public ActionResult RunDailyTasks() { Logging.dlog("RunDailyTasks"); Web.CacheClearAll(); // if there is anything to do every day, do it here #if AutocompletePhrase // re-do autocomplete phrases for expired content (assumes content tends to expire daily) AutocompletePhrase.AutocompletePhraseCleanup(); #endif #if ModificationLog //daily remove old mod logs if (BewebData.GetValueInt(new Sql("select count(*) from sys.objects where name like ", "ModificationLogTemp".SqlizeLike()), 0) > 0) { // remove the temp table if it exists new Sql("drop table ModificationLogTemp").Execute(); } var s = @" select * into ModificationLogTemp from ModificationLog where UpdateDate > getdate()-90; truncate table ModificationLog; set identity_insert ModificationLog ON; insert into ModificationLog ([ModificationLogID],[UpdateDate],[PersonID],[TableName],[RecordID],[ActionType],[UserName],[ChangeDescription],[RecordIDChar]) select [ModificationLogID],[UpdateDate],[PersonID],[TableName],[RecordID],[ActionType],[UserName],[ChangeDescription],[RecordIDChar] from ModificationLogTemp; set identity_insert ModificationLog OFF; drop table ModificationLogTemp"; new Sql(s).Execute(); #endif Logging.dlog("RunDailyTasks start"); //TASKS here //update the run time in the database Settings.All.ScheduledTaskLastDailyRunTime = DateTime.Now; Settings.All.Save(); //SendEMail.SendDeadLetter("RunDailyTasks",30); Logging.dlog("RunDailyTasks done"); return(Content("OK")); }
protected void WriteResults() { string isOK; // Savvy Console JSON CommandStatus.success = true; if (mode == "GenModels") { Web.Write("<b>Generating Savvy Active Record Classes</b><br /><br />"); ActiveRecordGenerator.Run(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); CommandStatus.message = "Models updated successfully"; } else if (mode == "AddDbFields") { Web.Write("<b>Creating any missing fields in Database from Savvy Active Record Classes</b><br /><br />"); ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.CreateAnyMissingFields(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); CommandStatus.message = "Database updated successfully"; } else if (mode == "MinifyJsCss") { Web.Write("<b>Minifying JS and CSS files</b><br /><br />"); MinifyJS(); MinifyCSS(); Web.Write("<br>Done. (Note: The script will only minify immediate children files)"); CommandStatus.message = "Minified JS and CSS files created successfully"; } else if (mode == "GenDatabaseScripts") { Web.Write("<b>Generating Database Create Statements from Savvy Active Record Classes</b><br /><br />"); Web.Write(Fmt.Text(ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.GetSqlStatements())); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (mode == "ImportFromLive") { isOK = OKToImport("LVE"); if (isOK == "OK") { Web.Write("<b>Importing all data from Live and replacing local data</b><br /><br />"); //ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.ImportDataFrom(Util.GetSetting("LinkedServerDatabaseLVE", "throw")); ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.ImportDataFrom("LVE"); } else { Web.Write(isOK); } } else if (mode == "ImportFromStaging") { isOK = OKToImport("STG"); if (isOK == "OK") { Web.Write("<b>Importing all data from Staging and replacing local data</b><br /><br />"); ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.ImportDataFrom("STG"); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else { Web.Write(isOK); } } else if (mode == "LegacyMigration") { Web.Write("<b>Migrating all Old Data</b><br /><br />"); //LegacyDataMigration.GenerateDataMigrationScripts("RinnaiWebsite", true); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (mode == "ExportToStaging") { Web.Write("<b>Copying all local data up to Staging and replacing existing staging data</b><br /><br />"); ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.ExportDataTo("STG"); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (mode == "ViewCache") { Web.Write("<b>Displaying all objects in ASP.NET Web Cache</b><br /><br />"); Web.Write(Fmt.Text(Logging.DumpCache())); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (mode == "ClearCache") { Web.Write("<b>Clearing all objects in ASP.NET Web Cache</b><br /><br />"); Web.CacheClearAll(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); CommandStatus.message = "Cache cleared successfully"; } else if (mode == "UpdateDLLs") { Web.Write("<b>Updating DLLs</b><br /><br />"); UpdateDLLs(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); Web.Write("<br>"); Web.Write("<br><br><a href='?mode=AddDbFields'>Add fields to database</a>"); Web.Write("<br><br><a href='?mode=RollbackDLLs'>Rollback</a>"); Web.Write("<br><br><a href='" + Web.Root + "'>Check homepage</a>"); } else if (mode == "RollbackDLLs") { Web.Write("<b>Rolling back DLLs to backup</b><br /><br />"); RollbackDLLs(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); Web.Write("<br><br><a href='" + Web.Root + "'>Check homepage</a>"); } else if (mode == "FixError") { Web.Write("<b>Applying a Fix</b><br /><br />"); Beweb.Logging.FixError(Request["message"], Request["title"], Request["lineThatDied"]); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (currentClass == "all") { Assert.RunAllTests(); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (currentClass != null) { Assert.RunTests(currentClass); Web.Write("<br>Done."); } else if (mode == "CreateTable") { if (Util.ServerIsDev) { var tableName = Request["tableName"].UpperCaseFirstLetter(); var ar = new ActiveRecord(tableName, tableName + "ID"); var sql = ar.GetSqlForCreate(); sql.Execute(); CommandStatus.message = "Created table " + tableName; } else { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Only allowed on dev."; } } else if (mode == "DropTable") { if (Util.ServerIsDev) { var tableName = Request["tableName"].UpperCaseFirstLetter(); new Sql("DROP TABLE " + tableName).Execute(); CommandStatus.message = "Dropped table " + tableName; } else { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Only allowed on dev."; } } else if (mode == "ListTables") { var sql = new Sql().AddRawSqlString("SELECT as [Table Name] FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON t.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id] ORDER BY"); CommandStatus.message = "Done"; = Logging.DumpTableToHtml(sql.GetDataTable()); } else if (mode == "Sql") { var query = Request["query"]; if (query.IsNotBlank()) { if (query.ToLower().DoesntContain("select")) { try { int affectedRows = new Sql().AddRawSqlString(query).Execute(); CommandStatus.message = "Affected rows: " + affectedRows; } catch (Exception ex) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = ex.Message; } } else { var sql = new Sql().AddRawSqlString(query); CommandStatus.message = query; = Logging.DumpTableToHtml(sql.GetDataTable()); } } else { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Missing parameter"; } } else if (mode == "ListTables") { var sql = new Sql().AddRawSqlString("SELECT as [Table Name] FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON t.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id] ORDER BY"); CommandStatus.message = "Done"; = Logging.DumpTableToHtml(sql.GetDataTable()); } else if (mode == "SendEmail") { var email = Request["email"]; var subject = Request["subject"]; var message = Request["message"]; if (email.IsNotBlank() && subject.IsNotBlank() && message.IsNotBlank()) { try { SendEMail.SimpleSendHTMLEmail(email, subject, message); CommandStatus.message = "Email sent to " + email; } catch (Exception ex) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = ex.Message; } } else { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Missing parameters"; } } else if (mode == "WhoAmI") { if (Security.IsLoggedIn) { CommandStatus.message = "You are logged in as " + UserSession.Person.FullName; } else { CommandStatus.message = "You are not logged in"; CommandStatus.success = false; } } else if (mode == "gotoServerStage") { var serverStage = Request["serverStage"]; = Util.GetSetting("WebsiteBaseUrl" + serverStage); CommandStatus.message = "Going to " + serverStage + " url " +; } else if (mode == "ServerIs") { CommandStatus.message = "Server is: " + Util.ServerIs(); } else if (mode == "UploadFile") { try { var file = Request.Files[0]; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var fullPath = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/attachments/", Path.GetFileName(file.FileName))); int count = 1; string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath); string extension = Path.GetExtension(fullPath); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); string newFullPath = fullPath; while (File.Exists(newFullPath)) { string tempFileName = string.Format("{0}({1})", fileNameOnly, count++); newFullPath = Path.Combine(path, tempFileName + extension); } file.SaveAs(newFullPath); CommandStatus.message = "The file was uploaded successfully. <a href='" + Web.Attachments + Path.GetFileName(newFullPath) + "' target='_blank'>" + Path.GetFileName(newFullPath) + "</a>"; } else { throw new Exception("No file selected"); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = ex.Message.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); } } else if (mode == "UploadURL") { var url = Request["url"]; if (url.IsNotBlank()) { try { var filename = url.RightFrom("/"); if (!url.Replace("http://", "").Replace("https://", "").Contains("/") || !filename.Contains(".")) { throw new Exception("The URL doesn't point to any file"); } var newFilename = FileSystem.GetUniqueAttachmentFilename(filename); using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadFile(url, Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/attachments/", newFilename))); } CommandStatus.message = "The file was uploaded successfully. <a href='" + Web.Attachments + newFilename + "' target='_blank'>" + newFilename + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = ex.Message; } } else { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Missing parameter"; } } else if (mode == "EncodeKeystoneID") { CommandStatus.message = "Encoded ID: " + Crypto.EncryptID(Request["id"].ToInt(0)); } else if (mode == "EncodeKeystoneIDClassic") { CommandStatus.message = "Encoded ID: " + Crypto.EncryptIDClassic(Request["id"].ToInt(0)); } else if (mode == "Encrypt") { CommandStatus.message = "Encrypted: " + Crypto.Encrypt(Request["enc"]); } else if (mode == "Decrypt") { CommandStatus.message = "Decrypted: " + Crypto.Decrypt(Request["decr"]); } else if (mode == "DecodeKeystoneID") { try { var id = Crypto.DecryptID(Request["encid"]); if (id == -1) { throw new Exception(); } CommandStatus.message = "Decoded ID: " + id; } catch { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Invalid ID"; } } else if (mode == "DecodeKeystoneIDClassic") { try { var id = Crypto.DecryptIDClassic(Request["encid"]); if (id == -1) { throw new Exception(); } CommandStatus.message = "Decoded ID: " + id; } catch { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Invalid ID"; } } else if (mode == "LockSite") { try { ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LockSiteHomepage" + Util.ServerIs()] = "true"; ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); //edit the actual web config SetLockSiteHomepageAppSettingsValue(true); //clear the cookie so if it works the lockscreen will appear on next page load / refresh var httpCookie = Response.Cookies["pwlock"]; if (httpCookie != null) { httpCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } CommandStatus.message = "Site locked. [PWD:" + Util.GetSetting("LockSitePassword") + "] Double check your app settings before your next deploy"; } catch (Exception) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Failed to lock site"; } } else if (mode == "UnlockSite") { try { //update app settings in memory. ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LockSiteHomepage" + Util.ServerIs()] = "false"; ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); //edit the actual web config SetLockSiteHomepageAppSettingsValue(false); //var replaceText = fileContent.ExtractTextBetween(@"<add key=""LockSiteHomepage"+Util.ServerIs()+@""" value=""", @"""/>"); //clear the cookie so if it fails the lockscreen will appear on next page load / refresh var httpCookie = Response.Cookies["pwlock"]; if (httpCookie != null) { httpCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } CommandStatus.message = "Site unlocked. Double check your app settings before your next deploy."; } catch (Exception) { CommandStatus.success = false; CommandStatus.message = "Failed to unlock site"; } } }