Exemple #1
    public void waifuMenuUnlockButton()
        //Type less (It's a copy)
        Waifu_data waifu = Waifu_list[current_waifu];

        //Just unlocks it and allows to see Select text
        //This changes behavour from unlock to Select (not implemented)
        //If it isn't unlocked and the number of points is bigger or equal to the cost
        if (!waifu.isUnlocked)
            if (ClickerCounter.waifuPoints >= waifu.cost)
                //Take Points away
                ClickerCounter.waifuPoints -= waifu.cost;

                //Change boolean to unlocked (from the data in the list, not the copy)
                Waifu_list[current_waifu].isUnlocked = true;
        //else it means its unlocked and should select it
            //Save index of current waifu as selected
            selected_waifu = current_waifu;
Exemple #2
    //Intended to run every frame
    private void changeButtonText()
        //Type less
        Waifu_data waifu = Waifu_list[current_waifu];

        if (!waifu.isUnlocked)
            upgradeButton_text.text = "Unlock";
            upgradeButton_text.text = "Select";
            if (selected_waifu == current_waifu)
                upgradeButton_text.text = "Selected";
Exemple #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        //Gets current Waifu selected
        Waifu_data currentWaifu  = Waifu_list[current_waifu];
        Waifu_data selectedWaifu = Waifu_list[selected_waifu];

        //UI Updates
        //Display cost of selected waifu in Waifu Menu
        Upgrades.DisplayFormatedValueText(currentWaifu.cost, text_unlock_cost, singificant_figures);

        //Render Sprite
        //Changes current Waifu sprite from the Waifu List
        Waifu_spriteRenderer.sprite = currentWaifu.sprite;
        Debug.Log("Cost of waifu: " + currentWaifu.cost);
        //Changes selected waifu in the game
        Waifu_INGAME.sprite = selectedWaifu.sprite;