Exemple #1
        // Central View for CRUD relating to shows or seasons
        // Lists all Shows
        public IActionResult ManageShows()
            // Citation:
            // Redirect to Action in different Controllers
            // Ensure user is logged in

            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            List<ShowSeason> Seasons;
            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                List<Show> allShows = new List<Show>();

                allShows = context.Show.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();
                foreach (Show show in allShows)
                    Seasons = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == show.ShowID).OrderBy(x => x.IndividualSeason).ToList();
                ViewBag.AllShows = allShows;

            // Citation
            // Used for transfering error/success messages between redirects.
            // Ensure that null coalesing is added to TempData before using the ToString() method to avoid null reference errors

            ViewBag.messages = TempData["message"]?.ToString();

            return View();
Exemple #2
        public IActionResult DeleteProgram(int showID)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            string message;
            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                if (showID == 0)
                { message = "No program was provided."; }

                    Show show = context.Show.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (show == null)
                    { message = "Cannot delete program. Please refresh and try again."; }

                        // Store the title in a temp variable to reference in messages to the user
                        string tempTitle = show.Title;
                        message = $"Successfully deleted {tempTitle}";
            TempData["message"] = message;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
Exemple #3
        [HttpPost] //method runs on submit to add user to the Db

        public IActionResult SignUp(string email, string confirmedemail, string password, string confirmedpassword)
            if (ValidateEmailPassword(email, password, confirmedemail, confirmedpassword))
                using WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext();
                if (context.User.Where(x => x.Email.Trim().ToLower() == email.Trim().ToLower()).Count() > 0)
                    ViewBag.usedemail = "This email has already been used. Please log in.";

                    // Creates a random salt value
                    Random r    = new Random();
                    string Salt = Convert.ToString(r.Next());

                    // Adds the salt value to the password and feeds that to the Hash method
                    User newUser = new User()
                        Email = email.Trim().ToLower(), HashPassword = Hash(password + Salt), Salt = Salt



Exemple #4
        // Edits a watcher in the Db
        public IActionResult EditWatcher(string watcherName, string watcherID)
            // Ensure user is logged in
            if (!IsLoggedIn())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string message = null;

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                string tempName;
                int    parsedWatcherID = int.Parse(watcherID);

                // Search for the watcher
                Watcher watcher = context.Watcher.Where(x => x.WatcherID == parsedWatcherID).SingleOrDefault();

                tempName = watcher.Name;

                // Validate data
                if (watcher != null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(watcherName))
                        message = "Name must contain characters";
                    else if (watcherName.Trim().Length > 50)
                        message = "Name cannot be more than 50 characters";
                    else if (watcher.Name.ToUpper() == watcherName.Trim().ToUpper())
                        message = "No changes were detected";
                    else if (context.Watcher.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == watcherName.Trim().ToUpper()).Count() != 0)
                        message = $"{watcherName} already exists";
                    // Save to Db
                        watcher.Name = watcherName;
                        message = $"Successfully updated {tempName} to {watcher.Name} ";

                    message = "Cannot find watcher. Please refresh and try again.";

            TempData["message"] = message;
        // Decreases the episode number for this specific showcard
        public IActionResult MinusEpisode(int showCardID)
            int userID = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string   message = null;
            ShowCard show    = new ShowCard();

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                // Get the show that the showcard is referencing
                show = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.ShowCardID == showCardID).Single();

                // Get the show season attached to that card
                ShowSeason currentSeason = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == show.ShowID && x.ShowSeasonID == show.CurrentSeason).Single();

                // Check if we are at the minimum episode of any season
                if (show.CurrentEpisode == 1)
                    // Check to see if there is a lower season recorded for this show
                    ShowSeason pastSeason = context.ShowSeason.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.ShowID == show.ShowID && x.IndividualSeason < currentSeason.IndividualSeason).OrderBy(x => x.IndividualSeason).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Prompt user to add a season to the list if there is no lower season
                    if (pastSeason == null)
                        message = "Sorry you no season to go back to. Would you like to add a season to the list?";

                    // Roll back to the next lowest season, max episode
                        show.CurrentEpisode = pastSeason.SeasonEpisodes;
                        show.CurrentSeason  = pastSeason.ShowSeasonID;
                        message             = "You went back a SEASON";

                // Can simply minus one episode from the episode number
                    message = "Went back an EPISODE";


            TempData["message"] = message;

            return(RedirectToAction("ByShow", new { showID = show.ShowID }));
        // Displays a list of all watchers this specific user has showcards with
        public IActionResult ByWatcher(int watcherID)
            string message = TempData["message"]?.ToString();
            int    userID  = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            List <DisplayCard> displayCards    = new List <DisplayCard>();
            List <Watcher>     allUserWatchers = new List <Watcher>();

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                if (watcherID == 0)
                    message = "Unable to find that Watcher.";
                    // A list of all Show Cards with this Specific User and Watcher
                    List <ShowCard> showCardsByWatcher = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Watcher).Where(x => x.WatcherID == watcherID && x.UserID == userID).ToList();

                    // A list of all Watchers that this Specific User has ShowCards with
                    allUserWatchers = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Watcher).Where(x => x.UserID == userID).Select(x => x.Watcher).Distinct().ToList();

                    if (showCardsByWatcher == null)
                        message = "Looks like you are not watching a show with that Watcher";

                    // If this User has ShowCards with this Watcher add them to the list of display cards
                    if (showCardsByWatcher != null)
                        foreach (ShowCard showCard in showCardsByWatcher)
                            DisplayCard card = new DisplayCard(showCard.ShowID, showCard.WatcherID)
                                ShowCardID     = showCard.ShowCardID,
                                SeasonID       = showCard.CurrentSeason,
                                CurrentEpisode = showCard.CurrentEpisode
                            card.ShowCardID = showCard.ShowCardID;
            ViewBag.Message         = message;
            ViewBag.AllUserWatchers = allUserWatchers;
            ViewBag.DisplayCards    = displayCards;
        // Create the show card
        public IActionResult Connect(int showID, int watcherID, int seasonID, int episode)
            int userID = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string message = "";

            // If we are missing any fields, redirect the user to the CreateCard Action
            if (showID == 0 || watcherID == 0 || seasonID == 0 || episode == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("CreateCard", new { showID, watcherID, seasonID, episode }));

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                // Check to see if this user already has a card with this watcher and this show
                if (context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID && x.UserID == userID && x.WatcherID == watcherID).Count() > 0)
                    message = "You must fill in all fields before you can Watch";

                // Create the card with
                ShowCard newShowCard = new ShowCard()
                    ShowID         = showID,
                    WatcherID      = watcherID,
                    CurrentSeason  = seasonID,
                    CurrentEpisode = episode,
                    UserID         = userID,

                    message = "Success";

                    message = "Something went wrong. Your connection was not saved. Please refresh and try again.";

                TempData["showCardID"] = (int)context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID && x.UserID == userID && x.WatcherID == watcherID).Select(x => x.ShowCardID).Single();
                TempData["message"]    = message;

Exemple #8
        public IActionResult AddSeason(int showID, string newSeason, string newEpisodes)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            string message = null;

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                Show show = context.Show.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID).SingleOrDefault();

                if (!int.TryParse(newSeason, out int parsedNewSeason))
                    message = "Seasons must be positive valid numbers.";
                else if (parsedNewSeason < 1 || parsedNewSeason > 50)
                    message = "Season must be between 1 and 50.";
                else if (!int.TryParse(newEpisodes, out int parsedNewEpisodes))
                    message = "Episodes must be positive valid numbers.";
                else if (parsedNewEpisodes < 1 || parsedNewEpisodes > 50)
                    message = "Episodes must be between 1 and 50.";

                else if (context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID).Where(x => x.IndividualSeason == parsedNewSeason).SingleOrDefault() != null)
                    message = $"Season already exists in {show.Title}";
                    ShowSeason showSeason = new ShowSeason()
                        ShowID = showID,
                        IndividualSeason =
                        SeasonEpisodes = parsedNewEpisodes

                    message = $"Successfully added season { parsedNewSeason } to {show.Title}";

            TempData["message"] = message;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
Exemple #9
        // Verifies wether the users name and password match what is stored in the Db
        public IActionResult Login(string email, string password)
            if (email == null && password == null)
                ViewBag.erroremailpassword = "******";
            else if (email == null)
                ViewBag.erroremail = "Please enter an email address.";
            else if (password == null)
                ViewBag.errorpassword = "******";
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (email == null)
                    ViewBag.email = "Please enter an email address.";
                    using WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext();

                    // checking the inputted email against what's in our db
                    User potentialUser = context.User.Where(x => x.Email == email.Trim().ToLower()).SingleOrDefault();
                    // grab the salt value from that specific user
                    if (potentialUser != null)
                        string Salt = potentialUser.Salt;

                        // we need to check the password that they have inputted + salt value matches what's in their hashpassword in the db
                        if (Hash(password + Salt) == potentialUser.HashPassword)
                            HttpContext.Session.SetString("isLoggedIn", "true");
                            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("User", potentialUser.UserID);
                            return(RedirectToAction("Shows", "ShowCard"));

                        ViewBag.errorwronglogin = "******";

                        return(View()); // change to show page
            // default view
Exemple #10
        public IActionResult EditTitle(string title, int showID)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            string message;

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                if (showID == 0)
                { message = "No program was provided."; }

                else if (title == null)
                { message = "No title was provided."; }

                    title = title.Trim();

                    Show show = context.Show.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (show == null)
                    { message = "Program not found. Please refresh and try again."; }

                    else if (title.Count() > 50)
                    { message = "Program name cannot be more than 50 characters."; }

                    else if (show.Title.ToUpper() == title.ToUpper())
                    { message = $"No changes were detect for program title {title}."; }

                    else if (context.Show.Where(x => x.Title.ToUpper() == title.ToUpper()).Count() > 0)
                    { message = $"{title} already exists."; }

                        string tempTitle = show.Title;
                        show.Title = title;
                        message = $"Successfully updated '{tempTitle}' to '{title}'.";

            TempData["message"] = message;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
        // Display a list of all watchers that this specific user has showcards with
        public IActionResult Watchers()
            int userID = GetUserID();

            // If the userId was not found(0) redirect to the login page
            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            List <Watcher> allShowCardWatchers = new List <Watcher>();

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                allShowCardWatchers = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Watcher).Where(x => x.UserID == userID).Select(x => x.Watcher).Distinct().ToList();
            ViewBag.AllShowCardWatchers = allShowCardWatchers;
Exemple #12
        public IActionResult DeleteSeason(int deleteSeason)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            string messages;
            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                string tempTitle;

                // Make sure a value was passed for the seasonID
                if (deleteSeason == 0)
                { messages = "Cannot delete unknown program. Please refresh and try again."; }

                    // Check to see if the passed value matches a seasonID
                    ShowSeason season = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowSeasonID == deleteSeason).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (season == null)
                    { messages = "Cannot find program. Please refresh and try again."; }

                    // Check that if there is a show card with that season referenced as watching
                    else if (context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.CurrentSeason == season.ShowSeasonID).Count() > 0)
                        messages = "Cannot delete a season with a Show Card reference.";

                    // We can delete the season
                        tempTitle = context.Show.Where(x => x.ShowID == season.ShowID).Select(y => y.Title).SingleOrDefault().ToString();
                        messages = $"Successfully deleted Season number {season.IndividualSeason} from {tempTitle}";

            // Return messages
            TempData["message"] = messages;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
Exemple #13
        // Central view for CRUD actions on Watcher
        public IActionResult ManageWatchers()
            // Ensure user is logged in
            if (!IsLoggedIn())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            List <Watcher> watchers;

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                //List of all watchers in the Db
                watchers = context.Watcher.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

            ViewBag.AllWatchers = watchers;
            ViewBag.Message     = TempData["message"]?.ToString();
Exemple #14
        public IActionResult AddShow(string title, int indSeason, int episodes)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            string messages;
            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                if (title.Length > 50)
                    messages = ("Program name cannot be greater than 50 characters.");
                else if (context.Show.Where(x => x.Title.ToUpper() == title.ToUpper().Trim()).Count() > 0)
                    messages = ($"{title} already exists.");

                else if (indSeason < 1 || indSeason > 50)
                    messages = ("Seasons must be between 1 and 50.");
                else if (episodes < 1)
                    messages = ("Episodes must be between 1 and 50.");

                    Show newShow = new Show() { Title = title.Trim() };
                    int showID = context.Show.Where(x => x.Title == title.Trim()).Single().ShowID;
                    ShowSeason newSeason = new ShowSeason() { ShowID = showID, IndividualSeason = indSeason, SeasonEpisodes = episodes };
                    messages = ($"Successfully added {newShow.Title}");

            TempData["message"] = messages;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
        // Increases the Episode number on a specific showcard
        public IActionResult AddEpisode(int showCardID)
            int userID = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string   message = null;
            ShowCard show    = new ShowCard();

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                show = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.ShowCardID == showCardID).Single();
                ShowSeason currentSeason = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == show.ShowID && x.ShowSeasonID == show.CurrentSeason).Single();
                if (show.CurrentEpisode >= currentSeason.SeasonEpisodes)
                    ShowSeason nextSeason = context.ShowSeason.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.ShowID == show.ShowID && x.IndividualSeason > currentSeason.IndividualSeason).OrderBy(x => x.IndividualSeason).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (nextSeason == null)
                        message = "Sorry you have reached the end. Would you like to add another season?";
                        show.CurrentEpisode = 1;
                        show.CurrentSeason  = nextSeason.ShowSeasonID;
                        message             = "You started a new Season!";
                    message = "Next episode";

            TempData["message"] = message;
            return(RedirectToAction("ByShow", new { showID = show.ShowID }));
        // Displays a list of ShowCards for this specific user and the provided show
        public IActionResult ByShow(int showID)
            string message = TempData["message"]?.ToString();
            int    userID  = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            List <DisplayCard> displayCards = new List <DisplayCard>();
            List <Show>        allUserShows = new List <Show>();

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                List <ShowCard> showCardsByShow = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.ShowID == showID && x.UserID == userID).ToList();

                allUserShows = context.ShowCard.Include(x => x.Show).Where(x => x.UserID == userID).Select(x => x.Show).Distinct().ToList();

                if (showCardsByShow != null)
                    foreach (ShowCard showCard in showCardsByShow)
                        DisplayCard card = new DisplayCard(showCard.ShowID, showCard.WatcherID)
                            ShowCardID     = showCard.ShowCardID,
                            SeasonID       = showCard.CurrentSeason,
                            CurrentEpisode = showCard.CurrentEpisode
                        card.ShowCardID = showCard.ShowCardID;
            ViewBag.Message      = message;
            ViewBag.AllUserShows = allUserShows;
            ViewBag.DisplayCards = displayCards;
Exemple #17
        // Adds a watcher to the Db
        public IActionResult AddWatcher(string name)
            // Ensure user is logged in
            if (!IsLoggedIn())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string message = null;

            using (WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext())
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    message = "Please enter a name for the Watcher you want to add.";
                else if (name.Trim().Length > 50)
                    message = "Name cannot be more than 50 characters";
                else if (context.Watcher.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == name.Trim().ToUpper()).Count() > 0)
                    message = $"You already have {name} is your list";

                    Watcher newWatcher = new Watcher()
                        Name = name.Trim()

                    message = $"Successfully added {name} to your Watcher list.";
            TempData["message"] = message;
Exemple #18
        // Deletes a watcher from the Db
        public IActionResult DeleteWatcher(int watcherID)
            if (!IsLoggedIn())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            string message = null;

            if (watcherID == 0)
                message = "No program was provided.";
                using WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext();

                Watcher watcher = context.Watcher.Where(x => x.WatcherID == watcherID).SingleOrDefault();

                if (watcher == null)
                    message = "Cannot delete watcher. Please try again later.";

                    string tempName = watcher.Name;
                    message = $"Successfully deleted {tempName}";

            TempData["message"] = message;
Exemple #19
        public IActionResult EditSeason(int editSeason, string season, string episodes)
            if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "User"); }

            using WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext();
            string message;
            int tempSeason;
            int tempEpisodes;
            if (editSeason == 0)
                message = "Cannot edit unknown season. Please refresh and try again";

                ShowSeason targetSeason = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowSeasonID == editSeason).SingleOrDefault();

                if (season == null)
                    message = "Cannot find that season. Please refresh and try again";

                    Show show = context.Show.Where(x => x.ShowID == targetSeason.ShowID).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (show == null)
                        message = "Cannot find that program. Please refresh and try again.";

                        if (!int.TryParse(season, out int parsedNewSeason))
                            message = "Seasons must be positive valid numbers";

                        else if (parsedNewSeason < 1 || parsedNewSeason > 50)
                            message = "Season must be between 1 and 50";

                        else if (!int.TryParse(episodes, out int parsedNewEpisodes))
                            message = "Episodes must be positive valid numbers";

                        else if (parsedNewEpisodes < 1 || parsedNewEpisodes > 50)
                            message = "Episodes must be between 1 and 50";

                        // To avoid giving a false error when applying the no season duplicate constraint if the user is only editting the episodes, we must first check that the new season and the season that they are attempting to submit are not the same. If they are not we can continue to check if there is a duplicate.

                        else if (parsedNewSeason != targetSeason.IndividualSeason && context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == targetSeason.ShowID).Where(x => x.IndividualSeason == parsedNewSeason).SingleOrDefault() != null)
                            message = $"Season already exists in {show.Title}";

                        else if (parsedNewSeason == targetSeason.IndividualSeason && parsedNewEpisodes == targetSeason.SeasonEpisodes)
                            message = $"No Changes were detected for {show.Title} - Season {targetSeason.IndividualSeason}.";

                        else if (context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.CurrentSeason == targetSeason.ShowSeasonID).Count() > 0)
                            message = "Cannot edit a season with a Show Card reference.";

                            tempSeason = targetSeason.IndividualSeason;
                            tempEpisodes = targetSeason.SeasonEpisodes;
                            targetSeason.IndividualSeason = parsedNewSeason;
                            targetSeason.SeasonEpisodes = parsedNewEpisodes;
                            message = $"Successfully changed {show.Title} from season {tempSeason} having {tempEpisodes} episodes to season {parsedNewSeason} having {parsedNewEpisodes} episodes.";

            TempData["message"] = message;
            return Redirect("ManageShows");
        // Ensure all the neccessary information to  create a show card is received
        public IActionResult CreateCard(int showID, int watcherID, int seasonID, int episode)
            string message = TempData["message"]?.ToString();
            int    userID  = GetUserID();

            if (userID == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));

            using WeWatchContext context = new WeWatchContext();
            Show              selectedShow    = new Show();
            ShowSeason        selectedSeason  = new ShowSeason();
            Watcher           selectedWatcher = new Watcher();
            List <ShowSeason> seasons         = new List <ShowSeason>();
            DisplayCard       card            = new DisplayCard();

            // A show and a watcher must be selected before seasons can be determined
            if (showID != 0 && watcherID != 0)
                card = new DisplayCard(showID, watcherID);

                // Check to see if this user already has a card with this watcher and this show
                if (context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.ShowID == card.ShowID && x.WatcherID == card.WatcherID && x.UserID == userID).Count() != 0)
                    message = $"You are already watching {card.ShowTitle} with {card.WatcherName}";

                // Populate the seasons for this show
                    seasons = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowID == showID).OrderBy(x => x.IndividualSeason).ToList();

                    // Populate episodes if season has been selected
                    if (seasonID != 0)
                        card.SeasonID       = seasonID;
                        selectedSeason      = context.ShowSeason.Where(x => x.ShowSeasonID == seasonID).Single();
                        card.CurrentEpisode = episode;
            // If we were passed a ShowCardID  from another action, create a displayCard
            if (TempData["showCardID"] != null)
                int      showCardID = int.Parse(TempData["showCardID"].ToString());
                ShowCard show       = context.ShowCard.Where(x => x.ShowCardID == showCardID).Single();
                card = new DisplayCard(show.ShowID, show.WatcherID)
                    SeasonID       = show.CurrentSeason,
                    CurrentEpisode = show.CurrentEpisode

            ViewBag.Card = card;
            List <Show>    allShows    = context.Show.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();
            List <Watcher> allWatchers = context.Watcher.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

            ViewBag.Message     = message;
            ViewBag.AllShows    = allShows;
            ViewBag.AllWatchers = allWatchers;
            ViewBag.Seasons     = seasons;
