public bool SetAirWidget(XDocument xdocument) { try { var windItems = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("speed") select new { Description = (string)i.Attribute("name"), Speed = (string)i.Attribute("value") }).Single(); var direction = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("direction") select new { Direction = (string)i.Attribute("code") }).Single(); var pressureItems = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("pressure") select new { Value = (string)i.Attribute("value"), Unit = (string)i.Attribute("unit") }).Single(); lblWindDescription.Text = windItems.Description; lblWindAmount.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildWind(windItems.Speed, direction.Direction); lblPressure.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildPressure(pressureItems.Value, pressureItems.Unit); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool SetTitle(XDocument xdocument) { try { var cityName = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("city") select new { CityName = (string)i.Attribute("name"), }).Single(); var weatherIcon = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("weather") select new { IconName = (string)i.Attribute("icon") }).Single(); var cityCountry = xdocument.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name == "country").First(); lblTitle.Text = cityName.CityName + ", " + cityCountry.Value; imgIcon.ImageUrl = WeatherDisplay.BuildWeatherIconUrl(weatherIcon.IconName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool SetCloudWidget(XDocument xdocument) { try { var cloudItems = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("clouds") select new { Value = (int)i.Attribute("value"), Name = (string)i.Attribute("name") }).Single(); var humidity = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("humidity") select new { Humidity = (string)i.Attribute("value") }).Single(); lblCloudAmount.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildCloudAmount(cloudItems.Value); lblCloudDescription.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildCloudDescription(cloudItems.Name); lblHumidity.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildHumidity(humidity.Humidity); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
// GET: Details public ActionResult Details(string Id, WeatherDisplay displayType = 0) { using (_context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //Find the weather device in the database WeatherDevice weatherDevice = _context.WeatherDevices.First(wd => wd.Id == Id); //If the device has not been found if (weatherDevice == null) { weatherDevice = new WeatherDevice(); } List <WeatherUpdate> weatherUpdates = null; DateTime displayTime = DateTime.Now; //Get the weather updates that correlates with the current Date and Time the user selects switch (displayType) { case WeatherDisplay.OneHour: displayTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1); weatherUpdates = _context.WeatherUpdates.Where(wu => wu.TimeUpdateSent >= displayTime && wu.ParentDeviceID == Id).ToList(); break; case WeatherDisplay.SixHours: displayTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-6); weatherUpdates = _context.WeatherUpdates.Where(wu => wu.TimeUpdateSent >= displayTime && wu.ParentDeviceID == Id).ToList(); break; case WeatherDisplay.TwentyFourHours: displayTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); weatherUpdates = _context.WeatherUpdates.Where(wu => wu.TimeUpdateSent >= displayTime && wu.ParentDeviceID == Id).ToList(); break; case WeatherDisplay.PastSevenDays: displayTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); weatherUpdates = _context.WeatherUpdates.Where(wu => wu.TimeUpdateSent >= displayTime && wu.ParentDeviceID == Id).ToList(); break; case WeatherDisplay.PastThirtyDays: displayTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30); weatherUpdates = _context.WeatherUpdates.Where(wu => wu.TimeUpdateSent >= displayTime && wu.ParentDeviceID == Id).ToList(); break; default: break; } weatherUpdates = weatherUpdates.OrderBy(time => time.TimeUpdateSent.TimeOfDay).ToList(); DetailsWeatherDevice currentView = new DetailsWeatherDevice { CurrentDevice = weatherDevice, WeatherUpdates = weatherUpdates }; return(View(currentView)); } }
public bool SetWeatherWidget(XDocument xdocument) { try { var temperatureItems = (from i in xdocument.Descendants("temperature") select new { CurrentTemp = (string)i.Attribute("value"), MinTemp = (string)i.Attribute("min"), MaxTemp = (string)i.Attribute("max") }).Single(); lblCurrentTemp.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildCurrentTemperature(temperatureItems.CurrentTemp); lblMinTemp.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildMinTemperature(temperatureItems.MinTemp); lblMaxTemp.Text = WeatherDisplay.BuildMaxTemperature(temperatureItems.MaxTemp); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }