public IActionResult WarrantyLabels()
            string groupID = "4";

            var data = LoadLabelClasses(groupID);

            var warrantyLabelsViewModel = new WarrantyLabelsViewModel();

            warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelClasses = new List <SelectListItem>();

            //load the class names into the view model
            foreach (var row in data)
                warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelClasses.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text  = row.ClassID.ToString() + " - " + row.ClassName.ToString(),
                    Value = row.ClassID.ToString()

        public IViewComponentResult Invoke(WarrantyLabelsViewModel warrantyLabelsViewModel)
            string SelectedView = "Default";

            var data = LoadLabelPrinters(warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID.ToString());

            warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelPrinters = new List <SelectListItem>();

            //load the printer names into the model
            foreach (var row in data)
                warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelPrinters.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text  = row.PrinterDescription.ToString(),
                    Value = row.PrinterID.ToString()

            warrantyLabelsViewModel.BowHands = new List <SelectListItem>();

            //load bow hands into the model
            warrantyLabelsViewModel.BowHands.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "RH",
                Value = "RH"

            warrantyLabelsViewModel.BowHands.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "LH",
                Value = "LH"

            if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 400)
                SelectedView = "LabelClass400";
            else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 401)
                SelectedView = "LabelClass401";
            else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 402)
                SelectedView = "LabelClass402";
            else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 403)
                SelectedView = "LabelClass403";
            else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 404)
                SelectedView = "LabelClass404";
                SelectedView = "Default";

            return(View(SelectedView, warrantyLabelsViewModel));
        public IActionResult WarrantyLabels(WarrantyLabelsViewModel warrantyLabelsViewModel)
            bool   labelPrintError = false;
            string errors          = "";

            //had to take out (ModelState.IsValid & warrantyLabelsViewModel != null) because different classes don't use all model properties
            //if (ModelState.IsValid)

            bool labelPrinted      = false;
            bool isValidPartNumber = false;

            string printerName               = "";
            string numberOfCopies            = "";
            string labelClass                = "";
            string partDescription           = "";
            string UPC                       = "";
            string bowModel                  = "";
            string serialNumber              = "";
            string serialNumberHumanReadable = "";

            string labelWarrantyData              = "";
            string labelWarrantyFieldNames        = "";
            string labelWarrantyCustomDescription = "";

            //check if the Part Number is valid
            isValidPartNumber = CheckPartNumber(warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber);

            if (isValidPartNumber == true)
                if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.NumberOfCopies > 0)
                    if ((warrantyLabelsViewModel.NumberOfCopies % 1) == 0)
                        //get the printer that was selected on post
                        var labelPrinterData = LoadLabelPrinterName(warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedPrinterID.ToString());

                        //load the printer name into a string
                        foreach (var row in labelPrinterData)
                            printerName = row.PrinterName;

                        //make sure the part number is in upper case.  sometimes users enter them with lowercase letters
                        warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber = warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber.ToUpper();

                        var labelData = LoadLabelData(warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber);

                        foreach (var row in labelData)
                            partDescription = row.PartDescription;
                            UPC             = row.UPC;
                            bowModel        = row.BowModel;

                        labelClass = warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID.ToString();

                        numberOfCopies = warrantyLabelsViewModel.NumberOfCopies.ToString();

                        if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 400)
                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|PartDescription1|PartDescription2|SerialNumber|Barcode1|Barcode2|Barcode3";

                            if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SerialNumber != null)
                                serialNumber = warrantyLabelsViewModel.SerialNumber;
                                serialNumberHumanReadable = $"Serial #: {warrantyLabelsViewModel.SerialNumber}";

                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{partDescription}|{partDescription}|{serialNumberHumanReadable}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{UPC}|{serialNumber}";
                        else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 401)
                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|PartDescription1|RA|RTV|Barcode1";

                            //53 characters is the max length for the label
                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{partDescription}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.RANumber}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.RTV}|{UPC}";
                        else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 402)
                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|PartDescription1|RA|DocID|Barcode1";

                            //53 characters is the max length for the label
                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{partDescription}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.RANumber}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.DocID}|{UPC}";
                        else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 403)
                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|PartDescription1|RA|DocID|Barcode1";

                            //53 characters is the max length for the label
                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{partDescription}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.RANumber}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.DocID}|{UPC}";
                        else if (warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedClassID == 404)
                            //create the custom decription for the custom label.  Bow Model + Hand + Draw Weight + Riser Color + Limb Color
                            labelWarrantyCustomDescription = $"{bowModel} {warrantyLabelsViewModel.SelectedBowHand} {warrantyLabelsViewModel.DrawWeight} {warrantyLabelsViewModel.RiserColor} {warrantyLabelsViewModel.LimbColor}";

                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|CustomDescription1|PartDescription1|Barcode1|Barcode2";

                            //53 characters is the max length for the label
                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{ labelWarrantyCustomDescription}|{ partDescription }|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{UPC}";
                            //define the field names for the selected warranty label
                            labelWarrantyFieldNames = $"PartNumber|PartDescription1|PartDescription2|Barcode1|Barcode2";

                            //53 characters is the max length for the label
                            labelWarrantyData = $"{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{partDescription}|{partDescription}|{warrantyLabelsViewModel.PartNumber}|{UPC}";

                        labelWarrantyData = $"{labelWarrantyFieldNames} {Environment.NewLine} {labelWarrantyData}";

                        if (labelWarrantyData.Length > 0)
                            labelPrinted = GenerateWarrantyLabel(labelWarrantyData, labelClass, printerName, numberOfCopies);
                            labelPrinted = true;

                        //if labelPrinted is false then there was an error set the label error to true and append to the errors string
                        if (labelPrinted == false)
                            labelPrintError = true;

                            errors += $"The Warranty Standard Case label(s) did not print. Try re-printing again" + "\\r\\n";
                        labelPrintError = true;

                        errors += $"Number of Copies must be a whole number.  Enter in a whole number and try re-printing again" + "\\r\\n";
                    labelPrintError = true;

                    errors += $"Number of Copies must be greater than 0.  Enter in a number greater than 0 and try re-printing again" + "\\r\\n";
                labelPrintError = true;

                errors += $"The Part Number entered is not valid.  Enter a valid Part Number try re-printing again" + "\\r\\n";

            //if there are errors then the the error string is populated
            if (labelPrintError == true)
                ViewData["Messages"] = errors;
                ViewData["Messages"] = "Warranty Standard Case label(s) have printed with no errors.";

            //clear the model state before returning the view.

            string groupID = "4";

            var data = LoadLabelClasses(groupID);

            warrantyLabelsViewModel = new WarrantyLabelsViewModel();

            warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelClasses = new List <SelectListItem>();

            //load the printer names into the model
            foreach (var row in data)
                warrantyLabelsViewModel.LabelClasses.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text  = row.ClassID.ToString() + " - " + row.ClassName.ToString(),
                    Value = row.ClassID.ToString()

 public IActionResult LoadWarrantyLabelsViewComponent(WarrantyLabelsViewModel warrantyLabelsViewModel)
     return(ViewComponent("WarrantyLabels", warrantyLabelsViewModel));