Exemple #1
        public static List <WeatherDataFromAPI> GetWeatherForcast()
            string key      = APIKeys.WeatherAPI;
            string cityCode = "4994358"; // Grand Rapids
            string URL      = $"http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id={cityCode}&APPID={key}";

            JToken jt = ParseAPI.APICall(URL);

            // Forecast readings are every 3h: 0=now, 8=1 day, 24=3days, 39=5days minus 3h
            List <int> indexes = new List <int>()
                0, 8, 24, 39

            List <WeatherDataFromAPI> weatherForecast = new List <WeatherDataFromAPI>();

            foreach (int index in indexes)
                WeatherDataFromAPI wd = new WeatherDataFromAPI(jt, index);
                wd.TemperatureC = wd.TemperatureK - 273.15;
                wd.TemperatureF = (wd.TemperatureC) * 9 / 5 + 32;


Exemple #2
        // GET: Weather

        public static List <WeatherDataFromAPI> WeatherData()
            //bringing in windspeed, temperature JTokens etc. from the API
            JToken weather = WeatherAPIDAL.Json();

            // Forecast (with an 'e') readings are every 3h: 8=1 day, 24=3days, 39=5days minus 3h
            List <int> indexes = new List <int>()
                0, 8, 24, 39

            List <WeatherDataFromAPI> weatherTime = new List <WeatherDataFromAPI>();

            //converting temperature from Kelvin to Celsius and Fahrenheit
            foreach (int index in indexes)
                WeatherDataFromAPI wd = new WeatherDataFromAPI(weather, index);
                wd.TemperatureC = wd.TemperatureK - 273.15;
                wd.TemperatureF = (wd.TemperatureC) * 9 / 5 + 32;

