/// <summary>
        ///Method to ADD WareHouse details to the list
        /// </summary>
        public void AddWareHouse()
            //Created an object for Warehouse class and is stored in a reference variable
            WareHouse ware = new WareHouse();

            //Created an object for Warehouse Business class and is stored in a reference variable
            WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer wbl = new WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer();

            bool check = false;

                    WriteLine(" You chose to add a warehouse");
                    WriteLine("Enter Warehouse Id that starts with WHID and of length 6.It shouldn't contain special characters");

                    //Reads the WarehouseId
                    ware.WareHouseId = ReadLine();

                    //Condition to check whether the WareHouseid exists or not
                    //The Warehouseid should be unique
                    if (wbl.CheckWareHouseId(ware.WareHouseId) == false)
                        check = true;
                        WriteLine("Enter Warehouse Name");
                        WriteLine("WareHouse Name shouldn'be null or empty.It shouldn't contain special characters also");
                        //Reads the WareHouseName
                        ware.WareHouseName = ReadLine();

                        WriteLine("Enter Manager Name");
                        WriteLine("Manager Name shouldn'be null or empty.It shouldn't contain special characters also");
                        //Reads the MangerName
                        ware.MangerName = ReadLine();

                        //Calls the AddWareHouse method of WareHouseBusinessLogic
                        WriteLine("WareHouse added successfully");
                        WriteLine("WareHouse Exists!");

                catch (WareHouseException ex)
            } while (check == false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to check whether WareHouseid exists or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Represents WareHouseId</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckWareHouseId(string id)
            WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer wbl = new WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer();
            bool result = wbl.CheckWareHouseId(id);

            // Condition to check whether WareHouseId exists or not
            if (result == true)
                WriteLine("WareHouse Exists");