public static ActionFeedback[] WalkToMission(WalkToMission mission, Actor actor)
            if (actor.IsAggressive && Math.Abs(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate) < actor.LineOfSight)
                if (actor.UsesRanged)
                    //We can see him! Attack!
                    actor.CurrentMission = new AttackMission(GameState.PlayerCharacter);
                    //Can we see the character?
                    //He's there. Push the current mission into the stack and follow him
                    actor.CurrentMission = new HuntDownMission()
                        Target = GameState.PlayerCharacter,
                        TargetCoordinate = GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate
                return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            //Are we near the mission point?
            if (mission.TargetCoordinate == null || Math.Abs(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - mission.TargetCoordinate) <= mission.AcceptableRadius)
                //MIssion is done.
                actor.CurrentMission = null;
                return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            if (mission.Coordinates == null)
                mission.Coordinates = PathfinderInterface.GetPath(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate, mission.TargetCoordinate);

                //Is the new first coordinate valid?
                if (mission.Coordinates == null)
                    //No path
                    actor.CurrentMission = null; //lose the mission

                    //Wander around where you are now
                    actor.CurrentMission = new WanderMission()
                        WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate),
                        WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate.X - 5, actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate.Y - 5, 10, 10)

                    return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            if (!GameState.LocalMap.GetBlockAtCoordinate(mission.Coordinates.Peek()).MayContainItems)
                //Is what is blocking us another actor? Force him to go prone
                var nonProneActors = GameState.LocalMap.GetBlockAtCoordinate(mission.Coordinates.Peek()).GetItems().Where(gi => gi.IsActive && gi.GetType().Equals(typeof(LocalCharacter))
                    && GameState.LocalMap.Actors.Any(a => a.MapCharacter == gi && a.Owners == actor.Owners && !a.IsProne));

                if (nonProneActors.Count() > 0)
                    //Push them
                    foreach (var npa in nonProneActors)
                        GameState.LocalMap.Actors.First(a => a.MapCharacter == npa).IsProne = true;

                //Can we walk now?
                if (!GameState.LocalMap.GetBlockAtCoordinate(mission.Coordinates.Peek()).MayContainItems)
                    //Invalid path
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Path");

                    ////Increase the failure count

                    ////Are we up to 5?
                    //if (mission.PathfindingFailureCount > 5)
                    //    //Then just stop.


                    //lose the mission
                    actor.CurrentMission = new WaitMission(2); //wait for 2 turns
                    //Regenerate the path

                    return new ActionFeedback[0] { };

            //We can walk normally

            //Okay, now...advance
            if (mission.Coordinates.Count == 0)
                //Where did he go? Take a turn to figure it out
                mission.Coordinates = null;
                return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            MapCoordinate nextStep = mission.Coordinates.Pop();

            //Are we close enough to move?
            if (Math.Abs(nextStep - actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate) > 1)
                //We moved off the path. Regenerate it
                mission.Coordinates = null;
                return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            //Do it
            if (GameState.LocalMap.GetBlockAtCoordinate(nextStep).MayContainItems)
                actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate = nextStep;

            return new ActionFeedback[] { };
        public static ActionFeedback[] WanderMission(WanderMission mission, Actor actor)
            MapCoordinate playerLocation = GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate;

            if (actor.UsesRanged)
                //Is he a ranged user and seeing the player character
                if (actor.IsAggressive && actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - playerLocation <= actor.LineOfSight)

                    actor.CurrentMission = new AttackMission(GameState.PlayerCharacter);

                //Is he seeing the player character?
                if (actor.IsAggressive && Math.Abs(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - playerLocation) <= 1)
                    //He's there. Push the current mission into the stack and go on the attack
                    actor.CurrentMission = new AttackMission(GameState.PlayerCharacter);
                    return new ActionFeedback[] { };
                else if (actor.IsAggressive && Math.Abs(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - playerLocation) < actor.LineOfSight)
                    //He's there. Push the current mission into the stack and follow him
                    actor.CurrentMission = new HuntDownMission()
                        Target = GameState.PlayerCharacter,
                        TargetCoordinate = GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate

                    return new ActionFeedback[] { };

            //Perform an action accordingly
            //Is he outside of the patrol area?
            if (!mission.WanderRectangle.Contains(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate.X, actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate.Y))
                //Send him back.
                WalkToMission walkMission = new WalkToMission();
                walkMission.TargetCoordinate = mission.WanderPoint;

                //Push it
                actor.CurrentMission = walkMission;
                int randomNumber = GameState.Random.Next(100);
                //Do we wander?
                if (mission.LoiterPercentage != 0 && randomNumber < mission.LoiterPercentage)
                    //Nope, we loiter
                    //Walk somewhere randomly
                    int direction = GameState.Random.Next(4);

                    MapCoordinate coord = actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate;
                    //Copy it
                    MapCoordinate newCoord = new MapCoordinate(coord.X, coord.Y, coord.Z, coord.MapType);

                    switch (direction)
                        case 0: //Top
                        case 1: //Bottom
                        case 2: //Right
                        case 3: //Left

                    //Can we go there?
                    if (GameState.LocalMap.GetBlockAtCoordinate(newCoord).MayContainItems && mission.WanderRectangle.Contains(newCoord.X, newCoord.Y))
                        //Do it
                        actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate = newCoord;

                        //And that's done
                //Otherwise do nothing. Stay there

            return new ActionFeedback[] { };
        public static ActionFeedback[] PatrolRouteMission(PatrolRouteMission mission, Actor actor)
            //Push it back on the stack

            var nextPoint = mission.GetNextPoint();

            //Create a move to mission which moves the actor to the next point
            WalkToMission wTM = new WalkToMission()
                TargetCoordinate = nextPoint.Coordinate,
                AcceptableRadius = nextPoint.AcceptableRadius

            actor.CurrentMission = wTM;

            //Log it
            Console.WriteLine("Actor " + actor.ToString() + " is going to" + wTM.TargetCoordinate.ToString() + " as part of his patrol route");

            return new ActionFeedback[] { };