/// <summary>
        ///     Creates a strongly typed resource class that uses the ASP.NET Resource Manager
        ///     rather than using Resx .NET resources which basically results in duplicated
        ///     resource sets loaded. Overwrites the generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Namespace"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateGlobalResxResourceDesignerFiles(string Namespace, CodeGenerationLanguage lang)
            if (!WebPhysicalPath.EndsWith("\\"))
                WebPhysicalPath += "\\";

            var ResPath = WebPhysicalPath + "app_globalresources\\";

            var Files = Directory.GetFiles(ResPath, "*.resx");

            foreach (var CurFile in Files)
                var file   = CurFile;
                var tokens = Path.GetFileName(file).Split('.');

                // If there's more than two parts is a culture specific file
                // We're only interested in the invariant culture
                if (tokens.Length > 2)

                // ResName: admin/default.aspx or default.aspx or resources (global or assembly resources)
                var ResName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tokens[0]);
                ResName = ResName.Replace(".", "_");

                CreateClassFromResXResource(file, Namespace, ResName,
                                            ResPath + ResName + ".Designer." +
                                            (lang == CodeGenerationLanguage.Vb ? "vb" : "cs"));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a class containing strongly typed resources of all resource keys
        ///     in all global resource ResX files. A single class file with multiple classes
        ///     is created.
        ///     The extension of the output file determines whether VB or CS is generated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Namespace"></param>
        /// <param name="FileName">Output file name for the generated class. .cs and .vb generate appropriate languages</param>
        /// <returns>Generated class as a string</returns>
        public string CreateClassFromFromAllGlobalResXResources(string Namespace, string FileName)
            if (!WebPhysicalPath.EndsWith("\\"))
                WebPhysicalPath += "\\";

            var IsVb = IsFileVb(FileName);

            var ResPath = WebPhysicalPath + "app_globalresources\\";

            var Files = Directory.GetFiles(ResPath, "*.resx");

            var sbClasses = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var CurFile in Files)
                var tokens = Path.GetFileName(CurFile).Split('.');

                // If there's more than two parts is a culture specific file
                // We're only interested in the invariant culture
                if (tokens.Length > 2)

                // ResName: admin/default.aspx or default.aspx or resources (global or assembly resources)
                var ResName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tokens[0]);
                ResName = ResName.Replace(".", "_");

                var Class = CreateClassFromResXResource(CurFile, Namespace, ResName, null);

            var Output = CreateNameSpaceWrapper(Namespace, IsVb, sbClasses.ToString());

            File.WriteAllText(FileName, Output);
