Exemple #1
 public bool GetWaveData(int index, out WaveStruct waveData)
     if (waveList.TryGetValue(index, out waveData) == false)
         Debug.LogWarning("not existed Data: " + index.ToString());
    void SetNewWave()
        //current wave and update UI
        WaveStruct wave = waveConfig.Waves[CurrentWave];


        //update level config (change level) and update resources for player
        GameManager.instance.player.CurrentResources += wave.resourcesMax;
    IEnumerator Wave_Coroutine()
        //current wave
        WaveStruct wave = waveConfig.Waves[CurrentWave];

        //foreach enemy in this wave, instantiate but deactivate
        foreach (Enemy enemy in wave.Enemies)
            yield return(null);

        //enemies copy(copy because when enemy is killed, it's removed from list)
        List <Enemy> enemiesCopy = enemies.CreateCopy();

        //queue to not spawn on same face
        Queue <EFace> facesQueue = new Queue <EFace>();

        //for every enemy
        foreach (Enemy enemy in enemiesCopy)
            //randomize coordinates to attack
            EFace       face = WorldUtility.GetRandomFace(facesQueue, waveConfig.Waves[CurrentWave].IgnorePreviousFacesAtSpawn);
            int         x    = Random.Range(0, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
            int         y    = Random.Range(0, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
            Coordinates coordinatesToAttack = new Coordinates(face, x, y);

            //get position and rotation
            Vector3    position;
            Quaternion rotation;
            GameManager.instance.world.GetPositionAndRotation(coordinatesToAttack, waveConfig.Waves[CurrentWave].DistanceFromWorld, out position, out rotation);

            //set enemy position and rotation, then activate
            enemy.transform.position = position;
            enemy.transform.rotation = rotation;

            //instantiate portal at position and rotation
            if (GameManager.instance.levelManager.generalConfig.PortalPrefab)
                Instantiate(GameManager.instance.levelManager.generalConfig.PortalPrefab, position, rotation);

            //set enemy destination and activate

            //wait for next enemy
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(wave.TimeBetweenSpawns));
Exemple #4
 public void InitSpawner(WaveStruct wave)
     _currentWave = wave;