Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateWeatherForecast(UpdateWeatherForecastRequest request)
            // HACK: This try/catch should not be here. We only have to capture the ArgumentException because
            // the mapper is handling the validation for the three input temperature values in the WeatherForecastViewModel.
            // This is an example of technical debt; a quick solution in the short term to meet a deadline (say, a training
            // exercise that's occuring in T - 5 hours...), but one that needs to be tracked. The correct solution here would
            // be to write a custom model binder for the WeatherForecastViewModel object where it can validate that the three
            // input temperatures match and fail to bind if they don't.
            WeatherForecast newForecast;

                newForecast = _mapper.Map <WeatherForecastViewModel, WeatherForecast>(request.WeatherForecast);
            catch (ArgumentException e)

            newForecast = await _weatherForecastService.UpdateWeatherForecast(newForecast);

            var result = _mapper.Map <WeatherForecast, WeatherForecastViewModel>(newForecast);

            var response = new WeatherForecastResponse
                Forecast = result

        public WeatherServiceTests()
            _mockWeatherEndpoint = new Mock <IWeatherEndpoint>();

            _dummyWeatherResponse = new WeatherForecastResponse
                ConsolidatedWeather = new List <Weather>
                    new Weather
                        WeatherStateName = "Dummy WeatherStateName",
                        ApplicableDate   = "2020-05-30",
                        WeatherStateAbbr = "Dummy WeatherStateAbbr"

            _dummyAreaInformation = new AreaInformation
                Title        = "Dummy Title",
                Woeid        = 1,
                LattLong     = "Dummy LattLong",
                LocationType = "Dummy LocationType"
Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] int locationId, [FromQuery] DateTime date)
            // Thanks to the Range attribute on the `GetWeatherForecastRequest` LocationId property,
            // we don't have to validate the location id here. If the range wasn't satisfied, the caller
            // will automatically be sent back a 400 - bad request.

            // Use the below format when logging to ensure the cuda logger can pick up on the individual parameters passed in during string formatting
            // so they can be captured and logged separately to be searchable later.
            _logger.LogInformation("Requesting weather forecast for location {locationId} on date {date}", locationId, date);

            var forecast = await _weatherForecastService.GetWeatherForecastForDate(locationId, date);

            // Since WeatherForecast and WeatherForecastViewModel don't have matching properties, we'll need to write a TypeConverter for AutoMapper to use
            // to do the mapping for us. We then need to configure AutoMapper to use our TypeConverter in WebMapperProfile.cs.
            var viewModel = _mapper.Map <WeatherForecast, WeatherForecastViewModel>(forecast);

            // It's a good practice to always return data from APIs in response 'envelopes'. Even if you're only returning a single entity,
            // the response envelope ensures that clients can always count on getting a single JSON object back. When designing public APIs, consistency
            // across endpoints is absolutely key to making an API easy and enjoyable to use.
            var response = new WeatherForecastResponse
                Forecast = viewModel

            // Since we inherit from the framework provided `ControllerBase` class, we're given access to several static helper methods which easily create
            // the appropriate IActionResult concrete response object. Here, `Ok(response)` takes our response object, serializes it to json, and returns
            // a 200 - OK http response with our response data in the response body. All in one line.
        private WeatherViewData CreateErrResponse(WeatherForecastResponse resp)
            var viewData = new WeatherViewData();

            viewData.Message = resp.Message;
        private WeatherViewData CreateWeatherViewData(WeatherForecastResponse resp)
            var viewData = new WeatherViewData
                Message = resp.Message,
                City    = resp.City.Name,
                Current = new WeatherDTO()
                    Humidity    = resp.List[0].Main.Humidity,
                    Temperature = ConvertToCelsius(resp.List[0].Main.Temp) // Kelvin to Celsius
                DateTime     = resp.List[0].Dt * 1000,
                NextFiveDays = new List <WeatherDTO>()
            // to ms
            const int dataPointsPerDay = 8;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var dailyWeatherData = resp.List.Skip(i * dataPointsPerDay).Take(dataPointsPerDay).ToList();
                var humidity         = dailyWeatherData.Sum(data => data.Main.Humidity) /
                var temp = dailyWeatherData.Sum(data => data.Main.Temp) /
                var w = new WeatherDTO
                    Humidity    = Math.Round(humidity, 2),
                    Temperature = ConvertToCelsius(temp)  // Kelvin to Celsius

        public override Task <WeatherForecastResponse> GetWeatherForecast(Empty request, ServerCallContext context)
            var response = new WeatherForecastResponse();


            return(Task.FromResult <WeatherForecastResponse>(response));
 private IEnumerable <WeatherForecastDto> ConvertToDailyWeatherForecastData(WeatherForecastResponse weatherForecastResponse) =>
 .GroupBy(i => i.ForecastDateTime.Date)
 .Select(i => new WeatherForecastDto
     Date        = i.Key.Date.ToUniversalTime(),
     Temperature = Math.Round(i.Average(x => x.Info.Temperature), 2),
     Humidity    = Math.Round(i.Average(x => x.Info.Humidity), 0),
     WindSpeed   = Math.Round(i.Average(x => x.WindInfo.Speed), 2)
Exemple #8
        private WeatherForecastResponse GetTwoDaysWeatherForecastResponse()
            var result = new WeatherForecastResponse
                Code  = "200",
                Count = 6,
                Items = GetTwoDaysWeatherForecastInfoItems()

Exemple #9
        public async Task <WeatherForcastResponseDto> Get(WeatherForcastRequestDto requestDto)
            WeatherForecastResponse weatherForecastResponse = new WeatherForecastResponse();

            _ = (requestDto.GetRequestValue() switch
                (nameof(requestDto.City), _) => weatherForecastResponse =
                    await _weatherForecast.GetWeatherForecastByCityNameAsync(requestDto.City, Countries.Germany),
                (nameof(requestDto.ZipCode), _) => weatherForecastResponse =
                    await _weatherForecast.GetWeatherForecastByZipCodeAsync(requestDto.ZipCode, Countries.Germany),
                (_, _) => throw new RequestInvalidException("Input must be identified!")
        public ForecastServiceTest()
            _openWeatherMapConfig = new OpenWeatherMapConfig {
                IconUrl = "fakeurl/{0}.png"
            _mockMapper                = new Mock <IMapper>();
            _mockGetForecastFunc       = new Mock <Func <string, string, string, Task <WeatherForecastResponse> > >();
            _mockGetCurrentWeatherFunc = new Mock <Func <string, string, string, Task <CurrentWeatherResponse> > >();
            _mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.AddProfile(new WeatherForecastMappingProfile());

            _mockCurrentWeatherResponse = new CurrentWeatherResponse()
                DateUnixFormat = 1590144273,
                WeatherInfo    = new WeatherCondition {
                    Temperature = 69.55, Humidity = 50
                WindData = new Wind {
                    Speed = 9.53
                WeatherData = new WeatherResponse[] { new WeatherResponse {
                                                          Icon = "04d"
                                                      } }

            _mockWeatherForecastResponse = new WeatherForecastResponse()
                CityData = new City {
                    Name = "Hamburg", Country = "DE"
                ForecastData = new ForecastResponse[] {
                    new ForecastResponse {
                        DateUnixFormat = 1590559200,
                        WeatherInfo    = new WeatherCondition {
                            Temperature = 69.55,
                            Humidity    = 50
                        WindData = new Wind()
                            Speed = 9.53
                        WeatherData = new WeatherResponse[] { new WeatherResponse {
                                                                  Icon = "04d"
                                                              } }
Exemple #11
        public override Task <WeatherForecastResponse> GetForecasts(Empty request, ServerCallContext context)
            var result = new WeatherForecastResponse();

            var rng       = new Random();
            var forecasts = Enumerable.Range(1, 500).Select(index => new WeatherForecastDTO
                Date         = Timestamp.FromDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(index)),
                TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
                Summary      = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]


        public async Task <WeatherForecastResponse> GetWithServiceUnavailable()
            return(await ValidateAndProcessRequestWithGuardAsync(new object(),
                                                                 async req =>
                _logger.LogInformation($"Call to {nameof(GetWithServiceUnavailable)}");

                WeatherForecastResponse weatherForecastResponse = new WeatherForecastResponse()
                    WeatherForecast = await _weatherForecastApiService.GetWithServiceUnavailable(),
                    ErrorCode = ResponseErrorCode.None,
                    Message = MessageConstants.Ok,
                    Status = true,
                    CorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid()

                return weatherForecastResponse;
Exemple #13
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateWeatherForecast(CreateWeatherForecastRequest request)
            var location    = _mapper.Map <LocationViewModel, Location>(request.Location);
            var date        = request.Date;
            var summary     = request.Summary;
            var temperature = (decimal)request.Temperature;
            var scale       = request.Scale;

            var result = await _weatherForecastService.CreateWeatherForecast(location, date, temperature, scale, summary);

            var viewModel = _mapper.Map <WeatherForecast, WeatherForecastViewModel>(result);

            var response = new WeatherForecastResponse
                Forecast = viewModel

Exemple #14
        public IHttpActionResult GetForecast(string city)
            string url = baseUrl + "forecast?units=metric&appid=" + apiKey + "&q=" + city;

            string responseText = GetResponseText(url);

            WeatherForecastResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherForecastResponse>(responseText);

            // If the response is an error, then we give only the code and the error message
            if (response.Cod != "200")
                WeatherErrorResponse errorResponse = new WeatherErrorResponse {
                    Cod = response.Cod, Message = response.Message

        public WeatherForecastResponse GetWeatherExecute(WeatherForecastRequest request)
            var rng = new Random();

            var listatempo = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index => new WeatherForecast
                Date         = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
                TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
                Summary      = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]

            //ValidaLista<WeatherForecast> validaLista = new ValidaLista<WeatherForecast>();
            var wheather = new WeatherForecastResponse();

            wheather.Weathers = listatempo;
            //listaComUmItem.Add(validaLista.ObtemPrimeirItemLista<WeatherForecastResponse>(listatempo, request.Summary));

        public WeatherForecastResponse GetWeatherForecastData(int zipCode, string cityName)
            var apikey     = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENWEATHER_APIKEY");
            var client     = new HttpClient();
            var queryParam = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cityName)? $"zip={zipCode}":$"q={cityName}";
            var resp       = client.GetAsync(

            if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

            var errorResponse = WeatherForecastErrorResponse.FromJson(resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

            return(new WeatherForecastResponse()
                StatusCode = errorResponse.StatusCode, Message = errorResponse.Message
Exemple #17
 public static WeatherForecastModel Convert(WeatherForecastResponse requestObject)
     if (requestObject == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     return(new WeatherForecastModel
         Location = new LocationModel
             City = requestObject.Location.City,
             Country = requestObject.Location.Country
         Tempreature = new TempreatureModel
             Format = requestObject.Tempreature.Format,
             Value = requestObject.Tempreature.Value
         Humidity = requestObject.Humidity
Exemple #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetById(int id)
            // Because we're taking in a value type and not a request object, we have to do model validation ourselves.
            if (id <= 0)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse
                    ErrorMessage = "Weather Forecast ID's must be positive integers."

            var weatherForecast = await _weatherForecastService.GetWeatherForecastById(id);

            var viewModel = _mapper.Map <WeatherForecast, WeatherForecastViewModel>(weatherForecast);
            var response  = new WeatherForecastResponse
                Forecast = viewModel

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            // Make an API GET Call to the following URL:
            // http://www.7timer.info/bin/api.pl?lon=-76.8867&lat=40.2731&product=civillight&output=json

                var queryStringParams = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "lon", "-76.8867" },
                    { "lat", "40.2731" },
                    { "product", "civillight" },
                    { "output", "json" }
                var pathAndQuerystring  = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString("/bin/api.pl", queryStringParams);
                var httpResponseMessage = await client.GetAsync(pathAndQuerystring);

                if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var jsonResult = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    return(View("Error", new ErrorViewModel()
                        ErrorMessage = "API call failed. Please try again later."
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: log ex.Message
                return(View("Error", new ErrorViewModel()
                    ErrorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
        public override Task <WeatherForecastResponse> GetWeatherForecast(WeatherForecastRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            //Get random weather for a specific region.
            var rng             = new Random();
            var value           = rng.Next(-20, 55);
            var weatherForecast = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index => new WeatherForecastItem
                CityName     = request.CityName,
                Date         = Timestamp.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(index)),
                TemperatureC = value,
                TemperatureK = 32 + (int)(value / 0.5556),
                Summary      = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]

            //Create response
            var result = new WeatherForecastResponse();

            foreach (var weather in weatherForecast)

        public WeatherForecastResponse ObtenerTemperaturas()
            WeatherForecastResponse resultado;

                var rng = new Random();
                resultado = new WeatherForecastResponse()
                    WeatherForecast = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index => new WeatherForecastEntity
                        Date         = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
                        TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
                        Summary      = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]
                    response = new ResponseStatus
                        mensaje = "Transaccion realizada con exito",
                        codigo  = 200
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultado = new WeatherForecastResponse()
                    response = new ResponseStatus
                        mensaje = "Ocurrio un error al tratar de obtener los datos " + ex.Message,
                        codigo  = 404