Exemple #1
        protected void LinkButtonNewUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StartRegistrationAttemptResponse response = null;

                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                    StartNewUserRegistrationAttemptRequest request = new StartNewUserRegistrationAttemptRequest()
                        // In this example, SuccessUri and FailureUri are set to the same value. The response
                        // to each End<X>Attempt() contains enough information to distinguish
                        // between a success result and a failure result. SignUpNewResult.aspx illustrates
                        // how to do this.
                        SuccessUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignUpNewResultUri"],
                        FailureUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignUpNewResultUri"],

                        CancelAllowed = true,
                        SignOnAfterSuccess = true,

                        // The user will be signed on following a successful registration, so we need to
                        // specify the application session length.
                        SessionLengthMinutes = HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout,
                        SessionLengthMinutesSpecified = true,

                    response = client.StartNewUserRegistrationAttempt(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LabelMessage.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartNewUserRegistrationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

            if (response != null)
                // The registration attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
                // a registration attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
                // EndNewUserRegistrationAttempt() if no registration attempt is in progress.

                Session["NewUserRegistrationAttempt"] = response.RegistrationAttemptId;

        public ActionResult SignOut()
            // Always end your local session first. This helps prevent any nasty race
            // conditions which might occur otherwise if, for example, the user clicks
            // a protected link before the web service call to SSO is complete.

            Guid ssoSessionId = Guid.Empty;

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                ssoSessionId = SSOSession.Current.SSOSessionId;


            if (ssoSessionId != Guid.Empty)
                    // SessionRemoveParticipant() removes this application from the SSO session. If there are other
                    // applications which are participants in the same SSO session, the SSO session will remain
                    // open, otherwise it will be ended.
                    // SessionRemoveParticpant() is not recommended for applications which are configured to
                    // always automatically sign-on the user if an SSO session already exists.
                    using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                        SessionRemoveParticipantRequest request = new SessionRemoveParticipantRequest()
                            SessionId = ssoSessionId

                        SessionRemoveParticipantResponse response = client.SessionRemoveParticipant(request);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.SessionRemoveParticipant(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            return SignInPageSessionEndedRedirect;
        public ActionResult RegisterExisting()
            StartRegistrationAttemptResponse response = null;

                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                    StartExistingUserRegistrationAttemptRequest request = new StartExistingUserRegistrationAttemptRequest()
                        // In this example, SuccessUri and FailureUri are set to the same value. The response
                        // to each End<X>Attempt() contains enough information to distinguish
                        // between a success result and a failure result. RegisterExistingResult() illustrates
                        // how to do this.
                        SuccessUri = RegisterExistingResultUri,
                        FailureUri = RegisterExistingResultUri,

                        CancelAllowed = true,

                        // The user will be signed on following a successful registration, so we need to
                        // specify the application session length.
                        SessionLengthMinutes = HttpContext.Session.Timeout,
                        SessionLengthMinutesSpecified = true,

                    response = client.StartExistingUserRegistrationAttempt(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session["Message"] = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartExistingUserRegistrationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

                return SignUpPageRedirect;

            // The registration attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
            // a registration attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
            // EndNewUserRegistrationAttempt() if no registration attempt is in progress.

            Session["ExistingUserRegistrationAttempt"] = response.RegistrationAttemptId;

            return Redirect(response.RedirectUri);
Exemple #4
        protected void LinkButtonManageAuthorisation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StartManageAuthorisationAttemptResponse response = null;
                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                    StartManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest request = new StartManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest()

                        // In this example, SuccessUri and FailureUri are set to the same value. The response
                        // to each End<X>Attempt() contains enough information to distinguish
                        // between a success result and a failure result. ManageAuthorisationsResult() illustrates
                        // how to do this.
                        SuccessUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ManageAuthorisationsResultUri"],
                        FailureUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ManageAuthorisationsResultUri"],

                        CancelAllowed = true

                    response = client.StartManageAuthorisationAttempt(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LabelMessage.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartManageAuthorisationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

            if (response != null)
                // The change password attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
                // a manage authorisations attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
                // EndManageAuthorisationsAttempt() if no authorisation management attempt is in progress.

                Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] = response.ManageAuthorisationAttemptId;

        public ActionResult ManageAuthorisations()
            StartManageAuthorisationAttemptResponse response;
                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                    StartManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest request = new StartManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest()

                        // In this example, SuccessUri and FailureUri are set to the same value. The response
                        // to each End<X>Attempt() contains enough information to distinguish
                        // between a success result and a failure result. ManageAuthorisationsResult() illustrates
                        // how to do this.
                        SuccessUri = ManageAuthorisationsResultUri,
                        FailureUri = ManageAuthorisationsResultUri,

                        CancelAllowed = true

                    response = client.StartManageAuthorisationAttempt(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session["Message"] = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartManageAuthorisationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

                return SignInPageRedirect;

            // The change password attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
            // a manage authorisations attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
            // EndManageAuthorisationsAttempt() if no authorisation management attempt is in progress.

            Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] = response.ManageAuthorisationAttemptId;

            return Redirect(response.RedirectUri);
        public ActionResult SignOnFailed(string resultId)
            // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
            // in progress.
            if (Session["SignOnAttempt"] != null)
                Session["SignOnAttempt"] = null;

                Guid resultIdGuid = Guid.Empty;

                    resultIdGuid = new Guid(resultId);
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                if (resultIdGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                            EndSignOnAttemptRequest request = new EndSignOnAttemptRequest();
                            request.ResultId = resultIdGuid;

                            // Make a web service call to SSO to retrieve the result of the
                            // sign-on attempt.
                            EndSignOnAttemptResponse response = client.EndSignOnAttempt(request);

                            FailedResult result = (FailedResult)response.Item;

                            switch (result.Reason)
                                case FailureReason.SignOnCancelled:
                                    // The user clicked the cancel button. No message necessary.
                                case FailureReason.AccountPasswordReset:
                                    // Note that we DON'T recommend that the activation link is
                                    // displayed to the user. It is displayed here to facilitate testing.
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Password recovery successful. An activation email was sent which includes the following activation link: {0}. ({1})",
                                case FailureReason.ValidationFailed:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Password recovery unsuccessful. ({0})",
                                case FailureReason.AccountBlocked:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account has been blocked for this application. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.AccountExpired:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account has expired. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.AccountHardLocked:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account has been hard locked and must be unlocked by an administrator. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.AccountSoftLocked:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account has been temporarily locked. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.AccountNotActivated:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account is not activated. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.AccountNotRegistered:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account exists but is not registered for this application. ({0}), IdentityId={1}, DisplayName={2}, EmailAddress={3}.",
                                case FailureReason.SessionExpired:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("The sign-in page expired. ({0})", result.Reason.ToString());
                                case FailureReason.UnknownAccount:
                                case FailureReason.ProtocolViolation:
                                case FailureReason.SignOnAttemptNotFound:
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("An error occured during sign-in. ({0})", result.Reason.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndSignOnAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                return AppPageRedirect;
                return SignInPageRedirect;
        public ActionResult SignOnSuccessful(string resultId)
            // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
            // in progress.
            if (Session["SignOnAttempt"] != null)
                Session["SignOnAttempt"] = null;

                Guid resultIdGuid = Guid.Empty;

                    resultIdGuid = new Guid(resultId);
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                if (resultIdGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                            EndSignOnAttemptRequest request = new EndSignOnAttemptRequest();
                            request.ResultId = resultIdGuid;

                            // Make a web service call to retrieve the result of the
                            // sign-on attempt.
                            EndSignOnAttemptResponse response = client.EndSignOnAttempt(request);

                            SuccessResult result = (SuccessResult)response.Item;

                            // Extract the user identity ID from the authentication token. This code
                            // extract shows how to do this using XQuery:

                            XmlDocument authenticationToken = new XmlDocument();

                            XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(authenticationToken.NameTable);
                            nsMgr.AddNamespace("sso", "http://sso.sage.com");

                            Guid userIdentityId = new Guid(authenticationToken.SelectSingleNode("sso:AuthenticationToken/sso:Subject/sso:UserPrincipal/sso:Id", nsMgr).InnerText);

                            // This code shows how to do the same with the optional .NET SSO client
                            // support library:

                            //SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken authenticationToken = Base64Helper<SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken>.FromBase64Xml(result.UserAuthenticationToken);
                            //Guid userIdentityId = (authenticationToken.Subject.Item as SageSSOSchema.UserPrincipal).Id;

                            // As of Sage ID 1.2, the user IdentityId is available without having to decode the UserAuthenticationToken
                            // userIdentityId = result.IdentityId;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndSignOnAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                return AppPageRedirect;
                return SignInPageRedirect;
        public ActionResult SignOnInit()
            StartSignOnAttemptResponse response = null;

            using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                StartSignOnAttemptRequest request = new StartSignOnAttemptRequest()
                    SuccessUri = SignOnSuccessUri,
                    FailureUri = SignOnFailUri,
                    CancelAllowed = true,
                    SessionLengthMinutes = Session.Timeout,
                    SessionLengthMinutesSpecified = true

                    response = client.StartSignOnAttempt(request);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Session["Message"] = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartSignOnAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

                    return SignInPageRedirect;

            // The sign-on attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
            // a sign-on attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
            // EndSignOnAttempt() if no sign-on attempt is in progress.

            Session["SignOnAttempt"] = response.SignOnAttemptId;

            return Redirect(response.RedirectUri);
Exemple #9
        protected void LinkButtonSignOutAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Always end your local session first. This helps prevent any nasty race
            // conditions which might occur otherwise if, for example, the user clicks
            // a protected link before the web service call to SSO is complete.

            Guid ssoSessionId = Guid.Empty;

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                ssoSessionId = SSOSession.Current.SSOSessionId;


            if (ssoSessionId != Guid.Empty)
                    // SessionSignOff() ends the SSO session for all participants. A Session.Ended notification
                    // is sent out to all participants (including this one). It is recommended that all
                    // SSO-enabled applications offer a way for the user to end their SSO session.
                    using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                        SessionSignOffRequest request = new SessionSignOffRequest()
                            SessionId = ssoSessionId

                        SessionSignOffResponse response = client.SessionSignOff(request);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.SessionSignOff(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
                // in progress.
                if (Session["ExistingUserRegistrationAttempt"] != null)
                    Session["ExistingUserRegistrationAttempt"] = null;

                    // Don't do any processing if there's no
                    // id parameter in the GET request.
                    if (Request.Params["id"] != null)
                        Guid resultId = Guid.Empty;

                            resultId = new Guid(Request.Params["id"]);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                        // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                        // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                        if (resultId != Guid.Empty)
                                using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                                    EndRegistrationAttemptRequest request = new EndRegistrationAttemptRequest();
                                    request.ResultId = resultId;

                                    // Make a web service call to SSO to retrieve the result of the
                                    // registration attempt.
                                    EndRegistrationAttemptResponse response = client.EndExistingUserRegistrationAttempt(request);

                                    if (response.Item is RegistrationSuccessResult)
                                        // The registration attempt was successful.
                                        RegistrationSuccessResult registrationResult = (RegistrationSuccessResult)response.Item;
                                        SuccessResult signOnResult = (SuccessResult)registrationResult.Item;

                                        // An existing user is signed-on automatically following a successful registration.
                                        // The sign-on is processed in the same way as a sign-on without registration.
                                        SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken authenticationToken = Base64Helper<SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken>.FromBase64Xml(signOnResult.UserAuthenticationToken);
                                        Guid userIdentityId = (authenticationToken.Subject.Item as SSOSchema.UserPrincipal).Id;


                                        Session["Message"] = "Registration successful.";
                                        // The registration attempt was unsuccessful.
                                        RegistrationFailedResult registrationResult = (RegistrationFailedResult)response.Item;

                                        if (registrationResult.Reason != RegistrationFailureReason.RegistrationCancelled)
                                            Session["Message"] = string.Format("Registration unsuccessful. Reason: {0}",
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndExistingUserRegistrationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
        public ActionResult RegisterNewResult(string resultId)
            // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
            // in progress.
            if (Session["NewUserRegistrationAttempt"] != null)
                Session["NewUserRegistrationAttempt"] = null;

                Guid resultIdGuid = Guid.Empty;

                    resultIdGuid = new Guid(resultId);
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                if (resultIdGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                            EndRegistrationAttemptRequest request = new EndRegistrationAttemptRequest();
                            request.ResultId = resultIdGuid;

                            // Make a web service call to SSO to retrieve the result of the
                            // registration attempt.
                            EndRegistrationAttemptResponse response = client.EndNewUserRegistrationAttempt(request);

                            if (response.Item is RegistrationSuccessResult)
                                RegistrationSuccessResult registrationResult = (RegistrationSuccessResult)response.Item;
                                SuccessResult signOnResult = (SuccessResult)registrationResult.Item;

                                // A web application can specify that a user should be automatically signed-on following
                                // a successful registration. If this is the case, the sign-on is processed
                                // in the same way as a sign-on without registration.
                                SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken authenticationToken = Base64Helper<SSOSchema.AuthenticationToken>.FromBase64Xml(signOnResult.UserAuthenticationToken);
                                Guid userIdentityId = (authenticationToken.Subject.Item as SSOSchema.UserPrincipal).Id;


                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("Registration successful. An activation email was sent to {0} and includes the following activation link: {1}",
                                RegistrationFailedResult registrationResult = (RegistrationFailedResult)response.Item;

                                if (registrationResult.Reason != RegistrationFailureReason.RegistrationCancelled)
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Registration unsuccessful. Reason: {0}",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndNewUserRegistrationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                return AppPageRedirect;
                return SignUpPageRedirect;
Exemple #12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[Request.InputStream.Length];
                    Request.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    // Notification data is supplied in Base64 format, to avoid digital signature encoding issues
                    string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)));

                    // Load the notification data into an XmlDocument
                    XmlDocument notification = new XmlDocument();

                    // Items in the notification XML are in the Sage SSO namespace, so we need to add an
                    // XmlNamespaceManager here. See the schema documentation for Notification for more details on
                    // the notification XML format.
                    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(notification.NameTable);
                    nsmgr.AddNamespace("sso", "http://sso.sage.com");


                    CheckNotificationNotExpired(notification, nsmgr);

                    CheckNotificationNotReplayed(notification, nsmgr);

                    // This XPath expression will only return an XmlNode if the notification type node contains "Session.Ended" and there
                    // is a parameter with the name "SessionId".
                    XmlNode sessionIdNode = notification.SelectSingleNode("/sso:Notification[sso:Type=\"Session.Ended\"]/sso:Parameters/sso:Parameter[sso:Name=\"SessionId\"]/sso:Value", nsmgr);

                    if (sessionIdNode != null)
                        // Remove the SSO session from the session map. The next time a page is loaded for that SSO session ID,
                        // the map is checked and, if the session is not found the application session is ended.
                        SSOSessionMap.EndSSOSession(new Guid(sessionIdNode.InnerText));

                    // This XPath expression will only return an XmlNode if the notification type node contains "Session.ExpiryDue" and there
                    // is a parameter with the name "SessionId".
                    sessionIdNode = notification.SelectSingleNode("/sso:Notification[sso:Type=\"Session.ExpiryDue\"]/sso:Parameters/sso:Parameter[sso:Name=\"SessionId\"]/sso:Value", nsmgr);

                    if (sessionIdNode != null)
                        // The session will expire shortly. We need to determine whether we need to
                        // extend the session in Sage SSO and act accordingly.
                        Guid ssoSessionId = new Guid(sessionIdNode.InnerText);

                        if (SSOSessionMap.HasSSOSession(ssoSessionId))
                            // This XPath expression returns the Timestamp parameter value in the notification.
                            XmlNode ssoSessionExpiryDueNode = notification.SelectSingleNode("/sso:Notification/sso:Parameters/sso:Parameter[sso:Name=\"Timestamp\"]/sso:Value", nsmgr);

                            // The timestamp, like all Sage SSO timestamps, is in XSD schema format and is UTC.
                            DateTime ssoSessionExpiryDue = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(ssoSessionExpiryDueNode.InnerText, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);

                            DateTime newSSOSessionExpiry = DateTime.MinValue;

                            // If there has been some user activity on this session we'll call Sage SSO to extend the
                            // SSO session to match the application session expiry time based on the last activity
                            // and the application session timeout setting.
                            if (SSOSessionMap.ShouldExtendSSOSession(ssoSessionId, ssoSessionExpiryDue, out newSSOSessionExpiry))
                                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                                    SessionExtendRequest request = new SessionExtendRequest()
                                        SessionId = ssoSessionId,
                                        SessionExpiry = newSSOSessionExpiry,
                                        SessionExpirySpecified = true

                                        // Call Sage SSO to extend the SSO session to match our application session
                                        SessionExtendResponse response = client.SessionExtend(request);

                                        // Extend the SSO session in the session map to synchronise with what Sage SSO
                                        // tells us. It's important to observe the session expiry that's returned
                                        // because the Sage SSO session may be nearing its hard timeout and we
                                        // don't want to extend the application session beyond that.
                                        SSOSessionMap.ExtendSSOSession(ssoSessionId, response.SessionExpiry);

                                        // The ExpiryDue flag tells us whether this session is in its expiry period. If
                                        // ExpiryDue returns true at this point either we haven't extended the session far enough
                                        // past the expiry due threshold to cause Sage SSO to unmark the session (perhaps
                                        // because there was some activity right at the start of the application session but
                                        // nothing since) or the SSO session is approaching its hard timeout.
                                        // If the flag is false then we'll receive another notification before the session expires,
                                        // if it's true then we WON'T receive another notification before the session expires and
                                        // we must call Sage SSO to extend the session if there's any activity.
                                        SSOSessionMap.SetShouldExtendSSOSessionOnUserActivity(ssoSessionId, response.ExpiryDue);
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        // There was a problem extending the session on Sage SSO, or some other local problem
                                        // with the SSO session map or application session state. The safest thing to do
                                        // at this point is to end the application session.
                                // We're not extending the SSO session right now but we mark the mapped SSO session
                                // as requiring extension on user activity. If the user makes a call into the
                                // application while the session is marked, we call Sage SSO to extend the session and un-mark
                                // the application session. You can see this code in PageBase.cs in the OnLoad() method.
                                // The application will receive another notification when the Sage SSO session is next due to expire.
                                SSOSessionMap.SetShouldExtendSSOSessionOnUserActivity(ssoSessionId, true);
            catch (Exception)
                // We catch all exceptions here so we don't return a 500 Internal Server Error to Sage SSO.
                // In a production system, it would be a good idea to log these.
Exemple #13
        protected void LinkButtonSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StartSignOnAttemptResponse response = null;

                using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                    StartSignOnAttemptRequest request = new StartSignOnAttemptRequest()
                        // SuccessUri is the URI to which you want the user to be redirected after a successful sign-on.
                        SuccessUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignInSuccessUri"],

                        // FailureUri is the URI to which you want the user to be redirected after an unsuccessful sign-on. Note
                        // that SuccessUri and FailureUri can be the same if you prefer. The response from the call to EndSignOnAttempt
                        // provides enough information to distinguish between success and failure.
                        FailureUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignInFailUri"],

                        // CancelAllowed lets you specify whether or not the cancel button is displayed. If the user cancels the sign-on by
                        // clicking the cancel button, EndSignOnAttempt gives a specific failure code.
                        CancelAllowed = true,

                        // Set SessionLengthMinutes to the length of your application session.
                        SessionLengthMinutes = HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout,
                        SessionLengthMinutesSpecified = true,

                        // You may pass a small amount of arbitrary state data to StartSignOnAttempt, which will be returned
                        // unmodified to your application when EndSignOnAttempt is called. This is optional and the
                        // facility is provided to support web frameworks which do not automatically establish application
                        // sessions. Most of the WebSSOService APIs support the State parameter.
                        // State = "this is arbitary state",

                        // Optionally set culture for this attempt
                        // Culture = "fr-fr",

                        // Optionally set TemplateName and CaptchaTheme.
                        // TemplateName = "other",
                        // CaptchaTheme = CaptchaTheme.White

                    response = client.StartSignOnAttempt(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LabelMessage.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.StartSignOnAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));

            if (response != null)
                // The sign-on attempt ID is placed in the session to act as a "marker" that
                // a sign-on attempt is in progress. It's used later to avoid a call to
                // EndSignOnAttempt() if no sign-on attempt is in progress.

                Session["SignOnAttempt"] = response.SignOnAttemptId;

        public ActionResult ManageAuthorisationsResult(string resultId)
            // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
            // in progress.
            if (Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] != null)
                Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] = null;

                Guid resultIdGuid = Guid.Empty;

                    resultIdGuid = new Guid(resultId);
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                if (resultIdGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                            EndManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest request = new EndManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest();
                            request.ResultId = resultIdGuid;

                            // Make a web service call to SSO to retrieve the result of the
                            // authorisation maanagement.
                            EndManageAuthorisationAttemptResponse response = client.EndManageAuthorisationAttempt(request);

                            if (response.Item is ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult)
                                // The password change was successful.
                                ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult result = (ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult)response.Item;

                                Session["Message"] = "Authorisation management successful.";
                                // The password change was not successful.
                                ManageAuthorisationFailedResult result = (ManageAuthorisationFailedResult)response.Item;

                                if (result.Reason != ManageAuthorisationFailureReason.ManageAuthorisationCancelled)
                                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Manage Authorisation failed. Reason: {0}",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndManageAuthorisationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                return AppPageRedirect;
                return SignInPageRedirect;
        public ActionResult Activation(string resultId)
            Guid resultIdGuid = Guid.Empty;

                resultIdGuid = new Guid(resultId);
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore failure to parse GUID

            // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
            // a valid, non-zero GUID.
            if (resultIdGuid != Guid.Empty)
                    using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                        ActivationLinkContextRequest request = new ActivationLinkContextRequest();
                        request.ActivationId = resultIdGuid;

                        // Make a web service call to SSO to get the context which is associated with
                        // this ID.
                        ActivationLinkContextResponse response = client.ActivationLinkContext(request);

                        // For convenience, we'll load the context items into a dictionary
                        Dictionary<string, string> contextItems = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        foreach (ActivationLinkContextItem item in response.Items)
                            contextItems.Add(item.Name, item.Value);

                        if (contextItems["Handler"] == "WebSSO/Registration")
                            // The user clicked on an account activation link

                            if (contextItems["Result"] == "Activated")
                                // The account was activated
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("Account activated for user identity {0}", contextItems["IdentityId"]);
                                // The activation link was expired (either too old or already used)
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("The activation link was expired.");
                        else if (contextItems["Handler"] == "WebSSO/PasswordActivation")
                            // The user clicked on a password activation link

                            if (contextItems["Result"] == "PasswordChanged")
                                // The password was changed
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("Password changed for user identity {0}", contextItems["IdentityId"]);
                                // The activation link was expired (either too old or already used)
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("The activation link was expired.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.ActivationLinkContext(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                return AppPageRedirect;
                return SignInPageRedirect;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Don't do any processing if an attempt was not
                // in progress.
                if (Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] != null)
                    Session["ManageAuthorisationsAttempt"] = null;

                    // Don't do any processing if there's no
                    // id parameter in the GET request.
                    if (Request.Params["id"] != null)
                        Guid resultId = Guid.Empty;

                            resultId = new Guid(Request.Params["id"]);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Ignore failure to parse GUID

                        // Don't do any processing if the id parameter is not
                        // a valid, non-zero GUID.
                        if (resultId != Guid.Empty)
                                using (var client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))
                                    EndManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest request = new EndManageAuthorisationAttemptRequest();
                                    request.ResultId = resultId;

                                    // Make a web service call to SSO to retrieve the result of the
                                    // authorisation maanagement.
                                    EndManageAuthorisationAttemptResponse response = client.EndManageAuthorisationAttempt(request);

                                    if (response.Item is ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult)
                                        // The password change was successful.
                                        ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult result = (ManageAuthorisationSuccessResult)response.Item;

                                        Session["Message"] = "Authorisation management successful.";
                                        // The password change was not successful.
                                        ManageAuthorisationFailedResult result = (ManageAuthorisationFailedResult)response.Item;

                                        if (result.Reason != ManageAuthorisationFailureReason.ManageAuthorisationCancelled)
                                            Session["Message"] = string.Format("Manage Authorisation failed. Reason: {0}",
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.EndManageAuthorisationAttempt(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);


            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
Exemple #17
        // Check for the existence of an SSO session, record the activity and extend it by calling SSO, if needed. Refresh
        // should be called each time a page is loaded (or if any Ajax service is called). Returns true if the SSO
        // session was successfully refreshed.
        public static bool Refresh()
            bool refreshed = false;

            if (HasSession)
                Guid ssoSessionId = Current.SSOSessionId;

                if (SSOSessionMap.ShouldExtendSSOSessionOnUserActivity(ssoSessionId))
                    // The Sage SSO session associated with this application session has been marked expiry due since
                    // the last time there was activity. Call Sage SSO to extend the session and then clear the
                    // mark so that we don't call SessionExtend again until we receive another Session.ExpiryDue
                    // notification.

                    using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                        SessionExtendRequest request = new SessionExtendRequest()
                            SessionId = ssoSessionId,
                            SessionExpiry = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout),
                            SessionExpirySpecified = true

                            // Call Sage SSO to extend the session to match our application session.
                            SessionExtendResponse response = client.SessionExtend(request);
                            Current.AuthenticationToken = response.UserAuthenticationToken;

                            // Extend the SSO session in the session map to synchronise with what Sage SSO
                            // tells us. It's important to observe the session expiry that's returned
                            // because the Sage SSO session may be nearing its hard timeout and we
                            // don't want to extend the application session beyond that.
                            SSOSessionMap.ExtendSSOSession(ssoSessionId, response.SessionExpiry);

                            // Unlike when we handle the Session.ExpiryDue notification, we always clear
                            // the expiry due flag here to avoid making continual calls to Sage SSO
                            // if the SSO session is nearing the hard timeout.
                            SSOSessionMap.SetShouldExtendSSOSessionOnUserActivity(ssoSessionId, false);

                            refreshed = true;
                        catch (Exception)
                            // There was a problem extending the session on Sage SSO, or some other local problem
                            // with the SSO session map or application session state. The safest thing to do
                            // at this point is to end the application session.
                        // Record the activity in the SSO session map.

                        refreshed = true;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // There was a problem refreshing the SSO session in the SSO session map. The safest thing
                        // to do at this point is to end the application session.

            return refreshed;