Exemple #1
		public static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string, string> objectParams) {

			if (objectParams == null)
				objectParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();

				objectParams.Add("bgcolor", BackgroundColor);
			if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("width"))
				objectParams.Add("width", width.ToString());
			if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("height"))
				objectParams.Add("height", height.ToString());
			if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("playerID"))
				objectParams.Add("playerID", PlayerID.ToString());

			//add in video ids or playlist ids
			if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && VideoID != -1) {
				objectParams.Add("@videoPlayer", VideoID.ToString());
			} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
				objectParams.Add("@playlistTabs", PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(","));
			} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
				objectParams.Add("@playlistCombo", PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(","));
			} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1) {
				objectParams.Add("@videoList", PlaylistID.ToString());

			objectParams.Add("isVid", "true");
			objectParams.Add("autoStart", AutoStart.ToString().ToLower());
			objectParams.Add("isUI", "true");
			objectParams.Add("dynamicStreaming", "true");
			objectParams.Add("wmode", WMode.ToString());

			return GetEmbedCode(objectTagID, objectParams);
Exemple #2
 public bool Equals(WMode rhs)
     if (object.ReferenceEquals(rhs, null) || rhs.GetType() != typeof(WMode))
     return(_value == rhs._value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the JavaScript block and Flash div controls and adds them to the page
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            //Add the flash content panel to the page

            Panel vp = new Panel();

            vp.ID = this.ClientID;

            if (!VideoID.Equals(-1) || !PlayerID.Equals(-1))
                WMode qWMode = BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Transparent;
                if (WMode.Equals(BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Opaque.ToString().ToLower()))
                    qWMode = BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Opaque;
                if (WMode.Equals(BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Window.ToString().ToLower()))
                    qWMode = BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Window;

                string  uniqueID  = "video_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm.ss.FFFF");
                Literal litScript = new Literal();
                if (PlaylistTabs.Any())
                    litScript.Text = EmbedCode.GetTabbedPlayerEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlaylistTabs.GetValues(), Height, Width, BackColor, AutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID);
                else if (PlaylistCombos.Any())
                    litScript.Text = EmbedCode.GetComboBoxPlayerEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlaylistCombos.GetValues(), Height, Width, BackColor, AutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID);
                else if (VideoList != -1)
                    EmbedCode.GetVideoListPlayerEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, VideoList, Height, Width, BackColor, AutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID);
                    litScript.Text = EmbedCode.GetVideoPlayerEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, Height, Width, BackColor, AutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the hash code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The hash code.</returns>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            if (_writeConcern.IsFrozen)

            // see Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
            int hash = 17;

            hash = 37 * hash + Enabled.GetHashCode();
            hash = 37 * hash + FSync.GetHashCode();
            hash = 37 * hash + Journal.GetHashCode();
            hash = 37 * hash + W.GetHashCode();
            hash = 37 * hash + ((WMode == null) ? 0 : WMode.GetHashCode());
            hash = 37 * hash + WTimeout.GetHashCode();
		/// <summary>
		/// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
		/// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
		/// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
		/// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {

			StringBuilder embed = new StringBuilder();

			if (PlayerID != null) {
				//this one works
				embed.AppendLine("<!-- Start of Brightcove Player -->");
				embed.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>");
				embed.AppendLine("<!-- By use of this code snippet, I agree to the Brightcove Publisher T and C found at https://accounts.brightcove.com/en/terms-and-conditions/. -->");
				embed.AppendLine("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://admin.brightcove.com/js/BrightcoveExperiences.js\"></script>");
				embed.AppendLine("<object id=\"" + objectTagID + "\" class=\"BrightcoveExperience\">");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"width\" value=\"" + width.ToString() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"height\" value=\"" + height.ToString() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"playerID\" value=\"" + PlayerID + "\" />");

				//add in video ids or playlist ids
				if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && VideoID != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoPlayer\" value=\"" + VideoID + "\"/>");
				} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistTabs\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
				} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistCombo\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
				} else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoList\" value=\"" + PlaylistID.ToString() + "\"/>");

				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isVid\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"autoStart\" value=\"" + AutoStart.ToString().ToLower() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isUI\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"dynamicStreaming\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"" + WMode.ToString() + "\" /> ");
				embed.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">brightcove.createExperiences();</script>");
				embed.AppendLine("<!-- End of Brightcove Player -->");
			return embed.ToString();
Exemple #6
		public static string GetComboBoxPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string, string> nvc) {
			return GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, -1, PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox, -1, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, nvc);
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string,string> objectParams) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, video, -1, null, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, objectParams);
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, video, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, CreateEmbedID());
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, List<long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string,string> objectParams) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, null, -1, PlaylistIDs, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, objectParams);
Exemple #10
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, new Dictionary <string, string>()));
Exemple #11
        public static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary <string, string> objectParams)
            if (objectParams == null)
                objectParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("bgcolor"))
                objectParams.Add("bgcolor", BackgroundColor);
            if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("width"))
                objectParams.Add("width", width.ToString());
            if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("height"))
                objectParams.Add("height", height.ToString());
            if (!objectParams.ContainsKey("playerID"))
                objectParams.Add("playerID", PlayerID.ToString());

            //add in video ids or playlist ids
            if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && VideoID != -1)
                objectParams.Add("@videoPlayer", VideoID.ToString());
            else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                objectParams.Add("@playlistTabs", PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(","));
            else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                objectParams.Add("@playlistCombo", PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(","));
            else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1)
                objectParams.Add("@videoList", PlaylistID.ToString());

            objectParams.Add("isVid", "true");
            objectParams.Add("autoStart", AutoStart.ToString().ToLower());
            objectParams.Add("isUI", "true");
            objectParams.Add("dynamicStreaming", "true");
            objectParams.Add("wmode", WMode.ToString());

            return(GetEmbedCode(objectTagID, objectParams));
		//based on list of ids
		public static string GetTabbedPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {
			return GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed, -1, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID);
Exemple #13
        protected void SetVideoPlayer()
            VideoItem vp = new VideoItem(currentDB.Items[ddlVideo.SelectedValue]);

            vpPlayer.PlayerID   = currentItem.PlayerID;
            vpPlayer.VideoID    = vp.VideoID;
            vpPlayer.PlayerName = currentItem.Name;
            vpPlayer.Height     = currentItem.Height;
            vpPlayer.Width      = currentItem.Width;
            if (chkAutoStart.Checked)
                vpPlayer.AutoStart = true;
            vpPlayer.WMode = ddlWMode.SelectedValue;

            IEnumerable <string> selected = from li in cblPlaylist.Items.Cast <ListItem>() where li.Selected == true select li.Value;

            vpPlayer.VideoList = -1;
            vpPlayer.CssClass = "BrightcoveExperience";

            WMode wmode = WMode.Window;

            try {
                wmode = (WMode)Enum.Parse(wmode.GetType(), ddlWMode.SelectedValue, true);
            }catch {}

            switch (currentItem.PlaylistType)
            case PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList:
                if (selected.Count() > 0)
                    PlaylistItem p = new PlaylistItem(currentDB.Items[selected.First()]);
                    vpPlayer.VideoList = p.PlaylistID;
                    pnlVideo.Visible   = false;

            case PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed:
                List <long> pids = new List <long>();
                foreach (string pID in selected)
                    PlaylistItem p = new PlaylistItem(currentDB.Items[pID]);
                    vpPlayer.PlaylistTabs.Add(new PlaylistTab(p.PlaylistID));
                pnlVideo.Visible = false;

            case PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox:
                List <long> cpids = new List <long>();
                foreach (string pID in selected)
                    PlaylistItem p = new PlaylistItem(currentDB.Items[pID]);
                    vpPlayer.PlaylistCombos.Add(new PlaylistCombo(p.PlaylistID));
                pnlVideo.Visible = false;

            case PlayerPlaylistType.None:
                pnlPlaylist.Visible = false;
Exemple #14
 public static extern int SetErrorMode(
     WMode wMode
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, long PlaylistID, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, null, PlaylistID, null, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID);
		/// <summary>
		/// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
		/// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
		/// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
		/// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, long PlaylistID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {

			StringBuilder embed = new StringBuilder();

			if (player != null) {
				//this one works
				embed.AppendLine("<!-- Start of Brightcove Player -->");
				embed.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>");
				embed.AppendLine("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://admin.brightcove.com/js/BrightcoveExperiences.js\"></script>");
				embed.AppendLine("<object id=\"" + objectTagID + "\" class=\"BrightcoveExperience\">");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"width\" value=\"" + player.Width.ToString() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"height\" value=\"" + player.Height.ToString() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"playerID\" value=\"" + player.PlayerID + "\" />");

				//add in video ids or playlist ids
				if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && video != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoPlayer\" value=\"" + video.VideoID + "\"/>");
				} else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistTabs\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
				} else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistCombo\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
				} else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1) {
					embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoList\" value=\"" + PlaylistID.ToString() + "\"/>");

				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isVid\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"autoStart\" value=\"" + AutoStart.ToString().ToLower() + "\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isUI\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"dynamicStreaming\" value=\"true\" />");
				embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"" + WMode.ToString() + "\" /> ");
				embed.AppendLine("<!-- End of Brightcove Player -->");
			return embed.ToString();
        protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)
            Database      db      = Sitecore.Context.Database;
            StringBuilder sbOut   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder();

            //get the player
            long playerid = -1;

            //check to see if the guid is there
            if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["player"], out playerid))
                //get player obj
                PlayerItem p = PlayerLibraryItem.GetPlayer(playerid);
                if (p != null)
                    //parse wmode
                    WMode wmode = WMode.Window;
                    try {
                        wmode = (WMode)Enum.Parse(wmode.GetType(), this.Attributes["wmode"], true);
                    }catch {}

                    //get background color
                    string bgcolor = this.Attributes["bgcolor"];
                    bgcolor = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bgcolor)) ? "#ffffff" : bgcolor;
                    if (!bgcolor.StartsWith("#"))
                        bgcolor = "#" + bgcolor;

                    string oparams = this.Attributes["oparams"];
                    Dictionary <string, string> objectParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oparams))
                        string[] keys = oparams.Split(',');
                        foreach (string k in keys)
                            string[] pair = k.Split('=');
                            if (pair.Length > 0)
                                objectParams.Add(pair[0], pair[1]);

                    //parse autostart
                    bool autostart = false;
                    try {
                        autostart = (this.Attributes["autostart"].Equals("true")) ? true : false;
                    }catch {}

                    //determine which embed code to display
                    if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None))
                        //get the video id
                        long videoid = -1;
                        if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["video"], out videoid))
                            //try parse the id and get the item
                            VideoItem v = VideoLibraryItem.GetVideo(videoid);
                            if (v != null)
                                sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(v, bgcolor, autostart, wmode));
                    else if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList))
                        long videolist = -1;
                        if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["videolist"], out videolist))
                            sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(videolist, bgcolor, autostart, wmode));
                    else if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) || p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed))
                        List <string> t = new List <string>();
                        //get both the lists and build a string list
                        if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox))
                            string combo = (this.Attributes["playlistcombo"] != null) ? this.Attributes["playlistcombo"] : "";
                            t.AddRange(combo.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                        else if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed))
                            string tabs = (this.Attributes["playlisttabs"] != null) ? this.Attributes["playlisttabs"] : "";
                            t.AddRange(tabs.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                        //convert to a list of long
                        List <long> playlists = new List <long>();
                        foreach (string s in t)
                            long temp = -1;
                            if (long.TryParse(s, out temp))
                        //get the embed code
                        sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(playlists, bgcolor, autostart, wmode, PlayerExtensions.CreateEmbedID(), objectParams));

                    //Notify the user
                    if (sbOut.Length < 1)
                        sbError.AppendLine("Player playlist type wasn't selected.");
                    sbError.AppendLine("Player doesn't exist in Sitecore.");
                sbError.AppendLine("Player value is not a long.");
            //determine if it's an error or not
            if (sbError.Length > 0)
                output.WriteLine("<div style=\"display:none;\">" + sbError.ToString() + "</div>");
Exemple #18
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, List <long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary <string, string> objectParams)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, null, -1, PlaylistIDs, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, objectParams));
 //based on video
 public static string GetComboBoxPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox, -1, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID));
        // Methods
        private void DoProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");

            //return DoProcessRequest(context, request, media);
            if (context != null)
                NameValueCollection source = context.Request.QueryString;
                var dict = source.Cast <string>()
                           .Select(s => new { Key = s, Value = source[s] })
                           .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value);

                long   qPlayer   = 0;
                string playerKey = "player";
                if (dict.ContainsKey(playerKey))
                    long.TryParse(dict[playerKey], out qPlayer);
                PlayerItem p = PlayerLibraryItem.GetPlayer(qPlayer);
                if (p == null)
                    context.Response.Write("The player is null"); return;

                long   qVideo   = 0;
                string videoKey = "video";
                if (dict.ContainsKey(videoKey))
                    long.TryParse(dict[videoKey], out qVideo);

                //playlist ids
                long        qPlaylist    = 0;
                List <long> qPlaylistIds = new List <long>();
                string      playlistKey  = "playlists";
                if (dict.ContainsKey(playlistKey))
                    string[] playlistids = dict[playlistKey].Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    //if you only want a single
                    if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None))
                        if (playlistids.Any())
                            long.TryParse(playlistids[0], out qPlaylist);
                    else                         //you're looking for multiple
                        foreach (string id in playlistids)
                            long plist = -1;
                            if (long.TryParse(id, out plist))

                //remove height, width and iframe
                string heightKey = "height", widthKey = "width", iframeKey = "iframe";
                if (dict.ContainsKey(heightKey))
                if (dict.ContainsKey(widthKey))
                if (dict.ContainsKey(iframeKey))

                //auto start
                bool   qAutoStart   = false;
                string autoStartKey = "autoStart";
                if (dict.ContainsKey(autoStartKey))
                    bool.TryParse(dict[autoStartKey], out qAutoStart);

                //bg color
                string bgKey    = "bgcolor";
                string qBgColor = (dict.ContainsKey(bgKey)) ? dict[bgKey] : "";
                if (!qBgColor.Contains("#"))
                    qBgColor = "#" + qBgColor;

                //converts oparams to key value pairs
                string paramKey = "oparams";
                string qParams  = string.Empty;
                if (dict.ContainsKey(paramKey))
                    string[] oparams = dict[paramKey].Split(',');
                    foreach (string pair in oparams)
                        string[] kv = pair.Split('=');
                        if (kv.Length > 1)
                            dict.Add(kv[0], kv[1]);

                string wmodeKey = "wmode";
                WMode  qWMode   = (!dict.ContainsKey(wmodeKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dict[wmodeKey])) ? BrightcoveSDK.WMode.Transparent : (BrightcoveSDK.WMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(BrightcoveSDK.WMode), dict[wmodeKey], true);

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                string uniqueID = "video_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm.ss.FFFF");
                switch (p.PlaylistType)
                case PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetVideoListPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qPlaylist, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID, dict));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetTabbedPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qPlaylistIds, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID, dict));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetComboBoxPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qPlaylistIds, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID, dict));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.None:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetVideoPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qVideo, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID, dict));

Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
 /// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
 /// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
 /// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
 /// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
 /// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
 /// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
 /// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
 /// <param name="objectParams">Specifies any additional object params that should be added</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlaylistType, PlaylistID, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, new Dictionary <string, string>()));
        protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)
            Database      db      = Sitecore.Context.Database;
            StringBuilder sbOut   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder();

            //get the player
            long playerid = -1;

            //check to see if the guid is there
            if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["player"], out playerid))
                //get player obj
                PlayerItem p = PlayerLibraryItem.GetPlayer(playerid);
                if (p != null)
                    //parse wmode
                    WMode wmode = WMode.Window;
                    try {
                        wmode = (WMode)Enum.Parse(wmode.GetType(), this.Attributes["wmode"], true);
                    }catch {}

                    //get background color
                    string bgcolor = this.Attributes["bgcolor"];
                    bgcolor = (bgcolor == "") ? "#ffffff" : bgcolor;

                    //parse autostart
                    bool autostart = false;
                    try {
                    }catch {}

                    //determine which embed code to display
                    if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None))
                        //get the video id
                        long videoid = -1;
                        if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["video"], out videoid))
                            //try parse the id and get the item
                            VideoItem v = VideoLibraryItem.GetVideo(videoid);
                            if (v != null)
                                sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(v, bgcolor, autostart, wmode));
                    else if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList))
                        long videolist = -1;
                        if (long.TryParse(this.Attributes["videolist"], out videolist))
                            sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(videolist, bgcolor, autostart, wmode));
                    else if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) || p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed))
                        //get both the lists and build a string list
                        string        tabs  = this.Attributes["playlisttabs"];
                        string        combo = this.Attributes["playlistcombo"];
                        List <string> t     = tabs.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                        t.AddRange(combo.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList());

                        //convert to a list of long
                        List <long> playlists = new List <long>();
                        foreach (string s in t)
                            long temp = -1;
                            if (long.TryParse(s, out temp))

                        //get the embed code
                        sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(playlists, bgcolor, autostart, wmode));

                    //if nothing then just get embed for player with nothing
                    if (sbOut.Length.Equals(0))
                        sbOut.Append(p.GetEmbedCode(bgcolor, autostart, wmode));
                    sbError.AppendLine("Player doesn't exist in Sitecore.");
                sbError.AppendLine("Player value is not a long.");
            //determine if it's an error or not
            if (sbError.Length > 0)
                output.WriteLine("<div style=\"display:none;\">" + sbError.ToString() + "</div>");
        // Methods
        private void DoProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");

            //return DoProcessRequest(context, request, media);
            if (context != null)
                NameValueCollection nvc = context.Request.QueryString;

                long qPlayer = 0;
                if (nvc.HasKey("player"))
                    long.TryParse(nvc.Get("player"), out qPlayer);
                PlayerItem p = PlayerLibraryItem.GetPlayer(qPlayer);
                if (p == null)
                    context.Response.Write("The player is null"); return;

                long qVideo = 0;
                if (nvc.HasKey("video"))
                    long.TryParse(nvc.Get("video"), out qVideo);

                //playlist ids
                long        qPlaylist    = 0;
                List <long> qPlaylistIds = new List <long>();
                if (nvc.HasKey("playlists"))
                    string[] playlistids = context.Request.QueryString.Get("playlists").Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    //if you only want a single
                    if (p.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None))
                        if (playlistids.Any())
                            long.TryParse(playlistids[0], out qPlaylist);
                    else                         //you're looking for multiple
                        foreach (string id in playlistids)
                            long plist = -1;
                            if (long.TryParse(id, out plist))

                //auto start
                bool qAutoStart = false;
                if (nvc.HasKey("autoStart"))
                    bool.TryParse(nvc.Get("autoStart"), out qAutoStart);

                //bg color
                string qBgColor = (nvc.HasKey("bgcolor")) ? nvc.Get("bgcolor") : "";

                WMode qWMode = WMode.Transparent;
                if (nvc.HasKey("wmode"))
                    string wmode = nvc.Get("wmode").ToLower();
                    if (wmode.Equals(WMode.Opaque.ToString().ToLower()))
                        qWMode = WMode.Opaque;
                    if (wmode.Equals(WMode.Window.ToString().ToLower()))
                        qWMode = WMode.Window;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                string uniqueID = "video_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm.ss.FFFF");
                switch (p.PlaylistType)
                case PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetVideoListPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qVideo, qPlaylist, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetTabbedPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qVideo, qPlaylistIds, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetComboBoxPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qVideo, qPlaylistIds, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID));

                case PlayerPlaylistType.None:
                    sb.AppendLine(EmbedCode.GetVideoPlayerEmbedCode(qPlayer, qVideo, p.Height, p.Width, qBgColor, qAutoStart, qWMode, uniqueID));

Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
        /// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
        /// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
        /// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, long PlaylistID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary <string, string> objectParams)
            long videoID = (video != null) ? video.VideoID : -1;

            return(BrightcoveSDK.Utils.EmbedCode.GetEmbedCode(player.PlayerID, videoID, player.PlaylistType, PlaylistID, PlaylistIDs, player.Height, player.Width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, objectParams));
Exemple #25
        protected override void AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
            // Wire up the onkeypress event handler to the ChangeBackgroundColor() JavaScript function
            Control       c           = Page.FindControl(ControlToManage);
            StringBuilder onClickCall = new StringBuilder();

            //make sure it's the right object
            if (c != null && c.GetType().ToString().Equals("BrightcoveSDK.UI.VideoPlayer"))
                VideoPlayer vp = (VideoPlayer)c;

                //check video id
                if (VideoID.Equals(-1))
                onClickCall.Append(", ");

                //check for player id
                if (PlayerID.Equals(-1))

                //check for player name
                onClickCall.Append(", '" + vp.PlayerName + "', ");

                //check for auto start
                if (AutoStart.Equals(false))
                onClickCall.Append(", '");

                //check for back color
                if (BackColor.Equals("#000000"))
                onClickCall.Append("', ");

                //check for width
                if (Width.Equals(0))
                onClickCall.Append(", ");

                //check for Height
                if (Height.Equals(0))
                onClickCall.Append(", ");

                //check for IsVid
                if (IsVid.Equals(true))
                onClickCall.Append(", '");

                //check for WMode
                if (WMode.Equals(""))

                //append for ClientID
                onClickCall.Append("', '" + vp.ClientID + "', '" + PlaylistTabString + "', '" + PlaylistComboString + "', '" + VideoList.ToString() + "'");

                writer.AddAttribute("onclick", "javascript:addPlayer(" + onClickCall.ToString() + ");return false;");

                StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
                error.Append("The ControlToManage must be specified or point to a valid VideoPlayer.");

                if (c == null)
                    error.Append("\n The ControlToManage was null.");
                else if (!c.GetType().ToString().Equals("BrightcoveSDK.UI.VideoPlayer"))
                    error.Append("\n The ControlToManage type was " + c.GetType().ToString() + ".");
                throw new ArgumentException(error.ToString());
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, video, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, CreateEmbedID()));
		/// <summary>
		/// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
		/// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
		/// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
		/// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, long PlaylistID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string, string> objectParams) {
			long videoID = (video != null) ? video.VideoID : -1;
			return BrightcoveSDK.Utils.EmbedCode.GetEmbedCode(player.PlayerID, videoID, player.PlaylistType, PlaylistID, PlaylistIDs, player.Height, player.Width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, objectParams);
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, video, -1, null, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID));
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, long PlaylistID, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, PlaylistID, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, CreateEmbedID());
        /// <summary>
        /// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
        /// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
        /// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
        /// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, long PlaylistID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
            StringBuilder embed = new StringBuilder();

            if (player != null)
                //this one works
                embed.AppendLine("<!-- Start of Brightcove Player -->");
                embed.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>");
                embed.AppendLine("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://admin.brightcove.com/js/BrightcoveExperiences.js\"></script>");
                embed.AppendLine("<object id=\"" + objectTagID + "\" class=\"BrightcoveExperience\">");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"width\" value=\"" + player.Width.ToString() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"height\" value=\"" + player.Height.ToString() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"playerID\" value=\"" + player.PlayerID + "\" />");

                //add in video ids or playlist ids
                if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && video != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoPlayer\" value=\"" + video.VideoID + "\"/>");
                else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistTabs\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
                else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistCombo\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
                else if (player.PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoList\" value=\"" + PlaylistID.ToString() + "\"/>");

                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isVid\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"autoStart\" value=\"" + AutoStart.ToString().ToLower() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isUI\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"dynamicStreaming\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"" + WMode.ToString() + "\" /> ");
                embed.AppendLine("<!-- End of Brightcove Player -->");
		public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, VideoItem video, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {
			return GetEmbedCode(player, video, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, new Dictionary<string, string>());
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, long PlaylistID, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, PlaylistID, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, CreateEmbedID()));
Exemple #33
		public static string GetVideoListPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long PlaylistID, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary<string, string> nvc) {
			return GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, -1, PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList, PlaylistID, null, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, nvc);
 public static string GetEmbedCode(this PlayerItem player, long PlaylistID, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(player, null, PlaylistID, null, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID));
Exemple #35
		/// <summary>
		/// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
		/// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
		/// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
		/// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
		/// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
		/// <param name="objectParams">Specifies any additional object params that should be added</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List<long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {
			return GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlaylistType, PlaylistID, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, new Dictionary<string, string>());
Exemple #36
 public static string GetVideoPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary <string, string> nvc)
     return(GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType.None, -1, null, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, nvc));
 //based on single playlist
 public static string GetVideoListPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, long PlaylistID, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
     return(GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList, PlaylistID, null, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID));
Exemple #38
 public static string GetTabbedPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID, Dictionary <string, string> nvc)
     return(GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, -1, PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed, -1, PlaylistIDs, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID, nvc));
        /// <summary>
        /// This will build an html object tag based on the information provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="objectTagID">The HTML Object ID Tag</param>
        /// <param name="video">The video defined under BrightcoveSDK.SitecoreUtil</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistID">A Playlist ID for a single playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="PlaylistIDs">The List of Playlist IDs for a multi playlist video player</param>
        /// <param name="BackgroundColor">The Hex Value in the form: #ffffff</param>
        /// <param name="AutoStart">A flag to cause the video to automatically start playing</param>
        /// <param name="WMode">The wmode </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType PlaylistType, long PlaylistID, List <long> PlaylistIDs, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID)
            StringBuilder embed = new StringBuilder();

            if (PlayerID != null)
                //this one works
                embed.AppendLine("<!-- Start of Brightcove Player -->");
                embed.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>");
                embed.AppendLine("<!-- By use of this code snippet, I agree to the Brightcove Publisher T and C found at https://accounts.brightcove.com/en/terms-and-conditions/. -->");
                embed.AppendLine("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://admin.brightcove.com/js/BrightcoveExperiences.js\"></script>");
                embed.AppendLine("<object id=\"" + objectTagID + "\" class=\"BrightcoveExperience\">");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"width\" value=\"" + width.ToString() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"height\" value=\"" + height.ToString() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"playerID\" value=\"" + PlayerID + "\" />");

                //add in video ids or playlist ids
                if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.None) && VideoID != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoPlayer\" value=\"" + VideoID + "\"/>");
                else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.Tabbed) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistTabs\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
                else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.ComboBox) && PlaylistIDs != null)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@playlistCombo\" value=\"" + PlaylistIDs.ToDelimString(",") + "\"/>");
                else if (PlaylistType.Equals(PlayerPlaylistType.VideoList) && PlaylistID != -1)
                    embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"@videoList\" value=\"" + PlaylistID.ToString() + "\"/>");

                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isVid\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"autoStart\" value=\"" + AutoStart.ToString().ToLower() + "\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"isUI\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"dynamicStreaming\" value=\"true\" />");
                embed.AppendLine("<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"" + WMode.ToString() + "\" /> ");
                embed.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">brightcove.createExperiences();</script>");
                embed.AppendLine("<!-- End of Brightcove Player -->");
		//based on just player
		public static string GetVideoPlayerEmbedCode(long PlayerID, long VideoID, int height, int width, string BackgroundColor, bool AutoStart, WMode WMode, string objectTagID) {
			return GetEmbedCode(PlayerID, VideoID, PlayerPlaylistType.None, -1, null, height, width, BackgroundColor, AutoStart, WMode, objectTagID);