protected virtual void runThread() { try { while (true) { while (this.webService.testConnection()) { // we got some connection // make a dictionary which we later send in msgpack var payLoad = new WebServicePayLoad(); payLoad.version = this.protocolversion; = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // logs will be dictionaries stored in an array payLoad.logs = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); // get logs from the queue and send them using (var session = queue.OpenSession()) { try { int i = 0; while (i < this.logsPerBatch) { var pack = session.Dequeue(); // if task is null then queue is empty so we just submit if (pack == null) { break; } // unpack to dictionary and add to array var eventPayload = this.logEventSerializer.UnpackSingleObject(pack); payLoad.logs.Add(eventPayload); i++; } // if we havn't got any logs after this the queue is empty and we break the connection loop (to wait the long time) if (payLoad.logs.Count == 0) { break; } var dataToSend = this.logBatchSerializer.PackSingleObject(payLoad); var resp = this.webService.sendData(dataToSend,; if (resp) { // everything went well so we acknowledge the stuff we picked from the queue session.Flush(); } else { // break the loop on error InternalLogger.Error("get unexpected response {0} from log server", resp); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { InternalLogger.Error("error in messagepack target when creating batch {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.ToString()); break; } } // we submitted a batch and now sleep before the next one Thread.Sleep(this.waitBetweenBatch); } // connect failed wait some time before trying again Thread.Sleep(this.waitBetweenConnections); } } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { this.queue.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { InternalLogger.Error("Something failed in MsgPackTarget background thread {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), ex.StackTrace); } }
protected virtual void runThread() { try { while (true) { while (this.webService.testConnection()) { // we got some connection // make a dictionary which we later send in msgpack var payLoad = new WebServicePayLoad(); payLoad.version = this.protocolversion; = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // logs will be dictionaries stored in an array payLoad.logs = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>(); // get logs from the queue and send them using (var session = queue.OpenSession()) { try { int i = 0; while (i<this.logsPerBatch) { var pack = session.Dequeue(); // if task is null then queue is empty so we just submit if (pack == null) { break; } // unpack to dictionary and add to array var eventPayload = this.logEventSerializer.UnpackSingleObject(pack); payLoad.logs.Add(eventPayload); i++; } // if we havn't got any logs after this the queue is empty and we break the connection loop (to wait the long time) if (payLoad.logs.Count == 0) { break; } var dataToSend = this.logBatchSerializer.PackSingleObject(payLoad); var resp = this.webService.sendData(dataToSend,; if (resp) { // everything went well so we acknowledge the stuff we picked from the queue session.Flush(); } else { // break the loop on error InternalLogger.Error("get unexpected response {0} from log server",resp); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { InternalLogger.Error("error in messagepack target when creating batch {0} {1} {2}",ex.Message,ex.StackTrace,ex.ToString()); break; } } // we submitted a batch and now sleep before the next one Thread.Sleep(this.waitBetweenBatch); } // connect failed wait some time before trying again Thread.Sleep(this.waitBetweenConnections); } } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { this.queue.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { InternalLogger.Error("Something failed in MsgPackTarget background thread {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), ex.StackTrace); } }