Exemple #1
    void Update()
        // Get the next wave
        if (currentWave == null && waves.Count > 0)
            currentWave = waves.Dequeue();

        if (currentWave != null)
            // Start the wave if we haven't already
            if (currentWave.phase == WaveBehaviour.Phase.NotStarted)

            // Update the StatusBar during the Countdown Phase
            // if (currentWave.phase == WaveBehaviour.Phase.Countdown) {
            //     statusBar.message = currentWave.quantity.ToString () + "×" + currentWave.attackerPrefab.name + " in " +
            //     currentWave.timeRemaining.ToString ("F1") + " seconds";
            //     statusBar.percent = currentWave.timeRemaining / currentWave.secondsBeforeStarting;
            // } else {
            //     statusBar.message = "";
            //     statusBar.percent = 0.0f;
            // }

            // Clear the currentWave if it has finished
            if (currentWave.phase == WaveBehaviour.Phase.Finished)
                currentWave = null;

        if (!attackersDestroyed && waves.Count == 0 && currentWave == null && attackersInPlay == 0)
            // If we have visited every wave,
            // there is no wave currently spawning,
            // and there are no attackers left on the board,
            // we must have won.
            attackersDestroyed = true;