private IEnumerator beginSave(Weapon weapon, LoginAuth loginAuth) { WeaponDTO dto = weapon.serialize(); string weaponJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(weapon); Debug.Log(weaponJson); byte[] weaponJsonByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(weaponJson); //byte[] testData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helloUnity"); UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put(saveWeaponUri +, weaponJsonByte); www.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Token token=" + loginAuth.auth_token); // this is key for rails to know what kind of data to even think how to start parsing www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { Debug.Log("weapon update success"); // Debug.Log (www.downloadHandler.text); NetworkResponses rd = JsonUtility.FromJson <NetworkResponses>(www.downloadHandler.text); Debug.Log(rd.success [0]); } }
//start of interface implementation public void AddNewWeapon(WeaponDTO model) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("inside Add new weapon of WeaponService"); bool hasElement = false; if (model.Element.ToLower() != "none") { hasElement = true; } //check if weapon has element //find element id //add new Equipment_element if (ValidateWeaponAttributes(model)) { _weaponRepo.AddNewWeaponToDb(model); } if (hasElement) { //int weaponId = _weaponRepo.GetWeapon(model.Name).WeaponId; ElementDTO equipElement = new ElementDTO(); if (ValidateElementProperty(0, model.Element, model.ElementDamage, equipElement)) { _equipmentElementRepo.AddNewEquipmentElement(0, equipElement); } } //check is weapon has element and if element name exists //find if element name exists in element DB // _equipmentElementRepo.AddNewEquipmentElement(model.Name, model.Element, model.ElementDamage); }
public void AddNewEquipmentElement(string weaponName, string elementName, int elementDamange) { WeaponDTO tempWeapon = _weaponRepo.GetWeapon(weaponName); //find element to see if exists in element table //_elementRepo //_elementService.CheckElementName(elementName); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize from dto /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">Dto.</param> public void loadFromDTO(WeaponDTO dto) { id =; weaponName =; rarity = dto.rarity; minDamage = dto.minDamage; maxDamage = dto.maxDamage; quality = dto.quality; max_durability = dto.max_durability; }
/// <summary> /// Serialize this instance and return a weaponDTO /// </summary> public WeaponDTO serialize() { WeaponDTO dto = new WeaponDTO(); = id; = name; dto.rarity = rarity; dto.minDamage = minDamage; dto.maxDamage = maxDamage; dto.quality = quality; dto.max_durability = max_durability; return(dto); }
private Weapon WeaponMapper(WeaponDTO model) { return(new Weapon() { Name = model.Name, Rarity = model.Rarity, Attack = model.Attack, Sharpness = model.Sharpness, Slots = model.Slots, Affinity = model.Affinity, Defense = model.Defense }); }
public void AddNewWeaponToDb(WeaponDTO model) { Weapon newWeapon = WeaponMapper(model); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("INSIDE DAL layer Weapons Repo"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Name); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Attack); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Sharpness); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Rarity); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Affinity); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(newWeapon.Slots); //_db.Weapons.Add(WeaponMapper(model)); //_db.SaveChanges(); }
private bool ValidateWeaponAttributes(WeaponDTO weapon) { bool isValid = true; if (weapon.Rarity < 0 || weapon.Rarity > 6) { isValid = false; } if (weapon.Slots > 3) { isValid = false; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("inside validate weapon"); return(isValid); }
public async Task <ServiceResponse <CharacterDTO> > AddWeapon(WeaponDTO weaponDTO) { ServiceResponse <CharacterDTO> serviceResponse = new ServiceResponse <CharacterDTO>(); try { Character character = await _dataContext.Characters.Include(x => x.User).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == weaponDTO.CharacterId && x.User.Id == GetUserId()); if (character == null) { serviceResponse.Success = false; serviceResponse.Message = "Character not found."; } Weapon weapon = new Weapon { Name = weaponDTO.Name, Damage = weaponDTO.Damage, CharacterId = character.User.Id }; await _dataContext.Weapons.AddAsync(weapon); await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(); serviceResponse.Data = _iMapper.Map <CharacterDTO>(await _dataContext.Characters.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == weaponDTO.CharacterId)); } catch (Exception ex) { serviceResponse.Success = false; serviceResponse.Message = ex.Message; } return(serviceResponse); }
public async Task <serviceResponse <GetCharacterDTO> > AddWeapon(WeaponDTO newWeapon) { serviceResponse <GetCharacterDTO> response = new serviceResponse <GetCharacterDTO>(); try { Character character = await _context.Characters.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == newWeapon.CharacterId && == int.Parse(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier))); if (character == null) { response.Success = false; response.Message = "No Character was found"; } WeaponModel Weapons = new WeaponModel { Name = newWeapon.Name, Damage = newWeapon.Damage, Character = character }; await _context.Weapons.AddAsync(Weapons); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Data = _mapper.Map <GetCharacterDTO>(character); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Success = false; response.Message = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddWeapon(WeaponDTO newWeapon) { return(Ok(await _weaponService.AddWeapon(newWeapon))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddWeapon(WeaponDTO weaponDTO) { return(Ok(await _iWeaponService.AddWeapon(weaponDTO))); }