/// <summary>
        /// Reads in a file with arc mins to coords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public void ReadArcMinutesFromFile(string fileName, PlanarProjection pp)
            Points = new Dictionary <string, Coordinates>();
            FileStream   fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);

            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                string lineStream = sr.ReadLine();

                string[] del1    = new string[] { "\t" };
                string[] nwSplit = lineStream.Split(del1, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                /*string name = nwSplit[0];
                 * string[] del2 = new string[] { " " };
                 * string[] n = nwSplit[1].Split(del2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                 * string[] w = nwSplit[2].Split(del2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string      name = nwSplit[0];
                double      degN = double.Parse(nwSplit[1]);
                double      degE = double.Parse(nwSplit[2]);
                Coordinates c    = pp.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF((new LLACoord(degN * Math.PI / 180.0, degE * Math.PI / 180.0, 0.0))));
                Points.Add(name, c);

Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 1.使用Microsoft.SqlServer.Types计算WGS84坐标的两点距离
            var c = SqlGeography.Point(31.837964, 117.203123, 4326);      //公司的位置
            var d = SqlGeography.Point(31.822426, 117.221662, 4326);      // 合肥市政务中心,4236代表WGS84这种坐标参照系统。

            Console.WriteLine("公司和合肥市政务中心的距离是:" + c.STDistance(d) + "米"); //距离

            // 2.使用把坐标当做平面坐标计算两点距离
            double width  = 31.837964 - 31.822426;
            double height = 117.203123 - 117.221662;
            double result = (width * width) + (height * height);

            result = Math.Sqrt(result);                                //根号
            Console.WriteLine("想象成平面时公司和合肥市政务中心的距离是:" + result + "米"); //距离

            // 3.用haversine公式计算WGS84坐标的两点距离
            WGS84 wgs84       = new WGS84();
            var   coordinateA = new Coordinate()
                Latitude = 31.837964, Longitude = 117.203123
            var coordinateB = new Coordinate()
                Latitude = 31.822426, Longitude = 117.221662
            var xxx = wgs84.Distance(coordinateA, coordinateB);

            Console.WriteLine("用haversine公式时公司和合肥市政务中心的距离是:" + xxx * 1000 + "米"); //距离

Exemple #3
    public static void LoadGeotiffData(string path, out WGS84 coordinates, out Texture2D heightTexture)
        Band band;

        LoadGeotiffImage(path, out band, out coordinates);
        heightTexture = GrayScaleTexture2DFromGDALBand(band);
        private void DoSimpleReceiving(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            if (!(e.Argument is CancellationToken))
                throw new ArgumentException("e.Argument is CancellationToken");

            var cancelToken = (CancellationToken)e.Argument;

            //receiving loop as long as the subscrition is active or a chancelation is requested
            while (_subscription.isActive())
                var msg = _subscription.receiveMessage();
                if (msg != null)
                    //Receiving Pedestrian GPS msg using Player service
                    var Stream   = msg.getStreamID();
                    var datatype = (msg.getDataTypeID());
                    if (datatype == 16002349372918614042) //Datatype with GNSS Datatype
                        var gnss = (DioneData.Protobuf.GNSS.GlobalPositionData)ProtobufMessageConverter.MessageToProtobuf <DioneData.Protobuf.GNSS.GlobalPositionData>(msg);

                        //  var gnss = new DioneData.Protobuf.GNSS.GlobalPositionData();
                        var lat_gps    = gnss.Wgs84Latitude;
                        var lo_gps     = gnss.Wgs84Longitude;
                        var height_gps = gnss.Wgs84Height;

                        var wg = new WGS84();
                        wg.Latitude  = lat_gps;
                        wg.Longitude = lo_gps;
                        wg.Height    = height_gps;

                        //Covert WGS-84 to UTM coordinates
                        var utm = UTM.FromWGS84(wg, 33);

                        var reader = new HDMapReader(utm, gpsCoordinate_previous);

                        //For storing previous coordinate HISTORIZATION
                        PointQ History_gps = new PointQ();
                        History_gps.X          = utm.X;
                        History_gps.Y          = utm.Y;
                        gpsCoordinate_previous = History_gps;

                        //gpsCoordinate_previous.Y = utm.Y;
                        //Console.WriteLine("time stamp: " + time.ToString() + "\t" + "vehicle velocity: " + vel);

                        //  Console.WriteLine("WGS-Stream: " + Stream.ToString() + "\t" + "Pedestrian Latitude: " + lat);
                        //  Console.WriteLine("WGS-Stream: " + Stream.ToString() + "\t" + "Pedestrian Longitude: " + lo);
                        //  Console.WriteLine("WGS-Stream: " + Stream.ToString() + "\t" + "Pedestrian Altitude: " + al);

                        Console.WriteLine("UTM Coordinates of GPS: " + utm);
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// LLA Coord in rad
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LLACoord XyToLlaRadians(Coordinates coordinate, PlanarProjection proj)
            // lla coord
            LLACoord llaRad = WGS84.ECEFtoLLA(proj.XYtoECEF(coordinate));

            // return
Exemple #6
    private static void LoadGeotiffImage(string path, out Band band, out WGS84 coordinates)

            Dataset rasterDataset = Gdal.Open(path, Access.GA_ReadOnly);
            if (rasterDataset == null)
                Debug.Log("Unable to read input raster..");
            //raster bands
            int bandCount = rasterDataset.RasterCount;
            if (bandCount > 1)
                Debug.Log("Input error, please provide single band raster image only..");

            //raster size
            int rasterCols = rasterDataset.RasterXSize;
            int rasterRows = rasterDataset.RasterYSize;

            //Extract geotransform
            double[] geotransform = new double[6];

            //Get raster bounding box
            double originX     = geotransform[0];
            double originY     = geotransform[3];
            double pixelWidth  = geotransform[1];
            double pixelHeight = geotransform[5];

            //Calculate box
            double finalX = originX + (rasterCols * pixelWidth);
            double finalY = originY + (rasterRows * pixelHeight);

            coordinates.west  = originX;
            coordinates.south = finalY;
            coordinates.east  = finalX;
            coordinates.north = originY;

            //Read 1st band from raster
            band = rasterDataset.GetRasterBand(1);
            int rastWidth  = rasterCols;
            int rastHeight = rasterRows;
        catch (Exception e)
            //TODO: Deal with this errors
            Debug.Log("error to read geotif. Error: " + e.Message);
            band        = null;
            coordinates = new WGS84();
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Transoforms list of gps coordinates to xy coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpsCoordinates"></param>
        /// <param name="projection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Coordinates> TransformToXy(List <GpsCoordinate> gpsCoordinates, PlanarProjection projection)
            // final list of referenced coordinates
            List <Coordinates> xyCoordinates = new List <Coordinates>();

            // loop through coordinates
            foreach (GpsCoordinate gpsCooridnate in gpsCoordinates)
                // generate xy coordinate from projection
                xyCoordinates.Add(projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(new LLACoord(gpsCooridnate.latitude, gpsCooridnate.longitude, 0))));

            // return final list
Exemple #8
        public SharpDX.Vector3 GetDirection(DateTime currentTime, double latitude, double longitude)
            Vector3D position = WGS84.ToWorld(latitude, longitude);

            Vector3 up    = Vector3.Normalize(position.ToVector3());
            Vector3 left  = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(up, Vector3.UnitZ)); // up x world_up
            Vector3 north = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(left, up));

            double azimuth, altitude;

            GetAziumuthAltitude(currentTime, latitude, longitude, out azimuth, out altitude);

            Matrix azimuthRot  = Matrix.RotationAxis(up, (float)azimuth);
            Matrix altitudeRot = Matrix.RotationAxis(left, (float)altitude);
            Matrix rot         = azimuthRot * altitudeRot;

            var sunDir = Vector3.Transform(north, rot);

            return(new Vector3(sunDir.X, sunDir.Y, sunDir.Z));
        void client_PoseAbsReceived(object sender, PoseAbsReceivedEventArgs e)

            Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("pose rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

            //OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("got absolute pose for time {0}", e.PoseAbsData.timestamp);

            if (lastPacketTime.ts > e.PoseAbsData.timestamp.ts)
                lastPacketTime = new CarTimestamp(-10000);

            if (e.PoseAbsData.timestamp.ts - lastPacketTime.ts >= 0.02)
                DatasetSource ds  = Services.Dataset;
                PoseAbsData   d   = e.PoseAbsData;
                CarTimestamp  now = e.PoseAbsData.timestamp;

                if (Services.Projection != null)
                    Coordinates xy = Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz));
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("xy").Add(xy, now);

                    AbsolutePose absPose = new AbsolutePose(xy, d.yaw, now);

                if (!Settings.UseWheelSpeed)
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("speed").Add(d.veh_vx, now);

                ds.ItemAs <double>("vel - y").Add(d.veh_vy, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("heading").Add(BiasEstimator.CorrectHeading(d.yaw), now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("pitch").Add(d.pitch + 1.25 * Math.PI / 180.0, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("roll").Add(d.roll, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - x").Add(d.bax, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - y").Add(d.bay, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - z").Add(d.baz, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - x").Add(d.bwx, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - y").Add(d.bwy, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - z").Add(d.bwz, now);
                ds.ItemAs <PoseCorrectionMode>("correction mode").Add(d.correction_mode, now);

                LLACoord lla = WGS84.ECEFtoLLA(new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz));
                ds.ItemAs <double>("altitude").Add(lla.alt, now);

                if (Services.Projection != null)
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("gps xy").Add(Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.gps_px, d.gps_py, d.gps_pz)), now);
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("hp xy").Add(Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.hp_px, d.hp_py, d.hp_pz)), now);

                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep heading").Add(d.sep_heading, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep pitch").Add(d.sep_pitch, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep roll").Add(d.sep_roll, now);

                if (!double.IsNaN(lastYawRate) && lastPacketTime.ts > 0)
                    // get the enu velocity
                    Vector3 pECEF     = new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz);
                    Vector3 vECEF     = new Vector3(d.ecef_vx, d.ecef_vy, d.ecef_vz);
                    Matrix3 Recef2enu = Geocentric.Recef2enu(pECEF);
                    Vector3 vENU      = Recef2enu * vECEF;
                    BiasEstimator.Update(lastYawRate, d.yaw, vENU, now.ts - lastPacketTime.ts, now);

                    Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("heading bias").Add(BiasEstimator.HeadingBias, now);

                lastPacketTime = now;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Transoforms list of gps coordinates to xy coordinates
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpsCoordinates"></param>
 /// <param name="projection"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Coordinates TransformToXy(GpsCoordinate gpsCoordinate, PlanarProjection projection)
     // generate xy coordinate from projection
     return(projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(new LLACoord(gpsCoordinate.latitude, gpsCoordinate.longitude, 0))));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens an rndf file and transforms the points to xy around a central projection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="rndf"></param>
        /// <param name="projection"></param>
        public static void GenerateXyRndfAndProjection(string fileName, out IRndf rndf, out PlanarProjection projection)
            // generate the gps rndf
            IRndf gpsRndf = GenerateGpsRndf(fileName);

            // get the planar projection
            projection = GetProjection(gpsRndf);

            // create an xy rndf
            IRndf xyRndf = gpsRndf;

            #region Apply transform to all point

            // Get coordinates from segments
            foreach (SimpleSegment segment in xyRndf.Segments)
                // Get coordinates from lanes
                List <SimpleLane> lanes = (List <SimpleLane>)segment.Lanes;
                foreach (SimpleLane lane in lanes)
                    // Get coordinates from waypoints
                    List <SimpleWaypoint> waypoints = (List <SimpleWaypoint>)lane.Waypoints;
                    foreach (SimpleWaypoint waypoint in waypoints)
                        // Transform the gps coordinate into an xy xoordinate
                        GpsCoordinate position = new GpsCoordinate(waypoint.Position.X, waypoint.Position.Y);
                        Coordinates   tmpXY    = projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(GpsTools.DegreesToLLA(position)));

                        // Add position to the coordinate list
                        waypoint.Position = tmpXY;

            foreach (SimpleZone zone in xyRndf.Zones)
                // Get coordinates from perimeter
                ZonePerimeter         perimeter       = zone.Perimeter;
                List <PerimeterPoint> perimeterPoints = (List <PerimeterPoint>)perimeter.PerimeterPoints;
                foreach (PerimeterPoint perimeterPoint in perimeterPoints)
                    // Transform the gps coordinate into an xy xoordinate
                    GpsCoordinate position = new GpsCoordinate(perimeterPoint.position.X, perimeterPoint.position.Y);
                    Coordinates   tmpXY    = projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(GpsTools.DegreesToLLA(perimeterPoint.position)));

                    // Add position to the coordinate list
                    perimeterPoint.position = tmpXY;

                // Get coordiantes from parking spots
                List <ParkingSpot> parkingSpots = (List <ParkingSpot>)zone.ParkingSpots;
                foreach (ParkingSpot parkingSpot in parkingSpots)
                    // Transform the gps coordinate into an xy xoordinate
                    GpsCoordinate position = new GpsCoordinate(parkingSpot.Waypoint1.Position.X, parkingSpot.Waypoint1.Position.Y);
                    Coordinates   tmpXY    = projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(GpsTools.DegreesToLLA(parkingSpot.Waypoint1.Position)));

                    // wp1 position set
                    parkingSpot.Waypoint1.Position = tmpXY;

                    // Transform the gps coordinate into an xy xoordinate
                    position = new GpsCoordinate(parkingSpot.Waypoint2.Position.X, parkingSpot.Waypoint2.Position.Y);
                    Coordinates tmpXY2 = projection.ECEFtoXY(WGS84.LLAtoECEF(GpsTools.DegreesToLLA(parkingSpot.Waypoint2.Position)));

                    // wp1 position set
                    parkingSpot.Waypoint2.Position = tmpXY2;

            # endregion
 public void ConvertToGeodetic(double east, double north, double up, out double latitude, out double longitude, out double altitude)
     ConvertToECEF(east, north, up, out double x, out double y, out double z);
     WGS84.ConvertFromECEF(x, y, z, out latitude, out longitude, out altitude);
 public void ConvertFromGeodetic(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, out double east, out double north, out double up)
     WGS84.ConvertToECEF(latitude, longitude, altitude, out double x, out double y, out double z);
     ConvertFromECEF(x, y, z, out east, out north, out up);
Exemple #14
    public static List <Vector3> RouteDataFromKML(string kmlPath, TerrainManager terrainManager, WGS84 limits)
        double horizontalSize = limits.east - limits.west;
        double verticalSize   = limits.north - limits.south;

        List <Vector3> positions = new List <Vector3>();
        int            count     = 0;

        List <KMLPlacemark> placemarks = ReadKMLFile(kmlPath);

        foreach (KMLPlacemark item in placemarks)
            if (item.Type == KMLPlacemark.PlacemarkType.ROUTE)
                foreach (Vector2 value in item.RouteValues)
                    double auxLong = value.x - limits.west;
                    double auxLat  = value.y - limits.south;

                    double calculatedX = terrainManager.width * auxLong / horizontalSize;
                    double calculatedY = terrainManager.height * auxLat / verticalSize;

                    float auxHeight = terrainManager.terrain.GetTexture().GetPixel((int)calculatedX, (int)calculatedY).r;
                    //Add 10% of maxHeight to unblock from model
                    float finalHeight = auxHeight * terrainManager.maxHeight * 1.1f;

                    positions.Add(new Vector3((float)calculatedX, finalHeight, (float)calculatedY));
