protected void DisplayUser() { PERSON person = LocalPerson(); BusinessLocation businessLocation; SETTINGS setsPwdReset = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordResetEnable"); SQM_ACCESS sysAccess = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(entities, person.SSO_ID, "", false); divPageBody.Visible = true; ddlPlantSelect.ClearCheckedItems(); DisplayErrorMessage(null); string addFields = SessionManager.GetUserSetting("COMPANY", "PERSON_ADD_FIELDS") == null ? "" : SessionManager.GetUserSetting("COMPANY", "PERSON_ADD_FIELDS").VALUE; if (addFields.Contains("jobcode")) { trJobCode.Visible = true; } else { trJobCode.Visible = false; } if (addFields.Contains("supv")) { lblEmpSupv.Visible = tbSupvEmpID.Visible = true; } else { lblEmpID.Visible = true; } if (person == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.STATUS)) // new user { winUserEdit.Title = hfAddUser.Value; businessLocation = new BusinessLocation(); businessLocation.Company = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company; SetStatusList("ddlUserStatus", "A", true); tbUserSSOID.Enabled = true; tbUserSSOID.Text = ""; tbUserSSOID.Focus(); } else { winUserEdit.Title = hfUpdateUser.Value; tbUserSSOID.Enabled = setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y" ? true : false; tbUserFirstName.Focus(); lblPlantAccess.Text = ""; if (person.PLANT_ID > 0) { ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue = person.PLANT_ID.ToString(); if (ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PLANT_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PLANT_ID.ToString()).Checked = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.NEW_LOCATION_CD)) { RadComboBoxItem plantItem = null; string[] locs = person.NEW_LOCATION_CD.Split(','); foreach (string locid in locs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locid)) { if ((plantItem = ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(locid)) != null) { ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(locid).Checked = true; if (locs.Length > 2) { lblPlantAccess.Text += lblPlantAccess.Text.Length == 0 ? plantItem.Text : (", " + plantItem.Text); } } } } } } // AW20131106 - do not want to be able to change a SSO ID once a person has been added if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.SSO_ID.Trim())) { tbUserSSOID.Text = person.SSO_ID; } tbUserFirstName.Text = person.FIRST_NAME; tbUserLastName.Text = person.LAST_NAME; tbUserMiddleName.Text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.MIDDLE_NAME) ? person.MIDDLE_NAME : ""; if (ddlJobCode.Items.FindItemByValue(person.JOBCODE_CD) != null) { ddlJobCode.SelectedValue = person.JOBCODE_CD; } else { ddlJobCode.SelectedValue = ""; } if (ddlPrivGroup.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PRIV_GROUP) != null) { ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue = person.PRIV_GROUP; } else { ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue = ""; } tbUserPhone.Text = person.PHONE; tbUserEmail.Text = person.EMAIL; tbEmpID.Text = person.EMP_ID; tbSupvEmpID.Text = person.SUPV_EMP_ID; SetStatusList("ddlUserStatus", person.STATUS, true); if (sysAccess != null && sysAccess.LAST_LOGON_DT.HasValue) { lblUserLoginDate_out.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatDate(WebSiteCommon.LocalTime((DateTime)sysAccess.LAST_LOGON_DT, WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("timeZone", person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE)), "g", true); } else { lblUserLoginDate_out.Text = ""; } lblUserLastUpdate.Text = person.LAST_UPD_BY + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(WebSiteCommon.LocalTime((DateTime)person.LAST_UPD_DT, SessionManager.UserContext.TimeZoneID), "g", true); if (ddlUserLanguage.Items.FindByValue(person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue = person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString(); } if (ddlUserTimezone.Items.FindByValue(person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE) != null) { ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue = person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE; } List <SysModule> sysmodList = SQMSettings.SystemModuleItems(); string prod = ""; RadComboBoxItem item = null; RadComboBoxItem itemSep = null; lblPrivScope.Text = ""; if (person.PRIV_GROUP != null) { foreach (PRIVLIST jp in SQMModelMgr.SelectPrivList(person.PRIV_GROUP).ToList()) { lblPrivScope.Text += (" " + ((SysPriv)jp.PRIV).ToString() + ": " + jp.SCOPE + ","); } } lblPrivScope.Text = lblPrivScope.Text.TrimEnd(','); if (setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { trResetPassword.Visible = true; } cbUserEmailLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person,; cbPrivGroupLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.priv); cbHRLocationLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.plant); cbUserLanguageLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.lang); string script = "function f(){OpenUserEditWindow(); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", script, true); }
protected bool SaveUser(bool updateUser) { bool bErrors = false; bool success; Label lblErrorMessage = null; PERSON person = LocalPerson(); string currentSSOID = LocalPerson().SSO_ID; PERSON currentPerson = new PERSON(); if (isNew) { person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); // trim traling blanks when creating new user } else { person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, person.PERSON_ID, "", false); person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text; currentPerson.ROLE = person.ROLE; } person.FIRST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) ? "" : tbUserFirstName.Text; person.LAST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) ? "" : tbUserLastName.Text; person.MIDDLE_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserMiddleName.Text) ? "" : tbUserMiddleName.Text; person.JOBCODE_CD = ddlJobCode.SelectedValue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue)) { person.PRIV_GROUP = null; } else { person.PRIV_GROUP = ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue; } person.PHONE = tbUserPhone.Text; person.EMAIL = tbUserEmail.Text; person.EMP_ID = tbEmpID.Text; person.SUPV_EMP_ID = tbSupvEmpID.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE = ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue; } person.COMPANY_ID = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(Convert.ToDecimal(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)); if (plant != null) { person.PLANT_ID = plant.PLANT_ID; person.BUS_ORG_ID = (decimal)plant.BUS_ORG_ID; } } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = ""; foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlPlantSelect)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.NEW_LOCATION_CD)) { person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = ","; } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); } person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = ""; /* quality module reference * foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlCustPlantSelect)) * { * person.OLD_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); * } * person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = person.OLD_LOCATION_CD.TrimEnd(','); */ person.STATUS = ddlUserStatus.SelectedValue; // roles were originally a list - let's keep the logic below just in case we need to restore a multi-role strategy //person.PERSON_ROLE.Clear(); person.ROLE = 100; ///// person.RCV_ESCALATION = true; person.LOCKS = ""; if (cbUserEmailLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += ( + ","); } if (cbPrivGroupLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.priv.ToString() + ","); } if (cbHRLocationLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.plant.ToString() + ","); } if (cbUserLanguageLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.lang.ToString() + ","); } person.LOCKS = person.LOCKS.TrimEnd(','); SetLocalPerson(person); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) || ddlJobCode.SelectedIndex < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { lblErrorMessage = lblErrRequiredInputs; } if (lblErrorMessage == null) { // AW20131106 - need to verify that the SSO_ID and email address are unique in the system lblDuplicateSSOId.Visible = false; lblDuplicateEmail.Visible = false; string strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text; string strEmail = tbUserEmail.Text; if (isNew) // || !strSSOId.Equals(person.SSO_ID)) { // verify unique sso_id strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, strSSOId, "", false); if (access != null && access.SSO_ID.ToLower().Equals(strSSOId.ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateSSOId; } } if (lblErrorMessage == null && (isNew || !strEmail.Equals(person.EMAIL))) { // verify unique email SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); //SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentialsByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail, false); // ABW 20140117 - we want to look up email on person record... PERSON personEmail = SQMModelMgr.LookupPersonByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail); if (personEmail != null && personEmail.EMAIL.Trim().ToLower().Equals(strEmail.Trim().ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateEmail; } } } if (lblErrorMessage != null) { DisplayUser(); DisplayErrorMessage(lblErrorMessage); return(false); } if (updateUser) { string defaultPwd = ""; string environment = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["environment"].ToString(); string altEmail = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(environment) && environment.ToLower() == "dev" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["altEmail"].ToString() : ""; if (isNew) { SETTINGS pwdInitial = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordDefault"); if (pwdInitial != null) { switch (pwdInitial.VALUE.ToUpper()) { case "LASTNAME": defaultPwd = person.LAST_NAME; break; case "EMPID": defaultPwd = person.EMP_ID; break; default: break; } } } SetLocalPerson(SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), false, currentSSOID, defaultPwd)); //selectedUser = SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), Convert.ToBoolean(GetFindControlValue("cbIsBuyer", hfBase, out success)), GetFindControlValue("tbBuyerCode", hfBase, out success)); // AW20131106 - send an email for new users with random password generation List <SETTINGS> MailSettings = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("MAIL", ""); // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS setting = new SETTINGS(); // ABW 20140805 setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailFromSystem"); // ABW 20140805 string strEmailCompanyName = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (setting != null) // ABW 20140805 { strEmailCompanyName = setting.VALUE; } bool sendEmail = false; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "SendNewUserEmail"); if (setting != null && setting.VALUE.ToLower().Equals("true")) // ABW 20140805 { sendEmail = true; } List <XLAT> XLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[1] { "USER_EMAIL" }, 0); string strEmailSubject = ""; string strEmailBody = ""; LOCAL_LANGUAGE lang = SQMModelMgr.LookupLanguage(new PSsqmEntities(), "", (int)person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID, false); string strTemp = ""; if (isNew && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPwd) || sendEmail)) // send email notice only when a default password was not set { // send a confirmation email // string strength = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasswordComplexity"]; // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); // ABW 20140805 string strength = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, LocalPerson().SSO_ID, "", false); string key = SQMModelMgr.GetPasswordKey(); string strPassword = WebSiteCommon.Decrypt(access.PASSWORD, key); // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //string strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserWelcome"); //string strEmailBody = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString() + " " + LocalPerson().SSO_ID + lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString() + " " + strPassword; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); //if (setting != null) // strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; //complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); // ABW 20140805 //if (complexity != null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); // ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; strEmailBody = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUsername", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody += " " + LocalPerson().SSO_ID; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyPassword", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody += " " + strPassword; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUrl", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; string strUrlLabel = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strUrlLabel = lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString(); } else { strUrlLabel = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBody += strUrlLabel + " <a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); // ABW 20140805 if (complexity != null) { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + strTemp.Trim(); } // ABW 20140117 - we are now using the email on the Person record /* * Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody.Trim(), "")); * thread.IsBackground = true; * thread.Start(); */ string mailStatus = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody.Trim(), ""); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, ("user password notification - is new = " + isNew.ToString()), mailStatus, altEmail); } else { bool roleChanged = person.ROLE != currentPerson.ROLE ? true : false; // ABW 20160115 - send an email based on a parameter setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "SendChangeUserEmail"); if (setting != null && setting.VALUE.ToLower().Equals("true")) { sendEmail = true; } else { sendEmail = false; } if (roleChanged && sendEmail) { //ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = lblUserRoleEmailSubjecta.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailSubjectb.Text; //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeWelcome"); //string strEmailBody = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text; //else // strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; //else // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); //ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strEmailSubject = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = lblUserRoleEmailSubjecta.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailSubjectb.Text; } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text; } else { strEmailBody = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSignature"); strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } /* * Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, "")); * thread.IsBackground = true; * thread.Start(); */ string mailStatus = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, ""); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, "user role changed", mailStatus, altEmail); } if (cbResetPassword.Checked) // always send an email when the password changes { // build the email body in 3 segments SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); string strength = ""; if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //string strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblResetEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetWelcome"); //string strEmailBodya = ""; //string strEmailBodyb = ""; //string strEmailBodyc = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBodya = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBodya = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //strEmailBodya += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); //strEmailBodyb = lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); //if (setting != null) // strEmailBodyc += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; //complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); //if (complexity != null) // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); // ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminPasswordResetSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } string strEmailBodya = ""; string strEmailBodyb = ""; string strEmailBodyc = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminPasswordResetWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodya = lblResetEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodya = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUsername", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodya += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodya += strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyPassword", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodyb = lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodyb = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUrl", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; string strUrlLabel = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strUrlLabel = lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString(); } else { strUrlLabel = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBodyc += strUrlLabel.Trim() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); if (complexity != null) { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + strTemp.Trim(); } int msg = WebSiteCommon.RecoverPassword(person.EMAIL, person.SSO_ID, strEmailSubject, strEmailBodya, strEmailBodyb, strEmailBodyc); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBodya, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, "recover password", msg.ToString(), altEmail); } } isNew = false; if (SQMModelMgr.updateStatus < 0) // report error { AlertUpdateResult(SQMModelMgr.updateStatus); } } else { SetLocalPerson(person); } return(true); }
public PROB_DEFINE UpdateProblemDefinition(PROB_DEFINE prDefine) { foreach (INCIDENT incident in this.IncidentList) { if (this.ProbCase.PROBCASE_TYPE == "QI") { QualityIssue qualityIssue = new QualityIssue().Load(incident.INCIDENT_ID); string str = ""; // who reported the problem str = incident.CREATE_BY; if (incident.CREATE_PERSON != null && incident.CREATE_PERSON > 0) { PERSON person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)incident.CREATE_PERSON, ""); COMPANY company = SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany(person.COMPANY_ID); str += " (" + company.COMPANY_NAME + ")"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHO_IS) || !prDefine.WHO_IS.Contains(str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHO_IS)) { prDefine.WHO_IS += ", "; } prDefine.WHO_IS += str; } // where did the problem occur str = qualityIssue.DetectedLocation.Company.COMPANY_NAME; if (incident.DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID != null && incident.DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID > 0) { str += (" / " + qualityIssue.DetectedLocation.BusinessOrg.ORG_NAME); } if (incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID != null && incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID > 0) { str += (" / " + qualityIssue.DetectedLocation.Plant.PLANT_NAME); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHERE_IS) || !prDefine.WHERE_IS.Contains(str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHERE_IS)) { prDefine.WHERE_IS += ", "; } prDefine.WHERE_IS += str; } // where detected str = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("issueResponsible", qualityIssue.IssueOccur.SOURCE); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.DETECTED_IS) || !prDefine.DETECTED_IS.Contains(str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.DETECTED_IS)) { prDefine.DETECTED_IS += ", "; } prDefine.DETECTED_IS += str; } // who or where is impacted if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.IMPACT_IS)) { prDefine.IMPACT_IS += ", "; } prDefine.IMPACT_IS += WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("issueResponsible", qualityIssue.IssueOccur.SOURCE); // when did the problem occur str = WebSiteCommon.FormatDateString(WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(incident.INCIDENT_DT, SessionManager.UserContext.TimeZoneID), false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHEN_IS) || !prDefine.WHEN_IS.Contains(str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHEN_IS)) { prDefine.WHEN_IS += ", "; } prDefine.WHEN_IS += str; } // what is the problem if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHAT_IS)) { prDefine.WHAT_IS += ", "; } prDefine.WHAT_IS += (" " + qualityIssue.Partdata.Part.PART_NUM + "(" + qualityIssue.Partdata.Part.PART_NAME + ")"); // how many how often detected double qty = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.HOW_MANY)) { qty = double.Parse(prDefine.HOW_MANY); } foreach (QI_OCCUR_ITEM item in qualityIssue.IssueOccur.QI_OCCUR_ITEM) { qty += Convert.ToDouble(item.INSPECT_NC_QTY); foreach (QI_OCCUR_NC sample in item.QI_OCCUR_NC) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.NC_IS)) { prDefine.NC_IS += ", "; } NONCONFORMANCE nc = SQMResourcesMgr.LookupNonconf(this.Entities, (decimal)sample.NONCONF_ID, ""); if (nc != null) { prDefine.NC_IS += (qualityIssue.IssueOccur.OCCUR_DESC + ": " + nc.NONCONF_DESC); } } } prDefine.HOW_MANY = qty.ToString(); str = qualityIssue.IssueOccur.OCCUR_DESC; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHY_IS) || !prDefine.WHY_IS.Contains(str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prDefine.WHY_IS)) { prDefine.WHY_IS += ", "; } prDefine.WHY_IS += str; } prDefine.URGENT_IS = prDefine.MEASURE_IS = prDefine.OFTEN_IS = "TBD"; } } return(prDefine); }
public UserContext Initialize(string SSOID, string pwd, bool activeOnly) { SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctx = new PSsqmEntities(); this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.SSOUndefined; SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctx, SSOID, pwd, true); if (access != null) { string key = SQMModelMgr.GetPasswordKey(); // AW - for now, we want to allow if the password = the password OR the encrypted password string password = WebSiteCommon.Decrypt(access.PASSWORD, key); //string encrypt = WebSiteCommon.Encrypt(pwd, key); //string ss = encrypt; /* * if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd) && (SSOID.ToLower() != "admin")) || (pwd != password && pwd != access.PASSWORD)) * this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.PasswordMismatch; */ //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(access.PASSWORD) && (pwd != password && pwd != access.PASSWORD)) if (pwd != password && pwd != access.PASSWORD) { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.PasswordMismatch; } else if (activeOnly && access.STATUS == "I") { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.Inactive; } else if (access.STATUS == "L") { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.Locked; } else { if ((this.Person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(ctx, 0, access.SSO_ID, false)) == null) { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.PersonUndefined; } else { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.Success; this.HRLocation = new BusinessLocation().Initialize(SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany((decimal)this.Person.COMPANY_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupBusOrg((decimal)this.Person.BUS_ORG_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)this.Person.PLANT_ID)); if (this.HRLocation.Company == null) { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.CompanyUndefined; } else { //this.PrivList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPrivGroupJobcode(this.Person.JOBCODE_CD, "COMMON"); this.PrivList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPrivGroupPerson(this.Person.PRIV_GROUP, "COMMON"); SessionManager.EffLocation = new BusinessLocation().Initialize(SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany((decimal)this.Person.COMPANY_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupBusOrg((decimal)this.Person.BUS_ORG_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)this.Person.PLANT_ID)); if (this.Person.PERSON_RESP.ALT_COMPANY_ID > 0) { this.WorkingLocation = new BusinessLocation().Initialize(SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany((decimal)this.Person.PERSON_RESP.ALT_COMPANY_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupBusOrg((decimal)this.Person.PERSON_RESP.ALT_BUS_ORG_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)this.Person.PERSON_RESP.ALT_PLANT_ID)); } else { this.WorkingLocation = new BusinessLocation(); this.WorkingLocation = SessionManager.EffLocation; } //this.WorkingLocation = new BusinessLocation().Initialize(SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany((decimal)this.Person.COMPANY_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupBusOrg((decimal)this.Person.BUS_ORG_ID), SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)this.Person.PLANT_ID)); this.PlantAccessList = new List <decimal>(); this.PlantAccessList.Add(this.WorkingLocation.Plant.PLANT_ID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Person.NEW_LOCATION_CD)) { decimal plantID; string[] locs = Person.NEW_LOCATION_CD.Split(','); foreach (string locid in locs) { if (decimal.TryParse(locid, out plantID) && plantID != this.WorkingLocation.Plant.PLANT_ID) { this.PlantAccessList.Add(plantID); } } } access.LAST_LOGON_DT = WebSiteCommon.CurrentUTCTime(); int ctxstatus = 0; SQMModelMgr.UpdateCredentials(ctx, access, "", out ctxstatus); this.Credentials = access; this.TimeZoneID = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("timeZone", this.Person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE); //this.DelegateList = new List<decimal>(); //this.DelegateList = SQMModelMgr.SelectDelegateList(ctx, this.Person.PERSON_ID).Select(l => l.PERSON_ID).ToList(); if (SessionManager.CreateSessionContext(this) == null) { this.LoginStatus = LoginStatus.SessionError; } this.InboxReviews = 0; this.TaskList = new List <TaskItem>(); } } } } return(this); }
protected void rgIncidentList_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridDataItem) { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem)e.Item; HiddenField hf; Label lbl; EHSIncidentData data = (EHSIncidentData)e.Item.DataItem; lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncidentId"); lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(data.Incident.INCIDENT_ID, 6); if (data.Incident.DESCRIPTION.Length > 120) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDescription"); lbl.Text = data.Incident.DESCRIPTION.Substring(0, 117) + "..."; } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDescription"); lbl.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(lbl.Text); if (data.Person != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblReportedBy"); lbl.Text = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(data.Person); } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncStatus"); if (data.Status == "C") { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentStatus", "C") + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)data.Incident.CLOSE_DATE, "d", false) + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose.ToString() + ")"; } else if (data.Status == "C8") { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentStatus", "C8") + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)data.Incident.CLOSE_DATE_8D, "d", false) + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose.ToString() + ")"; } else if (data.Status == "N") { lbl.Text = "<strong>" + WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentStatus", "N") + "</strong>"; } else { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentStatus", "A") + "<br/>(" + data.DaysOpen + ")"; } LinkButton lb8d = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lb8d"); LinkButton lbEditReport = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbEditReport"); HyperLink hlReport = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("hlReport"); hlReport.Visible = true; INCIDENT_ANSWER entry = data.Incident.INCIDENT_ANSWER.Where(l => l.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.Create8D).FirstOrDefault(); if (entry != null && entry.ANSWER_VALUE == "Yes") { if (UserContext.RoleAccess() > AccessMode.View) { lb8d.Visible = true; } else { lb8d.Visible = false; } lbEditReport.Visible = false; var problemCaseId = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectProblemCaseIdByIncidentId(data.Incident.INCIDENT_ID); if (problemCaseId > 0) { hlReport.NavigateUrl = "/EHS/EHS_Alert_PDF.aspx?pcid=" + EncryptionManager.Encrypt(problemCaseId.ToString()); LinkButton lbReport = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbReport"); lbReport.Visible = true; lbReport.CommandArgument = problemCaseId.ToString(); lbReport.Attributes.Add("CaseType", data.Incident.INCIDENT_TYPE); } } else { lb8d.Visible = false; lbEditReport.Visible = true; hlReport.NavigateUrl = "/EHS/EHS_Alert_PDF.aspx?iid=" + EncryptionManager.Encrypt(data.Incident.INCIDENT_ID.ToString()); } if (data.Incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == 10) // Prevention Verification { lbEditReport.Visible = false; //HtmlImage imgEditReport = (HtmlImage)e.Item.FindControl("imgEditReport"); //imgEditReport.Visible = false; } if (rgIncidentList.MasterTableView.GetColumn("Attach").Visible&& data.AttachList != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAttach"); Ucl_Attach attch = (Ucl_Attach)Page.LoadControl("/Include/Ucl_Attach.ascx"); lbl.Parent.Controls.AddAt(lbl.Parent.Controls.IndexOf(lbl), attch); attch.BindListAttachment(data.AttachList, "", 1); } } }
protected void rgPreventativeList_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridDataItem) { HiddenField hf; Label lbl; string val = ""; EHSIncidentData data = (EHSIncidentData)e.Item.DataItem; lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncidentId"); lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(data.Incident.INCIDENT_ID, 6); lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDescription"); lbl.Text = StringHtmlExtensions.TruncateHtml(data.Incident.DESCRIPTION, 100, "..."); lbl.Text = lbl.Text.Replace("<a href", "<a target=\"blank\" href"); if (data.Person != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblReportedBy"); lbl.Text = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(data.Person); } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblCategory"); lbl.Text = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentAnswer(data.Incident, (decimal)EHSQuestionId.InspectionCategory) + "<br/>" + EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentAnswer(data.Incident, (decimal)EHSQuestionId.RecommendationType); lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncStatus"); try { if (data.Status == "U") { lbl.Text = "Audited " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)data.Incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE, "d", false) + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose.ToString() + ")"; } else if (data.Status == "F") { lbl.Text = "Awaiting Funding " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)data.Incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE, "d", false) + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose.ToString() + ")"; } else if (data.Status == "C") { lbl.Text = "Closed " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)data.Incident.CLOSE_DATE, "d", false) + "<br/><strong>Not Audited</strong>"; } else { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentStatus", data.Status) + "<br/>(" + data.DaysOpen + ")"; } } catch { ; } LinkButton lbEditReport = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbEditReport"); lbEditReport.Visible = true; try { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncidentDT"); lbl.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatDate(data.Incident.INCIDENT_DT, "d", false); if ((val = data.EntryList.Where(l => l.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == 80).Select(l => l.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault()) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { val = val.Substring(0, val.IndexOf(' ')); DateTime parseDate; if (DateTime.TryParse(val, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out parseDate)) { lbl.Text = parseDate.ToShortDateString(); } } } catch {} try { if ((val = data.EntryList.Where(l => l.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == 92).Select(l => l.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault()) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { val = val.Substring(0, val.IndexOf(' ')); DateTime parseDate; if (DateTime.TryParse(val, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out parseDate)) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDueDT"); lbl.Text = parseDate.ToShortDateString(); } } } catch {; } if (data.RespPerson != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAssignedTo"); lbl.Text = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(data.RespPerson); } if (rgPreventativeList.MasterTableView.GetColumn("Attach").Visible&& data.AttachList != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAttach"); Ucl_Attach attch = (Ucl_Attach)Page.LoadControl("/Include/Ucl_Attach.ascx"); lbl.Parent.Controls.AddAt(lbl.Parent.Controls.IndexOf(lbl), attch); attch.BindListAttachment(data.AttachList, "1", 1); } } }
public string GetFullIncidentName(string typeCode) { return(WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("incidentType", typeCode)); }
private void SetupProfilePanel() { if (ddlMetricDisposalCode.Items.Count == 0) { ddlDayDue.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListNums(1, 31)); ddlMetricDue.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListNums(1, 31)); ddlWarningDays.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListNums(0, 11)); ddlMetricDisposalCode.DataSource = SessionManager.DisposalCodeList; ddlMetricDisposalCode.DataValueField = "UN_CODE"; ddlMetricDisposalCode.DataTextField = "UN_CODE"; ddlMetricDisposalCode.DataBind(); ddlMetricDisposalCode.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("")); ddlMetricRegStatus.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("regulatoryStatus")); ddlMetricRegStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("")); SQMBasePage.FillCurrencyDDL(ddlMetricCurrency, "EUR"); ddlMetricCurrency.Items.Insert(0, ""); ddlMetricCost.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("costType", "long")); ddlMetricCost.Items.Insert(0, ""); if (UserContext.CheckUserPrivilege(SysPriv.config, SysScope.envdata)) { ddlMetricStatus.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("statusCodeDelete")); } else { ddlMetricStatus.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("statusCode")); } ddlMetricCategory.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("measureCategoryEHS", 2, "")); ddlMetricCategory.Items.Insert(0, ""); measureList = EHSModel.SelectEHSMeasureList("", true).OrderBy(l => l.MEASURE_NAME).ToList(); foreach (EHS_MEASURE measure in measureList) { ddlMetricID.Items.Add(new ListItem(measure.MEASURE_NAME.Trim(), WebSiteCommon.PackItemValue(measure.MEASURE_CATEGORY, measure.EFM_TYPE, measure.MEASURE_ID.ToString()))); if (measure.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "FACT") { ListItem item = new ListItem(measure.MEASURE_NAME.Trim(), measure.MEASURE_ID.ToString()); item.Attributes.Add("title", measure.MEASURE_DESC); ddlNormFact.Items.Add(item); } } ddlMetricID.Items.Insert(0, ""); ddlNormFact.Items.Insert(0, ""); if (ddlNormFact.Items.Count == 1) // don't display normalize selects if no factors defined { phNormFact.Visible = false; } foreach (UOM uom in SessionManager.UOMList.Where(l => l.OWNER_ID == null).OrderBy(l => l.UOM_NAME).ToList()) { ddlMetricUOM.Items.Add(new ListItem(uom.UOM_NAME, WebSiteCommon.PackItemValue(uom.UOM_CATEGORY, uom.EFM_TYPE, uom.UOM_ID.ToString()))); } ddlMetricUOM.Items.Insert(0, ""); ddlMetricUOM.SelectedIndex = 0; } divEHSProfile.Visible = true; pnlCopyProfile.Visible = false; UpdateListTitles(); }
public static VIDEO Add(String fileName, String fileExtention, String description, string videoTitle, int sourceType, decimal sourceId, string sourceStep, string injuryType, string bodyPart, string videoType, DateTime videoDate, DateTime incidentDate, Stream file, decimal plantId) { VIDEO ret = null; try { using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { VIDEO video = new VIDEO(); //video.FILE_NAME = filename; video.DESCRIPTION = description; video.TITLE = videoTitle; video.SOURCE_TYPE = sourceType; video.SOURCE_ID = sourceId; video.SOURCE_STEP = sourceStep; if (plantId > 0) { PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(plantId); video.COMPANY_ID = (decimal)plant.COMPANY_ID; video.BUS_ORG_ID = (decimal)plant.BUS_ORG_ID; video.PLANT_ID = plantId; } else { video.COMPANY_ID = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; video.BUS_ORG_ID = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.BUS_ORG_ID; video.PLANT_ID = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PLANT_ID; } video.VIDEO_PERSON = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID; video.CREATE_DT = WebSiteCommon.CurrentUTCTime(); video.VIDEO_TYPE = videoType; // this is the injury/incident type. Default to 0 for Media & audit video.VIDEO_DT = videoDate; video.INCIDENT_DT = incidentDate; video.INJURY_TYPES = injuryType; video.BODY_PARTS = bodyPart; video.VIDEO_STATUS = ""; //video.FILE_NAME = fileName; video.FILE_SIZE = file.Length; entities.AddToVIDEO(video); entities.SaveChanges(); // use the video id, but have to save video video.FILE_NAME = video.VIDEO_ID.ToString() + fileExtention; entities.SaveChanges(); // this is the code for saving the file in the Azure cloud if (video != null) { // get the container from the settings table List <SETTINGS> sets = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("MEDIA_UPLOAD", ""); string storageContainer = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "STORAGE_CONTAINER").VALUE.ToString(); CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse( CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString")); CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(storageContainer); CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(video.VIDEO_ID.ToString() + fileExtention); blockBlob.UploadFromStream(file); } ret = video; } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); ret = null; } return(ret); }
protected void tab_Click(string tabID, string cmdArg) { if (tabID != null) { // setup for ps_admin.js to toggle the tab active/inactive display SetActiveTab(SessionManager.CurrentSecondaryTab = hfActiveTab.Value = tabID); pnlDetails.Visible = uclDocMgr.DocMgrPnl.Visible = pnlTargetList.Visible = pnlUomStd.Visible = false; COMPANY company = SQMModelMgr.LookupCompany(entities, SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID, "", false); switch (tabID) { case "lbCompanyDetail_tab": pnlDetails.Visible = true; cbIsCustomer.Checked = (bool)company.IS_CUSTOMER; cbIsSupplier.Checked = (bool)company.IS_SUPPLIER; if (ddlStatus.Items.FindByValue(company.STATUS) != null) { ddlStatus.SelectedValue = company.STATUS; } if (SessionManager.IsEffLocationPrimary() == true) { phUpdateCompany.Visible = false; cbIsCustomer.Enabled = cbIsSupplier.Enabled = ddlStatus.Enabled = false; } break; case "lbUomStds_tab": pnlUomStd.Visible = true; BindStdUnits(SessionManager.EffLocation.Company); break; case "lbCompanyTargets_tab": pnlTargetList.Visible = true; targetList = ViewModel.SelectTargets(entities, company.COMPANY_ID, 0); BindTargetList(targetList); if (ddlEffYear.Items.Count == 0) { ddlEffYear.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListNums(2005, 15)); ddlTargetStatus.Items.AddRange(WebSiteCommon.PopulateDropDownListItems("statusCodeDelete", "short")); string[] targs = { "statScopeE", "statScopeHS", "statScopeQS" }; foreach (string scopelist in targs) { foreach (WebSiteCommon.SelectItem si in WebSiteCommon.PopulateListItems(scopelist)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(si.Value)) { RadComboBoxItem li = new RadComboBoxItem(si.Text, si.Text); li.IsSeparator = true; ddlTarget.Items.Add(li); } else { ddlTarget.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(si.Text, (si.Value + "|" + scopelist.Substring(9)))); } } } } break; default: if (SessionManager.IsEffLocationPrimary()) { uclDocMgr.BindDocMgr("SYS", 0, 0); } break; } } }
protected void btnMetricSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success; bool measureChanged = false; bool reqdError = false; EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE pm = null; if (hfOper.Value == "add") { pm = new EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE(); pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT = new EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT(); } else { pm = LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE.FirstOrDefault(l => l.PRMR_ID == LocalProfile().CurrentProfileMeasure.PRMR_ID); if (pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT == null) { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT = new EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT(); pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.PRMR_ID = pm.PRMR_ID; } } pm.PLANT_ID = LocalProfile().Profile.PLANT_ID; decimal measureID = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue)) { measureID = Convert.ToDecimal(WebSiteCommon.ParseItemValue(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue)); if (pm.MEASURE_ID != measureID) { measureChanged = true; } } pm.MEASURE_ID = measureID; pm.MEASURE_PROMPT = tbMetricPrompt.Text; pm.REG_STATUS = ddlMetricRegStatus.SelectedValue; pm.UN_CODE = ddlMetricDisposalCode.SelectedValue; pm.WASTE_CODE = tbWasteCode.Text; if (trMetricDue.Visible == true && ddlMetricDue.SelectedIndex != null && ddlMetricDue.SelectedIndex > -1) { pm.DAY_DUE = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMetricDue.SelectedValue); } else { pm.DAY_DUE = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDayDue.SelectedValue); } pm.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE = ddlMetricCurrency.SelectedValue; if (ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedIndex > 0) { decimal personID = Convert.ToDecimal(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue); if (personID != pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID) { pm = LocalProfile().UpdateMeasureResponsible(pm, personID); } pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID = personID; } else { pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID = Convert.ToDecimal(null); } if (ddlMetricCost.SelectedValue == "CREDIT") { pm.NEG_VALUE_ALLOWED = true; } else { pm.NEG_VALUE_ALLOWED = false; } pm.STATUS = ddlMetricStatus.SelectedValue; pm.IS_REQUIRED = cbMetricRequired.Checked; decimal uomID = 0; if (ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue == "FACT") { pm.DEFAULT_UOM = EHSModel.LookupEHSMeasure(new PSsqmEntities(), pm.MEASURE_ID, "").STD_UOM; } else { if (SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(WebSiteCommon.ParseItemValue(ddlMetricUOM.SelectedValue), out uomID)) { pm.DEFAULT_UOM = uomID; } decimal UOMFactor = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(tbUOMFactor.Text, out UOMFactor)) { pm.UOM_FACTOR = UOMFactor; } else { pm.UOM_FACTOR = null; } } if (phMetricExt.Visible) { decimal decimalValue; if (SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(tbValueDflt.Text, out decimalValue)) { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT = decimalValue; } else { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT = null; } if (SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(tbCostDflt.Text, out decimalValue)) { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT = decimalValue; } else { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT = null; } if ((pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT.HasValue || pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT.HasValue)) { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.OVERRIDE_ALLOWED = cbEnableOverride.Checked; } else { pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.OVERRIDE_ALLOWED = false; } /* * if ((pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT.HasValue || pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT.HasValue) && radEffEndDate.SelectedDate != null) * pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.EFF_END_DT = (DateTime)radEffEndDate.SelectedDate; * else * pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.EFF_END_DT = null; */ } // validate switch (ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) { case "ENGY": case "EUTL": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricUOM.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue)) { reqdError = true; } break; case "PROD": case "FACT": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue)) { reqdError = true; } break; case "SAFE": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue)) { reqdError = true; } break; default: if (tdDisposal.Attributes["Class"] == null || tdDisposal.Attributes["Class"] != "required") // UN disposal code not required { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricUOM.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricRegStatus.SelectedValue)) { reqdError = true; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricUOM.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricDisposalCode.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMetricRegStatus.SelectedValue)) { reqdError = true; } } if (tbUOMFactor.Visible && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUOMFactor.Text)) { reqdError = true; } break; } // AW01/2016 - if trying to delete, verify that there is no historical data associated with the Metric by checking for a EHS_PROFILE_INPUT if (pm.STATUS.Equals("D")) { if (EHSProfile.ValidateProfileMeasureForDelete(LocalProfile(), pm.PRMR_ID) > 0) { reqdError = true; BindProfileMeasure(pm); DisplayErrorMessage(hfErrMetricHasHistory); return; } else { } } if (reqdError && !pm.STATUS.Equals("D")) // AW 01/2016 - don't show the errors if we are deleting the record { BindProfileMeasure(pm); DisplayErrorMessage(hfErrRequiredInputs); hfOper.Value = ""; return; } if (hfOper.Value == "add") // add measure to list { pm = LocalProfile().AddMeasure(pm, Convert.ToDecimal(WebSiteCommon.ParseItemValue(ddlMetricID.SelectedValue))); } EHSProfile.UpdateProfile(LocalProfile()); if (pm.STATUS == "D") { EHSProfile.DeleteProfileMeasureNoHistory(LocalProfile(), pm.PRMR_ID); // AW 01/2016 - Delete record by PRMR_ID, not MEASURE_ID measureChanged = true; } if (measureChanged) { SetLocalProfile(new EHSProfile().Load(LocalProfile().Plant.PLANT_ID, true, false)); } btnMetricClear_Click(null, null); BindProfile(LocalProfile()); }
protected void btnProfileSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LocalProfile().Profile.DAY_DUE = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDayDue.SelectedValue); LocalProfile().Profile.REMINDER_DAYS = Convert.ToInt32(ddlWarningDays.SelectedValue); LocalProfile().Profile.APPROVER_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlFinalApprover.SelectedValue); LocalProfile().Profile.DISPLAY_OPTION = ddlDisplayOrder.SelectedIndex; if (LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_FACT != null) { LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_FACT.Clear(); } if (ddlNormFact.SelectedIndex > 0) { LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_FACT.Add(LocalProfile().AddFactor("norm", "", Convert.ToDecimal(ddlNormFact.SelectedValue))); LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_FACT.Add(LocalProfile().AddFactor("normCost", "", Convert.ToDecimal(ddlNormFact.SelectedValue))); } LocalProfile().Profile.UTIL_MONTH_SPAN = LocalProfile().Profile.WASTE_MONTH_SPAN = Convert.ToInt32(WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("invoiceSpan", "MINDATE")); if (EHSProfile.UpdateProfile(LocalProfile()) >= 0) { string script = string.Format("alert('{0}');", Resources.LocalizedText.SaveSuccess); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "alert", script, true); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveSuccess');", true); } BindProfile(LocalProfile()); }
public int BindProfileMeasure(EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE pm) { int status = 0; pnlMetricEdit.Visible = true; spUOMFactor.Visible = false; pnlMetricEdit.Visible = true; btnMetricCancel.Enabled = true; DisplayErrorMessage(null); if (SessionManager.GetUserSetting("EHS", "PROFILE_METRIC_DAYDUE") != null && SessionManager.GetUserSetting("EHS", "PROFILE_METRIC_DAYDUE").VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { trMetricDue.Visible = true; } else { trMetricDue.Visible = false; } try { if (pm == null) { ddlMetricID.Enabled = ddlMetricCost.Enabled = ddlMetricDisposalCode.Enabled = ddlMetricRegStatus.Enabled = ddlMetricUOM.Enabled = ddlMetricCurrency.Enabled = ddlMetricResponsible.Enabled = false; ddlMetricCategory.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricID.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricDisposalCode.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricRegStatus.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricUOM.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricCost.SelectedIndex = ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedIndex = 0; if (ddlMetricCurrency.Items.FindByValue(LocalProfile().Plant.CURRENCY_CODE) != null) { ddlMetricCurrency.SelectedValue = LocalProfile().Plant.CURRENCY_CODE; } lblMetricName.Text = lblDisposalDesc.Text = ""; tbMetricPrompt.Text = tbUOMFactor.Text = tbWasteCode.Text = ""; winMetricEdit.Title = hfAddMetric.Value; tbValueDflt.Text = tbCostDflt.Text = ""; cbEnableOverride.Checked = false; cbMetricRequired.Checked = true; ddlMetricDue.SelectedValue = ddlDayDue.SelectedValue; } else { winMetricEdit.Title = hfUpdateMetric.Value; LocalProfile().CurrentProfileMeasure = pm; LocalProfile().CurrentEHSMeasure = pm.EHS_MEASURE; if (pm.EHS_MEASURE != null && ddlMetricCategory.Items.FindByValue(pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY) != null) { ddlMetricCategory.SelectedValue = pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY; ddlCategoryChanged(ddlMetricCategory, null); ddlMetricID.SelectedValue = WebSiteCommon.PackItemValue(pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY, pm.EHS_MEASURE.EFM_TYPE, pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_ID.ToString()); lblMetricName.Text = pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CD; if (pm.DAY_DUE.HasValue) { ddlMetricDue.SelectedValue = pm.DAY_DUE.ToString(); } else { ddlMetricDue.SelectedValue = ddlDayDue.SelectedValue; } if (pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "PROD" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "SAFE" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "FACT" && ddlMetricCurrency.Items.FindByValue(pm.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE) != null) { ddlMetricCurrency.SelectedValue = pm.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE; } if (pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "PROD" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "SAFE" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "FACT" && pm.DEFAULT_UOM > 0) { UOM uom = SessionManager.UOMList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.UOM_ID == pm.DEFAULT_UOM); if (uom != null) { if (ddlMetricUOM.Items.FindByValue(WebSiteCommon.PackItemValue(uom.UOM_CATEGORY, uom.EFM_TYPE, uom.UOM_ID.ToString())) != null) { ddlMetricUOM.SelectedValue = WebSiteCommon.PackItemValue(uom.UOM_CATEGORY, uom.EFM_TYPE, uom.UOM_ID.ToString()); } else { ddlMetricUOM.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (uom.UOM_CATEGORY == "CUST") { spUOMFactor.Visible = true; } } if (pm.UOM_FACTOR.HasValue) { tbUOMFactor.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatValue((decimal)pm.UOM_FACTOR, 5); } } if (pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "PROD" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "SAFE" && pm.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "FACT") { if (pm.NEG_VALUE_ALLOWED.HasValue && (bool)pm.NEG_VALUE_ALLOWED) { ddlMetricCost.SelectedValue = "CREDIT"; } else { ddlMetricCost.SelectedValue = "COST"; } } } tbMetricPrompt.Text = pm.MEASURE_PROMPT; ddlMetricRegStatus.SelectedValue = pm.REG_STATUS; ddlMetricDisposalCode.SelectedValue = pm.UN_CODE; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pm.UN_CODE)) { lblDisposalDesc.Text = SessionManager.DisposalCodeList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.UN_CODE == pm.UN_CODE).DESCRIPTION; } else { lblDisposalDesc.Text = ""; } tbWasteCode.Text = pm.WASTE_CODE; if (pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID > 0 && ddlMetricResponsible.Items.FindByValue(pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedValue = pm.RESPONSIBLE_ID.ToString(); } else { ddlMetricResponsible.SelectedIndex = 0; } ddlUOMChanged(ddlMetricUOM, null); ddlMetricStatus.SelectedValue = pm.STATUS; cbMetricRequired.Checked = (bool)pm.IS_REQUIRED; tbValueDflt.Text = tbCostDflt.Text = ""; cbEnableOverride.Checked = false; // radEffEndDate.ShowPopupOnFocus = true; //radEffEndDate.SelectedDate = null; if (pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT != null && pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT.HasValue) { tbValueDflt.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatValue((decimal)pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT, 2); } if (pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT != null && pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT.HasValue) { tbCostDflt.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatValue((decimal)pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT, 2); } if (pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT != null && pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.OVERRIDE_ALLOWED.HasValue) { cbEnableOverride.Checked = (bool)pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.OVERRIDE_ALLOWED; } //if (pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT != null && pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.EFF_END_DT.HasValue) // radEffEndDate.SelectedDate = pm.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.EFF_END_DT; } UpdateListTitles(); pnlMetricEdit.Enabled = btnMetricCancel.Enabled = btnMetricSave.Enabled = UserContext.CheckUserPrivilege(SysPriv.config, SysScope.envdata); string script = "function f(){OpenMetricEditWindow(); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", script, true); } catch { } return(status); }
protected void rgAuditList_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridDataItem) { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem)e.Item; HiddenField hf; Label lbl; EHSAuditData data = (EHSAuditData)e.Item.DataItem; LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbAuditId"); lnk.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(data.Audit.AUDIT_ID, 6); /* * if (data.Audit.DESCRIPTION.Length > 120) * { * lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDescription"); * lbl.Text = data.Audit.DESCRIPTION.Substring(0, 117) + "..."; * } */ //lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblDescription"); //lbl.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(lbl.Text); if (data.Person != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAuditBy"); lbl.Text = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(data.Person); } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAuditStatus"); List <XLAT> TaskXLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[1] { "AUDIT_STATUS" }); if (data.Audit.CURRENT_STATUS == "C") { // TODO: This throws a null reference error when the database field is NULL (which is valid) DateTime clsDate = (DateTime)data.Audit.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE; lbl.Text = TaskXLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "AUDIT_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "C").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(clsDate, "d", false); // TODO: Possible fix //DateTime? clsDate = data.Audit.CLOSE_DATE; //if (data.Audit.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE.HasValue) //{ // clsDate = data.Audit.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE; //} //if (clsDate.HasValue) //{ // lbl.Text = TaskXLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "AUDIT_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "C").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(clsDate.Value, "d", false); //} } else { if (data.DaysToClose == 0) { DateTime tmp = ((DateTime)data.Audit.AUDIT_DT).AddDays(data.AuditType.DAYS_TO_COMPLETE); lbl.Text = TaskXLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "AUDIT_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "X").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION + "<br/>(" + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(tmp, "d", false) + ")"; } else if (data.Audit.PERCENT_COMPLETE > 0) { lbl.Text = TaskXLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "AUDIT_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "I").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose + ")"; } else { lbl.Text = TaskXLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "AUDIT_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "A").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose + ")"; } } lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbAuditId"); LinkButton lnkReAudit = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbReAudit"); Label lblAuditingId = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblAuditingId"); HiddenField hdnId = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdnAuditingId"); if (allowReAudits.ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { if (SessionManager.CheckUserPrivilege(SysPriv.admin, SysScope.audit)) { if (hdnId.Value.ToString().Trim().Equals("0") || hdnId.Value.ToString().Trim().Equals("")) { lblAuditingId.Visible = false; } else { lnkReAudit.Visible = false; lblAuditingId.Text = Resources.LocalizedText.ReAuditing + " " + hdnId.Value.ToString(); } } else { lnkReAudit.Visible = false; lblAuditingId.Visible = false; } } else { lnkReAudit.Visible = false; lblAuditingId.Visible = false; } if (SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID == data.Person.PERSON_ID) { lnk.CommandArgument = data.Audit.AUDIT_ID.ToString() + "~" + data.Status; lnkReAudit.Visible = false; //lblAuditingId.Visible = false; } else if (!data.Status.Equals("C")) { lnk.CommandArgument = data.Audit.AUDIT_ID.ToString() + "~D"; } else { lnk.CommandArgument = data.Audit.AUDIT_ID.ToString() + "~C"; } } }
protected void rgCaseList_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridHeaderItem) { GridHeaderItem gh = e.Item as GridHeaderItem; if (staticAppContext == "QI") { //gh.Cells[4].Text = ""; //gh.Cells[4].Visible = false; ; } else { ; } } if (e.Item is GridDataItem) { try { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem)e.Item; HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)item["Reports"].FindControl("hfProblemCaseType"); LinkButton lbReportQi = (LinkButton)item["Reports"].FindControl("lbReport"); HyperLink hlReportEhs = (HyperLink)item["Reports"].FindControl("hlReport"); lbReportQi.Attributes.Add("CaseType", hf.Value); //lbReportQi.Visible = (hf.Value != "EHS"); lbReportQi.Visible = true; hlReportEhs.Visible = (hf.Value == "EHS"); ProblemCase probCase = (ProblemCase)e.Item.DataItem; Label lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblCaseID"); lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(probCase.ProbCase.PROBCASE_ID, 6); LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbCaseId"); if (lnk != null && UserContext.RoleAccess() < AccessMode.Partner) { lnk.Enabled = false; } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblIncidentID"); if (probCase.IncidentList != null && probCase.IncidentList.Count > 0) { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(probCase.IncidentList[0].INCIDENT_ID, 6); } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblStatus"); if (probCase.ProbCase.CLOSE_DT.HasValue) { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("recordStatus", "C") + ": " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)probCase.ProbCase.CLOSE_DT, "d", false); } else { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("caseStep", (Math.Max((decimal)probCase.ProbCase.PROGRESS, 1) - 1).ToString()); hf = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hfStatus"); if (hf.Value == "I") { Image img = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgStatus"); img.ImageUrl = "/images/defaulticon/16x16/no.png"; img.Visible = true; } } } catch { } } }
public string GetFullAuditName(string typeCode) { return(WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("auditType", typeCode)); }
public void gvOnProfileRowDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if ((!e.Row.RowType.ToString().Trim().Equals(System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemType.Header.ToString())) & (!e.Row.RowType.ToString().Trim().Equals(System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemType.Footer.ToString()))) { try { CheckBox cb; Label lbl; Image img = (Image)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("imgHazardType"); HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricPrompt"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hf.Value)) { lbl = (Label)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("lblMetricPrompt"); lbl.Visible = true; lbl.Text = "<br>" + hf.Value; } hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricCategory"); if (hf.Value == "ENGY" || hf.Value == "EUTL") { e.Row.Cells[0].CssClass = e.Row.Cells[1].CssClass = "energyColor"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/energy.png"; } else if (hf.Value == "PROD" || hf.Value == "SAFE" || hf.Value == "FACT") { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/inputs.png"; img.ToolTip = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("measureCategoryEHS", hf.Value); } else { e.Row.Cells[0].CssClass = e.Row.Cells[1].CssClass = "wasteColor"; hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricRegStatus"); if (hf.Value == "HZ") { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/hazardous.png"; } else { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/waste.png"; } img.ToolTip = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("regulatoryStatus", hf.Value); hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfDisposalCode"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hf.Value)) { img.ToolTip += (". " + SessionManager.DisposalCodeList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.UN_CODE == hf.Value).DESCRIPTION); } } // e.Row.Cells[0].Attributes.Add("Style", "background: wheat;"); hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricStatus"); if (hf.Value == "I") { img = (Image)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("imgStatus"); img.ImageUrl = "/images/defaulticon/16x16/no.png"; img.Visible = true; cb = (CheckBox)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("cbMetricRequired"); cb.Visible = false; } LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("lnkMetricCD"); LinkButton lnk2 = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("lnkMetricName"); lnk.ToolTip = lnk2.ToolTip = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("measureCategoryEHS", hf.Value); cb = (CheckBox)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("cbMetricRequired"); hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricRequired"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hf.Value)) { try { cb.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(hf.Value); } catch { } } lbl = (Label)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("lblInvoiceType"); hf = (HiddenField)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("hfMetricCategory"); if (hf.Value == "SAFE" || hf.Value == "PROD" || hf.Value == "FACT") { lbl.Text = ""; } else { if (lbl.Text == "True") { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("costType", "CREDIT", "short"); } else { lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("costType", "COST", "short"); } } lbl = (Label)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("lblInvoiceUOM"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbl.Text)) { decimal uomID = Convert.ToDecimal(lbl.Text); lbl.Text = SessionManager.UOMList.Where(l => l.UOM_ID == uomID).Select(u => u.UOM_NAME).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); } } catch { } } }