Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
                #region 简单工厂
                    //Gold gold=new Gold ();
                    //IFactions gold =new Gold//我们的上端不能依赖详细,所以我们可以把右边创建对象的操作分离出去
                    IFactions gold = ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(ObjectFactory.FactionsType.Wood);//我们的上端不能依赖详细,所以我们可以把右边创建对象的操作分离出去
                #region 工厂方法
                    IFactoryMethod factoryMethod = new WaterFactory();
                    IFactions      water         = factoryMethod.CreateInstance();

                #region 抽象工厂
                    AbstractFactory goldFactory    = new AGoldFactory();
                    IAuxiliarySkill auxiliarySkill = goldFactory.CreateAuxiliarySkill();
                    IObstacleSkill obstacleSkill = goldFactory.CreateObstacleSkill();
                    AbstractFactory woodFactory    = new AWoodFactory();
                    IAuxiliarySkill auxiliarySkill = woodFactory.CreateAuxiliarySkill();
                    IObstacleSkill obstacleSkill = woodFactory.CreateObstacleSkill();
            catch (Exception ex)
        } = new string[5];                                         // X,Y,AreaSideLength,TDBPath,DEMPath

        // as base game doesn't contain a full System.XML.LINQ namespace and the .NET 4.8 is easier to work with,
        // other external process was created for TDB parsing
        internal void ProcessTDBExternally()
            var psi = new ProcessStartInfo();

            psi.FileName               = $"{modDirectory}GMLParserPL.exe";
            psi.CreateNoWindow         = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardInput  = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            psi.UseShellExecute        = false;

            psi.Arguments = "\"" + Arguments[0] + "\"" + " " + "\"" + Arguments[1] + "\"" + " " + "\"" + Arguments[2] + "\""
                            + " " + "\"" + Arguments[3] + "\"";
            var p = new Process();

            p.StartInfo = psi;

            NetFactory      netFactory      = new NetFactory();
            BuildingFactory buildingFactory = new BuildingFactory();
            PropFactory     propFactory     = new PropFactory();
            ResourceFactory resourceFactory = new ResourceFactory();
            TreeFactory     treeFactory     = new TreeFactory();
            WaterFactory    waterFactory    = new WaterFactory();


            while (!p.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                string line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                SelectFactory(line, netFactory, buildingFactory, propFactory, resourceFactory, treeFactory, waterFactory);

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("TDB loaded");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Buildings loaded/called/max: {buildingFactory.Temp}/{timesBuildingUsed}/{BuildingManager.MAX_BUILDING_COUNT}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Segments loaded/called/max: {netFactory.TempS}/{timesNetUsed}/{NetManager.MAX_SEGMENT_COUNT}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Net nodes loaded/max: {netFactory.TempN}/{NetManager.MAX_NODE_COUNT}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Props loaded/called/max: {propFactory.Temp}/{timesPropUsed}/{PropManager.MAX_PROP_COUNT}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Trees loaded/called/max: {treeFactory.Temp}/{timesTreeUsed}/{TreeManager.MAX_TREE_COUNT}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Resources loaded/called: {resourceFactory.Temp}/{timesResourceUsed}");
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Resources loaded/called: {waterFactory.Temp}/{timesWaterUsed}");
        // as DEM couldn't be transfered via pipes or MMF and was cousing troubles in async, another process was created
        internal void ProcessDEMExternally()
            var psi = new ProcessStartInfo();

            psi.FileName               = $"{modDirectory}ASCIIParserPL.exe";
            psi.CreateNoWindow         = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardInput  = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            psi.UseShellExecute        = false;

            psi.Arguments = "\"" + Arguments[0] + "\"" + " " + "\"" + Arguments[1] + "\"" + " " + "\"" + Arguments[4] + "\"";
            var p = new Process();

            p.StartInfo = psi;

            TerrainFactory terrainFactory = new TerrainFactory();
            WaterFactory   waterFactory   = new WaterFactory();


            while (!p.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                string        line      = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                List <string> arguments = line.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

                if (arguments[0] == "Terrain")
                    byte[] map = System.Convert.FromBase64String(arguments[1]);
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("DEM imported");
                if (arguments[0] == "Error")
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            map[19, 19] = 1;
            int haveInput = 0;

            // choose difficulty level
            Console.WriteLine("Choose difficulty (Easy, Medium or Hard)");
            string d = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();                     // toLower just in case

            Console.Clear();                                             // Remove the Choose difficulty text
            Difficulty difficult = new Difficulty();

            switch (d)
            case "easy": difficult = Difficulty.Easy; break;

            case "medium": difficult = Difficulty.Medium; break;

            case "hard": difficult = Difficulty.Hard; break;

            if (difficult == Difficulty.Easy)
                timer = 100 * 2;
            else if (difficult == Difficulty.Medium)
                timer = 70 * 2;
            else if (difficult == Difficulty.Hard)
                timer = 50;
            drawMap(map, buildings, true);
            while (!lose)
                if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    keyInfo = Console.ReadKey();

                    if (Convert.ToString(keyInfo.Key) == "Enter")
                        Console.WriteLine("What kind of building you want to build?");
                        Console.WriteLine("e) Electricity factory                  ");
                        Console.WriteLine("f) Food factory                         ");
                        Console.WriteLine("w) Water factory                        ");
                        Console.WriteLine("h) Hospital                             ");
                        Console.WriteLine("r) Residence                            ");
                        Console.WriteLine("s) Security                             ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Write only letter a, b, c, d, e or f    ");
                        string   letter   = Console.ReadLine();
                        Position position = new Position();

                        position.x = cursorX;
                        position.y = cursorY;

                        switch (letter)
                        case "e": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new ElectricityFactory('E', position, Color.Blue, ref electricity); break;

                        case "f": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new FoodFactory('F', position, Color.Gray, ref electricity, ref food); break;

                        case "w": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new WaterFactory('W', position, Color.Green, ref electricity, ref water); break;

                        case "h": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new HospitalBuilding('H', position, Color.Pink, 1, ref health, ref electricity); break;

                        case "r": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new ResidenceBuilding('R', position, Color.Yellow, 1, ref security, ref health, ref electricity, ref food, ref water, ref money); residenceBuildingsCount++; break;

                        case "s": buildings[countOfBuildings] = new SecurityBuilding('S', position, Color.Red, 1, ref security, ref electricity); break;
                        drawMap(map, buildings, true);
                    if (Convert.ToString(keyInfo.Key) == "LeftArrow")
                    if (Convert.ToString(keyInfo.Key) == "RightArrow")
                    if (Convert.ToString(keyInfo.Key) == "UpArrow")
                    if (Convert.ToString(keyInfo.Key) == "DownArrow")
                    if (cursorX < 0)
                        cursorX = 0;
                    if (cursorX >= Map_Size_X)
                        cursorX = Map_Size_X - 1;
                    if (cursorY < 0)
                        cursorY = 0;
                    if (cursorY >= Map_Size_Y)
                        cursorY = Map_Size_Y - 1;

                    keyInfo = new ConsoleKeyInfo();
                    EnemyMove(ref map, ref buildings, sizeOfEnemy);
                    drawMap(map, buildings, true);
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 20);
                    Console.WriteLine("Electricity: {0} Food: {1} Water: {2} Happiness: {3} \nHealth: {4} Money: {5} Population: {6} Security: {7}",
                                      electricity.Amount, food.Amount, water.Amount, happiness.Amount, health.Amount, money.Amount, population.Amount, security.Amount);
                    Console.WriteLine("Use up, down, left and right arrow keys to choose your position to build!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to choose a building!");

                    Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY);
                    haveInput = 1;
                    drawMap(map, buildings, false);
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 20);
                    Console.WriteLine("Electricity: {0} Food: {1} Water: {2} Happiness: {3} \nHealth: {4} Money: {5} Population: {6} Security: {7}",
                                      electricity.Amount, food.Amount, water.Amount, happiness.Amount, health.Amount, money.Amount, population.Amount, security.Amount);
                    Console.WriteLine("Use up, down, left and right arrow keys to choose your position to build!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to choose a building!");
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY);
        private void SelectFactory(string line, NetFactory netFactory, BuildingFactory buildingFactory, PropFactory propFactory,
                                   ResourceFactory resourceFactory, TreeFactory treeFactory, WaterFactory waterFactory)
            if (!line.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                List <string> arguments = line.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                float[]       points;
                float         angle;
                switch (arguments[0])
                case "Resource":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    NaturalResourceManager.Resource resource = (NaturalResourceManager.Resource)Enum
                                                               .Parse(typeof(NaturalResourceManager.Resource), arguments[1], true);
                    resourceFactory.CreateResource(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), resource);

                case "Water":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    var flowInOut = arguments[3].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                    .Select(x => uint.Parse(x, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    waterFactory.NewWaterSource(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), flowInOut[0], flowInOut[1], flowInOut[2]);

                case "Net":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    netFactory.Create(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), new Vector2(points[2], points[3]), arguments[1]);

                case "Building":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    angle  = float.Parse(arguments[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    buildingFactory.Create(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), angle, arguments[1]);

                case "Tree":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    treeFactory.Create(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), arguments[1]);

                case "Prop":
                    points = ReturnFloatsFromArg(arguments);
                    angle  = float.Parse(arguments[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    propFactory.Create(new Vector2(points[0], points[1]), angle, arguments[1]);

                case "Error":

Exemple #6
        public override void Init()

            mPostProcessor = new PostProcessor();
            mUnderWaterFx  = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Effect>("Effects/UnderWater");
            mRT            = GfxUtil.CreateRT();

            var physicsSys = new PhysicsSystem();

            physicsSys.Bounds          = new BoundingBox(-worldSize * Vector3.One, worldSize * Vector3.One);
            physicsSys.InvSpatPartSize = 0.07f;
            physicsSys.Gravity        *= 2.0f;
            physicsSys.WaterY          = configs.WaterHeight;
            var inputSys = new InputSystem();

            inputSys.WaterY = configs.WaterHeight;
                new AISystem(),
                new AnimationSystem(),
                mParticleSys = new ParticleSystem(),
                new InventorySystem(),
                new CameraSystem(),
                new LogicSystem(),
                mRenderer = new RenderingSystem(),
                new Rendering2DSystem(),
                new HealthSystem(),
                new HitSystem()

            AddSystem(new DebugOverlay());

            var heightmap = Heightmap.Load("Textures/" + configs.Map,
                                           stepX: 8,
                                           stepY: 8,
                                           smooth: false,
                                           scale: configs.HeightMapScale,
                                           yScale: configs.YScaleMap,
                                           randomTris: true,
                                           blur: 16,
                                           colorFn: configs.colorsMap);

            physicsSys.Heightmap = heightmap;
            inputSys.Heightmap   = heightmap;


            WaterFactory.Create(configs.WaterHeight, configs.HeightMapScale, configs.HeightMapScale);

            SceneUtils.SpawnEnvironment(heightmap, configs.HeightMapScale);

            //add network after init since we dont want reinit and lose our connections.
            if (_networkSystem != null)
                var sync = new GameObjectSyncSystem(_networkSystem._isMaster);

            // Camera entity
            float fieldofview = MathHelper.PiOver2;
            float nearplane   = 0.1f;
            float farplane    = 100f;

            player = AddEntity();

            AddComponent(player, new CBody()
                MaxVelocity     = 5f,
                InvMass         = 0.01f,
                SpeedMultiplier = 1,
                Radius          = 0.7f,
                Aabb            = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.9f, -0.5f), new Vector3(0.5f, 0.9f, 0.5f)),
                LinDrag         = 0.8f,
                ReachableArea   = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-1.5f, -2.0f, -1.5f), new Vector3(1.5f, 2.0f, 1.5f)),
                Restitution     = 0.1f

            AddComponent(player, new CInput());
            var playery = (heightmap.HeightAt(configs.Playerx, configs.Playerz));
            var chitid  = AddEntity();
            AddComponent(chitid, new CHit()
                PlayerId = player
            AddComponent(chitid, new CTransform()
                Heading = MathHelper.PiOver2, Position = new Vector3(configs.Playerx, playery, configs.Playerz) + new CHit().HitBoxOffset
            AddComponent(chitid, new CBody()
                Aabb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-0.4f, -1.3f, -0.4f), new Vector3(0.4f, 0.9f, 0.4f))
            AddComponent(player, new CPlayer()
                HitId = chitid

            var playerTransf = new CTransform()
                Heading = MathHelper.PiOver2, Position = new Vector3(configs.Playerx, playery, configs.Playerz), Scale = new Vector3(0.5f)

            AddComponent(player, playerTransf);

            // Glossy helmet, lol!
            //var cubeMap = Game1.Inst.Content.Load<Effect>("Effects/CubeMap");
            //var envMap = new EnvMapMaterial(mRenderer, player, playerTransf, cubeMap);

            AddComponent <C3DRenderable>(player,
                                         new CImportedModel()
                animFn   = SceneUtils.playerAnimation(player, 24, 0.1f),
                model    = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Model>("Models/viking"),
                fileName = "viking",

                /*materials = new Dictionary<int, MaterialShader> {
                 *  { 8, envMap }
                 * }*/
            AddComponent(player, new CSyncObject {
                fileName = "viking"

            AddComponent(player, new CInventory());
            AddComponent(player, new CHealth {
                MaxHealth = 3, Health = 3, DeathSound = "Sounds/Effects/entia"
            AddComponent(player, new CScore {

             * AddComponent(player, new CLogic {
             *  InvHz = 1.0f/30.0f,
             *  Fn = (t, dt) => {
             *      var cam = (CCamera)GetComponentFromEntity<CCamera>(player);
             *      envMap.Update();
             *  }
             * });
            AddComponent(player, new CCamera
                Height     = 3.5f,
                Distance   = 3.5f,
                Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fieldofview, Game1.Inst.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, nearplane, farplane)
                ClipProjection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fieldofview * 1.2f, Game1.Inst.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, nearplane * 0.5f, farplane * 1.2f)

            // Heightmap entity

            var mapMat = new ToonMaterial(Vector3.One * 0.2f,
                                          new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), // ignored
                                          null,  // diftex
                                          null,  // normtex
                                          1.0f,  // normcoeff
                                          5,     // diflevels
                                          2,     // spelevels,
                                          true); // use vert col

            int hme = AddEntity();
            AddComponent <C3DRenderable>(hme, new C3DRenderable {
                model             = heightmap.Model,
                enableVertexColor = true,
                specular          = 0.03f,
                // materials = new Dictionary<int, MaterialShader> { {0, mapMat } }
            AddComponent(hme, new CTransform {
                Position = Vector3.Zero,
                Rotation = Matrix.Identity,
                Scale    = Vector3.One

            int heightMapId   = AddEntity();
            var heightMapComp = new CHeightmap()
                Image = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/" + configs.Map)
            var heightTrans = new CTransform()
                Position = new Vector3(-590, 0, -590), Rotation = Matrix.Identity, Scale = new Vector3(1, 0.5f, 1)
            AddComponent <C3DRenderable>(heightMapId, heightMapComp);
            AddComponent(heightMapId, heightTrans);
            // manually start loading all heightmap components, should be moved/automated

            OnEvent("hit", data => {
                var key = data as int?;
                if (key == null)
                var transform         = (CTransform)GetComponentFromEntity <CTransform>(key.Value);
                var id                = AddEntity();
                Func <float> rndSize  = () => 0.05f + 0.1f * (float)rnd.NextDouble();
                Func <Vector3> rndVel = () => new Vector3((float)rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f,
                                                          (float)rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f);
                mParticleSys.SpawnParticles(100, () => new EcsComponent[] {
                    new CParticle     {
                        Position = transform.Position,
                        Velocity = 6.0f * rndVel(),
                        Life     = 1.7f,
                        F        = () => new Vector3(0.0f, -9.81f, 0.0f)
                    new C3DRenderable {
                        model = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Model>("Models/blood")
                    new CTransform    {
                        Position = transform.Position,
                        Rotation = Matrix.Identity,
                        Scale    = rndSize() * Vector3.One
                SceneUtils.CreateSplatter(transform.Position.X, transform.Position.Z, heightmap);
                SfxUtil.PlaySound("Sounds/Effects/Hit", randomPitch: true);

            OnEvent("game_end", data =>
                won         = Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CInput>((int)data);
                shouldLeave = true;
                // We reached the goal and wants to leave the scene-

            if ((_networkSystem != null && _networkSystem._isMaster) || _networkSystem == null)
                Utils.SceneUtils.CreateAnimals(configs.NumFlocks, configs.HeightMapScale / 2);
                Utils.SceneUtils.CreateTriggerEvents(configs.NumTriggers, configs.HeightMapScale / 2);
                Utils.SceneUtils.CreateCollectables(configs.NumPowerUps, configs.HeightMapScale / 2);
                // Add tree as sprint goal
                int sprintGoal = AddEntity();
                AddComponent(sprintGoal, new CBody()
                    Radius = 5, Aabb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-5, -5, -5), new Vector3(5, 5, 5)), LinDrag = 0.8f
                AddComponent(sprintGoal, new CTransform()
                    Position = new Vector3(100, -0, 100), Scale = new Vector3(1f)
                var treefilename = "tree";
                AddComponent(sprintGoal, new CSyncObject());
                AddComponent <C3DRenderable>(sprintGoal, new CImportedModel()
                    model = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Model>("Models/" + treefilename), fileName = treefilename

                OnEvent("collision", data => {
                    foreach (var key in Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponents <CPlayer>().Keys)
                        if ((((PhysicsSystem.CollisionInfo)data).Entity1 == key &&
                             ((PhysicsSystem.CollisionInfo)data).Entity2 == sprintGoal)
                            (((PhysicsSystem.CollisionInfo)data).Entity2 == key &&
                             ((PhysicsSystem.CollisionInfo)data).Entity1 == sprintGoal))
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("network_game_end", key);
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("game_end", key);

            Log.GetLog().Debug("WorldScene initialized.");



            var billboards = new [] {
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Grass", 1.0f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Bush", 1.2f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Flowers", 0.6f)

            var billboards2 = new [] {
                new Tuple <string, float>("Seaweed1", 0.6f),
                new Tuple <string, float>("Seaweed2", 0.6f),
            for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var bbs = billboards;

                var x = configs.HeightMapScale * ((float)rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f);
                var z = configs.HeightMapScale * ((float)rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f);
                var y = heightmap.HeightAt(x, z);

                if (y < configs.WaterHeight)
                    bbs = billboards2;

                var bb = bbs[rnd.Next(0, bbs.Length)];
                var s  = (1.0f + 0.8f * (float)rnd.NextDouble()) * bb.Item2;

                AddComponent(AddEntity(), new CBillboard {
                    Pos   = new Vector3(x, y + 0.5f * s, z),
                    Tex   = Game1.Inst.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/" + bb.Item1),
                    Scale = s
