private static IEnumerator updateWWWrapperWithCacheOnResponse(WWWrapper wwwrapper)
        WWW www = wwwrapper.www;

        yield return(www);

        if (www != null && www.responseHeaders != null && www.responseHeaders.ContainsKey("WWW-Cache"))
            long cacheTimeMs = Convert.ToInt64(www.responseHeaders ["WWW-Cache"]);
            if (cacheTimeMs > 0L)
//                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Updated to " + cacheTimeMs);
            else if (cacheTimeMs == 0L)
//                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Removed cache!");
    // cacheTimeMs = 0 means no cache time (expire directly) - default (-1) means to read the response and get specific header with timeout
    public static WWW Get(string url, long cacheTimeMs = -1)
        WWW www;

        if (cacheTimeMs != 0 && CacheWWW.HasValidCache(url))
//            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CACHED");
            www = Cache[url].www;
//            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("NOT CACHED");
            WWWrapper wwwrapper = new WWWrapper(url, cacheTimeMs);
            Cache.Add(url, wwwrapper);
            www = wwwrapper.www;

            if (cacheTimeMs == -1)
                // Read header in response and use as cachetime
                Singleton <SingletonInstance> .Instance.StartCoroutine(updateWWWrapperWithCacheOnResponse(wwwrapper));