// GET: Library/Details/5 public ActionResult Detail(int id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } var articleModel = _literatureService.GetDetail(id); var listArticleFileModel = _articleFileBs.GetListByArtikelId(id); ViewBag.ListFile = listArticleFileModel.Count == 0 ? null : listArticleFileModel; ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink(); return(View(articleModel)); }
public ActionResult Login() { ViewBag.connmain = SharepointHelper.PushConf()["primaindb"]; ViewBag.connsec = SharepointHelper.PushConf()["secdbempmst"]; try { ViewBag.UrlApp = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); ViewBag.CheckLogin = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); if (Common.CheckAdmin()) { _userBService.EndDelegate(); return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Default")); } } catch (Exception er) { _logErrorBService.WriteLog("Account", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, er.ToString()); throw; } }
private bool LoginValidate(User model) { bool ret; if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "false") { return(true); } if (Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != model.Username.ToLower()) { ModelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username and Login portal not match"); ret = false; } else if (_userBService.CheckUserName(model.Username)) { ret = true; } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username not active or not registered"); ret = false; } return(ret); }
// GET: Library/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } Article articleObject = _articleBs.Detail(id); ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; SetDropdownArtikelCategory(articleObject); var tags = _articleTagsService.GetTagsByArticle(id); ViewBag.Tags = tags; var attachments = _articleFileBs.GetListByArtikelId(id); List <TicketAttachmentsAPI> listAttachment = new List <TicketAttachmentsAPI>(); string attachmentsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/"); if (attachments != null) { string[] imgExt = { ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tif", ".tiff" }; foreach (var attachment in attachments) { if (imgExt.Contains(Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name))) { listAttachment.Add(new TicketAttachmentsAPI { Id = attachment.ArticleFileId, Name = Common.ImageToBase64(attachmentsPath + attachment.Name), Type = Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name), NameWithOutBase64 = attachment.Name }); } else { listAttachment.Add(new TicketAttachmentsAPI { Id = attachment.ArticleFileId, Name = attachment.Name, Type = Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name), NameWithOutBase64 = attachment.Name }); } } } ViewBag.Attachments = listAttachment; ViewBag.HeaderImg = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Article/Header/" + articleObject.HeaderImage; if (articleObject == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(articleObject)); }
public ActionResult FileNotFound() { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ViewBag.Alert = "File Not Found"; return(View("Index", "Literation")); }
public ActionResult Draft() { ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } return(View(_articleBs.GetMyDraft(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])))); } }
// GET: Library/Details/5 public ActionResult Detail(int id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } try { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } var articleModel = _articleBs.Approved(id); var listArticleFileModel = _articleFileBs.GetListByArtikelId(id); var listArticleTagsModel = _articleTagsService.GetTagsByArticle(id); ViewBag.ListFile = listArticleFileModel.Count == 0 ? null : listArticleFileModel; ViewBag.ArticleTag = listArticleTagsModel.Count == 0 ? null : listArticleTagsModel; ViewBag.PathImg = articleModel.HeaderImage == null?WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/assets/images/repository/empty-image.jpg" : WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Article/Header/" + articleModel.HeaderImage; ViewBag.Domain = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); ViewBag.RecentArticle = _articleBs.GetRecent(); ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; return(View(articleModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logErrorBService.WriteLog("Detail Library", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.ToString()); throw; } }
public ActionResult List() { ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } var listArtikel = _articleBs.GetMyList(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])); List <User> userData = new List <User>(); if (listArtikel != null) { foreach (var item in listArtikel) { User userdata = _userBService.GetDetail(item.CreatedBy); if (userdata != null) { User userobject = new User() { UserId = item.ArticleId, Name = userdata.Name }; userData.Add(userobject); } else { User userobject = new User() { UserId = item.ArticleId, Name = null }; userData.Add(userobject); } } } ViewBag.UserData = userData; return(View(listArtikel)); } }
// GET: Library public ActionResult Index(String keyword = "", String category = "") { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } try { ViewBag.Download = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Document/" + WebConfigure.GetUserGuideNameFileWithExtention(); ViewBag.Domain = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; ViewBag.key = keyword; ViewBag.Category = category; return(View()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logErrorBService.WriteLog("Library Index", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.ToString()); throw; } }
// GET: Library/Create public ActionResult Create() { ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } if (!Common.CheckUserYellow()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ViewBag.EmptyImg = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/assets/images/repository/empty-image.jpg"; ViewBag.ListCategory1 = _articleCategoryBs.GetListParent(0); ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (id != null) { Ticket tickets = _ticketBs.GetDetail(int.Parse(id)); if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["DelegateStatus"]) != 1) { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]).Equals(tickets.Submiter) && tickets.Status == 1) { _ticketBs.Delete(tickets); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MyTechnicalRequest")); } else { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('You are Not Included with This Technical Request'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/MyTechnicalRequest';</script>")); } } else { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Cant Delete Technical Request During Delegation Period'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/MyTechnicalRequest';</script>")); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MyTechnicalRequest")); } }
public ActionResult Update(string id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ViewBag.Domain = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/TechnicalRequestAttachments/"; if (id != null) { string ticketCategory = _ticketBs.GetCategoryName(id); var ticket = _ticketBs.GetByTicketNumber(id); var ticketParticipants = _ticketParticipantBusinessService.GetByTicket(ticket.TicketId); if (!((ticket.Status.Equals(2) && Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]) == ticket.Responder) || (ticket.Status.Equals(1) && Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]) == ticket.Submiter))) { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('You are Not Included with This Technical Request'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/MyTechnicalRequest';</script>")); } if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["DelegateStatus"]) == 1) { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Cant Update Technical Request During Delegation Period'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/MyTechnicalRequest';</script>")); } if (ticket.Status == 1 && ticket.Submiter != Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])) { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('The Technical Request is Not Found'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/TechnicalRequest';</script>")); } var responder = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(ticket.Responder); var attachments = _ticketAttachmentBs.GetFullByTicketId(ticket.TicketId); List <TicketAttachmentsAPI> listAttachment = new List <TicketAttachmentsAPI>(); string attachmentsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/TechnicalRequestAttachments/"); if (attachments != null) { foreach (var attachment in attachments) { string[] imgExt = { ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tif", ".tiff" }; if (imgExt.Contains(Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name))) { listAttachment.Add(new TicketAttachmentsAPI { Id = attachment.TicketAttachmentId, Name = Common.ImageToBase64(attachmentsPath + attachment.Name), Level = attachment.LevelUser, Type = Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name), NameWithOutBase64 = attachment.Name }); } else { listAttachment.Add(new TicketAttachmentsAPI { Id = attachment.TicketAttachmentId, Name = attachment.Name, Level = attachment.LevelUser, Type = Path.GetExtension(attachment.Name), NameWithOutBase64 = attachment.Name }); } } } var tags = _articleTagBs.GetTagsByTicket(ticket.TicketId); WarrantyTypeBusinessService warrantyTypeBusinessService = Factory.Create <WarrantyTypeBusinessService>("WarrantyType", ClassType.clsTypeBusinessService); ViewBag.warrantyType = warrantyTypeBusinessService.Get(); ViewBag.Ticket = ticket; ViewBag.Attachments = listAttachment; ViewBag.Tags = tags; ViewBag.Responder = responder; if (ticketParticipants != null) { ViewBag.Participants = _ticketParticipantBusinessService.GetParticipantWithName(ticketParticipants); } ViewBag.Recent = TechnicalRequest.GetRecentTR(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])); SetListDropdown(int.Parse(Session["userid"].ToString())); return(View("../TechnicalRequest/Update" + ticketCategory)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MyTechnicalRequest")); } }
public ActionResult Login() { string userPortal = Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower(); try { if (Session["userid"] != null) { ClearSessionData(); } ViewBag.Download = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Document/" + WebConfigure.GetUserGuideNameFileWithExtention(); ViewBag.UrlApp = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); ViewBag.CheckLogin = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "false") { ViewBag.ListUser = _userBService.GetList(); return(View()); } else { if (userPortal != "") { var user = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername(userPortal); if (user != null)// User registered at TREND system { if (user.Status.Equals(7)) { Session["userid"] = user.UserId; Session["role"] = user.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = _userRoleBService.GetDetail(user.RoleId).Description; Session["username"] = user.Username; Session["name"] = user.Name; Session["status"] = user.Status; Session["photo"] = user.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); if (user.IsDelegate != 0) { Delegation delegationData = _userBService.GetDetailDelegation(user.IsDelegate); Session["DelegateStatus"] = delegationData.Status; Session["DelegateTo"] = _userBService.GetDetail(delegationData.ToUser).Name; Session["DelegateUntil"] = delegationData.EndDate; Session["DelegateStart"] = delegationData.StartDate; } else if (user.IsDelegate == 0) { Session["DelegateStatus"] = null; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; } _logReportBService.WriteLog("[SUCCESS] Account Login", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "User Portal :" + userPortal + " has Login"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); } else { Session["userid"] = user.UserId; Session["role"] = user.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = "Guest"; Session["username"] = user.Username; Session["name"] = user.Name; Session["status"] = user.Status; Session["photo"] = user.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); Session["DelegateStatus"] = 0; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; _logReportBService.WriteLog("[SUCCESS] Account Login", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "User Portal :" + userPortal + " has Login"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); } } else //As Guest { EmployeeMaster UserfromPortal = _mstEmployeeBService.GetDetailbyUserName(userPortal); if (UserfromPortal != null) { User model = new User(); model.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; model.Status = 0; var mEmployee = userPortal.Equals("ict.development") ? _mstEmployeeBService.GetDetailbyUserName("XUPJ21IYN") : UserfromPortal; model.Name = mEmployee.Employee_Name; model.EmployeeId = mEmployee.Employee_Id; model.Username = userPortal.Equals("ict.development") ? "ict.development" : mEmployee.Employee_xupj; model.Position = mEmployee.Position_Name; model.Email = mEmployee.Email; model.AreaCode = mEmployee.Location_Id; model.AreaName = mEmployee.Location_Name; model.BranchCode = mEmployee.Branch_Id; model.Dob = DateTime.ParseExact(mEmployee.Birth_date, "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); model.RoleId = 0; model = _userBService.Add(model); var userguest = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername(userPortal); Session["userid"] = userguest.UserId; Session["role"] = userguest.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = "Guest"; Session["username"] = userPortal; Session["name"] = userguest.Name; Session["status"] = userguest.Status; Session["photo"] = userguest.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); Session["DelegateStatus"] = 0; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; _logReportBService.WriteLog("[SUCCESS] Account Login", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "User Portal :" + userPortal + " has Login"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); } else { var userguest = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername("Guest"); Session["userid"] = userguest.UserId; Session["role"] = userguest.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = "Guest"; Session["username"] = userguest.Username; Session["name"] = userPortal; Session["status"] = userguest.Status; Session["photo"] = userguest.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); Session["DelegateStatus"] = 0; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Your Portal Account Has Not Registered in Employee Master Database'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Library';</script>")); // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Library"); } } } else { Uri uri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"]); string requested = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; string protokol = Common.GetProtocol(); string portalUrl = WebConfigure.GetLoginHost() + "/_layouts/15/Trakindo/Authentication/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=" + protokol + uri.Host + uri.AbsolutePath + "/Library"; ViewBag.portalDomain = portalUrl; return(View("RedirectToPortal")); } } } catch (Exception er) { _logErrorBService.WriteLog("[FAILED] Account Login", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, er.ToString(), userPortal); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); //ClearSessionData(); //Uri uri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"]); //string requested = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port; //string protokol = Common.GetProtocol(); //string portalUrl = WebConfigure.GetLoginHost() + "/_layouts/15/Trakindo/Authentication/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=" + protokol + uri.Host + uri.AbsolutePath + "/Library"; //ViewBag.portalDomain = portalUrl; //return View("RedirectToPortal"); } }
public ActionResult Index(int?page, int Category = 0, String keyword = "") { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ViewBag.Download = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Document/" + WebConfigure.GetUserGuideNameFileWithExtention(); ViewBag.Domain = domain(isLocal); ViewBag.CategoryName = Category == 0 ? null : _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(Category).Name; ViewBag.IconCategory = Category == 0 ? null : _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(Category).Icon; if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; List <Article> listArtikel = null; //var start = 6 * (Convert.ToInt32(1) - 1); if (Category == 0) { listArtikel = _literatureService.GetListkeyword(keyword); } else { listArtikel = _literatureService.GetListbyCategory(Category, keyword); } #region Category ViewBag.Domain = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); ViewBag.ListCategory1 = _articleCategoryBs.GetListCategoryMostUsedLiterature(0); ViewBag.key = keyword; #endregion List <ArticleFileData> ArticleData = new List <ArticleFileData>(); List <CustomArticleTags> ArticleTagsData = new List <CustomArticleTags>(); if (listArtikel != null) { foreach (var item in listArtikel) { List <String> FileData = _articleFileBs.GetNamefileByRoleColor(item.ArticleId, item.LevelUser); if (FileData.Count > 0) { ArticleFileData filedata = new ArticleFileData() { idFile = item.ArticleId, Name = FileData, Level = _articleFileBs.GetLevelFileByRoleColor(item.ArticleId, item.LevelUser) }; ArticleData.Add(filedata); } var TagsData = _articleTagsBs.GetTagsByArticle(item.ArticleId); CustomArticleTags tags = new CustomArticleTags() { ArticleId = item.ArticleId, Object = TagsData.Count == 0 ? null : TagsData }; ArticleTagsData.Add(tags); } } ViewBag.LiteratureTags = ArticleTagsData; ViewBag.keyword = keyword; ViewBag.LiteratureItem = ArticleData; int pageSize = 50; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return(View(listArtikel.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); }
// GET: MyTechnicalRequest public ViewResult Index(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(View("LoginRedirect")); } ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.DateSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "DateDesc" : ""; ViewBag.TitleSortParm = sortOrder == "Title" ? "TitleDesc" : "Title"; ViewBag.StatusSortParm = sortOrder == "Status" ? "StatusDesc" : "Status"; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; var tickets = _ticketBs.GetQueryableByUserConected(int.Parse(Session["userid"].ToString())); //Search MyTR if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { int userlogin = int.Parse(Session["userid"].ToString()); if ("waiting your feedback".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || (ticket.Status == 2 && userlogin.Equals(ticket.NextCommenter) && (userlogin.Equals(ticket.Responder) || userlogin.Equals(ticket.Submiter))) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else if ("pra".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || (ticket.Status == 2 && !userlogin.Equals(ticket.NextCommenter) && ticket.NextCommenter.Equals(ticket.Responder)) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else if ("psa".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || (ticket.Status == 2 && !userlogin.Equals(ticket.NextCommenter) && ticket.NextCommenter.Equals(ticket.Submiter)) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else if ("draft".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || ticket.Status.Equals(1) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else if ("solved".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || ticket.Status.Equals(6) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else if ("closed".Contains(searchString.ToLower())) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || ticket.Status.Equals(3) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString)); } else { int[] UserParticipant = _ticketParticipantBusinessService.GetTicketIdBySearchUserId(searchString).ToArray(); int[] User = _userBusinessService.GetListSearchUser(searchString).ToArray(); int[] tagTicket = _articleTagBs.searchTagTicket(searchString).ToArray(); if (tagTicket.Length > 0) { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || ticket.DPPMno.Contains(searchString) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString) || (tagTicket.Contains(ticket.TicketId) && ticket.Status != 1) || ((User.Contains(ticket.Responder) || User.Contains(ticket.Submiter) || UserParticipant.Contains(ticket.TicketId)) && ticket.Status != 1)); } else { tickets = tickets.Where(ticket => ticket.Title.Contains(searchString) || ticket.TicketNo.Contains(searchString) || ticket.SerialNumber.Contains(searchString) || ticket.DPPMno.Contains(searchString) || ticket.Description.Contains(searchString) || ticket.EmailCC.Contains(searchString) || ((User.Contains(ticket.Responder) || User.Contains(ticket.Submiter) || UserParticipant.Contains(ticket.TicketId)) && ticket.Status != 1)); } } } List <Ticket> recent = new List <Ticket>(); if (tickets != null) { foreach (var item in tickets) { Ticket recentDate = new Ticket() { TicketId = item.TicketId, CreatedAt = new[] { item.CreatedAt, item.LastReply, item.UpdatedAt, item.LastStatusDate }.Max() }; recent.Add(recentDate); } ViewBag.RecentDate = recent; } else { ViewBag.RecentDate = null; } switch (sortOrder) { case "DateDesc": tickets = tickets.OrderBy(t => new[] { t.CreatedAt, t.LastReply, t.UpdatedAt, t.LastStatusDate }.Max()); break; case "Title": tickets = tickets.OrderBy(t => t.Title); break; case "TitleDesc": tickets = tickets.OrderByDescending(t => t.Title); break; case "Status": tickets = tickets.OrderBy(t => t.Status); break; case "StatusDesc": tickets = tickets.OrderByDescending(t => t.Status); break; default: tickets = tickets.OrderByDescending(t => new[] { t.CreatedAt, t.LastReply, t.UpdatedAt, t.LastStatusDate }.Max()); break; } ViewBag.Recent = TechnicalRequest.GetRecentTR(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])); var ticketPreview = _ticketPreviewBusinessService.MakeFrom(tickets, Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])); List <InvolvedUser> submitter = new List <InvolvedUser>(); List <InvolvedUser> responders = new List <InvolvedUser>(); List <InvolvedUser> involvedUsers = new List <InvolvedUser>(); List <TicketResolution> Resolutions = new List <TicketResolution>(); if (ticketPreview != null) { foreach (var ticket in ticketPreview) { User submitterData = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(ticket.Submiter); ticket.IsEscalated = _ticketBs.IsEscalated(ticket.TicketId, Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"])); TicketResolution resolution = _ticketResolutionBs.GetByTicket(ticket.TicketId); if (resolution != null) { TicketResolution resolutionObj = new TicketResolution() { TicketId = ticket.TicketId, Description = resolution.Description, CreatedAt = resolution.CreatedAt }; Resolutions.Add(resolutionObj); } else { TicketResolution resolutionObj = new TicketResolution() { TicketId = ticket.TicketId, Description = null, CreatedAt = null }; Resolutions.Add(resolutionObj); } if (submitterData != null) { InvolvedUser submitterUser = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(ticket.Submiter).Name }; submitter.Add(submitterUser); } else { InvolvedUser submitterUser = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = "" }; submitter.Add(submitterUser); } if (ticket.Responder != 0) { User responderData = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(ticket.Responder); if (responderData != null) { InvolvedUser responder = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(ticket.Responder).Name }; responders.Add(responder); } else { InvolvedUser responder = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = "" }; responders.Add(responder); } } else { if (ticket.Status != 1) { InvolvedUser responder = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = "TREND Admin" }; responders.Add(responder); } else { InvolvedUser responder = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = "" }; responders.Add(responder); } } var participants = _ticketParticipantBusinessService.GetByTicket(ticket.TicketId); if (participants != null) { foreach (var participantItem in participants) { var useCek = _userBusinessService.GetDetail(participantItem.UserId); if (useCek != null) { InvolvedUser participant = new InvolvedUser() { TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo, EmployeName = useCek.Name, UserId = useCek.UserId }; involvedUsers.Add(participant); } } } } } ViewBag.Resolutions = Resolutions; ViewBag.Submiters = submitter; ViewBag.Responders = responders; ViewBag.InvolvedUsers = involvedUsers; int pageSize = 10; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return(View("Index", ticketPreview.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); } }
// GET: DashboardTechnicalOverview public ActionResult DashboardTechnicalOverview(int filterType = 0, string Area = null, string Model = null, string Family = null, string Industry = null, string SerialNumber = null, string Customer = null, string SalesOffice = null, string deliveryDate = null, string purchaseDate = null, string repairDate = null, string SMURangeFrom = null, string SMURangeTo = null, string ModelMEP = null, string SerialNumberMEP = null, string CustomerMEP = null, string Plant = null, string Product = null, string hid = null, string rental = null, string other = null, string paramsModel = null, string paramsSerialNumber = null, bool btnPOST = false) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } this.setViewBag(); var modelFormCollection = new GetFormCollectionOverview(); var strArea = Area; var strSalesOffice = SalesOffice; var strCustomer = CustomerMEP; var strFamily = Family; var strIndustry = Industry; var strModel = ModelMEP; var strSerialNumber = SerialNumberMEP; var strSMURangeFrom = SMURangeFrom; var strSMURangeTo = SMURangeTo; var strpurchaseDateFrom = String.Empty; var strdeliveryDateFrom = String.Empty; var strrepairDateFrom = String.Empty; var strpurchaseDateEnd = String.Empty; var strdeliveryDateEnd = String.Empty; var strrepairDateEnd = String.Empty; var Hid = hid; var Rental = rental; var Others = other; var strcustomer = ""; var strmodel = ""; var strserialnumber = ""; var strplant = ""; var strproduct = ""; if (filterType == 1) { strcustomer = Customer; strmodel = Model; strserialnumber = SerialNumber; strplant = Plant; strproduct = Product; } else { strcustomer = CustomerMEP; strmodel = ModelMEP; strserialnumber = SerialNumberMEP; if (purchaseDate != null) { var strList = purchaseDate.Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { strpurchaseDateFrom = strList[0]; strpurchaseDateEnd = strList[4]; } else { strpurchaseDateFrom = strList[0]; } } else { strpurchaseDateFrom = String.Empty; strpurchaseDateEnd = String.Empty; } if (deliveryDate != null) { var strList = deliveryDate.Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { strdeliveryDateFrom = strList[0]; strdeliveryDateEnd = strList[4]; } else { strdeliveryDateFrom = strList[0]; } } else { strdeliveryDateFrom = ""; strdeliveryDateEnd = ""; } if (repairDate != null) { var strList = repairDate.Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { strrepairDateFrom = strList[0]; strrepairDateEnd = strList[4]; } else { strrepairDateFrom = strList[0]; } } else { strrepairDateFrom = String.Empty; strrepairDateEnd = String.Empty; } } modelFormCollection.HID = Hid; modelFormCollection.Rental = Rental; modelFormCollection.Others = Others; modelFormCollection.Area = strArea; modelFormCollection.SalesOffice = strSalesOffice; modelFormCollection.Customer = strCustomer; modelFormCollection.Family = strFamily; modelFormCollection.Industry = strIndustry; modelFormCollection.Model = strModel; modelFormCollection.SerialNumber = strSerialNumber; modelFormCollection.SMURangeFrom = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSMURangeFrom) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(strSMURangeFrom); modelFormCollection.SMURangeTo = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSMURangeTo) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(strSMURangeTo); modelFormCollection.PurchaseDateFrom = strpurchaseDateFrom; modelFormCollection.DeliveryDateFrom = strdeliveryDateFrom; modelFormCollection.LastRepairDateFrom = strrepairDateFrom; modelFormCollection.PurchaseDateEnd = strpurchaseDateEnd; modelFormCollection.DeliveryDateEnd = strdeliveryDateEnd; modelFormCollection.LastRepairDateEnd = strrepairDateEnd; modelFormCollection.Customer = strcustomer; modelFormCollection.Model = strmodel; modelFormCollection.SerialNumber = strserialnumber; modelFormCollection.Product = strproduct; modelFormCollection.Plant = strplant; ViewBag.FilterType = filterType; ViewBag.urlModel = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Dashboard/DashboardTechnicalOverview?filterType=" + filterType + "&Area=" + Area + "&Model=" + Model + "&Family=" + Family + "&Industry=" + Industry + "&SerialNumber=" + SerialNumber + "&Customer=" + Customer + "&SalesOffice=" + SalesOffice + "&deliveryDate=" + deliveryDate + "&purchaseDate=" + purchaseDate + "&repairDate=" + repairDate + "&SMURangeFrom=" + SMURangeFrom + "&SMURangeTo=" + SMURangeTo + "&ModelMEP=" + ModelMEP + "&SerialNumberMEP=" + SerialNumberMEP + "&CustomerMEP=" + CustomerMEP + "&Plant=" + Plant + "&Product=" + Product + "&hid=" + hid + "&rental=" + rental + "&other=" + other + "&btnPOST=" + btnPOST ; var ModelParams = ""; var SerialNumberParams = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramsModel)) { ModelParams = paramsModel; modelFormCollection.paramsModel = ModelParams; ViewBag.Model = ModelParams; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramsSerialNumber)) { SerialNumberParams = paramsSerialNumber; modelFormCollection.paramsSerialNumber = SerialNumberParams; ViewBag.SerialNumber = SerialNumberParams; } var RelatedDPPM = GetTableRelatedDPPMOverviewGet(modelFormCollection, Hid, Rental, Others, modelFormCollection.paramsModel, modelFormCollection.paramsSerialNumber, btnPOST); var RelatedTR = getListTableRelatedTROverviewGet(modelFormCollection, Hid, Rental, Others, modelFormCollection.paramsModel, modelFormCollection.paramsSerialNumber, btnPOST); ViewBag.RelatedDPPMData = RelatedDPPM.Item1; ViewBag.RelatedDPPMDataCount = RelatedDPPM.Item2; ViewBag.TicketDataOverview = RelatedTR.Item1; ViewBag.TicketDataCountOverview = RelatedTR.Item2; ViewBag.FilterType = filterType; ViewBag.ModelFormCollectionOverview = modelFormCollection; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult LoadMore(int?page, int Category = 0, String keyword = "") { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ViewBag.Download = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Document/" + WebConfigure.GetUserGuideNameFileWithExtention(); ViewBag.CategoryName = Category == 0 ? null : _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(Category).Name; ViewBag.IconCategory = Category == 0 ? null : _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(Category).Icon; ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; List <Article> listArtikel = null; if (Category == 0) { listArtikel = _literatureService.GetListkeyword(keyword); } else { listArtikel = _literatureService.GetListbyCategory(Category, keyword); } #region Category ViewBag.Domain = domain(isLocal); ViewBag.ListCategory1 = _articleCategoryBs.GetListCategoryMostUsedLiterature(0); #endregion List <ArticleFile> ArticleData = new List <ArticleFile>(); List <CustomArticleTags> ArticleTagsData = new List <CustomArticleTags>(); if (listArtikel != null) { foreach (var artikel in listArtikel) { var FileData = _articleFileBs.GetListByArtikelId(artikel.ArticleId); if (FileData != null) { foreach (var FileItem in FileData) { var fileCek = _articleFileBs.GetDetail(FileItem.ArticleId); if (fileCek != null) { ArticleFile file = new ArticleFile() { ArticleId = artikel.ArticleId, Name = fileCek.Name, }; ArticleData.Add(file); } var TagsData = _articleTagsBs.GetTagsByArticle(artikel.ArticleId); CustomArticleTags tags = new CustomArticleTags() { ArticleId = artikel.ArticleId, Object = TagsData.Count == 0 ? null : TagsData }; ArticleTagsData.Add(tags); } } } } ViewBag.LiteratureTags = ArticleTagsData; ViewBag.LiteratureData = listArtikel; ViewBag.LiteratureItem = ArticleData; int pageSize = 50; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return(View(listArtikel.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); }
public ActionResult DashboardTechnicalOverview(FormCollection fc) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } this.setViewBag(); var modelFormCollection = new GetFormCollectionOverview(); bool btnPOST = true; ViewBag.urlModel = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Dashboard/DashboardTechnicalOverview?filterType=" + fc["filterType"] + "&Area=" + fc["Area"] + "&Model=" + fc["Model"] + "&Family=" + fc["Family"] + "&Industry=" + fc["Industry"] + "&SerialNumber=" + fc["SerialNumber"] + "&Customer=" + fc["Customer"] + "&SalesOffice=" + fc["SalesOffice"] + "&deliveryDate=" + fc["deliveryDate"] + "&purchaseDate=" + fc["purchaseDate"] + "&repairDate=" + fc["repairDate"] + "&SMURangeFrom=" + fc["SMURangeFrom"] + "&SMURangeTo=" + fc["SMURangeTo"] + "&ModelMEP=" + fc["ModelMEP"] + "&SerialNumberMEP=" + fc["SerialNumberMEP"] + "&CustomerMEP=" + fc["CustomerMEP"] + "&Plant=" + fc["PlantDescription"] + "&Product=" + fc["Product"] + "&hid=" + fc["hid"] + "&rental=" + fc["rental"] + "&other=" + fc["other"] + "&btnPOST=" + btnPOST ; if (Convert.ToInt32(fc["filterType"]) == 1) { var strSerialNumber = (fc["SerialNumber"] != null) ? fc["SerialNumber"] : String.Empty; var strCustomer = (fc["Customer"] != null) ? fc["Customer"] : String.Empty; var strModel = (fc["Model"] != null) ? fc["Model"] : String.Empty; var strplantDescription = (fc["PlantDescription"] != null) ? fc["PlantDescription"] : String.Empty; var strplantProduct = (fc["Product"] != null) ? fc["Product"] : String.Empty; modelFormCollection.Customer = strCustomer; modelFormCollection.Model = strModel; modelFormCollection.SerialNumber = strSerialNumber; modelFormCollection.Plant = strplantDescription; modelFormCollection.Product = strplantProduct; } else { var purchasedatefrom = ""; var purchasedateto = ""; var deliverydatefrom = ""; var deliverydateto = ""; var repairdatefrom = ""; var repairdateto = ""; if (fc["purchaseDate"] != null) { var strList = fc["purchaseDate"].Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { purchasedatefrom = strList[0]; purchasedateto = strList[4]; } else { purchasedatefrom = strList[0]; } } else { purchasedatefrom = ""; purchasedateto = ""; } if (fc["deliveryDate"] != null) { var strList = fc["deliveryDate"].Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { deliverydatefrom = strList[0]; deliverydateto = strList[4]; } else { deliverydatefrom = strList[0]; } } else { deliverydatefrom = ""; deliverydateto = ""; } if (fc["repairDate"] != null) { var strList = fc["repairDate"].Split(' ', 't', 'o', ' '); if (strList.Count() == 5) { repairdatefrom = strList[0]; repairdateto = strList[4]; } else { repairdatefrom = strList[0]; } } else { repairdatefrom = ""; repairdateto = ""; } var strArea = (fc["Area"] != null) ? fc["Area"] : String.Empty; var strSalesOffice = (fc["SalesOffice"] != null) ? fc["SalesOffice"] : String.Empty; var strCustomer = (fc["CustomerMEP"] != null) ? fc["CustomerMEP"] : String.Empty; var strFamily = (fc["Family"] != null) ? fc["Family"] : String.Empty; var strIndustry = (fc["Industry"] != null) ? fc["Industry"] : String.Empty; var strModel = (fc["ModelMEP"] != null) ? fc["ModelMEP"] : String.Empty; var strSerialNumber = (fc["SerialNumberMEP"] != null) ? fc["SerialNumberMEP"] : String.Empty; var strSMURangeFrom = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fc["SMURangeFrom"])) ? Convert.ToInt32(fc["SMURangeFrom"]) : 0; var strSMURangeTo = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fc["SMURangeTo"])) ? Convert.ToInt32(fc["SMURangeTo"]) : 0; modelFormCollection.Area = strArea; modelFormCollection.SalesOffice = strSalesOffice; modelFormCollection.Customer = strCustomer; modelFormCollection.Family = strFamily; modelFormCollection.Industry = strIndustry; modelFormCollection.Model = strModel; modelFormCollection.SerialNumber = strSerialNumber; modelFormCollection.SMURangeFrom = strSMURangeFrom; modelFormCollection.SMURangeTo = strSMURangeTo; modelFormCollection.PurchaseDateFrom = purchasedatefrom; modelFormCollection.PurchaseDateEnd = purchasedateto; modelFormCollection.DeliveryDateEnd = deliverydateto; modelFormCollection.DeliveryDateFrom = deliverydatefrom; modelFormCollection.LastRepairDateEnd = repairdateto; modelFormCollection.LastRepairDateFrom = repairdatefrom; } var Hid = (fc["hid"] != null) ? fc["hid"] : ""; var Rental = (fc["rental"] != null) ? fc["rental"] : ""; var Others = (fc["other"] != null) ? fc["other"] : ""; modelFormCollection.HID = Hid; modelFormCollection.Rental = Rental; modelFormCollection.Others = Others; modelFormCollection.paramsModel = String.Empty; modelFormCollection.paramsSerialNumber = String.Empty; modelFormCollection.btnPOST = btnPOST; var DataRelatedTicketOverview = getListTableRelatedTROverview(fc, Hid, Rental, Others, fc["model"], null, btnPOST); var DataRelatedDPPMOverview = GetTableRelatedDPPMOverview(fc, Hid, Rental, Others, fc["model"], null, btnPOST); ViewBag.TicketDataOverview = DataRelatedTicketOverview.Item1; ViewBag.TicketDataCountOverview = DataRelatedTicketOverview.Item2; ViewBag.RelatedDPPMData = DataRelatedDPPMOverview.Item1; ViewBag.RelatedDPPMDataCount = DataRelatedDPPMOverview.Item2; ViewBag.ModelFormCollectionOverview = modelFormCollection; ViewBag.FilterType = Convert.ToInt32(fc["filterType"]); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult SaveFile(int id) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } List <ArticleFile> FileData = _articleFileBs.GetListByArtikelId(id); try { String FileName = "Trakindo TREND-Literature.zip"; if (FileData.Count == 1) { foreach (var data in FileData) { if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("guest")) { if (data.LevelUser.ToLower().Contains("guest")) { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/msi"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + data.Name); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + data.Name); Response.End(); } } else if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("green")) { if (data.LevelUser.ToLower().Contains("guest") || data.LevelUser.ToLower().Contains("green")) { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/msi"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + data.Name); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + data.Name); Response.End(); } } else if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("yellow")) { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/msi"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + data.Name); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + data.Name); Response.End(); } } return(File(FileName, "application/msi")); } else { using (ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(System.IO.File.Create(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + FileName))) { zipOutputStream.SetLevel(9); byte[] buffer = new Byte[4096]; var DataList = new List <string>(); foreach (var datafile in FileData) { if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower() == "guest") { if (datafile.LevelUser.ToLower() == "guest") { DataList.Add(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + datafile.Name); } } else if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower() == "green") { if (datafile.LevelUser.ToLower() == "guest" || datafile.LevelUser.ToLower() == "green") { DataList.Add(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + datafile.Name); } } else if (Session["roleColor"].ToString().ToLower() == "yellow") { DataList.Add(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + datafile.Name); } } for (int i = 0; i < DataList.Count; i++) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(DataList[i])); entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; entry.IsUnicodeText = true; zipOutputStream.PutNextEntry(entry); using (FileStream fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(DataList[i])) { int sourcebytes; do { sourcebytes = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); zipOutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, sourcebytes); } while (sourcebytes > 0); } } zipOutputStream.Finish(); zipOutputStream.Flush(); zipOutputStream.Close(); } var path = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Attachments/") + FileName; byte[] finalresult = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path); return(File(finalresult, "application/zip", FileName)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException er) { _LogErrorBs.WriteLog("Download ZIP Literature", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, er.ToString()); return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('File Literature is Not Found'); location.href = '" + WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Literation';</script>")); //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Literation"); } }
public ActionResult Create(Article articleObject, FormCollection collection) { ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } if (!Common.CheckUserYellow()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } articleObject.Position = 0; if (articleObject.Category1Id != 0) { articleObject.Category1 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category1Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category2Id != 0) { articleObject.Category2 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category2Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category3Id != 0) { articleObject.Category3 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category3Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category4Id != 0) { articleObject.Category4 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category4Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category5Id != 0) { articleObject.Category5 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category5Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category6Id != 0) { articleObject.Category6 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category6Id).Name ?? "-"; } if (articleObject.Category7Id != 0) { articleObject.Category7 = _articleCategoryBs.GetDetail(articleObject.Category7Id).Name ?? "-"; } articleObject.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; if (collection["type"] == "draft") { articleObject.Status = 2; } else { articleObject.Status = 0; } articleObject.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]); String token = Common.AccessToken() + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy"); token = token.Replace("/", ""); token = token.Replace("+", ""); articleObject.Token = token; var articleModel = _articleBs.Add(articleObject); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { //ArticleFile articleFile = Factory.Create<ArticleFile>("ArticleFile", ClassType.clsTypeDataModel); //for (int i = 0, iLen = Request.Files.Count; i < iLen; i++) //{ // var file = Request.Files[i]; // string response = Common.ValidateFileUpload(file); // if (response.Equals("true")) // { // articleFile.ArticleId = articleModel.ArticleId; // articleFile.Name = Common.UploadFileArticle(file, articleModel.ArticleId + "-" + i.ToString()); // articleFile.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; // _articleFileBs.Add(articleFile); // } //} for (int i = 0, iLen = Request.Files.Count; i < iLen; i++) { if (Request.Files.GetKey(i) == "header") { var file = Request.Files.Get(i); string response = Common.ValidateFileUpload(file); if (response.Equals("true")) { if (file != null) { var fileName = articleModel.ArticleId + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Header/"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); articleModel.HeaderImage = fileName; } _articleBs.Edit(articleModel); } } } if (Request.Files.AllKeys.Contains("attachment[]")) { ArticleFile artikelFile = Factory.Create <ArticleFile>("ArticleFile", ClassType.clsTypeDataModel); int attachmentIndex = 1; string[] fileLevel = collection["file_level[]"].Split(','); for (int i = 0, iLen = Request.Files.Count; i < iLen; i++) { if (Request.Files.GetKey(i) == "attachment[]") { var file = Request.Files[i]; string response = Common.ValidateFileUpload(file); string dateString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHmmss"); if (response.Equals("true")) { artikelFile.ArticleId = articleModel.ArticleId; artikelFile.Name = Common.UploadFileArticle(file, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "-" + dateString + "-" + attachmentIndex); artikelFile.LevelUser = fileLevel[i - 1]; artikelFile.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; _articleFileBs.Add(artikelFile); attachmentIndex += 1; } } } } } if (collection["type"] == "draft") { return(RedirectToAction("Draft", "Library")); } else { Email.SendMailPublishArticle(articleModel); Email.SendMailNeedApp1Article(articleModel); return(RedirectToAction("List", "Library")); } }
public ActionResult Edit(Article artikelObject, FormCollection collection) { ViewBag.UseFullLink = _articleBs.getUseFullLink().Count > 0 ? _articleBs.getUseFullLink() : null; if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj() != "" && Session["userid"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } if (Session["username"] != null) { if (WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal() == "true" && Common.GetUserXupj().ToLower() != Session["username"].ToString().ToLower()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } } if (!Common.CheckUserYellow()) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } SetDropdownArtikelCategory(artikelObject); var artikelModel = ParsingEdit(artikelObject, collection); artikelModel = _articleBs.Edit(artikelModel); if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("tag-input[]")) { string tags = collection["tag-input[]"]; UpdateArticleTags(tags, artikelModel.ArticleId); } //upload if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0, iLen = Request.Files.Count; i < iLen; i++) { if (Request.Files.GetKey(i) == "header") { var file = Request.Files.Get(i); string response = Common.ValidateFileUpload(file); if (response.Equals("true")) { if (file != null) { var fileName = artikelModel.ArticleId + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Article/Header/"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); artikelModel.HeaderImage = fileName; } _articleBs.Edit(artikelModel); } } } if (Request.Files.AllKeys.Contains("attachment[]")) { _articleFileBs.DeleteAll(artikelModel.ArticleId); ArticleFile artikelFile = Factory.Create <ArticleFile>("ArticleFile", ClassType.clsTypeDataModel); int attachmentIndex = 1; string[] fileLevel = collection["file_level[]"].Split(','); for (int i = 0, iLen = Request.Files.Count; i < iLen; i++) { if (Request.Files.GetKey(i) == "attachment[]") { var file = Request.Files[i]; string response = Common.ValidateFileUpload(file); string dateString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHmmss"); if (response.Equals("true")) { artikelFile.ArticleId = artikelModel.ArticleId; artikelFile.Name = Common.UploadFileArticle(file, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "-" + dateString + "-" + attachmentIndex); artikelFile.LevelUser = fileLevel[i - 1]; artikelFile.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; _articleFileBs.Add(artikelFile); attachmentIndex += 1; } } } } } if (collection["type"] == "draft") { return(RedirectToAction("Draft", "Library")); } else { Email.SendMailPublishArticle(artikelModel); Email.SendMailNeedApp1Article(artikelModel); return(RedirectToAction("List", "Library")); } }
#pragma warning disable 1998 public async Task <ActionResult> Login(User model) #pragma warning restore 1998 { ViewBag.Download = WebConfigure.GetDomain() + "/Upload/Document/" + WebConfigure.GetUserGuideNameFileWithExtention(); ViewBag.Domain = WebConfigure.GetDomain(); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region cek EmployeeID if (LoginValidate(model)) { #region session User var user = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername(model.Username); if (user != null)// User registered at TREND system { if (user.Status.Equals(7)) { var userT = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername(model.Username); Session["userid"] = userT.UserId; Session["role"] = userT.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = _userRoleBService.GetDetail(userT.RoleId).Description; Session["username"] = userT.Username; Session["name"] = userT.Name; Session["status"] = userT.Status; Session["photo"] = userT.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); if (userT.IsDelegate != 0) { Delegation delegationData = _userBService.GetDetailDelegation(userT.IsDelegate); Session["DelegateStatus"] = delegationData.Status; Session["DelegateTo"] = _userBService.GetDetail(delegationData.ToUser).Name; Session["DelegateUntil"] = delegationData.EndDate; Session["DelegateStart"] = delegationData.StartDate; } else if (user.IsDelegate == 0) { Session["DelegateStatus"] = null; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; } return(RedirectToAction("Summary", "TechnicalRequest")); #endregion } else//user Registered but Inactive { Session["userid"] = user.UserId; Session["role"] = user.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = "Guest"; Session["username"] = user.Username; Session["name"] = user.Name; Session["status"] = user.Status; Session["photo"] = user.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); Session["DelegateStatus"] = null; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); } } else if (user == null) {//As Guest //return RedirectToAction("Register", "Account"); var userguest = _userBService.GetDetailbyUsername("Guest"); Session["userid"] = userguest.UserId; Session["role"] = userguest.RoleId; Session["roleColor"] = "Guest"; Session["username"] = userguest.Username; Session["name"] = userguest.Name; Session["status"] = userguest.Status; Session["photo"] = userguest.PhotoProfile; Session["loginPortal"] = WebConfigure.GetLoginPortal(); Session["DelegateStatus"] = null; Session["DelegateUntil"] = null; Session["DelegateTo"] = null; Session["DelegateStart"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Library")); } } #endregion } return(View(model)); } catch (Exception er) { _logErrorBService.WriteLog("Account", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, er.ToString()); return(View("Login", "Default")); } }