private async Task ListPointsAsync() { // Request an instance of the default Wallet store. wallet = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); // Find an existing wallet item. walletItem = await wallet.GetWalletItemAsync("CoffeeLoyalty123"); if (walletItem == null) { rootPage.NotifyUser("Item does not exist. Add item using Scenario2", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } if (walletItem.DisplayProperties.ContainsKey("PointsId")) { CoffePointsValue.Text = walletItem.DisplayProperties["PointsId"].Value; } else { rootPage.NotifyUser("Item does not have a PointsId property.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new membership card wallet item to Wallet. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private async Task AddItemAsync() { try { // Create the membership card. WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.MembershipCard, "Contoso Loyalty Card"); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; // Set basic properties. card.IssuerDisplayName = "Contoso Coffee"; // Set some images. card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/coffee336x336.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/coffee99x99.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/coffee159x159.png")); card.HeaderBackgroundImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/header640x130.png")); // Set the loyalty card points and show them on the detailed view of card and in the list view. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Coffee Points", "99"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1; card.DisplayProperties["PointsId"] = prop; // Show the branch. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Branch", "Contoso on 5th"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; card.DisplayProperties["BranchId"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Account Number", "12345678"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["AcctId"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, "12345678"); // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "Tap here for your 15% off coupon"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; await wallet.AddAsync("CoffeeLoyalty123", card); rootPage.NotifyUser("Item has been added to Wallet. Tap \"View item in Wallet\" to see it in Wallet.", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { rootPage.NotifyUser(ex.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } }
/// <summary> /// Imports a wallet item from a .mswallet file. /// </summary> /// <returns>An asynchronous action.</returns> public async Task ImportAsync() { try { // Import another membership card, represented by the .mswallet file located in the Assets folder of this sample. StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/ContosoCoffeePikePlace.mswallet")); if (file == null) { this.rootPage.NotifyUser("Could not open file assets/ContosoCoffeePikePlace.mswallet", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } walletItem = await wallet.ImportItemAsync(file); this.rootPage.NotifyUser("Import succeeded. Tap \"view in wallet\" to see the imported item", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } catch (FileNotFoundException noFile) { this.rootPage.NotifyUser(noFile.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorMessage = String.Format("Import failed {0}", ex.Message); this.rootPage.NotifyUser(errorMessage, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } }
async void OnSaveClickedAdd(object sender, EventArgs e) { var text = Amount.Text; double num; bool isNum = double.TryParse(text, out num); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { await DisplayAlert("Clumsy...!", "Fill out the field", "Dismiss"); } else if (!isNum) { await DisplayAlert("Oops", "Please enter a valid number", "Dismiss"); } else if (this.intent.Equals(Intent.ADD)) { WalletItem item = new WalletItem(currency.Code, num); new Database().AddItem(item); //Careful to remove the search Page also this.Navigation.RemovePage(this.Navigation.NavigationStack[this.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]); await Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { item.amount += num; item.formatted_amount = string.Format("{0:0.00}", item.amount); new Database().EditItem(this.item); await Navigation.PopAsync(); } }
private async void ContentDialogPrimaryButtonClick(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxName.Text)) { args.Cancel = true; await new MessageDialog("A new wallet item needs a name!", "Empty Name").ShowAsync(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxId.Text)) { args.Cancel = true; await new MessageDialog("A new barcode item needs a id!", "Empty Id").ShowAsync(); return; } Result = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.General, tbxName.Text) { Barcode = new WalletBarcode(boxType.SelectedItem as WalletBarcodeSymbology? ?? WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, tbxId.Text), HeaderColor = Colors.DarkBlue, LogoText = tbxName.Text }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxId.Text)) { Result.DisplayProperties.Add( "CardId", new WalletItemCustomProperty("Card Id", tbxId.Text) { DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1, SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1 }); } }
/// <summary> /// Imports a wallet item from a .mswallet file. /// </summary> /// <returns>An asynchronous action.</returns> public async Task ImportAsync() { try { // Import another membership card, represented by the .mswallet file located in the Assets folder of this sample. StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/ContosoCoffeePikePlace.mswallet")); if (file == null) { this.rootPage.NotifyUser("Could not open file assets/ContosoCoffeePikePlace.mswallet", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } walletItem = await wallet.ImportItemAsync(file); this.rootPage.NotifyUser("Import succeeded. Tap \"view in wallet\" to see the imported item", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } catch(FileNotFoundException noFile) { this.rootPage.NotifyUser(noFile.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } catch(Exception ex) { var errorMessage = String.Format("Import failed {0}", ex.Message); this.rootPage.NotifyUser(errorMessage, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } }
public void UpdateItem(WalletItem item) { if (_db.WalletItems.Any(i => i.Wallet.Id == item.Wallet.Id && i.Cryptocurrency.Id == item.Cryptocurrency.Id)) { _db.Update(item); Save(); } }
/// <summary> /// transaction /// </summary> /// <param name="des">description</param> /// <param name="pay">paymet</param> public async void Transaction(string des, double pay) { try { SampleItem itemData = null; bool isFind = false; foreach (GroupInfoList group in Global.Current.SampleItems.Data) { foreach (SampleItem item in group.ItemContent) { if (item.Title == des) { itemData = item; itemData.Price = "¥" + pay.ToString(); des = des + "-付款"; isFind = true; break; } } if (isFind) { break; } } if (itemData != null) { Global.Current.Serialization.SaveOrder(itemData); } WalletItem walletItem = await this.wallet.GetWalletItemAsync(conCardID); if (walletItem != null && walletItem.DisplayProperties.ContainsKey(conCardMoney)) { string money = walletItem.DisplayProperties[conCardMoney].Value; string updateMoney = (double.Parse(money) - pay).ToString(); walletItem.DisplayProperties[conCardMoney].Value = updateMoney; await this.wallet.UpdateAsync(walletItem); WalletTransaction walletTransaction = new WalletTransaction(); walletTransaction.Description = des; walletTransaction.DisplayAmount = "¥" + pay.ToString(); walletTransaction.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; walletTransaction.IgnoreTimeOfDay = false; walletTransaction.DisplayLocation = "Bank on 5th"; // Add the transaction to the TransactionHistory of this item. walletItem.TransactionHistory.Add("transaction" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), walletTransaction); // Update the item in Wallet. await this.wallet.UpdateAsync(walletItem); Global.Current.Notifications.CreateToastNotifier("提示", "付款成功"); Global.Current.Notifications.CreateTileWide310x150Text09("付款成功", "恭喜您付款成功"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public void SetDetailItem(object newDetailItem) { if (detailItem != newDetailItem) { detailItem = (WalletItem) newDetailItem; // Update the view ConfigureView (); } }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { rootPage = MainPage.Current; // Request an instance of the default Wallet store. wallet = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); // Get the wallet item to be used in this scenario. walletItem = await wallet.GetWalletItemAsync("CoffeeLoyalty123"); }
public UseableWalletItem(BaseItem item) { //Generic copy UseableBaseItem.CopyItem(this, item); //Wallet copy WalletItem wallet = item as WalletItem; maxMoneyContained = wallet.maxMoneyContained; minMoneyContained = wallet.minMoneyContained; }
private async void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (walletItem == null) { rootPage.NotifyUser("Item does not exist. Add item using Scenario2", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { await wallet.DeleteAsync(walletItem.Id); walletItem = null; rootPage.NotifyUser("Item deleted.", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } }
/// <summary> /// delete wallet /// </summary> public async void DeleteWallet() { try { WalletItem walletItem = await this.wallet.GetWalletItemAsync(conCardID); await this.wallet.DeleteAsync(walletItem.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public AddItemPage(WalletItem item, Intent intent) { this.item = item; this.intent = intent; InitializeComponent(); currencyCode.Text = item.code; currencyName.Text =; currencyFlag.Source = item.flag; currencySymbol.Text = item.symbol; currencyAmount.Text = item.formatted_amount; //if(intent.Equals(Intent.EDIT)) saveButton2.Text = "Update"; }
/// <summary> /// create Wallet /// </summary> public async void CreateWallet() { try { // Create the membership card. WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.MembershipCard, "My Card"); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; // Set basic properties. card.IssuerDisplayName = "Bank"; // Set some images. card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/wallet/coffee336x336.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/wallet/coffee99x99.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/wallet/coffee159x159.png")); card.HeaderBackgroundImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/wallet/header640x130.png")); // Set the loyalty card points and show them on the detailed view of card and in the list view. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Money", "1000000"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1; card.DisplayProperties[conCardMoney] = prop; // Show the branch. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Branch", "Bank on 5th"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; card.DisplayProperties["BranchId"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Account Number", "2014************3697"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["AcctId"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, "20141212025641693697"); // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "Tap here for the fast payment"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; await wallet.AddAsync(conCardID, card); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private async void ContentDialogPrimaryButtonClick(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxName.Text)) { args.Cancel = true; await new MessageDialog("A vCard needs a name!", "Empty Name").ShowAsync(); return; } var vCard = new StringBuilder(); vCard.AppendLine("BEGIN:VCARD"); vCard.AppendLine("VERSION:2.1"); vCard.AppendLine("FN:" + tbxName.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxPhone.Text)) { vCard.AppendLine("TEL;HOME;VOICE:" + tbxPhone.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxMail.Text)) { vCard.AppendLine("EMAIL;HOME;INTERNET:" + tbxMail.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxOrganization.Text)) { vCard.AppendLine("ORG:" + tbxOrganization.Text); } vCard.Append("END:VCARD"); Result = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.General, tbxName.Text) { Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, vCard.ToString()), HeaderColor = Colors.DarkBlue, LogoText = tbxName.Text }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxOrganization.Text)) { Result.DisplayProperties.Add( "Organization", new WalletItemCustomProperty("Organization", tbxOrganization.Text) { DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1, SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1 }); } }
public async Task ShowWalletItemAsync() { WalletItem walletItem = await wallet.GetWalletItemAsync("CoffeeLoyalty123"); // If the item exists, show it in Wallet if (walletItem != null) { // Launch Wallet and navigate to item await wallet.ShowAsync(walletItem.Id); } else { // Item does not exist, so just launch Wallet. // Alternatively, you could tell the user that the item they want to see does not exist // and stay in your app. await wallet.ShowAsync(); } }
public void InsertItem(WalletItem item, bool ok) { if (ok) { UpdateItem(item); } else { if (_db.Cryptos.Any(i => i.Id == item.CryptoId)) { _db.WalletItems.Add(item); } else { throw new Exception("The specified cryptocurrency does not exist"); } } Save(); }
/// <summary> /// show wallet /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task ShowWalletItemAsync() { try { WalletItem walletItem = await wallet.GetWalletItemAsync(conCardID); if (walletItem != null) { await this.wallet.ShowAsync(walletItem.Id); } else { await this.wallet.ShowAsync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private async void AddExpiredDealPassButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WalletItemStore store = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); //string itemId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletItemName.Text) ? walletItemName.Text : cardName; WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.Deal, "Expired Deal"); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CouponMedium.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CouponSmall.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CouponIcon.png")); card.LogoImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CouponIcon.png")); card.LogoText = dealName; // Add the customer account number. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder1"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder2"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Sale", "Christmas Couple"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["SaleTitle"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder3"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Coupon Code", "987654321"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Coupon Code"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder4"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Valid Until", "2014-11-16"); //prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1; card.DisplayProperties["Website"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Website", ""); //prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field2; card.DisplayProperties["Website"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Phone", "425-707-1234"); //prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField3; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; card.DisplayProperties["phone"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Location", "1 Microsot Way, Redmond, WA 98052"); prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; //prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField4; card.DisplayProperties["Address"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Email", "*****@*****.**"); prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; card.DisplayProperties["Address"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Ean13, "9876543210123"); //card.ExpirationDate = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0)); card.ExpirationDate = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2014, 11, 16)); //card.ExpirationDate = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0)); // NOTE: in the back of the card card.LastUpdated = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2014, 10, 10)); card.IsAcknowledged = true; card.IssuerDisplayName = "Contoso Ltd."; card.RelevantLocations.Add( "Store", new WalletRelevantLocation() { DisplayMessage = "Store location", Position = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = 47.640068, Longitude = -122.129858 } }); card.Verbs.Add("visit", new WalletVerb("Visit")); // Add a relevant date. card.RelevantDate = DateTime.Now; card.RelevantDateDisplayMessage = "Deal is available all the way in 2014!"; // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "Tap here for your 15% off coupon"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; this.ExpiredDealPassInfoButton.IsEnabled = true; await store.AddAsync(expiredDealName, card); }
private async void AddTicketButtonBarCode_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WalletItemStore store = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); //string itemId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletItemName.Text) ? walletItemName.Text : cardName; WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.Ticket, concertName); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/wlr_concert_Medium.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/wlr_concert_Small.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/wlr_concert_Icon.png")); card.LogoImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/wlr_concert_Icon.png")); card.LogoText = concertName; // Add the customer account number. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Printed date", "2014-12-15"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; card.DisplayProperties["PrintedDate"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Holder1"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Departing from", "Seattle-Tacoma (SEA)"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1; card.DisplayProperties["Origin"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Destination", "New York (JFK)"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField2; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; card.DisplayProperties["Destination"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Departure Time", "2014-12-19"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField1; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; card.DisplayProperties["Departure"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Arrival Time ", "2014-12-20"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField2; prop.AutoDetectLinks = true; card.DisplayProperties["Arrival"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField3; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Holder2"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField4; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Holder3"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.CenterField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Holder4"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Name", "Joe Smith"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Name"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Seat", "12B"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["Seat"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("TicketNumber", "9876543210123"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField3; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["TicketNumber"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Ean13, "9876543210123"); //card.ExpirationDate = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0)); card.IsAcknowledged = true; card.IssuerDisplayName = "WLR Concert"; card.Verbs.Add("see", new WalletVerb("See")); // Add a relevant date. card.RelevantDate = DateTime.Now; card.RelevantDateDisplayMessage = "Once in a lifetime"; // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "Concert ticket"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; this.TicketInfoButtonBarcode.IsEnabled = true; await store.AddAsync(concertName, card); }
private async void AddMembershipButtonQR_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WalletItemStore store = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); //string itemId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletItemName.Text) ? walletItemName.Text : cardName; WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.MembershipCard, membershipCardQRName); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CaffeLuzzoMedium.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CaffeLuzzoSmall.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CaffeLuzzoIcon.png")); card.LogoImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/CaffeLuzzoIcon.png")); card.LogoText = membershipCardQRName; // Add the customer account number. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder1"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder2"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Caffe Luzzo", "Membership Card"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Title"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Website", "!"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField2; card.DisplayProperties["Website"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Address", "17725 Ne 65th St Ste A150, Redmond, WA 98052 "); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField1; card.DisplayProperties["Address"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Rewards", "99"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1; card.DisplayProperties["Points"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Account Number", "12345678"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["AcctId"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, "12345678"); // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "Tap here for your 15% off coupon"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; card.Verbs.Add("visit", new WalletVerb("Visit Store")); ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; this.MembershipInfoButtonQR.IsEnabled = true; await store.AddAsync(membershipCardQRName, card); }
private async void AddGeneralButtonQR_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WalletItemStore store = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); //string itemId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletItemName.Text) ? walletItemName.Text : cardName; WalletItem card = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.General, generalItemName); // Set colors, to give the card our distinct branding. card.BodyColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Brown; card.BodyFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.HeaderColor = Windows.UI.Colors.SaddleBrown; card.HeaderFontColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White; card.Logo336x336 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/stellarMedium.png")); card.Logo159x159 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/stellarSmall.png")); card.Logo99x99 = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/stellarIcon.png")); card.LogoImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/icons/stellarIcon.png")); card.LogoText = generalItemName; // Add the customer account number. WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Litecoin", "Litecoin"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Title"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "HOLD"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Holder2"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("HOLD", "Hold"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. card.DisplayProperties["Hold"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Website", ""); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField2; card.DisplayProperties["Website"] = prop; prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Balance", "0"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Field1; card.DisplayProperties["Points"] = prop; // Add the customer account number. prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty("Account Number", "12345678"); prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; // We don't want this field entity extracted as it will be interpreted as a phone number. prop.AutoDetectLinks = false; card.DisplayProperties["AcctId"] = prop; // Encode the user's account number as a Qr Code to be used in the store. //card.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr, "12345678"); // Add a promotional message to the card. card.DisplayMessage = "MSN!"; card.IsDisplayMessageLaunchable = true; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; this.GeneralInfoButtonQR.IsEnabled = true; await store.AddAsync(generalItemName, card); }
public void AddItem(WalletItem item) { _connection.Insert(item); }
pkPassConversionResult parsePkpassType(IReadOnlyList<Windows.Storage.StorageFile> files) { try { WalletItem item = null; CurrentInfo = "Opening pass.json..."; JObject o = getJsonData(files.Where(x => x.Name == "pass.json").First()); //Determine the type of the card and return it. if (o["boardingPass"] != null) { pkPassType = "boardingPass"; item = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.BoardingPass, o["description"].Value<string>()); } else if (o["coupon"] != null) { pkPassType = "coupon"; item = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.Deal, o["description"].Value<string>()); } else if (o["eventTicket"] != null) { pkPassType = "eventTicket"; item = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.Ticket, o["description"].Value<string>()); } else if (o["storeCard"] != null) { pkPassType = "storeCard"; item = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.MembershipCard, o["description"].Value<string>()); } else if (o["generic"] != null) { pkPassType = "generic"; item = new WalletItem(WalletItemKind.General, o["description"].Value<string>()); } else throw new Exception(); //Get images CurrentInfo = "Fetching images..."; item.Logo99x99 = item.Logo159x159 = item.Logo336x336 = getImageFromName("icon.png", contents); item.HeaderBackgroundImage = getImageFromName("logo.png", contents); item.BodyBackgroundImage = getImageFromName("background.png", contents); CurrentInfo = "Fetching colors..."; item.BodyColor = HelperMethods.getColorFromRGBString(o["backgroundColor"].Value<string>()); item.BodyFontColor = HelperMethods.getColorFromRGBString(o["foregroundColor"].Value<string>()); item.HeaderColor = item.BodyColor; item.HeaderFontColor = HelperMethods.getColorFromRGBString(o["labelColor"].Value<string>()); int i = 0; if (o[pkPassType]["primaryFields"] != null) { foreach (JObject jo in o[pkPassType]["primaryFields"]) { WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty(jo["label"].Value<string>(), jo["value"].Value<string>()); if (i == 0) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField1; else if (i == 1) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.PrimaryField2; else throw new InvalidDataException(); item.DisplayProperties[jo["key"].Value<string>()] = prop; i++; } } //Secondary fields i = 0; if (o[pkPassType]["secondaryFields"] != null) { foreach (JObject jo in o[pkPassType]["secondaryFields"]) { WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty(jo["label"].Value<string>(), jo["value"].Value<string>()); if (i == 0) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField1; else if (i == 1) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField2; else if (i == 2) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField3; else if (i == 3) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField4; else if (i == 4) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.SecondaryField5; else throw new InvalidDataException(); item.DisplayProperties[jo["key"].Value<string>()] = prop; i++; } } //Auxiliary fields i = 0; if (o[pkPassType]["auxiliaryFields"] != null) { foreach (JObject jo in o[pkPassType]["auxiliaryFields"]) { WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty(jo["label"].Value<string>(), jo["value"].Value<string>()); if (i == 0) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField1; else if (i == 1) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField2; else if (i == 2) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField3; else if (i == 3) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.FooterField4; else throw new InvalidDataException(); item.DisplayProperties[jo["key"].Value<string>()] = prop; i++; } } //Header fields i = 0; if (o[pkPassType]["headerFields"] != null) { foreach (JObject jo in o[pkPassType]["headerFields"]) { WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty(jo["label"].Value<string>(), jo["value"].Value<string>()); if (i == 0) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField1; else if (i == 1) prop.DetailViewPosition = WalletDetailViewPosition.HeaderField2; else throw new InvalidDataException(); item.DisplayProperties[jo["key"].Value<string>()] = prop; i++; } } //Header fields if (o[pkPassType]["backFields"] != null) { foreach (JObject jo in o[pkPassType]["backFields"]) { WalletItemCustomProperty prop = new WalletItemCustomProperty(jo["label"].Value<string>(), jo["value"].Value<string>()); prop.SummaryViewPosition = WalletSummaryViewPosition.Hidden; item.DisplayProperties[jo["key"].Value<string>()] = prop; } } if (o["barcode"] != null) { WalletBarcodeSymbology sym = new WalletBarcodeSymbology(); switch (o["barcode"]["format"].Value<string>()) { case "PKBarcodeFormatQR": sym = WalletBarcodeSymbology.Qr; break; case "PKBarcodeFormatPDF417": sym = WalletBarcodeSymbology.Pdf417; break; case "PKBarcodeFormatAztec": sym = WalletBarcodeSymbology.Aztec; break; default: throw new InvalidDataException(); } item.Barcode = new WalletBarcode(sym, o["barcode"]["message"].Value<string>()); } if (o["locations"] != null) { i = 0; foreach (JObject jo in o["locations"]) { WalletRelevantLocation location = new WalletRelevantLocation(); if (jo["relevantText"] != null) { location.DisplayMessage = jo["relevantText"].Value<string>(); } var position = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.BasicGeoposition(); position.Latitude = jo["latitude"].Value<double>(); position.Longitude = jo["longitude"].Value<double>(); try { position.Altitude = jo["altitude"].Value<double>(); } catch (Exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("An altitude does not exist for location " + location.DisplayMessage); } location.Position = position; //Check one doesn't already exist. if (item.RelevantLocations.Where(x => x.Key == i.ToString()).Count() > 0) i++; else item.RelevantLocations.Add(i.ToString(), location); i++; } } if (o["relevantDate"] != null) { item.RelevantDate = DateTime.Parse(o["relevantDate"].Value<string>()); } if (o["expirationDate"] != null) { item.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Parse(o["expirationDate"].Value<string>()); } string cardId = o["serialNumber"].Value<string>(); pkPassConversionResult result = new pkPassConversionResult(); result.item = item; result.cardId = cardId; return result; } catch (Exception ex) { CurrentInfo = "Exception: " + ex.Message; return null; } }
public void EditItem(WalletItem item) { _connection.Update(item); }
public void DeleteItem(WalletItem item) { _connection.Delete(item); }
public Task CreateAsync(WalletItem wallet) { return(_wallets.InsertOneAsync(wallet)); }
/// <summary> /// Get information about all wallets in your account. /// </summary> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <param name="args">Add additional attributes for each exchange</param> /// <returns></returns> public override async Task <Wallets> FetchWallets(string user_id, Dictionary <string, object> args = null) { var _result = new Wallets(); privateClient.ExchangeInfo.ApiCallWait(TradeType.Private); { var _params = new Dictionary <string, object>(); { _params.Add("userId", user_id); _params.Add("page", 1); _params.Add("perPage", 50); privateClient.MergeParamsAndArgs(_params, args); } var _json_value = await privateClient.CallApiGet1Async("/wallets", _params); #if DEBUG _result.rawJson = _json_value.Content; #endif var _json_result = privateClient.GetResponseMessage(_json_value.Response); if (_json_result.success == true) { var _json_data = privateClient.DeserializeObject <List <TWalletItem> >(_json_value.Content); { foreach (var _w in _json_data) { foreach (var _balance in _w.balances) { var _market = publicApi.publicClient.ExchangeInfo.Markets.GetMarketByQuoteId(_balance.currency); if (_market != null) { _balance.currency = _market.quoteName; } _balance.used = -; var _wallet = new WalletItem { userId = _w.userId, walletId = _w.walletId, walletName = _w.walletName, timestamp = _w.timestamp, fee = _w.fee, balance = _balance }; _result.result.Add(_wallet); } } } } _result.SetResult(_json_result); } return(_result); }
private async Task SaveItemToWallet(WalletItem item,string cardId) { WalletItemStore wallet = await WalletManager.RequestStoreAsync(); txtInfo.Text = "Saving to wallet..."; if (await wallet.GetWalletItemAsync(cardId) != null) { MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Would you like to overwrite this item?", "An item with the same ID exists!"); UICommand uiYes = new UICommand("Yes"); UICommand uiNo = new UICommand("No"); msgbox.Commands.Add(uiYes); msgbox.Commands.Add(uiNo); msgbox.DefaultCommandIndex = 0; msgbox.CancelCommandIndex = 1; if (await msgbox.ShowAsync() == uiYes) { try { await wallet.DeleteAsync(cardId); await wallet.AddAsync(cardId, item); txtInfo.Text = "Saved! Press the button below to return to the home screen."; await wallet.ShowAsync(cardId); } catch (Exception) { txtInfo.Text = "There was a problem saving the card to the wallet."; } } else { txtInfo.Text = "You cancelled the creation."; } } else { await wallet.AddAsync(cardId, item); txtInfo.Text = "Saved! Press the button below to return to the home screen."; await wallet.ShowAsync(cardId); } }