO(player.m_characterID); var pos = zdoData.GetPosition(); if (player.m_publicRefPos) { dataString += $"{player.m_uid}\n{player.m_playerName}\n{pos.x},{pos.y},{pos.z}\n"; } else { dataString += $"{player.m_uid}\n{player.m_playerName}\nhidden\n"; } }); if (dataString.Length > 0) { webSocketHandler.Sessions.Broadcast("players\n" + dataString); } }, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(WebMapConfig.PLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL)); publicRoot = Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "web"); fileCache = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); httpServer.OnGet += (sender, e) => { var req = e.Request; // Debug.Log("~~~ Got GET Request for: " + req.RawUrl); if (ProcessSpecialRoutes(e)) { return; } ServeStaticFiles(e); }; }
public bool TryGetValue(string reurl, out WebSocketServiceHost host) { bool flag = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MapRoute> ky in dic) { string newregurl = ky.Value.Url; if (reurl == ky.Value.Url) { flag = true; host = ky.Value.Defaults; return(flag); } else { if (ky.Value.Rule == null) { continue; } Type type = ky.Value.Rule.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] pInfo = type.GetProperties(); for (int m = 0; m < pInfo.Length; m++) { PropertyInfo p = pInfo[m]; newregurl = newregurl.Replace("{" + p.Name + "}", p.GetValue(ky.Value.Rule, null)); } Match match = Regex.Match(reurl, newregurl, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match != null) { string result = match.Value; if (result == reurl) { flag = true; host = ky.Value.Defaults; return(flag); } } } } host = null; return(false); }
public GameService GetGameService(string serviceId) { WebSocketServiceHost host = GetServiceHost(currentService); if (host != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceId) && host.BehaviorType == typeof(GameService)) { IWebSocketSession session; if (host.Sessions.TryGetSession(serviceId, out session)) { return(session as GameService); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { #if Local string sqlIp = ""; string severUrl = ""; #else string sqlIp = ""; string severUrl = ""; #endif //连接数据库 if (!DbManager.Connect("shan_guo_sha", sqlIp, 3306, "root", "")) { return; } //启动服务器 WebSocketServer wssv = new WebSocketServer("ws://" + severUrl); wssv.AddWebSocketService <GameWebSocketBehavior>("/Login"); wssv.Start(); wssv.Log.Level = LogLevel.Info; Log = wssv.Log; WebSocketServiceHost webSocketServiceHost = wssv.WebSocketServices["/Login"]; NetManager.sessionManager = webSocketServiceHost.Sessions; Console.WriteLine("服务器启动"); while (true) { OnUpdate(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } } } wssv.Stop(); }
public void SendMessage(string target, string msg) { Debug.Log("Sending " + msg + " to session " + target); WebSocketServiceHost host = null; wssv.WebSocketServices.TryGetServiceHost("/", out host); if (host != null) { if (target == "broadcast") { host.Sessions.BroadcastAsync(msg, null); } else { IWebSocketSession session; if (!host.Sessions.TryGetSession(target, out session)) { Debug.Log("The session could not be found."); return; } host.Sessions.SendToAsync(msg, target, null); } } }
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder) { IGameEngineConfig config = new GameEngineConfig().LoadConfiguration("test"); WebSocketServiceHost host = null; builder.RegisterType <ConsoleLoggingService>() .InstancePerLifetimeScope() .As <ILoggingService>(); builder.RegisterType <ConsoleRenderer>() .SingleInstance() .As <IRenderer>(); builder .RegisterType <GameEngineConfig>() .SingleInstance() .As <IGameEngineConfig>(); builder .RegisterType <InternalWebSocketClient>() .SingleInstance() .AsSelf(); builder.RegisterType <WebSocketServer>() .SingleInstance() .As <WebSocketServer>() .WithParameters(new Parameter[] { new NamedParameter("address", IPAddress.Parse("")), new NamedParameter("port", 2137), }) .OnActivated(args => { Type[] allAvailableCommands = Command.GetAvailableCommands(); Type[] allAvailableParameters = Command.GetAvailableParameters(); WebSocketServer instance = args.Instance; instance.AddWebSocketService <WebSocketCommandReceiver>("/command", (c) => { c.Initialize(new InputStringCommandResolver(allAvailableCommands, allAvailableParameters), CommandFactory); }); instance.Start(); instance.WebSocketServices.TryGetServiceHost("/command", out host); }); builder .RegisterType <SimpleGameServer>() .SingleInstance() .As <SimpleGameServer>() .OnActivated(a => a.Instance.AddHost(host)); builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) .Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GameLogicBehaviour))) .As <GameLogicBehaviour>() .InstancePerDependency(); builder.RegisterType <SimpleGameEngine>() .SingleInstance() .WithParameters(new[] { new NamedParameter("config", config), }) .AsSelf() .OnActivated(engineBuilder => engineBuilder.Instance.Run()); }
private void Init() { // Create a new instance of the HttpServer class. // // If you would like to provide the secure connection, you should // create a new instance with the 'secure' parameter set to true, // or an https scheme HTTP URL. httpsv = new HttpServer(WEB_SOCK_PORT); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (5963, true); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 4649); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 5963, true); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.IPv6Any, 4649); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.IPv6Any, 5963, true); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (""); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (""); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("http://[::0]:4649"); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("https://[::0]:5963"); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback, 4649); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback, 5963, true); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.IPv6Loopback, 4649); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (System.Net.IPAddress.IPv6Loopback, 5963, true); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("http://localhost:4649"); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("https://localhost:5963"); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (""); //var httpsv = new HttpServer (""); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("http://[::1]:4649"); //var httpsv = new HttpServer ("https://[::1]:5963"); #if DEBUG // To change the logging level. //httpsv.Log.Level = LogLevel.Trace; // To change the wait time for the response to the WebSocket Ping or Close. //httpsv.WaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (2); // Not to remove the inactive WebSocket sessions periodically. //httpsv.KeepClean = false; #endif // To provide the secure connection. /* * var cert = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerCertFile"]; * var passwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CertFilePassword"]; * httpsv.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificate = new X509Certificate2 (cert, passwd); */ // To provide the HTTP Authentication (Basic/Digest). /* * httpsv.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Basic; * httpsv.Realm = "WebSocket Test"; * httpsv.UserCredentialsFinder = id => { * var name = id.Name; * * // Return user name, password, and roles. * return name == "nobita" * ? new NetworkCredential (name, "password", "gunfighter") * : null; // If the user credentials aren't found. * }; */ // To resolve to wait for socket in TIME_WAIT state. //httpsv.ReuseAddress = true; // Set the document root path. //httpsv.DocumentRootPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocumentRootPath"]; // Set the HTTP GET request event. httpsv.OnGet += new EventHandler <HttpRequestEventArgs>(OnHttpGet); // Add the WebSocket services. httpsv.AddWebSocketService <WSService>("/WSService"); // Add the WebSocket service with initializing. /* * httpsv.AddWebSocketService<Chat> ( * "/Chat", * () => * new Chat ("Anon#") { * // To send the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header that has a subprotocol name. * Protocol = "chat", * // To ignore the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header. * IgnoreExtensions = true, * // To emit a WebSocket.OnMessage event when receives a ping. * EmitOnPing = true, * // To validate the Origin header. * OriginValidator = val => { * // Check the value of the Origin header, and return true if valid. * Uri origin; * return !val.IsNullOrEmpty () * && Uri.TryCreate (val, UriKind.Absolute, out origin) * && origin.Host == "localhost"; * }, * // To validate the cookies. * CookiesValidator = (req, res) => { * // Check the cookies in 'req', and set the cookies to send to * // the client with 'res' if necessary. * foreach (Cookie cookie in req) { * cookie.Expired = true; * res.Add (cookie); * } * * return true; // If valid. * } * } * ); */ // wss = httpsv.WebSocketServices["/WSService"]; }
public AccumDataBuffer(WebSocketServiceHost serviceSession, string sessionId) { m_ServiceSession = serviceSession; m_SessionID = sessionId; }
internal void AddHost(WebSocketServiceHost host) => Host = host;
public void Add(string name, string url, WebSocketServiceHost defaults, object rule) { dic.Add(name, new MapRoute(name, url, defaults, rule)); }
public WebSocketContext(WebSocketServiceManager webSocketServiceManager) { _webSocketServiceHost = webSocketServiceManager.Hosts .Single(h => h.Type.GetInterface(typeof(T).Name) != null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { LogConsole._Load(); PATH = Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString(); Inix ini = null; #region Load Settings try { if (File.Exists(PATH + @"\Settings\Settings.ini")) { ini = new Inix(PATH + @"\Settings\Settings.ini"); LSPort = ini.GetValue("Server", "port", 9002).ToString(); LSIP = ini.GetValue("Server", "ip", "localhost").ToString(); MIp = ini.GetValue("MySql", "ip", "localhost").ToString(); MUser = ini.GetValue("MySql", "user", "root").ToString(); MPass = ini.GetValue("MySql", "pass", "").ToString(); MDb = ini.GetValue("MySql", "db", "db_clone").ToString(); MPort = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("MySql", "port", 3306)); debug = Convert.ToBoolean(ini.GetValue("Console", "debug", false)); ini = null; LogConsole.Show(LogType.INFO, "Has loaded your ip settings successfully"); } else { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ALERT, "Settings.ini could not be found, using default setting"); } } catch (Exception excc) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, " {0}", excc.ToString()); return; } #endregion PacketsManager = new Packets.PacketsManager(); SessionsManager = new Components.SessionsManager(); ChannelManager = new ChannelManager(); _SQL.Init(MIp, MUser, MPass, MDb, MPort); //MapsL.LoadMaps.Load(); WSurl = WSurl + LSIP + ":" + LSPort; var wssv = new WebSocketServiceHost <Serverb>(WSurl); wssv.OnError += (sender, e) => { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, "[WS]: Error {0} ", e.Message); }; wssv.Start(); LogConsole.Show(LogType.ALERT, "Server Listening on port: {0}", wssv.Port); _LoopThrreading = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.LoopConsole)); _LoopThrreading.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; _LoopThrreading.Start(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); string _comm = Console.ReadLine(); switch (_comm) { case "online": //LogConsole.Show(LogType.INFO, "Users Online: {0}", Users.Count()); break; default: break; } } }