/// <summary>
        /// The NspiResolveNamesW method takes a set of string values in the Unicode character set and performs ANR on those strings. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value that is reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r containing a list of the proptags of the columns 
        /// that the client requests to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="wstr">A WStringsArray_r value. It specifies the values on which the client is requesting the server to perform ANR.</param>
        /// <param name="mids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it contains a list of Minimal Entry IDs that match the array of strings.</param>
        /// <param name="rowOfResolveNamesW">A reference to a PropertyRowSet_r structure. It contains the address book container rows that the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiResolveNamesW(uint reserved, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, WStringsArray_r? wstr, out PropertyTagArray_r? mids, out PropertyRowSet_r? rowOfResolveNamesW, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiResolveNamesW(reserved, stat, propTags, wstr, out mids, out rowOfResolveNamesW, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.ResolveNames(reserved, stat, propTags, wstr, out mids, out rowOfResolveNamesW);

            this.VerifyNspiResolveNamesW(result, mids, rowOfResolveNamesW);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiResolveNamesW method takes a set of string values in the Unicode character set 
        /// and performs ANR on those strings. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value that is reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r containing a list of the proptags of the columns 
        /// that the client requests to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="wstr">A WStringsArray_r value. It specifies the values on which the client is requesting the server to perform ANR.</param>
        /// <param name="mids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it contains a list of Minimal Entry IDs that match the array of strings.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A reference to a PropertyRowSet_r structure. It contains the address book container rows that the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue ResolveNames(uint reserved, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, WStringsArray_r? wstr, out PropertyTagArray_r? mids, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            byte[] auxIn = new byte[] { };
            ResolveNamesRequestBody resolveNamesRequestBody = new ResolveNamesRequestBody()
                Reserved = reserved,
                HasState = true,
                State = stat,
                AuxiliaryBuffer = auxIn,
                AuxiliaryBufferSize = (uint)auxIn.Length

            if (propTags != null)
                LargePropTagArray propetyTags = new LargePropTagArray();
                propetyTags.PropertyTagCount = propTags.Value.CValues;
                propetyTags.PropertyTags = new PropertyTag[propetyTags.PropertyTagCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < propTags.Value.CValues; i++)
                    propetyTags.PropertyTags[i].PropertyId = (ushort)((propTags.Value.AulPropTag[i] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
                    propetyTags.PropertyTags[i].PropertyType = (ushort)(propTags.Value.AulPropTag[i] & 0x0000FFFF);

                resolveNamesRequestBody.HasPropertyTags = true;
                resolveNamesRequestBody.PropertyTags = propetyTags;
                resolveNamesRequestBody.HasPropertyTags = false;
                resolveNamesRequestBody.PropertyTags = new LargePropTagArray();

            if (wstr != null)
                resolveNamesRequestBody.HasNames = true;
                resolveNamesRequestBody.Names = wstr.Value;
                resolveNamesRequestBody.HasNames = false;

            ChunkedResponse chunkedResponse = this.SendAddressBookRequest(resolveNamesRequestBody, RequestType.ResolveNames);
            ResolveNamesResponseBody resolveNamesResponseBody = ResolveNamesResponseBody.Parse(chunkedResponse.ResponseBodyRawData);
            result = (ErrorCodeValue)resolveNamesResponseBody.ErrorCode;
            if (resolveNamesResponseBody.RowCount != null)
                PropertyRowSet_r newRows = AdapterHelper.ParsePropertyRowSet_r(resolveNamesResponseBody.PropertyTags.Value, resolveNamesResponseBody.RowCount.Value, resolveNamesResponseBody.RowData);
                rows = newRows;
                rows = null;

            if (resolveNamesResponseBody.HasMinimalIds)
                PropertyTagArray_r propertyTagArray = new PropertyTagArray_r();
                propertyTagArray.CValues = resolveNamesResponseBody.MinimalIdCount.Value;
                propertyTagArray.AulPropTag = resolveNamesResponseBody.MinimalIds;
                mids = propertyTagArray;
                mids = null;

            return result;