public void projectileHitAction(WeaponKind weapon, GameObject target, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal) { var hitTarget = target.GetComponent <Hitable>(); var hitResult = new Hitable.HitResult(false, false); if (hitTarget != null) { var weaponDamage = weaponDamages[(int)weapon]; hitResult = hitTarget.Hit(weaponDamage, position, normal); } if (!hitResult.soundPlayed) { if (projectileHitSound != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(projectileHitSound, position); } } if (!hitResult.effectShown) { var rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, normal); GameObject projectileClone = Instantiate(projectileHitEffect, position, rot); } }
public void ShootKnife(GameObject shooter, WeaponKind weapon, Vector3 source, Vector3 direction) { Debug.Log("Knife shot."); // melee weapon - hit all enemies in radius. var weaponDamage = weaponDamages[(int)weapon]; var colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(source, knifeRadius); //, hitablesMask); foreach (var collider in colliders) { var targetRadius = collider.bounds.size.x / 2; var dirToSource = source - collider.transform.position; var hitPosition = collider.transform.position + dirToSource.normalized * targetRadius; var hitTarget = collider.GetComponent <Hitable>(); if (hitTarget == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Knife hit non-hittable: " +; continue; } if (hitTarget.gameObject == shooter) { continue; } projectileHitAction(weapon, collider.gameObject, hitPosition, -dirToSource.normalized); } }
public void playReloadFailedSound(WeaponKind currentWeapon, Vector3 position) { if (reloadFailedSound != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(reloadFailedSound, position); } }
protected Weapon(string id, decimal price, double weight, int damage, WeaponTypes type, WeaponKind kind) : base(id, price, weight) { this.Damage = damage; this.WeaponType = type; this.WeaponKind = kind; }
public void ShootShotgun(WeaponKind weapon, Vector3 source, Vector3 direction) { // raycast weapon var rayCount = shotgunRayCount; for (var i = 0; i < rayCount; ++i) { var angleDiff = Random.Range(-shotgunSpreadAngle, shotgunSpreadAngle); var rayDir = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angleDiff) * direction; var hit = Physics2D.Raycast(source, rayDir, shotgunDistance); var hitPoint = source + rayDir * shotgunDistance; if (hit.collider != null) { hitPoint = hit.point; projectileHitAction(weapon, hit.collider.gameObject, hitPoint, -direction); } LineRenderer rayTrail = Instantiate(shotgunShotTrail, transform); var pointsCount = 30; var points = new Vector3[pointsCount]; for (var p = 0; p < pointsCount; ++p) { var q = 1.0f * p / (pointsCount - 1); var point = source * q + hitPoint * (1 - q); points[p] = point; } rayTrail.positionCount = points.Length; rayTrail.SetPositions(points); //rayTrail.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { source, hitPoint }); Destroy(rayTrail.gameObject, shotgunShotTrailDuration); } }
private void WeaponListSetting(int num) //무기리스트를 파악하여 아이템리스트창에 정보를 채운다. { WeaponKind _temp = (WeaponKind)num; if (num == (int)WeaponKind.BaseWeapon) { if (baseWeaponKind == 3) { _temp = WeaponKind.BaseTWeapon; } } weaponListText = itemList[num].GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); ItemInfo _item = weaponList[_temp]; weaponListText[0].text = _item.skillIncrease + "티어 " + _item.itemName; weaponListText[1].text = _item.kind; weaponListText[2].text = _item.grade; switch (_temp) { case WeaponKind.HAND_N: if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.Hand_N) { ListDisable(num); } break; case WeaponKind.HAND_R: if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.Hand_R) { ListDisable(num); } break; case WeaponKind.THAND_N: if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.THand_N) { ListDisable(num); } break; case WeaponKind.THAND_R: if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.THand_R) { ListDisable(num); } break; case WeaponKind.BaseWeapon: if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.Dagger_N) { ListDisable(num); } break; //case WeaponKind.DAGGER_R: // if (_item.skillIncrease == weaponMaxLevel.Dagger_R) ListDisable(num); // break; } }
public void ShootRifle(WeaponKind weapon, Vector3 source, Vector3 direction) { // projectile weapon - shoot a projectile var weaponProjectile = weaponProjectiles[(int)weapon]; var rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, direction); Rigidbody2D projectileClone = Instantiate(weaponProjectile, source, rot).GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); projectileClone.velocity = direction * bulletSpeed; // You can also access other components / scripts of the clone //projectileClone.GetComponent<Bullet>().isPlayerBullet = true; }
public WeaponSkill(string fullName, int baseChance, WeaponKind use, int maxRank, int minStength, int minDex) { ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(fullName); ExceptionUtils.MustBeTrue(baseChance >= 0 && baseChance <= 100); ExceptionUtils.MustBeTrue(maxRank >= 0 && maxRank <= 10); this.FullName = fullName; this.BaseChance = baseChance; this.Use = use; this.MaxRank = maxRank; this.PhysicalStengthRequired = minStength; this.ManualDexterityRequired = minDex; }
#pragma warning restore 649 public Weapon GetObject(WeaponKind info) { if (!m_WeaponPoolKeyDict.TryGetValue(info, out var key)) { return(null); } if (!ObjectPool.I.TrySpawn(key, out var obj)) { return(null); } return(obj.GetComponent <Weapon>()); }
public void NetSetSpectateWeapon(WeaponKind Kind) { GD.Print($"Set spectate weapon {Id}, {Kind}"); if (Kind == WeaponKind.PISTOL) { Holder.EquipPistol(); } else if (Kind == WeaponKind.AK) { Holder.EquipAk(); } else if (Kind == WeaponKind.SHOTGUN) { Holder.EquipShotgun(); } }
public void Shoot(GameObject shooter, WeaponKind weapon, Vector3 source, Vector3 direction) { var weaponShootSound = weaponShootSounds[(int)weapon]; if (weaponShootSound != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(weaponShootSound, source); } switch (weapon) { case WeaponKind.Knife: ShootKnife(shooter, weapon, source, direction); break; case WeaponKind.Pistol: ShootRifle(weapon, source, direction); break; case WeaponKind.Rifle: ShootRifle(weapon, source, direction); break; case WeaponKind.Shotgun: ShootShotgun(weapon, source, direction); break; } }
protected void SetWeaponKind(WeaponKind kind) { this.weaponKind = kind; SetAmmoByKind(); }
private void WeaponListSerch() //무기리스트중 없는 종류는 베이스 무기를 리스트에 넣어놓는다. { for (int i = 0; i < maxWeapon; i++) { WeaponKind _temp = (WeaponKind)i; if (weaponList.ContainsKey(_temp) == false) { switch (_temp) { case WeaponKind.HAND_N: weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.Hand_N)); break; case WeaponKind.HAND_R: weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.Hand_R)); if (!weaponList.ContainsKey(WeaponKind.BaseWeapon)) { maxWeapon++; baseWeaponKind = 1; } //baseWeaponKind는 베이스 무기가 필요한 종류를 나눈것 break; case WeaponKind.THAND_N: weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.THand_N)); isTHandBase = true; break; case WeaponKind.THAND_R: weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.THand_R)); if (!weaponList.ContainsKey(WeaponKind.BaseTWeapon) && !isTHandBase) { ++maxWeapon; if (maxWeapon < 6) { baseWeaponKind = 3; } else { baseWeaponKind = 2; } } break; case WeaponKind.BaseWeapon: switch (baseWeaponKind) { case 1: // 1= 한손검만 case 2: // 2 = 둘다 weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.Hand_N)); break; } break; case WeaponKind.BaseTWeapon: weaponList.Add((WeaponKind)i, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.THand_N)); break; } } } if (maxWeapon == 5 && baseWeaponKind == 3) { weaponList.Add(WeaponKind.BaseTWeapon, CSVData.Instance.find(baseWeaponID.THand_N)); } }
public bool TryGetObject(WeaponKind info, out Weapon obj) { obj = GetObject(info); return(obj != null); }