// GET: Users
        public ActionResult Index()
            WebEntities db   = new WebEntities();
            var         list = db.UserAccounts.ToList();

 public void Dispose()
     if (_db != null)
         _db = null;
Exemple #3
        public static bool CheckUserHasPermision(int userId, string permissionName)
            int                          minute = 60;
            WebEntities                  context;
            List <AspNetRoles>           list  = new List <AspNetRoles>();
            List <BackendUserPermission> list2 = new List <BackendUserPermission>();

            if (Cache.Get("Roles") == null)
                using (context = new WebEntities())
                    list = context.AspNetRoles.AsEnumerable <AspNetRoles>().ToList <AspNetRoles>();
                    Cache.Set("Roles", list, minute);
            if (Cache.Get("BackendUserPermission") == null)
                using (context = new WebEntities())
                    list2 = context.BackendUserPermission.Include(s => s.BackendMenuAction).AsEnumerable <BackendUserPermission>().ToList <BackendUserPermission>();
                    Cache.Set("BackendUserPermission", list2, minute);
            IList <string> userRoles = new List <string>();

            if (Cache.Get("CurrentRoles") == null)
                userRoles = UserManager.GetRoles(userId);
                Cache.Set("CurrentRoles", userRoles, minute);
            userRoles = Cache.Get("CurrentRoles") as List <string>;
            list      = Cache.Get("Roles") as List <AspNetRoles>;
            list2     = Cache.Get("BackendUserPermission") as List <BackendUserPermission>;
            IList <string> strArray2 = userRoles;

            for (int i = 0; i < strArray2.Count; i++)
                Func <BackendUserPermission, bool> predicate = null;
                string roleName = strArray2[i];

                List <BackendMenuAction> list3 = (from e in list2 select e.BackendMenuAction).ToList <BackendMenuAction>();
                foreach (BackendMenuAction permission in list3)
                    if (permission.Name == permissionName)
        public ActionResult GoogleLoginCallback()
            var claimsPrincipal = HttpContext.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;

            var loginInfo = GoogleLoginViewModel.GetLoginInfo(claimsPrincipal);

            if (loginInfo == null)

            WebEntities db   = new WebEntities(); //DbContext
            var         user = db.UserAccounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == loginInfo.emailaddress);

            if (user == null)
                user = new UserAccount
                    Email      = loginInfo.emailaddress,
                    GivenName  = loginInfo.givenname,
                    Identifier = loginInfo.nameidentifier,
                    Name       = loginInfo.name,
                    SurName    = loginInfo.surname,
                    IsActive   = true

            var ident = new ClaimsIdentity(
                new[] {
                // adding following 2 claim just for supporting default antiforgery provider
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Email),
                new Claim("http://schemas.microsoft.com/accesscontrolservice/2010/07/claims/identityprovider", "ASP.NET Identity", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"),

                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Name),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.Email),
                // optionally you could add roles if any
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "User")

                new AuthenticationProperties {
                IsPersistent = false
            }, ident);
Exemple #5
 public IQueryable<TheLoaiSP> getProductGroups()
     var _db = new WebEntities();
     IQueryable<TheLoaiSP> query = _db.TheLoaiSPs;
     return query;
 public void UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(String cartId, ShoppingCartUpdates[] CartItemUpdates)
     using (var db = new WebEntities())
             int CartItemCount = CartItemUpdates.Count();
             List<SanPhamDuocChon> myCart = GetCartItems();
             foreach (var cartItem in myCart)
                 // Iterate through all rows within shopping cart list
                 for (int i = 0; i < CartItemCount; i++)
                     if (cartItem.SanPham.ID == CartItemUpdates[i].ProductId)
                         if (CartItemUpdates[i].RemoveItem == true)
                             RemoveItem(cartId, cartItem.IDSanPham);
                             UpdateItem(cartId, cartItem.IDSanPham, CartItemUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity);
         catch (Exception exp)
             throw new Exception("ERROR: Unable to Update Cart Database - " + exp.Message.ToString(), exp);
 public void UpdateItem(string updateCartID, int updateProductID, int quantity)
     using (var _db = new WebEntities())
             var myItem = (from c in _db.SanPhamDuocChons where c.IDGioHang == updateCartID && c.SanPham.ID == updateProductID select c).FirstOrDefault();
             if (myItem != null)
                 myItem.SoLuong = quantity;
         catch (Exception exp)
             throw new Exception("ERROR: Unable to Update Cart Item - " + exp.Message.ToString(), exp);
 public void RemoveItem(string removeCartID, int removeProductID)
     using (var _db = new WebEntities())
             var myItem = (from c in _db.SanPhamDuocChons where c.IDGioHang == removeCartID && c.SanPham.ID == removeProductID select c).FirstOrDefault();
             if (myItem != null)
                 // Remove Item.
         catch (Exception exp)
             throw new Exception("ERROR: Unable to Remove Cart Item - " + exp.Message.ToString(), exp);
 public IQueryable<DanhMucSanPham> GetCategories()
     var _db = new WebEntities();
     IQueryable<DanhMucSanPham> query = _db.DanhMucSanPhams;
     return query;