public ActionResult Info() { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; Info info = new Info(); using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var userInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.Avatar = userInfo.avatar; ViewBag.Fullname = userInfo.fullname; info.Id = userInfo.app_user_id; info.Avatar = userInfo.avatar; info.Username = userInfo.app_user.username; info.LastChangePassword = userInfo.last_change_password; info.Email =; info.Phone =; info.Fullname = userInfo.fullname; info.Birth = userInfo.birth; info.Gender = userInfo.gender; info.City =; info.ShortDescription = userInfo.customer_description; } ViewBag.View = "info"; return(View(info)); }
public ActionResult FindFriend(string input) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; List <FriendToFind> list = new List <FriendToFind>(); using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var cusomerList = db.customers.Where(s => (s.fullname.Contains(input) || s.app_user.username.Contains(input) || || && s.app_user_id != userID).ToList(); foreach (var cus in cusomerList) { FriendToFind friendToFind = new FriendToFind(); friendToFind.Id = cus.app_user_id.ToString(); friendToFind.Avatar = cus.avatar; friendToFind.Name = cus.fullname; friendToFind.Email =; friendToFind.Phone =; friendToFind.Birth = cus.birth.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); friendToFind.Gender = cus.gender ? "Nam" : "Nữ"; friendToFind.City =; friendToFind.Description = cus.customer_description; var relation = db.relationships.Where(s => (s.cus1_id == userID && s.cus2_id == cus.app_user_id) || (s.cus1_id == cus.app_user_id && s.cus2_id == userID)).FirstOrDefault(); friendToFind.StatusRelation = relation == null ? 3 : relation.relationship_status; list.Add(friendToFind); } } return(Json(list)); }
public ActionResult Logout() { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); user.status_online = false; user.last_online = DateTimeOffset.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } try { // First we clean the authentication ticket like always //required NameSpace: using System.Web.Security; FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); // Second we clear the principal to ensure the user does not retain any authentication //required NameSpace: using System.Security.Principal; HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(string.Empty), null); Session.Clear(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.RemoveAll(); //Redirect to index return(RedirectToAction("Index", "WebChat")); } catch { throw; } }
public string SendFileMessage(HttpPostedFileBase file, string id) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { string directory = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/File"); string fileName = file.FileName; string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, fileName); file.SaveAs(path); Guid toUserId = Guid.Parse(id); string toUsername; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.app_user_id == toUserId).FirstOrDefault(); toUsername = user.username; } var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <ChatHub>(); hubContext.Clients.User(toUsername).getMessagesFile(userID, fileName); return(fileName); } else { return("Xin hãy chọn file"); } }
public void SendMessageToUser(string toUserId, string message) { var currentUser = Context.User; string toUsername; string currentUserId; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { Guid id = Guid.Parse(toUserId); var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.app_user_id == id).FirstOrDefault(); toUsername = user.username; user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.username == currentUser.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); currentUserId = user.app_user_id.ToString(); message mes = new message { id = Guid.NewGuid(), cus_send_id = user.app_user_id, cus_receive_id = id, message1 = message, message_status = 1, send_time = DateTimeOffset.Now }; db.messages.Add(mes); db.SaveChanges(); } Clients.User(toUsername).getMessages(currentUserId, message); }
public ActionResult Login(AuthenticationModel entity) { // Ensure we have a valid viewModel to work with if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Form", entity)); } try { using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { //Retrive Stored Encrypt Password From Database According To Username (one unique field) var userInfo = db.app_user.Where(s => s.username == entity.Login.Username.Trim().ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); //Verify password bool isLogin; if (userInfo != null) { string encrypt_password = userInfo.encrypted_password; isLogin = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(entity.Login.Password.Trim().ToLower(), encrypt_password); } else { isLogin = false; } if (isLogin) { //Login Success //For Set Authentication in Cookie (Remeber ME Option) SignInRemember(entity.Login.Username, entity.Login.IsRemember); //Set A Unique ID in session Session["UserID"] = userInfo.app_user_id; //Change status online to true var customer = db.customers.Find(userInfo.app_user_id); customer.status_online = true; db.SaveChanges(); //Redirect to Index return(RedirectToAction("Index", "WebChat")); } else { //Login Fail TempData["ErrorMSG"] = "Thông tin đăng nhập không đúng"; return(View("Form", entity)); } } } catch { throw; } }
public override Task OnConnected() { var currentUser = Context.User; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.username == currentUser.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); user.customer.status_online = true; db.SaveChanges(); } return(base.OnDisconnected(true)); }
public ActionResult Index() { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var userInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.Avatar = userInfo.avatar; ViewBag.Fullname = userInfo.fullname; } ViewBag.View = "index"; return(View()); }
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled) { var currentUser = Context.User; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.username == currentUser.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); user.customer.status_online = false; user.customer.last_online = DateTimeOffset.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } return(base.OnDisconnected(true)); }
public ActionResult GetCurrentFriend() { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { //TODO need pagging here //For pagging get 20 lastMessageSend var lastMessageSend = db.messages.Where(s => s.cus_send_id == userID).OrderByDescending(s => s.send_time).GroupBy(s => s.cus_receive_id); //For pagging get 20 lastMessageReceive var lastMessageReceive = db.messages.Where(s => s.cus_receive_id == userID).OrderByDescending(s => s.send_time).GroupBy(s => s.cus_send_id); List <Guid> lastUserContact = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var groupItem in lastMessageSend) { lastUserContact.Add(groupItem.Key); } foreach (var groupItem in lastMessageReceive) { lastUserContact.Add(groupItem.Key); } // => lastUserContact have max 40 lastUserContact = lastUserContact.Distinct().ToList(); List <FriendModelJson> FriendList = new List <FriendModelJson>(); foreach (var friendId in lastUserContact) { FriendModelJson friend = new FriendModelJson(); friend.FriendId = friendId.ToString(); var friendInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == friendId).FirstOrDefault(); friend.FriendName = friendInfo.fullname; friend.Avatar = friendInfo.avatar; friend.Status_online = friendInfo.status_online; var lastMessage = db.messages.Where(s => (s.cus_send_id == friendId && s.cus_receive_id == userID) || (s.cus_receive_id == friendId && s.cus_send_id == userID)).OrderByDescending(s => s.send_time).FirstOrDefault(); friend.LastMessage = lastMessage.message1; if (lastMessage.cus_send_id.Equals(userID)) { friend.IsSend = true; friend.MessageStatus = 2; } else { friend.MessageStatus = lastMessage.message_status; } friend.LastSendTime = lastMessage.send_time.ToString("o"); FriendList.Add(friend); } FriendList = FriendList.OrderByDescending(s => s.LastSendTime).ToList(); return(Json(FriendList)); } }
public string SendImageMessage(HttpPostedFileBase file, string id) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0 && IsImage(file)) { string directory = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/Image"); string imageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + ".png"; string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, imageName); using (Image image = Image.FromStream(file.InputStream, true, false)) { try { var thumbnailBitmap = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height); var thumbnailGraph = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnailBitmap); thumbnailGraph.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; thumbnailGraph.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; thumbnailGraph.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; var imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); thumbnailGraph.DrawImage(image, imageRectangle); var ms = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailBitmap.Save(path, ImageFormat.Png); ms.Position = 0; GC.Collect(); thumbnailGraph.Dispose(); thumbnailBitmap.Dispose(); image.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } Guid toUserId = Guid.Parse(id); string toUsername; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.app_user_id == toUserId).FirstOrDefault(); toUsername = user.username; } var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <ChatHub>(); hubContext.Clients.User(toUsername).getMessagesImage(userID, imageName); return(imageName); } else { return("Xin hãy chọn file ảnh"); } }
public void MakeAllRead(string id) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; var toUserId = Guid.Parse(id); using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var messageList = db.messages.Where(s => s.cus_send_id == toUserId && s.cus_receive_id == userID && (s.message_status == 0 || s.message_status == 1)).ToList(); foreach (var message in messageList) { message.message_status = 2; } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult Unfriend(string id) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(id); Guid friendId = Guid.Parse(id); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(friendId); using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var relationShip = db.relationships.Where(s => (s.cus1_id == friendId && s.cus2_id == userID) || (s.cus1_id == userID && s.cus2_id == friendId)).FirstOrDefault(); db.relationships.Remove(relationShip); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("ListFriend", "Friend")); }
public ActionResult GetCurrentFriendSearch(string input) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { List <Guid> lastUserContact = new List <Guid>(); var listUserId = db.customers.Where(s => s.fullname.Contains(input)).ToList(); foreach (var userId in listUserId) { var temp = db.messages.Where(s => (s.cus_send_id == userID && s.cus_receive_id == userId.app_user_id) || (s.cus_receive_id == userID && s.cus_send_id == userId.app_user_id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (temp != null) { lastUserContact.Add(userId.app_user_id); } } List <FriendModelJson> FriendList = new List <FriendModelJson>(); foreach (var friendId in lastUserContact) { FriendModelJson friend = new FriendModelJson(); friend.FriendId = friendId.ToString(); var friendInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == friendId).FirstOrDefault(); friend.FriendName = friendInfo.fullname; friend.Avatar = friendInfo.avatar; friend.Status_online = friendInfo.status_online; var lastMessage = db.messages.Where(s => (s.cus_send_id == friendId && s.cus_receive_id == userID) || (s.cus_receive_id == friendId && s.cus_send_id == userID)).OrderByDescending(s => s.send_time).FirstOrDefault(); friend.LastMessage = lastMessage.message1; if (lastMessage.cus_send_id.Equals(userID)) { friend.IsSend = true; friend.MessageStatus = 2; } else { friend.MessageStatus = lastMessage.message_status; } friend.LastSendTime = lastMessage.send_time.ToString("o"); FriendList.Add(friend); } FriendList = FriendList.OrderByDescending(s => s.LastSendTime).ToList(); return(Json(FriendList)); } }
public ActionResult GetChatContent(string guid, int page) { int numberOfMessageInOnePage = 20; Guid friendId = Guid.Parse(guid); Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { //Change status var listMessage = db.messages.Where(s => s.cus_send_id == friendId && s.cus_receive_id == userID && (s.message_status == 0 || s.message_status == 1)).ToList(); foreach (var mes in listMessage) { mes.message_status = 2; } db.SaveChanges(); //Get content FriendAndChatContentModel friendInfo = new FriendAndChatContentModel(); var userInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); friendInfo.AvatarCurrent = userInfo.avatar; var temp = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == friendId).FirstOrDefault(); friendInfo.FriendId = temp.app_user_id; friendInfo.AvatarFriend = temp.avatar; friendInfo.Fullname = temp.fullname; friendInfo.Status_online = temp.status_online; friendInfo.Last_online = temp.last_online.ToString("o"); var messages = db.messages.Where(s => (s.cus_send_id == userID && s.cus_receive_id == friendId) || (s.cus_send_id == friendId && s.cus_receive_id == userID)).OrderByDescending(s => s.send_time) .Skip(numberOfMessageInOnePage * (page - 1)).Take(numberOfMessageInOnePage).OrderBy(s => s.send_time).ToList(); friendInfo.Messages = new List <MessageContentModel>(); foreach (var message in messages) { MessageContentModel messageContent = new MessageContentModel(); messageContent.Content = message.message1; messageContent.Send_time = message.send_time.ToString("o"); messageContent.Message_status = message.message_status; messageContent.IsSend = message.cus_send_id == userID ? true : false; friendInfo.Messages.Add(messageContent); } return(Json(friendInfo)); } }
public string ChangePassword(string oldPassword, string newPassword) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.app_user.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); if (BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(oldPassword.Trim().ToLower(), user.encrypted_password)) { string encrypt_password = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(newPassword.Trim().ToLower()); user.encrypted_password = encrypt_password; var customer = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); customer.last_change_password = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); return("Đổi mật khẩu thành công"); } else { return("Mật khẩu cũ không đúng"); } } }
public ActionResult GetFriendSearch(int page, string input) { int numberFriendInOnePage = 30; Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; List <FriendForListFriend> FriendForListFriend = new List <FriendForListFriend>(); using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var listRelationShip = db.relationships.Where(s => ((s.cus1_id == userID && s.customer1.fullname.Contains(input)) || (s.cus2_id == userID && s.customer.fullname.Contains(input))) && (s.relationship_status == 1 || s.relationship_status == 2)).OrderBy(s => s.relationship_id) .Skip(numberFriendInOnePage * (page - 1)).Take(numberFriendInOnePage).ToList(); foreach (var rela in listRelationShip) { if (rela.cus1_id.Equals(userID)) { var friendInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == rela.cus2_id).FirstOrDefault(); FriendForListFriend temp = new FriendForListFriend(); temp.Id = friendInfo.app_user_id.ToString(); temp.Avatar = friendInfo.avatar; temp.Fullname = friendInfo.fullname; temp.RelationshipStatus = rela.relationship_status; FriendForListFriend.Add(temp); } else { var friendInfo = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == rela.cus1_id).FirstOrDefault(); FriendForListFriend temp = new FriendForListFriend(); temp.Id = friendInfo.app_user_id.ToString(); temp.Avatar = friendInfo.avatar; temp.Fullname = friendInfo.fullname; temp.RelationshipStatus = rela.relationship_status; FriendForListFriend.Add(temp); } } } return(Json(FriendForListFriend)); }
public string ChangeAvatar(HttpPostedFileBase file) { Guid userID = (Guid)Session["UserID"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0 && IsImage(file)) { //TODO convert to png type, resize image and save it to database string directory = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/Avatar"); string imageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + ".png"; string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, imageName); using (Image image = Image.FromStream(file.InputStream, true, false)) { try { float thumbWidth = 500; float thumbHeight = 500; if (image.Width > image.Height) { thumbHeight = ((float)image.Height / image.Width) * thumbWidth; } else { thumbWidth = ((float)image.Width / image.Height) * thumbHeight; } int actualthumbWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(thumbWidth)); int actualthumbHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(thumbHeight)); var thumbnailBitmap = new Bitmap(actualthumbWidth, actualthumbHeight); var thumbnailGraph = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnailBitmap); thumbnailGraph.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; thumbnailGraph.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; thumbnailGraph.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; var imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, actualthumbWidth, actualthumbHeight); thumbnailGraph.DrawImage(image, imageRectangle); var ms = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailBitmap.Save(path, ImageFormat.Png); ms.Position = 0; GC.Collect(); thumbnailGraph.Dispose(); thumbnailBitmap.Dispose(); image.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { var user = db.customers.Where(s => s.app_user_id == userID).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.avatar != null) { string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, user.avatar); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); } } user.avatar = imageName; db.SaveChanges(); } return("Đổi ảnh đại diện thành công"); } else { return("Xin hãy chọn file ảnh"); } }
public ActionResult Register(AuthenticationModel entity) { // Ensure we have a valid viewModel to work with if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Form", entity)); } try { using (var db = new WebChatEntities()) { //Generate new id Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); /* * Save username and password to app_user */ string username = entity.Regesiter.Username.Trim().ToLower(); string password = entity.Regesiter.Password.Trim().ToLower(); //Hash password before save to database string encrypt_password = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(password); var loginInfo = new app_user { app_user_id = id, username = username, encrypted_password = encrypt_password }; db.app_user.Add(loginInfo); //maybe check error here, method return 0 => no record added to database db.SaveChanges(); /* * Save customer info to customer table */ string email = entity.Regesiter.Email.Trim().ToLower(); string fullname = entity.Regesiter.Fullname.Trim(); DateTime birth = entity.Regesiter.Birth; string gender = entity.Regesiter.Gender; var customerInfo = new customer(); customerInfo.app_user_id = id; customerInfo.fullname = fullname; customerInfo.status_online = true; customerInfo.last_online = DateTime.Now; = email; customerInfo.gender = gender.Equals("Male") ? true : false; customerInfo.birth = birth; customerInfo.last_change_password = DateTime.Now; db.customers.Add(customerInfo); //maybe check error here, method return 0 => no record added to database db.SaveChanges(); //Login with new account FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(loginInfo.username, false); Session["UserID"] = loginInfo.app_user_id; //TODO add role customer //TODO add notify for user to update information } } catch { throw; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "WebChat")); }