Exemple #1
    public static void Main()
        // Read in a WSDL service description.
        string             url    = "http://www.contoso.com/Example/WebService.asmx?WSDL";
        XmlTextReader      reader = new XmlTextReader(url);
        ServiceDescription wsdl   = ServiceDescription.Read(reader);

        // Create a WSDL collection.
        DiscoveryClientDocumentCollection wsdlCollection =
            new DiscoveryClientDocumentCollection();

        wsdlCollection.Add(url, wsdl);

        // Define the parameters needed to create web references.
        CodeNamespace proxyNamespace = new CodeNamespace("ExampleNamespace");
        string        baseUrl        = "http://www.contoso.com";
        string        protocolName   = "Soap12";

        // Create some web references.
        WebReference reference1 = new WebReference(
            wsdlCollection, proxyNamespace, protocolName,
            "UrlKey1", baseUrl);
        WebReference reference2 = new WebReference(
            wsdlCollection, proxyNamespace, protocolName,
            "UrlKey2", baseUrl);
        WebReference reference3 = new WebReference(
            wsdlCollection, proxyNamespace, protocolName,
            "UrlKey3", baseUrl);

        // Create a web reference collection.
        WebReferenceCollection references = new WebReferenceCollection();


        // Confirm that the references were inserted.
        Console.WriteLine("The collection contains {0} references.",

        // Insert another reference into the collection.
        references.Insert(2, reference3);

        // Print the index of the inserted reference.
        int index = references.IndexOf(reference3);

        Console.WriteLine("The index of reference3 is {0}.", index);

        // Remove the inserted reference from the collection.

        // Determine if the collection contains reference3.
        if (references.Contains(reference3))
            Console.WriteLine("The collection contains reference3.");
            Console.WriteLine("The collection does not contain reference3.");

        // Print the URL key of the first reference in the collection.
            "The URL key of the first reference in the collection is {0}.",

        // Copy the collection to an array leaving the first array slot empty.
        WebReference[] referenceArray = new WebReference[3];
        references.CopyTo(referenceArray, 1);
            "The URL key of the first reference in the array is {0}.",